World of Cultivation

Chapter 555 Unusual Breakthrough

What did you say? The one-eyed demon wolf stood up suddenly, his face full of shock.

Boss! They're all dead! They're all dead! Not a single one of them survived! His men's faces were pale, without a trace of blood. He stumbled when he broke in, and he still felt shaky at this moment.

They're all dead? Tell me clearly! Why are they all dead? The One-Eyed Demonic Wolf was indeed a character. He quickly regained his composure and asked calmly.

All seven groups are dead! More than three thousand people! Not a single one is alive! The subordinate stammered, with deep fear in his eyes, as if something terrible was in front of him, full of despair, and trembling: They, they Black Dragon Peak, kill everyone!

Impossible! The One-Eyed Demon Wolf shook his head in disbelief: There are more than three thousand, and how many of them are there? One hundred! If one hundred kills three thousand, do you think they are killing chickens?

Boss! It's true! The subordinate was almost crying: You will know when you go to Black Dragon Peak! There are corpses there, from the mountain to the foot of the mountain, they are all corpses!

The one-eyed demon wolf's body suddenly froze. Hearing what his subordinates said, he finally believed it! Black Dragon Peak is not far away, and his subordinates will never make mistakes on such a matter, and they will never lie to themselves on such a matter.

How can it be? That’s three thousand people!

How could a hundred people kill three thousand people and still leave no one alive?

The one-eyed demon wolf's hands and feet were cold and his throat was dry: Have you found their bodies?

No, no!

A chill shot up in the heart of the one-eyed demon wolf. After so many years, the feeling of fear was also unfamiliar to him! However, this unfamiliar feeling of fear was like a tide, almost swallowing him up.

Hit the iron plate!

And it is an extremely hard iron plate!

With one hundred people, he was able to annihilate three thousand people. He was definitely not an ordinary war department elite! In all the years of plundering by the One-Eyed Demon Wolf, he had never seen or heard of such a powerful war department.

If it hadn't really happened around him, he would never believe it. But now he only feels fear. Only those huge forces can have such a terrifying war department.

Could it be the Guards War Department of some Demon Commander?

The one-eyed demon wolf tried his best to keep himself calm, but his legs were shaking involuntarily.

Any demon commander is a dominant figure in the entire world of barbarians, and is synonymous with power. The solitary Demon Commander has no one except the legendary ones.

Even though he is a powerful figure in the Sanda world, in the eyes of those demon commanders, he is just a little person who can be crushed to death at any time like an ant. Which demon commander doesn't have fierce generals like clouds and realm lords like rain?

Even though the one-eyed demon wolf is usually very ferocious, he is very smart and never provokes those unprovoked forces.

Any force represented by the Demon Commander is an untouchable target!

damn it! How could you do such a stupid thing?

The one-eyed demon wolf felt regretful. The only good news was that the other party seemed to have no casualties. He is familiar with the psychology of the big shots. For these big shots, their time is extremely precious. As long as there is no big trouble, they are too lazy to waste their precious time on little ants.

Where are they? the one-eyed demon wolf asked tremblingly.

Let's go! His subordinates stammered: No, no one dares to stop them!

The one-eyed demon wolf let out a long sigh of relief: It's good to go! It's good to go!

It’s best for such a murderous god to leave!

Shulong and the others, who were on their way, ignored the other bandits. The other bandits had long been frightened out of their wits. How could they dare to come forward and harass them? However, the news that a war department of 100 people massacred 3,000 bandits spread quickly.

Many people expressed disbelief when they heard the news.

It was not until the hellish mirage of Black Dragon Peak was discovered that the news suddenly broke.

Everyone is guessing which force this terrifying war department belongs to. One hundred massacred three thousand, such an astonishing achievement,

Let this mysterious war department become famous. Because they don't know the origin of the war department, many demons will call it the butcher war department.

Shulong and the others were just on their way, but who knew that during the battle at Black Dragon Peak, they would attract the attention of many forces!

However, even if they knew, they wouldn't care.

Because they received Zuo Mo's order and rushed to the gravel world at full speed!


Zuo Mo desperately absorbed the divine power in his palm.

Wisps of divine power were constantly integrated into his flesh and blood.

Zuo Mo, who had made a breakthrough, seemed to have gotten rid of all the shackles and continued to progress at an astonishing speed.

It's strange to say that Zuo Mo's spiritual power has been formed into a pill, and his consciousness has been formed into a Yin Shen, but his demonic body is still one step behind. Zuo Mo was puzzled by this. Among the three powers, the demon body was the one he was most familiar with and the most proficient in. Logically speaking, the demon body should be the first to break through.

But Zuo Mo was not in a hurry.

At this time, he was in a period of rapid increase in strength. Every time he drew divine power from his palms, he could feel obvious progress. Zuo Mo had no time to practice other things, he just absorbed the divine power and refined it. The palm of his right hand was like a bomb that could explode at any time.

But the surging divine power is so intoxicating!

Zuo Mo didn't waste a moment and devoted himself to training crazily.

During this time, he inquired about some news about the Youquan world.

Just like the world of cultivation is often called the Four Realms of Heaven, the demon world also has another name: Baiman Zhi Ming, which is divided into two realms, one is the Baiman Realm and the other is the Nether Realm. The Nether Spring Realm is in the deepest part of the underworld. No one knows the specific situation there. They only know that it is the most chaotic and darkest place in the entire underworld.

Just getting there is not easy. You have to pass through the territories of many big forces. The road is full of dangers, bandits are everywhere, and there are also the most ferocious demons that even those big forces are afraid of.

This demon clan has a great reputation. They are born to be killers. They are bloodthirsty and brutal without any emotion.

Zuo Mo knew that if he wanted to exorcise the ghost's power, if he wanted to know everything, if he wanted to find the shadow-tracing soul silk grass, he had to become stronger!

It was not enough to rely on him alone, he needed helpers, so he simply waited for Shulong and the others in the gravel world. He seizes all the time to practice, day and night. He has never been so full of fighting spirit!

Agui sat quietly beside him.

As usual, Zuo Mo started practicing, but soon he noticed unusual movements in his body.

The sun crystal seeds are spinning and the flames are surging. Ivy Xuanshui also released a faint light, which was gentle and cool. What surprised Zuo Mo was that even the soul-fixing divine light seemed to have become restless, like a colorful fish, extremely flexible and flowing in his body. endlessly.

All signs point to something unusual happening.

About to break through?

Zuo Mo knew that at this time, he needed to be calm and keep his mind clear.

He slowly circulated his divine power, and the divine power merged into his flesh and blood, constantly transforming into three powers, and then continuously transforming from the three powers into divine power, in an endless cycle.

The magic patterns on his body became brighter little by little, and the light golden magic patterns were as complex as flowers. The magic pattern flickered on and off, just like breathing. But with every flicker, the magic pattern becomes brighter than before.

When the golden magic pattern shines to the extreme, the dazzling golden light pierces the eyes like a needle.

At this moment, the Sun Crystal Seed suddenly burst out with countless flames, like hot molten lava, wrapped in divine power. As for the Qingteng Xuanshui, the water vapor suddenly became strong at this time, continuously seeping into Zuo Mo's flesh and blood. The flesh and blood that had just been burned by the sun crystal seed flame immediately returned to its original state.

The magic patterns on Zuo Mo's body immediately underwent new changes.

The golden magic pattern seemed to come alive, squirming and changing along the surface of Zuo Mo's body!

Gradually, the magic patterns that were originally densely covered on the body began to divide into many areas, and the magic patterns converged towards these areas. The collection of magic patterns became more and more concentrated, and ten obvious areas appeared.

Suddenly, the sun crystal seed in Zuo Mo's body suddenly brightened, and golden light bloomed in his heart!

An amazing scene happened.

The ten golden spots formed by the contraction of the magic patterns began to swim along Zuo Mo's body surface, as if there was an invisible thread pulling them. The largest piece of golden magic pattern, as if attracted by a magnet, wandered to Zuo Mo's heart.

The light of the sun crystal seed merged with the largest golden magic pattern, and the magic pattern became like molten gold liquid, flowing slowly around Zuo Mo's heart, like a pen slowly flowing.

At the same time, the other nine magic patterns became brighter one after another.

The dazzling golden magic patterns continued to merge and change, and they became more and more round. Soon, the ten magic patterns turned into ten perfect circular magic patterns, like ten suns!

Ten suns were distributed in various parts of Zuo Mo's body in an orderly manner!

I saw ten suns suddenly shining brightly, the night shining like daylight, and the stars in the sky becoming eclipsed.

At this moment, the wandering divine light suddenly plunged into the sun magic pattern on Zuo Mo's heart, and then quickly passed through several other suns like a needle!

I saw straight golden threads extending from the ten suns and connecting with other suns. In the blink of an eye, Zuo Mo had several crisscrossing golden threads on his body, connecting the ten suns into one.

It was only then that the light of the magic pattern seemed to be exhausted and dimmed.

Zuo Mo opened his eyes. His eyes turned completely pale gold, and crisscrossing golden lines were faintly visible in his pupils. There is a golden sun magic pattern on his forehead, which is overflowing with domineering power.

This is... Zuo Mo stared blankly at the sun magic pattern in his palm.

This sun pattern is quite similar to the sun pattern that appeared when using the sun pattern palm before, but it is more complex and exquisite.

There are ten suns, the largest is at the heart, the smallest is between the eyebrows, one on each palm and sole, one in the dantian, and three on the back.

Zuo Mo knew that he must have made a breakthrough.

It’s just... such a strange feeling...

Zuo Mo had a strong intuition that his breakthrough seemed a little unusual!

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