Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 75 The Troll Rescue Plan (Sixth)

Tony was full of wine and food, and after taking a bath and changing clothes, his decadent look was gone.

The conference room of the Wolf Fang Adventure Group.

In the huge conference room, there were only Will, Denise, Tony and March.

Uncle, what are you talking about?

Although Tony has regained his strength, at the moment he only has hatred and anger towards the troll in his heart. For him now, nothing is good.

Sibel was caught by the troll, right? You didn't see her die, did you? March asked.

Is there any difference? Tony's face was gloomy and difficult.

Sometimes trolls don't immediately kill the living people they catch, but bring them back to their lair, especially at this time. March explained.

Tony closed his eyes and took a long breath, ...it will only cause more pain.

Has your arrogance just now disappeared? March's eyes were sharp.

This matter has nothing to do with it, isn't what I'm talking about... Suddenly, Tony's eyes lit up, Uncle March, what do you mean?

Tony looked at March in disbelief.

You already guessed it. March looked at Tony encouragingly.

Under March's encouraging eyes, Tony finally expressed his thoughts, We're going to go deep into the troll's lair and save Xibel!


Really! Tony stood up suddenly, Uncle March, you didn't lie to me, did you?

With only a few of them, it is impossible to go deep into the troll's lair to rescue Xibel.


Did the rest of the Wolf Fang Adventure Group agree? Tony looked at March expectantly.

Although Ma Qi is the leader of the Spike Adventure Group, he does not speak his mind and has no absolute rights.

Ma Qi and the other two great knights in the Spike Adventure Group lived on an equal footing.

It is absolutely impossible for two other great knights to risk their lives to break into the troll's lair for a person they have known for less than a month without being motivated by profit!

We were discussing this matter just now. This is a decision made by all of our Spike Adventure Group. March said with a smile.

Ma Qi's words made Tony ecstatic.

But the next moment, Tony was puzzled.

Uncle March, how much did you pay? Tony asked puzzled.

If you want to invite two big knights to go on a narrow escape adventure, the price is not usually expensive.

Even if the entire Oliver family bears the price, there will be a lot of bleeding.

Do you think our ambition is only to rescue Xibel? March's ambition gradually revealed.

You mean?

Kill the troll leader! March waved his hand heavily, As long as we succeed, we will immediately become the number one adventure group in Yamak City!

Are you sure? Tony was shocked by March's generosity.

Thirty percent.

For this kind of mission that can be called S level, once it is completed, it will immediately become the mission of the strongest adventure group. The 30% certainty is already a very high success rate.

Uncle March, what's going on? Why are you going to attack the troll leader all of a sudden?

At this point, it would be foolish for Tony to simply think that March was out to avenge him.

It is extremely difficult to become the strongest adventure group, especially when the leader of the strongest adventure group is Burns. March explained the beginning of the matter.

Our goal has always been the number one adventure group.

That was the dream of our Wolf Fang Adventure Group when it was established, and it has not changed in the past 30 years.

However, it is too difficult to defeat Burns and win the title of No. 1. Since the strength cannot be surpassed, the only way is to find a way based on merit.

So you're targeting the troll leader? Tony interjected.

That's right. March nodded, Only by killing the troll leader can we ignore the gap in strength, ascend to the number one throne, be respected by all adventurers, and be sung by bards.

Is it possible? Ordinary trolls are already quite powerful knights. Tony instinctively looked down on March and the others. It is rumored that the strength of the troll leader is comparable to that of a paladin. Impossible to kill.

Haha, do you think our thirty-year plan was for nothing? March raised his chest proudly, Ten days later, it will be the Scarlet Moon.

There are three moons in this world.

Usually, the three moons hang above the night sky, but they are all flawed and not perfect.

Only once in ten years does the full moon appear.

One of the moons seems to absorb the light of the other two moons, turning into the fullest moon in the night sky.

When the moon is at its highest point in the sky, it turns red for a few minutes.

Hence the name Scarlet Moon.

There are various legends about the Scarlet Moon.

But Tony thought about it for a long time, and he still didn't know what this operation had to do with the Scarlet Moon.

After paying a huge price, we discovered a secret. March's voice sank, Every time the scarlet moon comes, the trolls will hold a huge ceremony.

What ceremony? Tony asked curiously.

We don't know the specific content of the ceremony. We only know that the captured humans will be used as sacrifices, and the strongest troll in the clan will be selected to hold the ceremony.

As he said that, March smiled, This ceremony requires a lot of blood, from the blood of troll warriors.

Tony's eyes lit up, and he said, By then, the most powerful warriors of the troll clan will be in an extremely weak state?

That's right! March nodded heavily.

The smile on Tony's face didn't last long.

If the ceremony starts, who will be the sacrifice?

The sacrifice is at the end of the ceremony. We can kill the troll leader and rescue the captured people, but— March sighed, I'm afraid we can only save one or two people.

...There is no other way to do this.

Being able to rescue Xibel is already a great fortune.

Moreover, although this plan is good, it is only 30% certain. If something unexpected happens, let alone saving lives, it is not impossible for the entire army of the Wolf Fang Adventure Group to be wiped out in the troll's lair.

Actually, with your help, the success rate can reach more than 50%! March's eyes suddenly turned to the direction of Will and Denise.

You mean Denise?

A feeling of absurdity rose in Tony.

But gradually, Tony felt that the atmosphere was not right.

Denise didn't immediately refute?

Denise's eyes seemed to be thinking seriously?

Could it be even Will?

Tony turned his eyes quickly to Will, and found that Will was surprised, with a trace of fear on his face, as if to say, Don't involve me, I don't want to die.

So, what Uncle March said was really Denise? Tony asked suspiciously.

Denise, your strength is at the level of a great knight, right?

March's words roared in Tony's mind like thunder.

Tony trembled and almost fell off the chair, What's going on? You're not lying to me, are you? How could Denise be a great knight?

Tony and Denise are childhood sweethearts, and they grew up together.

Tony had never seen Denise practice knight breathing, and Denise herself was not interested in swords.

In Tony's impression, Denise was not even as strong as Hibel.

Hiber has become a knight a month ago.

Now he was told that Denise, whom he had always regarded as a weak woman, actually possessed the strength of a great knight? On the same level as his Uncle March?

Are you kidding me!

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