Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 923 A spaceship with 600,000 times the speed of light (recommended tickets at the beginning

After thinking about Phoenix's words, Will decided to ignore them.

Does it make sense to bicker with Phoenix?


Now he needs to do meaningful things like go home?

It's time to go back. Will said with emotion.

Yeah, you can indeed go back. Phoenix also said.

For his own strength, Will knows very well.

Phoenix also knows Will's strength very well.

Everyone knows that Will already has the strength to return to the wizard planet across hundreds of billions of light years.

Should I say good luck or bad luck? Will laughed.

It's not a matter of luck, it's your own ability. Phoenix said from the side.

Then, let's get started.

With a wave of Will's hand, the matter in the sun began to surge towards him.

He reanalyzed and constructed the incoming matter and energy to create the matter he wanted.

With the ability to control atoms, what substance can he want that he can't create?

Even substances that do not exist in this world and only exist in people's inner fantasies, he can use the skill of soul transformation to create them.

While absorbing matter and energy, he constructs all kinds of matter he needs, and at the same time piles up different matter and assembles them into what he wants.

He's assembling a spaceship!

He hasn't seen a spaceship, which doesn't stop him from building one.

Because he has unparalleled computing power and is assisted by the web.

As a level 4 perfect creature, his own calculation power is very huge, and it has been improved by thousands of billions of times, which can be called immeasurable.

A second for ordinary people, in his opinion, more than hundreds of millions of years have passed.

With hundreds of millions of years and enough power, wouldn't it be easy to create a spaceship?


The spaceship slowly took shape in his hands.

Not long after, the outer shell has been successfully constructed, it is a spherical spaceship with a diameter of one thousand meters.

The appearance is only basic, what is more important is the interior.

First, energy.

If a spaceship wants to fly, it must use energy. How to store and use energy is a big deal.

One of the driving engines should be the gravity engine.

Instead of using thrust for propulsion, it directly converts matter into a gravitational field, and the spacecraft flies under the traction of the gravitational field.

Not only that, the gravitational engine can also absorb and transform the gravitational force of other substances, such as the gravitational force of planets, stars and even black holes on the spacecraft.

Propelled by the gravitational engine, the spacecraft can reach two-thirds the speed of light.

Is two-thirds the speed of light fast?

Very fast!

Back when Will was a second-level wizard, his speed could reach one tenth of the speed of light.

It is only one-tenth of the speed of light, which is already extremely fast, so fast that it can crush all second-level wizards.

And now, a mere spaceship can actually reach two-thirds of the speed of light!

He has already crushed him who was a second-level wizard back then!

The second driving engine is the space-time engine.

The space-time engine is a driving engine created by fusing the space ability and the time ability.

Will's space ability can compress and magnify space ten thousand times, which is equivalent to accelerating or decelerating ten thousand times!

The time ability has many limitations, and it cannot simply speed up and slow down things by 10,000 times.

Because there is no such thing as time in the universe, maybe there is, but Will doesn't feel it at all.

His so-called time ability is just a small range of acceleration and deceleration of things in a certain area. Once the acceleration exceeds the limit, such as the speed of light, many problems will arise.

But there is a kind of matter in the universe that can move beyond the speed of light!

Even traveling faster than the speed of light will not trigger a violation of the theory of relativity.

That substance is - space!

At the time of the Big Bang, the space changed from a singularity to the present vast and boundless universe. How many times did the space magnify?

Countless times!

Therefore, the stretching and shrinking speed of space can exceed the speed of light, and can exceed countless times, which can be called infinite!

However, once the stretching and shrinking of the space exceeds 10,000 times, the black hole effect will be triggered, making the difficulty of controlling the space exponentially soaring.

Even Will, who has become a fourth-level wizard, cannot ignore the black hole effect.

But when the two abilities of time and space are combined, it will be quite different.

The power of time is 10,000 times, and the power of space is 10,000 times. After merging into a space-time engine, isn't it 100 million times?

It's a pity.

But it doesn't matter. Although it's not 100 million times, it's still a million times.

That is to say, at two-thirds of the speed of light of the spaceship, plus one million times of the space-time engine, can it reach 600,000 times the speed of light?

After Will became a fourth-level wizard, he actually created a spaceship capable of flying at 600,000 times the speed of light by himself?

It's horrible!


Just this one, it has already crushed the second-level wizard.


Not only the second-level wizards, but even the third-level wizards were crushed!

Even a fourth-level wizard cannot have such a fast speed!

Six hundred thousand times the speed of light is very fast, but is it really fast?

The River Crab galaxy where Will is now is hundreds of billions of light-years away from the wizard planet. Even if he travels at 600,000 times the speed of light, it will take nearly hundreds of thousands of years.

Hundreds of thousands of years...

It's been too long.

What were humans like hundreds of thousands of years ago?

When he returned to the wizard planet, what had the wizard planet looked like?

Such a long time is absolutely unacceptable to him.


The third driving engine, the belief engine.

The belief engine is developed based on the ability of the ultimate beast soul.

The power of faith has an ability, as long as it is not moving faster than the speed of light, it can appear beside you in an instant regardless of the distance, even if you are at the end of the universe.

The ultimate soul beast also has a trace of the power of faith. Back then, Will suffered a lot from the onslaught of the ultimate beast soul.

Even he couldn't confront the ultimate beast soul head-on, so he could only deal with the person who used the ultimate beast soul with the tricky way of controlling the probability.

After all, the problem cannot be solved, the person who raised the problem can be solved.

After he recovered Luo Lan, the Ultimate Beast Soul naturally became one of his abilities, and the degree of control was still higher than that of Luo Lan.

After using the Faith Engine, when I have the power of faith in a certain thing, or a certain thing has the power of faith in me, I can instantly reach that thing's side.

The furthest distance is 100,000 light-years, and the cooling time is one second.

His understanding of the power of faith and the power of faith has reached a certain level. It is very easy to have the power of faith in something, and there is no need for something like faith from the heart.

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