Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 182 Qualifications

I'm still very confident in my strength, and my magic eye will definitely help, and I won't hold you back. Will patted his chest and assured.

Although it cannot reveal its true combat effectiveness.

But in adventure, the most important thing is not combat power, but experience, mentality and insight.

Princess Xuesha and the three of them, although they are strong, they also have magic weapons to defend themselves.

It's a pity that the adventure experience is too little.

Only reckless, and speak with strength.

With this kind of mentality, going to Mulin Black Castle to take risks, I'm afraid there will be more bad luck than good luck.

Will believed that as long as he explained the stakes, he would definitely be able to get the understanding of Princess Xuesha and the other three.

Suddenly, a fierce gust of wind rushed in front of Will.

Franlo held a big sword with both hands, pointed at Will and said, Let me see what strength you have!

Will squinted his eyes and said in a deep voice, Strength doesn't mean everything.

Hmph, the words of the weak! Franro carried the epee, Get out now, and I can spare your life.

Will shook his head, it seemed that he and Francois couldn't make it clear.

So he looked at Princess Xuesha, the decision maker of their group.

Franro didn't dare to go against Princess Xuesha's decision easily.

If you want to enter the ruins with us, you can't do without a little strength. If you can pass Franro's test, I can consider letting you join us. Franro's strength status is no lower than that of Princess Xuesha.

It's not worth offending François for Will, a second-class apprentice.

Hey, if you kneel down and beg me for mercy, I can still forgive you. Franlo said contemptuously.

...If that's the case, there's nothing we can do. Will pulled out the holy sword Lionheart and roared.

He had to go to the ruins of Murin Black Castle, and he had to figure out some things.


The sky suddenly darkened.

Looking up, Franro's grim expression enveloped Will, and the dark red cloak clattered behind him.

Sneak attack? Will calmly raised his sword to block the attack.

For Franro's raid, Will had already anticipated it through his powerful perception that could almost predict the future.

It's just that he didn't expect that Franro, a dignified third-class apprentice, would be so shameless when facing a second-class apprentice, so his face was slightly surprised.


Will exploded with vitality to block Franro's blow.

Will's body squatted slightly, and the ground under his feet was sunken and cracked.

After François stalemate with Will in the air for a while, his body rolled back and landed easily.

In the first contest, the two were evenly matched.

Francois looked extremely ugly.

Originally, he planned to crush Will with a surprise attack.

If it goes well, kill Will directly.

Even if Will has some skills, he can seriously hurt Will in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, it was a tie.

Although he didn't use his ability, not his full strength, the problem was that Will's demon was an auxiliary type, and his frontal combat ability should not be particularly strong.

Are you a great knight? Francois said coldly all over his body.

Francois has heard of Will's strength.

Possessing the peak strength of a knight, able to skillfully use knight martial arts, and possibly mental skills, he easily defeated Commander Lied, who had the initial strength of a third-class apprentice, in the military exercise competition.

But the fact that Will was a great knight was really beyond his expectations.

In the eyes of third-class apprentices, the great knight's strength is vulnerable.

But if the wizard apprentice has the cultivation of a great knight, the result will be quite different.

Knights, fighting depends on vitality.

The amount of vitality is related to the strength of the constitution.

The physical strength of a wizard apprentice far exceeds that of ordinary knights, so the amount of life force is also far higher than that of ordinary knights. The combat power displayed by using the power of life is also extraordinary.

An apprentice wizard who transplanted a demon seed can become a great knight? Princess Xuesha, who was watching the battle, was also surprised, Is he still a genius who practices breathing?

She became more and more interested in Will.

Unfortunately, he met Franro. Princess Xuesha shook her head regretfully.

Will sighed.

Is it okay now? Have you seen my strength?

He really didn't want to fight Franro if he could.

Because they will have to take risks together in the future, and they may have to hand over their backs to each other for protection. It is better not to make the relationship too rigid.

Haha, ahaha, do you think I only have this strength?

Following Franro's laughter, black air continued to emerge from the gaps in the armor, covering his body.

Bloodline ability? Will frowned, Is it necessary to do this? Is my strength comparable to that of ordinary third-class apprentices? With my demon seed ability, I will definitely not hold you back .”

He didn't understand Françoise's behavior very much.

In the wizarding world, profit is king.

Family, friendship, love?

Self-esteem, self-love, confidence?

These things are nothing compared to interests.

By the way, he and Francois don't have much enmity, do they? Do you need to hate him to this extent? Is it necessary to put him to death?

You mean a third-class apprentice? Franro's eyes widened suddenly, Don't underestimate the third-class apprentice!

Covered in black air, Franro rushed towards Will.

Black clouds billowed all over his body, like countless wraiths roaring and roaring, extremely eerie.

Will's face suddenly became serious.

Before you figure out his ability, it's better to avoid his edge.

With that in mind, he started his Cloud Walk.

A white cloud suddenly appeared under Will's feet, and his body also accelerated to retreat sideways.

What! Will's face suddenly changed.

The use of the knight's martial skill Chongyunbu failed?

The body has only walked less than ten meters, and the vitality is exhausted?

Before Waldo could think about it, Franro had already rushed in front of him.

Fire Slash!

Franro's own strength is comparable to that of Cook, both of whom are third-class apprentices and second-level apprentices.

Even if he hides most of his strength, as long as Franlo doesn't use the magic weapon, it's okay to split 50-50 in a short period of time.

No, impossible!

Will found that the vitality he used to release the knight's martial arts dissipated quickly.

What is your ability? He had already guessed Franro's talent.

You know too late!

The two swords interlaced.

Will's attack without the blessing of vitality couldn't stop Franro's sword at all.

Will stepped back and continued to release his strength.

Every step leaves a deep footprint on the ground.

Before Will could finish releasing his strength, Franro had already leaned forward, covered in black smoke, and slashed at Will with the heavy sword in both hands.

Under the influence of Franro's innate ability, Will couldn't condense the power of life at all.

And every time the next attack is blocked, part of the life force in the body will be sucked away.

Franro's body was constantly spinning around Will, and the epee in his hand was constantly attacking Will's vitals. Will could only rely on his master-level swordsmanship to support himself.

Annoying guy!

Franlo became impatient, and even ignored Will's attack and rushed over.


An attack without the blessing of vitality could not hurt Franro at all, and there was not even a scratch on Franro's armor.

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