World of Cultivation

Chapter 558 Dawn

Zuo Mo was furious, Zeng Lian'er didn't even raise his eyelids, he slowly held the teacup and drank the tea elegantly. Under the long eyelashes, the pair of bright black eyes were shrouded in the rising heat, hazy and picturesque.

A Gui sat next to Zuo Mo indifferently. She was like a puppet, dull and lifeless.

Zuo Mo, who was in front of A Gui, looked at Zeng Lian'er warily and frowned. This woman who suddenly appeared caught him off guard.

Zuo Mo, who regained his composure, began to think about the matter carefully, but no matter from which angle he looked at it, it was not a good thing for him.

He is not interested in dual cultivation or anything like that at all. He pursues strength, but he has now entered a period of rapid growth in strength. And it was hard for him to accept that he was suddenly living and dying with a complete stranger.

Moreover, if the other party is in danger, it means that he is in danger. In the blink of an eye, he is suddenly twice as dangerous.

Damn double cultivation!

Especially the other party's calm and calm appearance made Zuo Mo quite unhappy.

Zuo Mo shook his head and decided not to waste time on this issue. He started practicing again. However, for safety reasons, he stood in front of A Gui. Even he himself didn't notice this subconscious action.

Zuo Mo's whole body glowed with a faint golden light, which was extremely conspicuous in the darkness.

Almost at the same time that Zuo Mo activated his divine power, Zeng Lian'er's delicate body not far away shook slightly, and a faint moonlight shrouded her body.

Zuo Mo immediately noticed something strange.

The divine power in the body is extremely active. The divine power that usually seeps into the flesh and blood seems to be attracted by some kind of attraction, and threads emerge. The power vortex in Zuo Mo's right hand suddenly slowed down, and the divine power in the vortex flowed out from his right hand, merged with the divine power emerging from the flesh, and circulated endlessly in Zuo Mo's body.

Watching the path of the divine power, Zuo Mo couldn't help but think of the content recorded on the gold leaf, and a kind of enlightenment came to his mind.

The method of cultivating the power of the sun was recorded on the gold leaf, but due to its age and obscurity, Zuo Mo was confused in many places. The divine power in his body was flowing endlessly, and many difficult sentences on the gold leaves seemed to be understood all at once.

Immersed in the joy of enlightenment, Zuo Mo completely forgot about the passage of time.

The golden light released by Zuo Mo became more and more restrained, while Zeng Lian'er, who was not far away, was covered in moonlight that was as rich as substance.

The moon turns and the stars turn, the night gradually leaves, morning comes quietly, and the sky begins to turn white.

When the sun jumped out of the horizon, Zuo Mo's body suddenly shook, and a dazzling golden light suddenly emitted, just like the sun, echoing the sun in the distant sky!


The sun crystal seeds in Zuo Mo's body suddenly erupted with countless flames. The golden flames crisscrossed and enveloped the sun crystal seeds layer by layer. Immediately afterwards, a stream of gold liquid rushed forward along the path of Zuo Mo's divine power!

The speed of the gold liquid was not very fast, but it was extremely hot and had a strong burning sensation. But what shocked Zuo Mo the most was its dominance! Incomparably domineering! It seems like nothing can stop it!

It seemed like a silent howl, showing deep unwillingness!

Its dream is to one day be able to hang in the sky like the rising sun!

Suddenly, strange scenes appeared in front of him. In the darkness of nothingness, a wisp of heavenly fire took shape. As the years passed, it continued to grow and formed a ball of fire. After millions of years, it grew stronger and stronger, growing to the point where it was almost the same as the real sun.

Suddenly, a hand stretched out from the void, an ordinary-looking hand. With a gentle grab of this hand, unprecedented terrifying power crazily squeezed from all directions.

Its huge body was forcibly compressed into a sun crystal seed...

For some reason, Zuo Mo suddenly understood, understood its reluctance, its reluctance that it couldn't hang in the sky!

The hot gold liquid suddenly penetrated into Zuo Mo's heart. Zuo Mo was shocked, and his heart was almost burning. The complicated and exquisite sun magic pattern on his heart,

The roots are bright and dazzling.


Dazzling golden light suddenly bloomed from Zuo Mo's heart.

A domineering and vast power instantly filled Zuo Mo's body. For a moment, Zuo Mo had the illusion that he was looking down on the world. Even the majestic mountains and rivers and the boundless Gobi Desert were under his feet.

This illusion went away just as quickly as it came.

The sun magic mark on Zuo Mo's heart actually seemed to come alive, spinning slowly. Zuo Mo could clearly feel that the golden liquid flowed into his heart and turned into a ball of fire, flowing endlessly.

An unprecedented feeling of fullness spreads throughout your body instantly!

Shiwu Tianyi, the first sun takes shape!

Zeng Lian'er, whose whole body was covered with moonlight, looked at Zuo Mo. Her face was full of shock, and she was not at all as calm as before! She was like seeing a monster that was beyond common sense!

He actually broke through!

Although she couldn't detect the changes in Zuo Mo's body, she could clearly detect that Zuo Mo's strength had risen to a whole new level.

Although the power of the moon in her body has increased a lot, compared to the other party, it is so small that it can be ignored.

His face was full of surprise, and his obsidian eyes were filled with disbelief.

She practices the power of the moon, and unlike Zuo Mo, she has a complete inheritance. In fact, she had long guessed that Zuo Mo's magical power should be due to some kind of adventure. There were many weird and unreasonable things about Zuo Mo's magical power cultivation, and he didn't even understand dual cultivation.

But just such a person made another breakthrough overnight!

In fact, when she came here this time, she was a little shocked when she saw Zuo Mo for the first time. It was only a few days since they were separated last time, but Zuo Mo's strength has improved significantly.

After breaking through the level, her strength is also in a period of rapid growth. She has been practicing hard every day these days, and her strength has improved by leaps and bounds. When the master was still alive, he always praised her for her outstanding talent and that she was the most talented disciple in this lineage in the past thousand years. She was convinced of this.


Looking at the freak-like guy in front of her, her confidence was rarely shaken.

She stared at Zuo Mo as if admiring a masterpiece.


How many days are there left? Shu Long asked in a deep voice. Behind him, the guards were still meticulously maintaining a complete formation.

If everything goes well, ten days! Ye Ling cheered up, but there was unconcealable tiredness in his voice.

These days, they have not stopped at all, marching at the fastest speed. The most annoying thing is the sporadic fighting along the way. As the war begins, the public security deteriorates rapidly, and bandits can be seen everywhere.

When encountering these bandits, Shu Long showed no mercy. As long as he encountered them, he would kill them all and leave no one alive.

Later, Ye Ling thought of a way and simply put up a flag with a big guard on it. After several consecutive battles, the reputation of the Butcher Guards Camp spread quickly, especially if they didn't know who it was. They discovered that Shulong and the others were the war corps that slaughtered 3,000 bandits with a hundred in the Sanda Realm. This news immediately caused a stir in the area. sensation.

This directly led to the disappearance of bandits wherever the guard camp passed. Even the local forces turned a blind eye to this terrifying hundred-man war department and would never take the initiative to question or provoke them.

Fortunately, Shulong and the others were in a hurry and did not stop at all. After noticing this, those who were interested could not help but secretly guess that Wei Ying might have a special mission.

As a result, the marching speed of the guard camp increased sharply.

Shulong was full of praise for Ye Ling's idea. He didn't care at all about being in the limelight. All he could think about was how to join the adults as soon as possible.

Ten days!

Everyone's spirits were lifted. The length of this attack was indeed the longest since the establishment of the guard camp. They don't know how many boundaries they have crossed on the way.

Fortunately, Ye Ling brought enough magic shells this time, which allowed them to use the blood pool. The demon clan's blood pool and the demon clan's demon gate are like the teleportation array in the world of cultivation, but they also require fees.

Otherwise, just by flying, I don’t know what year or month it is.

The faces of Nanyue Cangze and others also looked tired, but they were a little more resolute than before. The few of them practiced very powerful sorcery, and this actual battle helped them greatly, and their level was completely different from before.

In ten days, we will see the adults, and everyone feels full of energy!


Jinwu Camp is brightly lit, but extremely quiet.

In the huge room, cultivators were lying staggered on the ground, and the snoring sounds were like the sound of drums. Master Sun Bao was also lying in the corner, with glistening saliva flowing from the corner of his mouth. Master Jiwei also had no image at all. He was lying with his feet on the steps, his mouth open, and he was snoring loudly.

Each of them slept soundly, and many of them still had excitement on their faces.

No one is awake.

They were extremely tired. They had not stopped for so many days. When you are tired, throw in a magic pill and keep going! Relying on a bunch of magic pills, they stayed awake and pondered over the magic patterns and what the adults had told them about carving and awakening the magic patterns.

Everyone is working hard, no one complains, no one complains.

Everyone is like a man possessed, crazy and desperate!

Everyone knows that this is a war!

But today, in this war, they finally saw the dawn of victory!


Zongru's retreat did not cause too many waves. At this time, everyone on Turtle Island is focused on improving their strength, and many people are adopting retreat methods.

Gently closing the stone slab, the last trace of light from outside disappeared before your eyes.

There was darkness in the cave, but Zong Ru felt extremely calm in his heart.

No one knows that this retreat is a death retreat. The so-called death trap is an extremely dangerous retreat. During this period of retreat, the disturbances in the heart and mind will increase dozens of times than usual. If you are not careful, you will fall into the demonic barrier and your soul will be destroyed.

But there was no fear in Zong Ru's heart. He crossed his legs as usual and recited scriptures as usual.

At that time, he abandoned the Buddha's death wish and made a vow to use his vajra body to protect everyone around you.

Now the adults are in bigger troubles, but with their own strength, they are unable to help the adults.

In the darkness, Zong Ru's expression remained calm. There was no hesitation, no anxiety, only calm.

——Because this is the vow he made. My QT room is open! Fang Xiang’s official QT room number [9177] click to enter

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