World of Cultivation

Chapter 477 Danger

Soul-fixing divine light!

It can still be seen occasionally in some ancient classics. According to legend, it was made by the heroes of the Tianze tribe. It is extremely miraculous, has numerous achievements, and is famous. It is listed as one of the nine divine lights.

Pu Yao has never seen the Soul-Dinging Divine Light, so he doesn't know what it looks like and what its magic is. In fact, he has never seen not only the soul-fixing divine light, but also other divine lights. Most of the divine lights appeared in the early ancient times. Later, they gradually disappeared from the classics.

No one knows why the divine light gradually disappears, but this is not surprising. In the long history, not only the nine divine lights have disappeared? How many secret techniques and marvelous achievements have been lost and lost in the long river of history.

Tianze tribe? Who are you from the Tianze tribe? Pu Yao stared at Wei.

Wei showed surprise for the first time today: As expected, he is worthy of the magic catalog. He is knowledgeable. Even my Tianze tribe knows about it. Then he nodded: Yes, I am from the Tianze tribe.

Pu Yao has very little information about the Tianze tribe, but from that pitiful description, it can be clearly understood that the Tianze tribe is a tribe with many strong men and it was very prosperous for a while.

The two fell into silence. Pu Yao didn't know what to ask. His knowledge of the Tianze tribe was limited to this. Knowing that Wei came from the Tianze tribe made no sense. Wei, on the other hand, thought of something, with a look of recollection on his face.

No matter how powerful or prominent the tribe is, it cannot withstand the ruthlessness of time. Just like those secret and magical methods, they are dissipated in the long river of history.


The dazzling lights of various colors were constantly changing in front of Zuo Mo, suddenly far away and now close, like a swimming fish.

A beam of emerald green light swam in front of Zuo Mo. Subconsciously, Zuo Mo stretched out his hand.

As soon as the green light touched Zuo Mo's hand, a trickle of light penetrated into his brain. This trickle contains a large amount of information that is difficult for Zuo Mo to understand. It is mysterious and unpredictable. The most wonderful thing is the ray of life contained in it!

Although this ray of vitality is weak, its breath is vigorous, simple and long-lasting.


There seemed to be a voice in his mind, and by some strange coincidence, Zuo Mo let go of his hand, and the emerald green light beam disappeared into the vast ocean of light beams like a swimming fish.

Zuo Mo shook his head, trying to wake himself up more. This bizarre world of light beams was like a bizarre illusion, making him feel overwhelmed.

Fortunately, he remembered everything that happened before.

Soul-fixing divine light!

What he is looking for is the divine light that determines the soul. Could it be that the divine light that determines the soul is mixed in these lights?

Zuo Mo was thinking and searching. He saw a beam of crimson light, and when his mind moved, the crimson light flew towards him. Zuo Mo stretched out his hand and touched the red light.

A hot and violent energy spread rapidly along his arm, and Zuo Mo felt as if his body was almost on fire.

For some reason, the feeling that something was wrong in his heart became stronger. He let go of his hand, and the red light immediately swam away.

Zuo Mo gradually began to understand that as long as he silently recited which beam of light in his heart, that beam of light would fly into his hand. What he has to do is to find the soul-fixing divine light among so many beams of light.

Zuo Mo frowned.

There are more than hundreds of millions of light beams here. If you try one by one, it will be like looking for a needle in a haystack.

There must be some way...

Zuo Mo was deep in thought, and he didn't notice that the light beams were changing quietly.


Do you think he can comprehend the soul-fixing divine light? Pu Yao looked at Wei and asked: Even if there is a brand, I'm afraid it will be difficult to practice. Are you so confident?

Wei shook his head and said, I'm not confident.

He continued: It is extremely difficult to cultivate the soul-fixing divine light. Even in the tribe back then, there were only a handful of people who could comprehend it. Tianze's death was also due to the loss of the soul-fixing divine light. None of the nine divine lights are easy to learn. Divine Light The demands placed on its Master are extremely high, although we do not know exactly what those demands are.

Then why did you do this? Pu Yao asked.

Wei Pingping said: In the past, I left a spark of fire for the tribe. Now that Tazawa has long been annihilated, I am just a tombstone armor. There is no point in keeping it. In this case, what if I give it to him?

Pu Yao didn't know what to say.

This is no longer our world. Wei smiled, his voice deep and calm: This is his world.

I smell a dangerous smell from inside. Pu Yao suddenly said.

Wei smiled slightly: How can such a unique skill be without any risk?


Just when Zuo Mo was frowning and thinking about what to do, suddenly, the light beam around him moved.


The unsuspecting Zuo Mo screamed, and saw a red light sweep across his body. He felt as if he was in an alchemy furnace, and the flames were burning every inch of his muscles. The heart-wrenching pain was like a tide, almost engulfing him.

How long has it been since you felt like this?

Ever since he possessed the Golden Crow Fire, ordinary flames could not harm him at all, and the Great Sun Pattern Flame was even more domineering and violent, which was also rare among the sixth-grade ones. He had not felt the pain of the flames for a long time.

The pain that burned every inch of his soul made Zuo Mo almost lose all consciousness for a moment.

At this moment, a cold white light shone on him.

The pain that was so hot just now suddenly became as cold as a bone, like an ice knife scraping a bone. Zuo Mo felt like he fell into an ice cellar, and his body trembled involuntarily.

What the fuck is going on?

There was only one question in my mind that was blank.


Each of the nine divine lights has its own magic. The so-called divine lights are all kinds of rays of light that emerge at the moment when chaos first opens, and the soul-fixing divine light is one of them. Wei talked eloquently.

Pu Yao was also deeply attracted by the secrets told by Wei. His face showed shock and disbelief: It was born with the beginning of chaos in the sky! Is there such a rare treasure?

It is indeed a rare treasure. Wei nodded: The most precious thing about divine light is also related to this. Every ray of divine light contains more or less some information about the birth of heaven and earth and the beginning of chaos.

Pu Yao's bloody pupils suddenly widened and he murmured: It's impossible...

There was a hint of longing in his expression. The laws contained in the changes of all things in the world have always been the ultimate pursuit of the strong. Regardless of whether they are cultivators or demons, when they reach a certain level of cultivation, the ultimate goal they pursue is surprisingly consistent on this point.

Well, this is the most precious place of divine light. Wei said directly without explaining, But it is also the most difficult place to pass on divine light. Divine light is born with the heaven and earth. It is obscure and difficult to understand, but it is extremely powerful. If you are not careful, the cultivator will be reduced to ashes in the divine light.”

Pu Yao's expression suddenly changed, his bloody pupils narrowed, as narrow as a knife, and he said sternly: You want to harm him?

He thought there might be risks, but he didn't expect it to be so dangerous!

Harm him? Wei smiled calmly: It's just a slight risk. Besides, you and I are also on the boat. If the boat capsizes, I won't be able to escape.

Pu Yao's face softened slightly. Indeed, if something happened to Zuo Mo, Wei himself wouldn't be able to escape. Now the three of them are like grasshoppers on a rope, and no one can escape.

How sure are you? Pu Yao asked in a bad tone.

Not sure. Wei Shen seemed to have not seen Pu Yao's face as black as the bottom of a pot, and said directly: His three powers are now integrated into one, just like those ancient ancestors. If you want to say who is the most likely, it is probably Him.

It's dangerous for you to be like this! You put me in danger too! Pu Yao stared at Wei coldly, ready to take action if he disagreed.

If the brand is no longer used, it will dissipate. Wei's voice was filled with inexplicable sadness. He raised his head and looked at Pu Yao: If it were you, would you bet?

Pu Yao was speechless.

Wei was right, if it were him, he would definitely bet! He knew how precious this brand was. If this brand could be exchanged, a sect like Kunlun would be willing to pay any price!

It is priceless!

The ancient tribes have dissipated, and the path of cultivation has also been completely different. I don't know if the soul-fixing divine light is still useful, but if I watch it disappear like this, I really can't do it. Wei Qing Sighing lightly: This is probably the last divine light in this world.

Pu Yao remained silent.

Isn't this the same for your Jiguhuang Sacrifice Technique? How could you bear to have it annihilated and dissipated? Isn't that what you thought when you accepted him as your student? Wei cast his eyes into the distance and murmured: This is not Our world, but after all it was once our world, how could you and I be willing to leave nothing behind?

Pu Yao remained silent as before.


Countless rays of light continued to sweep across Zuo Mo's body.

Zuo Mo felt like he was floating and sinking in hell, experiencing all kinds of sensations in turn. The beam of destruction almost wiped him out, and the beam of growth restored him to his original state. Just now I was feeling ecstatic, and suddenly I felt like life was worse than death.

Various rays of light, each beam of light, has a different magical effect, so the taste is naturally different!

Zuo Mo felt like a broiler about to be put on the grill, taking turns being dipped in various condiments.

Zuo Mo had long forgotten about the soul-fixing divine light.

These damn broken lights!

Zuo Mo gritted his teeth and wanted to cry but had no tears. He couldn't move at all. And these beams are not under his control at all, and they are not as friendly as they were at the beginning.

The most terrible thing is that no matter which beam of light shines on him, his consciousness is always clear. This also means that he has tasted the taste of every beam.


Zuo Mo wanted to shout for help. There were no less than billions of beams here. Let's do each one...

hell! This is really hell!

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