Wizard of All Souls

Chapter 934 Lilina Albert

How could such a powerful witch weapon be willing to hand it over so easily?

The more she uses the Wanfa Rubik's Cube, the more she feels the power of the Wanfa Rubik's Cube, and the more reluctant Luna is to the Wanfa Rubik's Cube.

Besides, Will didn't ask, why don't you just keep it for yourself?

These days, Luna has been struggling.

After countless struggles in her heart, she finally decided to hand it over.

Under the watchful eyes of Luna, the Wanfa Rubik's Cube flew into Will's hands.

Seeing the first-level witchcraft in his hand, which was about the size of an apple and had been refined with a lot of thought, Will couldn't help feeling a little emotional again.

When he was a second-level wizard, he had refined two wizard tools, one was the first-level wizard tool Wanfa Rubik's Cube, and the other was the second-level wizard Kongjiao.

No matter which of these two witch weapons it is, it can double his strength.

Too bad it's a thing of the past.

The moment he became a third-level wizard, the second-level wizard weapon, the Horn of Space, lost its function.

At the moment when he became a fourth-level wizard, the first-level wizard tool, the Wanfa Rubik's Cube, was meaningless to him.

To put it bluntly, isn't the Wanfa Rubik's Cube a wizard tool that can use multiple witchcraft at the same time?

The question is does he care about witchcraft now?

What is witchcraft?

Witchcraft is a skill created by humans to imitate the blood talent of monsters.

Although it has gradually broken away from the shackles of blood talent, and there have been many witchcrafts that have nothing to do with blood talent, but the essence will not change.

However, at the moment when Will became a perfect creature, how much blood talent was awakened?

ten? Hundred? thousand?

The hundreds of witchcraft recorded in the Wanfa Rubik's Cube are just a fraction of the blood talent he possessed.

Since he no longer needs the Magic Cube, then——

The reason why he destroyed the Horn of Kong in the past was because the Horn of Kong was a second-level witch weapon, and only he himself could use it because the power of faith was used in the refining process.

Wanfa Rubik's Cube is different, anyone can use Wanfa Rubik's Cube.

Since Luna seems to like the appearance of the Magic Cube, let's give it to her.

But before that—

A magical force surged out of Will's hand and surrounded Wanfa Rubik's Cube.

The magic power turned into countless small needles thinner than silver needles, which were continuously carved inside and outside the Wanfa Rubik's Cube.

After a few minutes.

Will threw the Wanfa Rubik's Cube to the dull-faced Luna, and said, The Wanfa Rubik's Cube is no longer useful to me. If you like it, I'll give it to you.


Luna couldn't react at all for a moment.

To say that such a powerful magic weapon as Wanfa Rubik's Cube is useless?

Even a third-level demon king should be coveting the Wanfa Rubik's Cube, right?

The previous Wanfa Rubik's Cube was only a semi-finished product. This time I have truly completed it. Will said again: After the completion of the Wanfa Rubik's Cube, 1080 witchcraft are recorded, and nine witchcraft can be used at the same time. Transform witchcraft at will during battle.


Luna stared blankly at the Wanfa Rubik's Cube, as if she didn't hear Will's words.

What? You don't like it?

No! I like it very much, thank you Lord Saint Emperor for your gift. Luna immediately knelt down and thanked Will after reacting.


In Albert Castle.

Whoa - whoa - whoa -

A loud cry of a baby resounded in the castle.

On the bed, the frail Itana held the newborn baby girl with a happy expression on her face.

Her slender fingers gently stroked the baby girl's face, and wept with joy: This is my child, the child of me and Lord Sage Emperor, the crystallization of love between me and Lord Sage Emperor...

Will was also standing by the bed.

Seeing that the name and blood belonged to his daughter, there was no fluctuation in his heart.

Back then, he would be very excited about every son, daughter and grandson born.

Unfortunately, it is no longer what it used to be.

Why do people care about their loved ones? Care about future generations?

No, you can put it another way.

Why do living beings care about their loved ones? Care about future generations?

Can you even give up your life for the sake of reproduction? Like praying mantis or something?

Because reproduction is engraved in all life genes, it can be said that the essence of life is to reproduce.

Why is this happening?

Because it will die.

Now Will has transcended life and death, and there is no need to reproduce.

Not only that, he also conquered all the will existing in the body, even the instinct from genes.

loved ones?



It doesn't make any sense to him!

However, many things are one thing in the inner mind, and another thing in the superficial way.

Even he knows that his three views belong only to the three views of perfect creatures, and it is impossible for an existence that does not reach his level to understand him.

If he expresses his inner thoughts unscrupulously——

Rumors like the holy emperor doesn't understand love will spread, which will cause unnecessary trouble for him to rule, guide and civilize mankind.

Which one is more popular with human beings, the Tao who treats everything as a straw dog ruthlessly, or the God who has joy, anger, sorrow and joy?

From the time when people worship heaven and earth, if they want to create Haotian, the personification of heaven and earth, they know the choice of human beings.


Will also stroked the baby girl's head tenderly and said with a heart smile: This is my daughter. After five hundred years, another relative of mine was born.

Itana looked at Will's eyes that were no longer indifferent, and looked at the tenderness in Will's eyes, and she couldn't help but said happily—Sure enough, this is the Holy Emperor I know, the gentle, kind and kind Holy Emperor, the one who can The holy emperor who risked his life for the sake of strange existence.

Itana wept with joy: Master Shengdi, please give this child a name.

Will smiled and said, I've already thought about the name. Since it's a girl's, let's call it Lilina.

Lilina? Itana muttered the name, My lovely daughter, Lilina will be your name from now on, and you must accompany your father in the future, and become a daughter that can make your father proud .”

Lilina is just an ordinary human being.

An ordinary human without any alien blood in his body.

Of course, this result was intentional by Will.

And because Will banned the transplantation of demon seeds, it is impossible for Lilina to embark on the path of a wizard in the future.

Not only is it impossible to become a wizard, even the knight talent is very average.

Unless Will takes action to change Lilina's genes, the highest achievement in this life is only at the Paladin level.

And all of this was done on purpose by Will.

As long as Will thinks about it, he can give Lilina extraordinary talents casually, far surpassing those of Luna and Quinn.

Can be done, but not necessary.

Because for a long time to come, he will appear in front of the world with an identity similar to a god, commanding the world.

What if the god had a daughter?

Can reduce unnecessary trouble, why not do it?

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