World of Cultivation

Chapter 516 Contest

Shidong stared coldly at the cultivator's sentry patrolling not far from them.

From the first day of the encounter, the battle between the scouts on both sides has never stopped. The sentinels were all elites in the army, and the battle between the two sides was short and fierce, with casualties often resulting in casualties.

Shidong was not surprised. He had been in the army for many years and his heart had long been as hard as stone. The contest between the scouts was like the prelude to a battle, and he was confident.

These scouts have followed him for many years, and each one of them relied on their actual military exploits to climb up the ranks.

However, the development of the situation surprised him.

In just three days, twenty-seven elite soldiers were killed or injured, and even the hard-hearted Shi Dong felt a chill. The number of casualties showed how tragic the battle was, but it was also a sentry vs. a sentry, and the opponent suffered minimal damage. Shidong's eyes became colder and colder.

Shidong understands that they have encountered a powerful enemy!

However, this did not make him feel nervous. On the contrary, under his ice-cold expression, the fighting spirit in his chest was slowly stirring like an undercurrent stirred under a thick layer of ice.

The adjutant looked worriedly at the cultivators patrolling the perimeter. He still couldn't believe that his own scouts had been defeated.

Is there such a strong war department in the Cloud Sea Realm? He said to himself, his tone full of disbelief. When they first entered the Sea of ​​Clouds Realm, everything was dark in their eyes, but now as they mastered more and more information, the Sea of ​​Clouds Realm gradually became clearer in their eyes.

There is no information indicating that there is such a powerful war department in Yunhai Realm!

The war department they defeated before was among the top ten war departments in Yunhai Realm, but their strength was nothing compared to the mysterious war department in front of them.

Could it be that this war department is the strongest war department in Yunhai Realm, the number one Nashan war department?

Shidong said nothing. At this time, there was no point in racking his brains to guess the origin of this war department. In his eyes, there is only victory, and he does not care at all about the origin of the opponent's name.

The other party's scouting posts form a tight hunting net, and their detection posts cannot be released at all.

Too little was passed to Shidong's hands. This feeling was terrible, as if falling into a muddy swamp, and any struggle was so powerless.

But the opponent didn't seem to be in a hurry to attack. Apart from these probing whistles that were like dog-skin plasters, the opponent's main force had not yet shown their bodies.

Suddenly, Shidong's heart moved, and he thought of Turtle Island. Could this war department be the Turtle Island War Department?

The information on the Turtle Island War Department was basically zero. What they collected was only sporadic fragments, and it was just a local skirmish. Thinking of Turtle Island's grand display and the mysterious war corps that suddenly appeared around them, Shidong immediately noticed the connection between the two.

I see……

Watching those scouts, Shidong tightly grasped the mantis blade at his waist!

The other party is stalling for time!

That's right! The other party is just stalling for time!

But why is the other party stalling for time? Shidong's thoughts became clearer and clearer. It must be that the other party needs time. What are they waiting for! Wait until the defense of Turtle Island is completed?

not that simple……

The short confrontation was not even a confrontation, but it allowed Shidong to smell the danger of the opponent's general.


The opponent's purpose is definitely not that simple, and guarding Turtle Island is not a good idea...

Could it be...

Shidong's heart skipped a beat, and he turned around suddenly: Ask about Ye Ling's condition! Now!

The adjutant, who was startled by the commander's actions, was stunned for a moment before he realized: Yes!

He took out a black insect in his hand, cut his finger immediately, flicked his finger, and a drop of blood fell into the insect's forehead. The bugs faded on his fingers at a speed visible to the naked eye until they disappeared.

Time passed little by little, but the insect never came back.

The adjutant's expression changed.


Shidong, whose expression remained motionless, understood in his heart. If he was still guessing about the other party's intentions just now, now he is certain.

Do we have any grass demon seeds with us? Shidong suddenly asked something that seemed irrelevant.

Yes! the adjutant replied subconsciously.

Shidong held the mantis blade at his waist, raised his head, and faced the wind. The blue cloak symbolizing the mantis in the sky was flapping in the wind.

His eyes, as deep and charming as the ocean, suddenly shot out a sharp light, just like the mantis blade drawn from his waist, which was as narrow as a straight knife. His whole body was filled with indomitable determination.

Target Turtle Island, charge forward at full speed!


The other party is not easy to fool.

Gongsun Cha didn't expect that this demon army would suddenly speed up without warning, and the standard assault formation would be like a sharp knife, heading towards Turtle Island!

There is no doubt that the opponent's war department was aware of his intentions, and the counterattack was not only beyond his expectation, but also unusually sharp.

The first reaction when faced with being intercepted from behind is that most people turn around to provide support. But this demon army did the opposite and accelerated its advance!

What a courageous decision!

Although the two sides were enemies, Gongsun Cha couldn't help but admire him sincerely.

The other party was forcing him to fight with him.

Once the opponent really rushes to Turtle Island, even if they can win, the number of casualties will reach astonishing numbers. The defense of Turtle Island is very strong, but Turtle cannot accommodate so many cultivators at all. Void Spirit City has not yet been built, and the defense is ineffective.

If at another time, these numbers were exchanged for a victory, Gongsun Cha would not hesitate at all.

But now...

A broken Yunhai Realm would do them no good at all. Even Gongsun Cha, who was only interested in generals, understood this simple truth.

In fact, when Zuo Mo said those words, my mother was filled with surprise. But if there is anyone in this world that he can support unconditionally, it is Zuo Mo.

As for whether the senior brother's decision is correct, whether there will be any difficulties, what consequences it will bring, etc., they are not within the scope of his consideration.

The only thing he knows how to use his brain, use all his energy, and use any means necessary is to win!

Want a decisive battle? There was a crazy light in Xiao Niang's eyes, and the shadow formed by the fine hair hanging down from his forehead almost enveloped his entire face.

Then come on!

The smile that curved slightly at the corners of his mouth was as shy as ever.


Can we win? The sweat on Bu Sidong's face was almost like a river, and he was too tired, causing a heavy breath in his voice.

They had just experienced an extremely difficult training, and all the strength in their bodies had been squeezed out.

What a devilish practice!

Before this, no one had heard of such practice, and they didn't even dare to think about it. The generous benefits still make them complain endlessly, and some even plan to run away. However, since a few guys escaped and were caught, and then thrown into the sword formation, the miserable howls every day made the entire Xuanwu Camp numb.

And Ma Fan found the masters from the Golden Crow Camp and built fifty sword arrays in the camp in one go, placing them next to their training ground.

Every day when practicing, they could hear the inhuman screams coming from the sword array very clearly.

Everyone is honest.

Bu Sidong never thought about escaping. He had no other ability except that he could endure hardship. In fact, people's potential is much stronger than themselves, and everyone has begun to adapt to this terrifying intensity of training.

The departure of the Suzaku Camp and the Wei Camp could be concealed from others, but they could not be concealed from the Xuanwu Camp, which was separated by one camp. Everyone knew that they started to fight back.

Whenever everyone has time, they will discuss the war situation involuntarily.

It should be possible. The guy who spoke was named Luo Wei. He was a swordsman and had a unique advantage in the camp. He was also the main attacker of the team.

But there was not much confidence in Luo Wei's tone.

I wish we could appear on the stage. Aren't we here just to fight against the demon army? It's boring to practice here every day! The boss on the side couldn't help shouting. He had a pair of The front teeth are extremely conspicuous, but he is extremely proud of them and refuses to spend his spiritual energy to change them, so everyone calls him Big Boss.

Luo Wei said without raising his head: If we can't defeat the Suzaku Camp and the Wei Camp, we people won't even be able to fill the gap between our teeth. I used to think that I was a nobody, but now I know how fucking funny this idea is.

Everyone fell silent.

Lowe was right. In the beginning, there were many unruly people. But after practicing for a few days, everyone really realized how obvious the gap was between them and the cultivators in Suzaku Camp.

Do you think the Wei camp is more powerful or the Suzaku camp? Bu Sidong asked quickly when he saw that everyone was silent.

Of course it's the Suzaku Camp! Daban said without thinking.

Everyone was immediately interested in this topic and started talking one after another.

I also think it's Suzaku Camp.

Suzaku Camp! Lord Ma Fan is so awesome!

Those animals in Suzaku Camp are not human beings!

Everyone supported the Suzaku Camp overwhelmingly. Compared with the Weiying who had never shown their face in front of them, they had an intuitive feeling that the Suzaku Camp was stronger. Many of them even felt that there was no more powerful war department in the world than the Suzaku Camp.

Bu Sidong noticed that Luo Wei didn't speak and couldn't help but asked: Luo Wei, what do you think?

I don't know. Luo Wei stopped what he was doing: But I think that since the Wei Camp can be tied with the Suzaku Camp, there must be something powerful about it.

When he said this, he suddenly remembered a guy from the camp guard he saw that day.

The other party just glanced at him, and he almost felt that the blood in his body froze on the spot!

This incident made a deep impression on him.

He was about to tell everyone about this when suddenly, Master Ma Fan's faint voice sounded like a ghost emerging from underneath.

You've had enough rest. Prepare for the next stage of training.

Everyone immediately jumped up as if their butts had been bitten by a dog and ran wildly towards the training ground.

Ma Fan's figure slowly emerged in the air, his eyes looking into the distance.

It's really troublesome...

I missed such an exciting battle... My QT room is now open! Fang Xiang’s official QT room number [9177] click to enter

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