World of Cultivation

Chapter 15 Little Demon

As night fell, Wukong Mountain was silent.

Because it is far away from Dongfu, life in the mountain is quite boring, and most of the outer disciples will gather together to chat and entertain at night. And inner disciples spend most of their time cultivating. To a certain extent, inner disciples have no less pressure to survive than outer disciples. They need to practice hard to be able to participate in monster hunting.

In a decade, the sword cultivation sect that no one in the sect participates in hunting monsters will quickly die out. This is common sense.

This is the characteristic of Jianxiu sects, they tend to prosper quickly, but equally, die more quickly. There are only a handful of sword repair sects with a long heritage, and all of them are giants.

These things have nothing to do with Zuo Mo, and he has nothing to do with Hunting Monster.

In the dark, he was walking alone on the mountain road. After several generations of management, the ferocious beasts of Wukong Mountain have long disappeared, so there is no need to worry about safety.

From the moment he opened his eyes to the present, the little things in his life flashed in his heart, his eyes became firmer, and the pace under his feet became a little faster.

The door did not give him much preferential treatment, but he was used to the life here, a hard but comfortable life.

The only knot in his heart is his history. That recurring dream, this never-expressive face, seemed to be trying to tell him something. However, until now, he has not found any clues.

Apart from this knot in his heart, he is quite satisfied with his current life, but he may face the fate of being kicked out of the sect immediately.

Maybe one day he'll leave here, but at least not now.

And there was another reason that drove him to make this determination, which was the urge to move in his heart. He doesn't understand why, it seems that since the first two encounters, the desire to fight in his bones has been activated all of a sudden.

Zuo Mo didn't know if this counted as a fight, but in his heart, the feeling of confrontation not only didn't frighten him, but he was looking forward to it.

The level of the eighth level of Qi refining is like daytime at night, and it is not affected.

Soon, he came to his fifty acres of spiritual fields.

The rate of withering spread was very fast, and it was more serious than when he left this afternoon, and another large area of ​​spiritual valley began to show signs of withering.

Walking to the nearest Linggu tree and smelling the stench, he suddenly thought of the scene of Senior Brother Guo Lu vomiting blood in a coma during the day, and he couldn't help but hesitate. But this hesitation disappeared in a flash, and it disappeared from his eyes, replaced by a blazing light like fire!

Gengjin Qimang shines with golden and charming light in the dark night, they are like a group of golden elves.

Zuo Mo took a deep breath, holding Gengjin Qimang in his right hand and resting it on the stalk of Linggu in front of him.


It was like he was suddenly pulled into another world.

Countless black seeds like dandelions fluttered in the void, forming a black ocean. This piece of black sea ripples gently, and every time it ripples, it exudes a vast breath.

Each of them is so small and weak, but the aura released by this black sea makes it difficult for even Zuo Mo to feel a sense of resistance.

Facing this vast black sea in a daze, he was at a loss. For the first time, the fiery and fierce Gengjin Qimang retreated behind him.

In the spiritual field of the old black head, three people stood at this time.

Among the three, the square-faced and long-bearded man had a dignified expression and was not angered or arrogant. On the other hand, the other skinny old man, with his eyes open and closed, was a little cold, and his sword energy was threatening. The remaining one was fat and round, with a smile on his face all the time, and he was happy.

If there are disciples here, they will be shocked.

The one who is not angry and arrogant is Pei Yuanran, the head of the sect, the one who is as thin as iron is Uncle Xin Yan, and the fat man with a smiling face is Yan Le. Among the Wukong Jianmen generation, four people came and three people came. If it was spread out, there would definitely be an uproar in the door.

Did the two junior brothers recognize this? Pei Yuanran said solemnly. This strange illness came so strangely, there was no sign of it. And the momentum was so fierce that in a few days, almost half of the spiritual fields suffered.

It is already doomed that the harvest of Lingtian will be hit hard this year.

The loss is more than half. For a small sect like Wukong Jianmen, such a loss is enough to affect their operation.

So when the disappearance was passed on to them, the head and other uncles who had never asked about Lingtian affairs came together to check.

However, the situation was worse than they thought, and all three were in a bad mood.

Xin Yan shook his head: I've never seen it before, but it can devour souls, it should be a monster, and you should be punished!

Second Senior Brother is right. Even Yan Le, the good old man who usually puts a smile on his face all day, was sullen at this time: It's just that I have never had a monster set foot on the Wukong Mountain. How did the little demon come to my Wukong Mountain?

There is something strange about this. Pei Yuanran pondered, and there was a hint of worry in his expression: Since the two tribes of demons retreated to the Xuanji belt three thousand years ago, in the past thousand years, I have never heard of the presence of demons in Jianhe Mansion. The land. Now there are monsters in this sect, it is really puzzling.

Senior brother, why should you worry about it, just kill it. Xin Yan said coldly: Not to mention a little demon that has not yet become a climate, it is a big demon, hum, there are not too many people who died under my sword!

Yan Le showed a look of nostalgia and said with a smile: Remembering the three of us hunting demons back then, the second brother's [Ice Chi Sword] shocked the demons, and Xiao Xiao was timid!

The other two couldn't help showing the color of memory and emotion.

Let's clean up this little demon first, it's such a good moonlight, it's also a great joy in life for us to return to the courtyard to make tea. Pei Yuanran said with a smile.

Yan Le rubbed his palms and laughed: This is a great remark. Second senior brother, we will hold you back.

Xin Yan did not refuse, his eyes flashed coldly, calling out Feijian.

A snow-white and crystal-clear flying sword appeared in the sky, and the whole body glowed with a bright and cold light that forced the moonlight to dim. This is Xin Yan's famous flying sword [Ice Chi Sword].


A clear drink resounded through the four fields.

The ice chi sword trembled slightly, turning into a snow-white chi chi, his eyes flickered with fierce light, he let out a low roar, turned into a stream of light, and rushed towards the spiritual field!

Seeing that Liuguang was about to hit Lingtian, an accident happened at this time.

Each withered spiritual valley released a wisp of black smoke. These extremely fine black smoke grew when the wind saw the wind. Almost in the blink of an eye, the spiritual field was enveloped in a layer of black smoke that was as black as ink, and the five fingers could not be seen.

The three of Pei Yuanran were shrouded in black smoke, but there was no panic at all.

They didn't know that not far away, there was an outer disciple who was also shrouded in black smoke.

Zuo Mo was awakened by Xin Yan's clear drink, but at this time he was shocked to find that he couldn't get his consciousness back at all.

What he could see was still countless black dandelion seeds fluttering in the sky!

But this clear drink from nowhere disturbed the vast calm. The black dandelion seeds flying all over the sky stirred up, like a vast sea, and a storm suddenly blew up.

Anger, contempt, helplessness, sadness...

Many emotions emerged in Zuo Mo's heart. He was like a puppet, filled with countless emotions that didn't belong to him. These emotions are boundless and turbulent, raging in Zuo Mo's Sea of ​​Consciousness.

However, Zuo Mo's own consciousness was extremely clear.

What's more tragic than having your consciousness controlled?

His heart suddenly seemed to be touched by something, a wave of disgust and hatred that had never been seen before suddenly rose up!

damn it!

Zuo Mo's body was trembling, every joint in his body was trembling, the trembling became more and more intense, and the scene was extremely strange.

In the sea of ​​consciousness, he struggled frantically and roared frantically!


A roar full of tearing, like rolling thunder, echoed over this vast black ocean.

The emotions raging in his heart suddenly disappeared with his violent drink. He can still feel the various emotions from the black ocean, but these emotions will no longer occupy his consciousness.

Then, he saw an unforgettable scene in his life.

A snow-white sword light descended from the sky!

Only one sword!

He thought that the boundless black ocean was cut in half abruptly! Unable to describe the vastness and power of this sword, Zuo Mo was shocked. At this moment, his sea of ​​consciousness was frozen by this stunning sword.

Fear instinctively occupies every corner of his mind.

Everything seems to have slowed down. After the devastating sword, countless broken sword intents, like a group of ferocious sharks, chased those black dandelion seeds, and there was nothing there.

Anxiety and fear emanating from the black ocean...

Zuo Mo smiled, the black ocean manipulated his emotions just now, completely angering him.

The battle ended quickly, and no second sword appeared. This sword completely wiped out the black ocean. The Spirit Valley returned to normal, but it was severely damaged and needed time to nourish, and his control of divine consciousness returned to his own hands. Withdrew from the Spirit Valley, he couldn't help wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

The danger tonight was far beyond his imagination. Thinking about it now, he couldn't help but be afraid.

He was sitting on the ground with a limp, his whole body was soaked with sweat, and the night wind blew, and he suddenly shivered.

He went back to his small courtyard in despair.

What are those black dandelion species in Linggu? Who is the sword light that appeared out of nowhere?

The shock that that sword brought to him was too strong! The monstrous Sword Intent, which was piercing to the bone and murderous, was deeply branded in his heart. He suddenly understood why so many people choose Jianxiu. The pursuit of strength is human nature!

What's more, it is still such a powerful and terrifying force!

The fifty acres of Linggu have finally been saved. Although the output will be greatly reduced this year, the part of the rent should still be enough.

He breathed a sigh of relief at this time, sat down, and checked his consciousness. He had never experienced the situation like this tonight, and he was very worried about how it would affect him badly.

As soon as he entered the meditation, his face suddenly changed drastically!

In his sea of ​​consciousness, there was actually a black dandelion seed floating! My QT room is open! Fangxiang's official QT room number [9177] Click to enter

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