Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 848 Holy Orthodoxy in Cairo

In the conference hall of Albert Castle.

Will, Ender, Quinn, Sauron, Luna, Repa and Itana gathered together.

Half a month has passed since the incident in Entus province.

After Luna killed Waof in the Amona Empire, the new ruler became Keliji, and Keliji became Luna's slave both psychologically and physically.

In the Letoa Empire, Will sent Sauron to negotiate, knowing that Wodehouse had made a concession, and after the extremely powerful Waof was killed in his own formation, he immediately bowed his head to express his submission.

After all, Will is an extremely powerful second-level wizard, even the West Continent has given in, what can they do?

The tall Will sat on the main seat, looking at the six excited faces below.

Lord Sage Emperor, when will the empire merger ceremony be held? Luna said excitedly.

Several other people also nodded quickly.

Being able to unify the Three Kingdoms has a special meaning to them, and the sense of accomplishment is much greater than regaining the Southern Wilderness, defeating the Green Spirit, and getting the Jieluo Potion Academy.

There is no need to rush this matter. Will shook his head and said, You should be familiar with the Letoia Empire and the Amona Empire. How do you think they compare with the Cairo Empire?

A small remote place in the countryside.

This sentence has been recognized by everyone.

Will nodded and said: You are right, they are too barren, even if they are taken back, they will not be very useful to us, but they are two burdens.

Ah? Didn't you say you want to unify the three kingdoms and establish the Cairo Union Empire? Luna asked quickly.

If we only have the lifespan of ordinary people, then I'm sure we'll be unified. The problem is that we have a long lifespan. It doesn't matter if we spend a little more time. Why not use a better solution? Will said.

What's the better solution you said?

Luna and the others showed puzzled expressions.

I want to make them from top to bottom, all of them want Cairo, instead of being forced to join. Will raised a finger, We are building railways, purchasing minerals, spreading culture, popularizing education...

Isn't this a wedding dress for them?

I heard that I'm done. Wil paused for a moment, and continued: Education uses Cairo characters and language. When educating them, the concept of sacred orthodoxy in Cairo must be deeply rooted in everyone's hearts.

The Holy Empire is an empire that humans united to fight against monsters thousands of years ago. After defeating the monsters, the entire empire fell apart.

You can also let the children of the nobles come to study with us, so that they have a sense of identity with us from top to bottom. Then, Will raised his second finger, We can use money to buy a lot of their land, fertile It should be very easy, after all, they are still in the era when the courtiers' courtiers are not my courtiers.

Is it really necessary to do this? Luna frowned, Use force to seize...

How many times have I said it? Force is the last resort, never use force unless it is absolutely necessary! Will glared at Luna, Don't you want our descendants to look back on this history, why do we have people like us? Are the Patriarchs ashamed?

Can't we deal with the green spirit?

Will shook his head and said: The lie will always be exposed one day. After all, the green elves are alien races. Even if they are exposed, the green elves will die. It doesn't matter. The same humans are different, at least in terms of treating humans themselves. , we have to show the utmost patience.”

Anyway, they have a long lifespan and can afford to wait.

I want all human beings in this world to have the same ancestor, the same race, and the same civilization. If you spend more time now, you can save a lot of trouble in the future.

Will raised his third finger, From now on, we can trade with each other, and we can move various factories to the other two empires to complete modernization step by step.

Will holds up a fourth finger...

Will and the others discussed for several hours about how to deal with the Lydoya Empire and the Amona Empire.

at last.

Will concluded: After three or five generations, all people will regard the Cairo Empire as orthodox, and yearn for the Cairo Empire in their hearts. After the unification of the three countries becomes the aspiration of the people, we can formally establish the Cairo Union Empire. Time will not It’s very long, about fifty or sixty years.”

Will has already told them the general direction, and the specific implementation method is up to them.

There is one more important thing to do next. Will looked at the crowd below.

Gulu everyone swallowed nervously, waiting for Will's next words.

We have too few first-level wizards in the Cairo Empire, and the Cairo Empire is in a stage of rapid development, and there are too many things to do, which will greatly delay your cultivation.

You mean? Luna's eyes lit up.

I will give you five quotas for first-level wizards. Among them, the Jelo School of Potions must have a first-level wizard and one first-level potion master.

It goes without saying that there must be a first-level wizard in the academy.

In terms of potions, there is only one potionist in Will in the entire Cairo Empire, and many difficult potions cannot be refined, and Will has too many things to do, so a new first-level potionist is necessary.

The six people below looked at each other, nodded immediately and said: Understood.

They have waited too long for this day.

I don't know how many geniuses who are expected to be first-level wizards have unfortunately died of old age because of Will's order.

During the short eye contact, they even allocated five places, two for the Albert family, one for the Louis family and one for the Baligu family, and the remaining one was competed by other nobles.

As for the potion master and sitting in the academy?

This simple requirement is nothing compared to becoming a first-level wizard.

Luna, you are almost 300 years old. You can put aside the affairs of the empire in the future and concentrate on attacking the second-level wizards. Don't miss the end of your lifespan. Will said.

Yes. Luna nodded excitedly.

Becoming a second-level wizard is the dream of all wizards. Who wouldn't be excited to have this opportunity?

Now Luna has reached the peak of crystallization before she is three hundred years old. Although the environment for attacking second-level wizards in the Cairo Empire is relatively poor, the equipment is relatively low-end, and the materials are relatively small, but it is better than the sealed land, right?

With Will on the side to guide, it shouldn't be a problem to become a second-level wizard in two hundred years with Luna's talent.

Will waved his hand and said, This meeting is over, you all go down and get busy.

Luna and the others retreated, leaving Will alone in the conference hall.

Will had a smile on his face, The next three empires will be busy for a while, and they can relax for a few decades.

After the three empires merged and Luna became a second-level wizard, she could officially declare war on the orc empire.

Before that, there is one more thing to deal with.

Second level wizard meeting!

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