World of Cultivation

Chapter 362 Fighting Awen

Brother Huai had sweat on his forehead.

He solved five of the twelve questions in front of him and got stuck on the sixth question. The hourglass on the side showed no sign of being stuck. Seeing that the sand in the upper layer of the hourglass was decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye, the sweat on Brother Huai's forehead became even denser.

He had no idea that the prison-breaking battle on the Desolate Beast Chessboard would be a problem-solving game. With the prosperity of the magic house era and the popularity of mid-level magic, teamwork has long become the mainstream. In the history of demons, there has never been an era where teamwork was as important as it is now. Gathering the strength of a team to deconstruct witchcraft is the most popular approach at the moment.

The Demonic Arts House, which is well versed in this, knows how to teach students this. Analysis and deconstruction is a must-learn skill for every student. In order to hone these skills of students, a rich set of questions is essential. In addition to those general questions, each magic house has its own question.

As a top student in the Magic House, problem solving is a job that Brother Huai is quite familiar with and good at.

However, his self-confidence was quickly shattered when faced with the twelve questions on the prison battlefield. In fact, when he encountered the third question, he started to sweat.

These questions are not uncommon, on the contrary, they should be areas that every demon is familiar with.

Little magic!

Even up to his current sixth question, it was still about little magic.

The little magic that must be learned as a beginner is even a bit far away for Brother Huai. Before he entered the magic house, he had already completed the study of minor magic arts. How old was he then?

Six years old? Seven years old?

Brother Huai remembers it clearly.

However, the extremely simple little magic and the problems involved made him feel a sense of powerlessness deep in his heart. The topic designed by the other party is not unpopular, and the idea is not weird or clever. Instead, it is full of uprightness.

This made him feel even more frustrated.

I was actually stumped by a serious question about little magic...

Brother Huai's face looked a little gloomy.


Compared to Brother Huai's nervousness and dejection, the dense crowd of onlookers outside felt uninterested.

There is no dazzling brilliance, no murderous momentum, no complicated and mysterious changes...

In the battle to break the prison, Tangtang only solved the problem like a student, and only Brother Huai could see the question. They could only stare at the beads of sweat on Brother Huai's forehead in boredom.

The fire-faced man was bored and complained: What are you doing! I thought I could see big movement, but I have been doing it for a long time, so boring! If I had known it would be so boring, why would I bother?

Don't be anxious. Qianliu could only comfort him: We will see the outcome soon.

He also didn't expect that the battle to break the prison on the Desolate Beast Chessboard would actually involve solving problems. I have never heard of such a peaceful and peaceful battle to break the prison.

That kid is in trouble. The fire-faced man glanced at him and snorted coldly: Strong on the outside but strong on the inside!

Suddenly, the fire-faced man changed his mind and showed a gloating smile: Haha, now there is something good to watch!

Good show? Qianliu didn't react for a moment. To be honest, he was a little disappointed.

Think about it, those little guys who were trained by the old guys can't even solve problems as well as others, wouldn't they look uglier? The fire-faced man was extremely proud: For them, problem-solving is a basic skill, and the basic skills are all Not as good as others, haha, is there anything more ironic than this?

Thinking of this, the fire-faced man felt as if he saw those old guys with extremely different expressions and laughing happily.

Qianliu realized that the fire-faced man was right. The old guys and the little guys have one thing in common, and that is arrogance. Arrogant demons are all good at saving face. If you fail in the sorcery competition, there is no big problem, but if you fail in solving the problem, neither the old guy nor the little guy will accept it.

Thinking of this, Qianliu couldn't help but start to look forward to it again.

Ha, that guy is out! The fire-faced man was extremely excited.

Take back the Qianliu of your mind,

His eyes fell on the field.

The prison battlefield was restored to its original state.

Brother Huai stood there in despair.

He failed.


In the evil mist, two figures flickered.

Awen's speed was only slightly inferior to Zuo Mo's Ming Xuyi. He was dressed in black armor, like a black lightning. The speed of the Evil Soul Leopard was actually comparable to Awen's, and it was full of explosive power. Every attack was as powerful as thunder.

Everyone's expressions became solemn, and Shu Long held the halberd in his hand tightly, ready for support at any time.

The speed of both sides was extremely fast, and even the faces of everyone in the Suzaku Camp, who had always advocated fast attacks, changed slightly. Many people are secretly weighing in their hearts, if it were them, could they attack the whole body with such violence and sharpness and escape? Except for a handful of people who could remain calm, the vast majority of people looked quite ugly.

They are not sure.

The pace is incredibly fast!

They stared at Awen's erratic and swift figure in stunned silence. Is this still the cumbersome and slow guard camp? One person and one leopard are like two black lightnings, chasing and entangled with each other. The erratic spear can move freely through the void, near or far, without any blind spots, making it impossible to guard against.

And the power of the Soul Leopard exceeded everyone's expectations. Not only was it fast, it was also stronger than Awen. With its sharp spear and howling sound, it was easily smashed into pieces, which made everyone's hearts tremble. If this was to be done, they would be smashed to pieces immediately.

Awen didn't expect this evil leopard to be so difficult to deal with.

He was much stronger than before, but he still couldn't do anything to the leopard in front of him.

No, we have to fight quickly and don't delay the team's progress!

We have just entered the evil fog now, and the monsters wandering deep in the evil fog are even more powerful. If you can’t even deal with this leopard, what will you do next? Thinking of this, Awen's aura suddenly became brutal and chilling.

Hey! Xie Shan's face showed surprise, and Ma Fan also showed a surprised expression. They are extremely sensitive to momentum and can clearly detect the changes in Awen.

Put yourself in a place of death!


The red spear tassel turned into a red flame and wrapped around the spear head. The black evil energy entwined along the spear shaft and penetrated into the burning spear tip.

The Evil Soul Leopard showed some intention of retreating. It was smart and psychic, and the team in front of it was too large for it to take advantage of. And if it is injured here, not only will it lose its prey, but it will also become the prey of other evil soul beasts.

It backed away slowly.

Awen's eyes were dark, black air was lingering in his armor, and the tip of his spear was burning.

A familiar feeling came over him. Every time he decided to fight in the duel, he would enter this strange state. The murderous intent in his whole body was boiling, but his heart felt cold. Being able to survive so many brutal duels, this strange state is his magic weapon to save his life.

This is the first time Awen plans to fight for his life after entering the guard camp.

The various mental techniques and mantras of Bitter Guard flowed through my heart like water, and my eyes became deeper and deeper.

The black armor on his body is exquisite and light, like countless feathers stacked on top of each other, making him unique in the guard camp. At this time, the black armor on his body suddenly squirmed slowly, like a living thing, which made everyone's hair stand on end. Layers of fine metal feathers climbed onto Awen's face, covering him with a layer of fine feathers.


The sound of continuous metal friction was like countless knives being pulled out of their scabbards. Countless long feathers popped out from the black armor on Awen's body. The long feathers were extremely thin and had sharp edges. In an instant, a fierce and murderous aura suddenly spread out.

Holding a spear in a bowed position, the legs are staggered and slightly crouched.

Awen raised his face, the layers of fine black feathers on his face were shining with a delicate sheen, looking ferocious and cold.

The evil soul leopard smelled the dangerous breath and retreated faster and faster, disappearing into the evil mist in the blink of an eye.

At this moment, Awen's black armor popped out and the long metal feathers that raised up trembled in unison. An overwhelming force instantly penetrated his right arm. He exhaled from under his visor and said, Kill!

The black spear suddenly disappeared from his hand.


A slight crackling sound came from the depths of the evil mist.

Everyone's expression changed.

Awen fell on his back, and before his body reached the ground, he was caught by a black-armored arm, but Shulong arrived.

Xie Shan's body swayed, and he got into the evil mist. He returned after two breaths, with a leopard in his hand. I saw that this evil spirit leopard had a hole the size of an egg on its forehead, piercing through its entire forehead. In Xie Shan's hands, the evil soul leopard dissipated into wisps of black energy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Zuo Mo quickly ran to Shu Long: How is it?

It's nothing serious, it's just a loss of strength. Shu Long said respectfully.

Zuo Mo felt relieved now. He originally planned to let Awen test the strength of the Soul Leopard, but he didn't expect that this guy was handsome but had a fierce personality and insisted on killing the Soul Leopard.

Everyone was deeply shocked by Awen's amazing blow, especially Zhuqueying, who had always had his eyes set high above his head, was the most shocked. Their biggest impression of the Guard Camp was the Wusha Demon Killing Formation. In their opinion, the personal combat effectiveness of the Ku Guards was not very strong.

But Awen's performance today completely subverted their inherent impression.

It turns out that Weiying has grown to this point!

Zuo Mo's attention was now focused on the evil soul leopard brought by Xie Shanti. The evil soul leopard dissipated completely, leaving only one palm and one bead.

The leopard's paws are covered with fine scales and are extremely hard. The five-inch long sharp hook-like claws are the most conspicuous. The beads are about the size of your little finger and are crystal clear. You can tell at first glance that they are extraordinary. Now was not the time to study these things, so Zuo Mo threw them all into the ring.

Suddenly, Zuo Mo suddenly raised his head, his eyes as sharp as a sword, pointing straight into the depths of the evil mist ahead.

Xie Shan and others were afraid that Zuo Mo would slow down and raised their heads, looking into the depths of the evil mist ahead with surprised expressions.

A black tide spread rapidly towards this side from the depths of the evil mist at an alarming speed, turning everything it passed into a black void. This black tide came very quickly, and before the blink of an eye, it was in front of Zuo Mo and others. Like an endless void, swallowing up everything.

The evil mist full of corrosive power turned into nothingness.

Zuo Mo and his party felt like they were in the void.

And in the void, a towering giant sword came into view.

Xie Shan, who had already entered the golden elixir, had a pale face and screamed as if someone had stepped on his tail: Sword Intent!

Ma Fan, Shulong and others all turned pale with horror.

But Zuo Mo seemed to be struck by lightning, his body suddenly froze, and he murmured subconsciously.

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