World of Cultivation

Chapter 264 Prototype

While the ancestor was in retreat, He Xiang hid the matter. Others also know that this time the facts are too big and if they are stabbed, everyone will die, so they collectively remain silent. The biggest loss this time was the five slave ships. As for the more than a thousand slaves, their value was very limited.

They could still afford the compensation for the five slave ships.

What made them feel vomiting blood was that several of the leaders of the major forces who had already reached an agreement were killed in this sneak attack. The agreement reached before has become a piece of waste paper. These forces will inevitably fall into chaos for a period of time, and then they will be reorganized and a new boss will be elected. It also means their work will be delayed.

These damn guys!

If you let yourself catch them, you must cut them into pieces!

He Xiang gritted his teeth, thinking about those chaotic forces, and his head became extremely heavy. He suddenly discovered that ever since he became the Grand Elder of the Outer Hall, bad luck had been entangled with him, and nothing had gone smoothly.

He now needs to consider whether to intervene in the internal battles between these forces. There is not much time left for him. If this matter is not completed before the ancestor comes out of seclusion, he will lose any chance.

Every Fu Zhan watchtower lit up, with a soft silver light that was very beautiful at night.

On the top floor of Fu Zhan Watchtower, there are seven thunder walnuts floating, they seem to be floating in the water, rising and falling. From time to time, it is still flying in the Fu Zhan Tower, extremely flexible. The roof, walls, and floor continuously release silver light spots. These silver light spots are continuously absorbed by the Thunder Walnut like mist.

Zuo Mo carefully inspected the warm Leiyin walnuts in each Fu Zhan watchtower. The fuzhan watchtower is engraved with the talisman array of Yang Sha Gang Lei. These seemingly harmless silver mists contain countless extremely small gang thunders. After the thunder sound walnuts are warmed and cultivated in this way, their power is even more exciting.

The construction of the city is only half completed now, and the remaining half is the more difficult part.

In the watchtower in the center of Golden Crow City, Zuo Mo frantically began to dig downwards, and the excavated soil was directly burned with Golden Crow fire. His body has now entered the second mature stage. This time the maturation process was much quieter than the first time.

The improvement of second ripeness is not as obvious as first ripeness, but you can still feel the progress of the body.

Liu Li Tian Bo has been upgraded from eighteen weeks to nineteen weeks. The power has increased, but there has been no substantial change.

But Zuo Mo was interested in the magic marks on his body.

Jade Tietou is a demonic body, and after it is cooked for the second time, faint demonic patterns will begin to appear. The magic pattern appeared on his chest, and it was very faint. If Zuo Mo hadn't observed his body carefully, he would have overlooked the subtle changes.

His skin is now dark and shiny, and these magic lines are also black, and the color is extremely light, making it difficult to detect.

Zuo Mo studied it carefully for a moment and found that the magic pattern that emerged was not complete. Many places were too dim and difficult to detect. He thought it would take three times for it to fully appear.

He kept it in mind and reinvested in building the city.

In just a few days, Golden Crow City took on a completely new look.

The streets are exceptionally clean and lined with neat, brand-new houses of different architectural styles. There are courtyards with green bricks and red tiles, as well as small spire buildings with complex styles and rich colors. Many of the cultivators in Golden Crow City come from different places. On the other hand, the floating houses that are more common in other cities are not seen at all. This is for safety reasons.

The fruit trees on both sides of the street are lush and green, full of fruits and exuding an attractive fragrance. All free places, such as the corners of houses and under trees, are planted with flowers and plants, which are pleasing to the eye. For these trees, flowers and plants, all cultivators who know how to plant spiritual plants come together to fight. Many birds were attracted and everything was full of life.

Nian Lu, who had dragged a group of cultivators back home day and night, was dumbfounded at the beautiful scenery in front of him and lost the ability to speak.

Bao Yi saluted the small tower floating in front of him, looking a little wary: Master Tower, are you hungry again?

The chubby little tower tried its best to pose proudly, but it made people laugh.

Behind it, the silly bird raised its head and puffed out its chest, with its fat belly and half-closed eyes, not looking at anyone at all. The little black bird on top of the silly bird's head kept shaking its tentacles, looking left and right from time to time.

Bao Yike didn't dare to laugh. He didn't dare to offend the three little ancestors in front of him.

He really couldn't understand. These days, even magic weapons, mounts, and insects have become spirits? The three guys form a group, and every once in a while, they will definitely come and sweep them away. The strangest thing is that Xiaota swallows everything, magic weapons, materials, etc., all into his stomach.

But the boss indulged him quite a lot and asked him to throw all the unused magic weapons to Xiaota.

For a miser like Bao Yi, this is tantamount to cutting his heart. Even though he knew that those magic weapons didn't have much value, mosquitoes were still flesh no matter how small they were. Seeing them fall into Xiaota's belly without even a crystal falling out made his heart bleed.

Prodigal! What a waste!

Unintentionally, in Bao Yi's mind, Xiaota has become his number one enemy!

Of course, he didn't dare to show the hostility in his heart. Xiaota was obviously deeply favored by his boss. If he had no choice but to take refuge before, now he is completely determined. What a joke, he has never even heard of someone who can build such a powerful town by himself, not to mention he has seen it. Only now did he understand why a master like Xie Shan was willing to succumb to him.

Look at the powerful fighting force of the boss's team, oh, God of Wealth, he, Bao Yi, never thought in his life that he could see such a fierce team with his own eyes!

He didn't believe that anyone in the small mountain world could pose a threat to them unless the ancestor of Ming Xiao came in person. He especially admired his boss for this, because the boss was almost open to the supply of crystal stones to his subordinates. A team of seven hundred people can produce 3,500 third-grade crystals per day, which translates into seven fourth-grade crystals.

Seven fourth-grade crystal stones a day! Be good! He almost fainted from the shock at first. Even in the small mountain world now, crystal stones are not worth much, but this is still not a small amount.

He felt heavy pressure, and there was no way to sell the captured magic weapon. Now that the city has been built, we have to find a way to get Boss Feng to start doing some business. Otherwise, if we rest on our laurels for such a long time, we will not be able to survive in the future.

While he was thinking wildly, he saw the small tower shaking in front of him. He quickly came to his senses, but suddenly found that this time, there was a row of puppets behind the three guys.


As a senior businessman, Bao Yi handles all kinds of magic weapons, and he has naturally seen puppets before. To be honest, from his point of view, the refining of these bronze puppets was extremely rough.

The bronze puppet is only one level higher than the paper and bamboo puppet, but it is still a relatively common commodity. He curled his lips. He couldn't sell such a bronze puppet at a good price.

But it can be seen that the guys who designed these puppets still put a lot of thought into it. These puppets should be used for mining. Their lower limbs are like snakes, with bronze joints, which allows them to adapt to uneven ground. The upper body is a traditional humanoid puppet, but instead of two hands, it has four hands.

A row of puppets were arranged neatly, each carrying a sack larger than their body size.

Bao Yi put aside his contempt. Although these puppets were a bit ugly, they were very strong and were good puppets.

I saw these puppets filing in and putting down the sacks they were carrying. Soon, a pile of hills piled up in front of Bao Yi.

Um... Master Ta, what are these? Bao Yi asked cautiously.

The small tower bent its chubby body and made a squeaking movement.

Bao Yi swallowed his saliva, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and asked guiltily: But let me see? Every time he faced Xiaota and the three of them, his head was as big as a bucket. He regretted why he didn't have it when he was a child. How about learning to guess riddles?

Xiaota nodded repeatedly.

Bao Yi breathed a sigh of relief. He guessed correctly. He quickly ran over and opened the sack.

The dazzling crystal light reflected his dull face, filling the room with brilliance.

Little Tower ran up to Silly Bird, with a look on his face asking for credit. Silly Bird rubbed Little Tower with its wings, and Little Tower suddenly beamed with joy, and hurriedly flew ahead, leading the way. This good guy has been here a few times and is already familiar with the place. The silly bird was holding Xiao Hei on its head, walking on its proud bird steps as if no one else was watching, and Shi Shiran walked past the sluggish Bao Yi.

Shu Long is currently the top person in charge of the Wei camp. He is an old cultivator. Unlike many people who were just kidnapped, he passed through the hands of five masters, which also made him quite prestigious among this group of cultivators.

Scanning the camp, everyone was practicing hard, and he couldn't help but look satisfied. He is grateful to his current owner. Only after experiencing being a slave with multiple masters can I deeply realize that the current treatment is like being in a fairyland.

He was excited and frightened at the same time that he could win the favor of his master and command the guard camp. I am happy because I can help my master, but I am afraid that I will make a mistake.

What he didn't expect was that the boss didn't let them work, but asked them to practice. Cultivation is of course a good thing. Although he doesn't know much, he also knows that cultivation can be valuable. But he couldn't help but worry. Although the master's move was kind, it was a waste of money in the eyes of others. How can any Xiunu be allowed to practice?

He had never heard of such a ridiculous thing.

But since the master gave the order, he could only try his best to help the master. Sometimes he couldn't help but imagine that if a few masters could come out of this guard camp and serve the master, then his death would be worthwhile.

The master took them in and allowed them to practice. Everyone in the guard camp held their breath. Shulong is most afraid of the new cultivators. The new cultivators only have hatred in their eyes. In their eyes, all cultivators are enemies.

He had come all the way this way before.

Shulong, let them come up one by one. I want to check their progress. A message of conviction came from the necklace around his neck, and his heart was trembling. Cultivation is really magical, and this necklace of mine should also be a magic weapon.

Yes! He responded in a low voice and quickly beat the drum.

In the sea of ​​​​consciousness, Pu Yao played with the necklace with great interest. The gadget Zuo Mo refined was still of some use.

How fun it would be to create a team of demon cultivators!


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