Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 368 Three million magic power


Looking at the huge armor condensed with magic power and life force in front of him, Will said in surprise.

It's such a powerful magic power. It's roughly estimated to have three million units.

Will couldn't help but be surprised.

The peak of a general third-class apprentice is 3,000 units of magic power.

There are tens of thousands of elites among monsters.

The Comoros monitor lizard with the body of a giant dragon is 530,000.

At this moment, Dang Nuo actually condensed three million units of magic power? You must know that Will only has a pitiful magic power of more than 3,000 units!

Is it the power of the combination of formation, magic weapon and bloodline ability? It's really terrifying.

Not only that, the entire Rob city was burning with a black mist that could absorb life force, and even third-class apprentices couldn't completely resist it.

A bloodline family with a history of thousands of years has a terrifying background.

If you didn't kill you by a sneak attack, let you use the Shadow Armor and use this trick while you are alive, I don't know how much trouble it will cause.

Looking at the armored giant that resembled an enlarged version of the Skeletal Shadow Armor, Will was amazed, but not afraid.

The accumulation of pure magic power cannot defeat me.

Your stubbornness can only go so far!

When Nuo growled, his voice was like a huge bell ringing in his ears.

Tina, who had been a thousand meters away from the altar, still felt a ringing in her ears, her eyes were blurred, and her head was confused.

It took a while to recover.

She has turned on the shining mode, and she is also the best among the third-class apprentices.

Unable to withstand a burst of roar?

Tina took a deep breath, What kind of existence are they!

Apprentices can actually have such a powerful force?

Dang Nuo's ability to explode to such strength by relying on the blessing of the formation is already surprising enough.

Keweier reached this state all by himself, which can be called a miracle.

The strength of an official wizard is nothing more than...

Tina, who was sighing, suddenly remembered what Will said before.

This kind of strength can only compete with the weakest first-level wizard who has not learned any witchcraft?

She believed Will would not lie to him.

So even more surprised.

At the same time, the longing for an official wizard deepened in my heart.

Come on, Will.

Tina pulled back another 1,000 meters before stopping to look in the direction of the altar, You can't fail!


Don Nuo's huge armored body moved.

With force from both feet, the ancient altar suddenly shattered.

buzz buzz.

The air was trembling.

Invisible sound waves spread around, the ground cracked, houses collapsed, and dust filled the sky.

It's just moving his body with all his strength, and Rob City is already on the verge of destruction.


Dono's speed surprised Will.

The moment he exclaimed, a fist bigger than his body had already landed on his body.

Kacha Kacha Kacha...

The numbing sound of bone breaking echoed in the night sky.

Will, who was almost reduced to pieces, was shot out like a cannonball.

Throwing high above the speed of sound.

It turned into a beautiful arc and fell from midair, hitting Vero Lake.

The calm lake suddenly shattered.

Huge waves more than ten meters high surged.

Countless big and small fish floated on the water with their white bellies turned.

Despite the buffer of the water surface, Will's momentum remained undiminished. After passing through the lake hundreds of meters deep, Will's swiftly flying body sank deep into the mud.

Cough cough cough...

The body turned into minced meat.

Wounds that would have killed even Bloom, Will fully healed in less than a breath.

This is the horror of the revived body with bloodline ability.

This is the power of survival form.

But if his bloodline ability is not a resuscitated body, but other abilities that can enhance combat effectiveness, he won't be easily injured.

It can be said that there are gains and losses.

lying in the dirt.

The whole world is so quiet.

Looking up, you can only see layers of waves and darkness.

Hundreds of meters of deep water are enough to isolate any light and sound.

If he wanted to, he could sneak away quietly.

Don Nuo would never find him.

And Dang Nuo's current state won't last long, and he will die naturally after a while.

But he won't do it.


The power of the skeleton shadow armor is really powerful.

This may be the only time when you can see all the mysteries of the Armor of Skeleton Shadow.

And I also want to know how strong I am now.

Fighting is always the best way to know your own strength.

Its movement speed is three times the speed of sound, and its punching speed is close to five times the speed of sound. Considering that huge body, this speed is terrifying.

Survival mode absorbs the essence of Burst Mode, Acceleration Mode and Shine Mode, and has the abilities of the three and above them.

The normal survival mode doesn't seem to be enough?

The power provided by the survival form is already extremely powerful, and if you use magic skills to strengthen your body, there will be similar disadvantages to the burst mode.

The body produces severe pain, and at the same time, the control over life force, magic power and spiritual power will be greatly reduced.

As a result, the speed of the body has increased, but the combat power has decreased.


He has already solved this problem.

Both hands are bound with a simple and mysterious seal - the seal of Kunen.

After the Quen Seal BUFF is applied, there will be a magical protective film that covers the whole body and protects to the cellular level.

The defense power of this protective film is extremely low, it can only defend against a few thousand kilograms of force attack.

But enough is enough.

Because it can go deep inside and provide all-round protection without dead ends, down to the cell level.

Five times faster!

Blood Fury!

Survival form!

Will's pupils exuded a frightening golden light, and a faint dragon power radiated from him as the center.

The magic power in the body keeps rising.

Four thousand, five thousand, six thousand... until breaking through the ten thousand mark.

This is a sign that the bloodline is excited beyond the limit.

It is also a symbol that the blood is about to go berserk.

While gaining power beyond the limit, it also represents its own destruction.

Generally speaking, this is a move that ends together.

However, Will is not very worried because he has the protection of the Kunen Seal, as long as it does not exceed the time limit, it will be fine.


A dragon roar came from the deepest part of the lake.

A body burning with black flames rushed straight into the night sky with an indomitable momentum, leaving a white wave behind.


Will frowned.

I should be in five times acceleration now?

Even without acceleration, his body speed is close to the speed of sound.

Turn on acceleration.

Bloody again.

The speed is theoretically more than five times the speed of sound.

But in an instant, the doubts in my heart were solved.

Is there a relationship between air resistance and ground hardness?

He faintly realized that if the problem of air resistance and the ground being too soft for exerting force were not resolved, three times the speed of sound would be the apprentice's limit.

Even if his acceleration can reach ten times the speed and twenty times the speed, his moving speed cannot exceed three times the speed of sound.

When he punched too fast, he even felt that under the action of the reaction force, his body would float backwards and lose his balance.

Have I reached the speed limit that the apprentice level can bear?

If it weren't for this battle, I don't know how long it will take to know this question.

The next strengthening direction is to develop in the direction of strength, defense and resilience?

Seeing the huge body approaching like a meteor, Will put all his thoughts behind him, and only focused on the approaching enemy in front of him.

Now, let's deal with the enemy in front of us first.

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