Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 912 Atom Control

It's just learning a new second-level witchcraft and reaching the second-level awakening state, but the combat power has increased so much?

Although the conclusion has already been drawn through the deduction and calculation of the Wi-Fi network, it is only when you really learn and own it that you can truly appreciate its horror.

Cultivate to the state of three senses as soon as possible, and then practice other second-level witchcraft.

A second-level elemental witchcraft has already made me so powerful. When I learn all five major second-level witchcrafts, how strong should I be?

I can't wait!

Will closed his pupils and entered the practice again.

The realm of three senses arrived as expected.

Is this the highest level of secondary elemental witchcraft?

Matter can be easily converted into energy, and energy can be converted into matter.

Not only that, but it can also control the internal structure of atoms, change the internal structure of coal, and turn coal into diamonds is only a basic function.

The more powerful thing is that you can change hydrogen atoms into iron atoms, and you can also change iron atoms into hydrogen atoms.

Gold? Silver? Copper?

All substances have no secrets to me. Gold, which ordinary people regard as treasures, is no different from stones on the side of the road in my opinion.

I can turn the stones on the side of the road into any substance if I want to.

It's not limited to metal substances, it's completely fine to turn stones into pieces of meat, water, and air.

Isn't this the touchstone technique of classical immortals?

I thought it was nothing when I saw the fairy turning stone into gold in the story. Only after I mastered it did I realize how terrifying and powerful this skill is.

Also in the realm of three senses, the power of the second-level elemental witchcraft is obviously too strong in Will's hands.

It is difficult for ordinary three-sense elemental wizards to directly convert matter into energy, changing the atomic structure? Midas? Turning curb stones into ten-layer cooked snowflake grilled steaks?

Absolutely can't do it!

This is because Will is a third-level wizard and has a web that is comparable to a quantum computer.

Will's control and understanding of matter, magic power, and spiritual power are beyond imagination. Ordinary skills can exert extraordinary power in his hands, not to mention the extremely powerful second-level witchcraft?

I call myself a god now, so there should be no objection? Will sighed.

Eternal lifespan, ability to create life, ability to change matter... He has reached the standard of a god in all aspects. Even if it is a bit exaggerated, it is not an exaggeration to claim that he is a god who controls creation and destruction.

In the future, everyone will be able to reach the third level. Everyone will have the same ability as me. Everyone will be like a god. A world where everyone is like a dragon is like a world in a dream.

Will felt he was closer than ever to building an ideal land.

If you want to say why——

He has eternal life!

In the eternal years, it is impossible to make everyone a second-level wizard and a third-level wizard?

Next, let's try the power of the second-level elemental witchcraft.

The other abilities of the elemental witchcraft will be deduced using the Web-based calculations. The only thing is that due to the lack of experimental data, even the Web-based methods cannot be perfectly deduced.

That's 10,000 times the speed of light!

There is no doubt that it can move at the speed of light after elementalization, but the question is whether it can be perfectly combined with space energy? Is it really possible to move 10,000 times the speed of light?

This question is very important!

It is the key to whether he can return to the wizard planet!


Will groaned, and his whole body immediately turned into a hot light.

After the body is turned into elements, the mass will not disappear out of thin air, but will be transformed into energy of the same mass.

Just like the control of power is not up to standard, the so-called elementalization is a powerful self-destruction move.

In this way, I am transformed into light.


Will immediately activated the space ability. He wanted to use the space ability to compress the space ten thousand times, thereby increasing the speed by ten thousand times.

It actually failed?

Will sighed, his body de-elementalized.

In the state of elementalization, not only is the use of space abilities restricted, but even the use of other witchcraft is also greatly restricted.

The use of witchcraft is like running a delicate instrument. Even a speck of dust falling into the inside of the machine may cause the machine to malfunction.

In the state of elementalization, the body turns into pure elements. How can we promote witchcraft with only elements?

That's why it is necessary to convert elemental energy into magic power.

It is not difficult for me to operate the space ability while transforming the magic power. The real difficulty lies in...

Magic power has quality!

What does it mean that magic has quality?

In the process of moving at the speed of light, the magic power is extracted, is the magic power also moving at the speed of light?

Accelerating something with mass to the speed of light requires an infinite amount of energy!

The energy contained in Will's body is indeed huge, but let alone infinite, it is far from even stars!

How could he accelerate the magic power to the speed of light with his strength?

The moment the magic power is extracted, it will be forced to leave the state of moving at the speed of light, and the speed of light can only be restored after the magic power becomes the nourishment of the space ability.

Unless elements can be directly used to drive the space ability, it is absolutely impossible to move at 10,000 times the speed of light.

is it possible?

Will couldn't help looking at Phoenix, if it was Phoenix, maybe he would know?

Is your appetite too big? Phoenix said.

Is there really no way? Will sighed.

Wait until you can use pure flame to make the wheels turn without energy conversion, such as boiling water, and then consider this issue.

……All right.

With Will's cognition and technology at this stage, pure light and heat absolutely cannot become the energy driving witchcraft, and must be converted.

Once the conversion has quality, it will be forced to break away from the speed of light, and there is no way to reach 10,000 times the speed of light.

Is the perfect combination of space and elements just an illusory dream? Will was depressed. When I knew that the speed of movement might reach 10,000 times the speed of light, I almost cried with excitement.


Although the coordination of space and elements failed, he was hit hard, but he quickly recovered.

If you fail, you fail. It’s enough to be depressed for a few seconds. What does it look like to be entangled all the time?

If Phoenix hadn't reminded him, he would probably spend a lot of time on it, but since Phoenix said it was impossible, then don't waste time.

If he wants to refute Phoenix, his strength and realm must be at least close to or even surpass Phoenix, right?

The mere third-level realm is still far away from where Phoenix is.

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