World of Cultivation

Chapter 572 Confidence and hard work

He wants a slave? Is the slave a cultivator? Biehan asked calmly.

Yes, Your Highness. Fu Feng said respectfully: Lan Tianlong did not accept the challenge, but gave the slave to him.

Biehan's indifferent eyes showed no trace of warmth. All the golden restrictions that covered his body were wiped away, replaced by magic patterns as white as frost flowers. On the dark skinned limbs, there are exquisite snow-white magic lines, giving them an unusually coquettish beauty.

Could this person be a cultivator? Biehan asked suddenly.

Fu Feng was stunned and shook his head subconsciously: Cultivator? It shouldn't be possible. Lan Tianlong will not be able to recognize him.

Can Lan Tianlong recognize it like me? Biehan shook his head.

Your Highness... Fu Feng said quickly.

Bie Han said calmly: Don't call me Your Highness from now on.

Fu Feng was shocked by Biehan's words, and he quickly said: No! No! Your Highness has a noble status...

Biehan raised his hand to stop Fu Feng's words, with an indifferent expression: My father's inheritance belongs to my brother after all. I have been living abroad for many years and have not seen my father since I was a child. It is normal that they don't like me. Can you lift the restrictions on me? , I am satisfied.

Thinking of the cold treatment Biehan had received during this period, Fu Feng felt sad: Your Highness... No matter what his status is, in Fu Feng's heart, he is still the little Highness in the arms of his mistress!

Biehan's eyes softened a bit.

After a moment, he suddenly asked: Fu Feng, you have followed my mother for many years. How old am I?

Your Highness is twenty-five this year! Fu Feng's face showed a look of nostalgia: If the mistress is in heaven, she will be happy to know that Your Highness has returned home safely.

Twenty-five. Biehan murmured to himself, his dazed expression disappeared in a flash, and his cold and indifferent face returned to his face: Go and tell my brother, if he can remove the restriction on Nibu's body, , I asked myself to set up my own business.

No, Your Highness! Fu Feng was shocked. Setting up his own business would mean breaking away from the family. Not only would he lose his inheritance rights, but he would also no longer receive help from the family. In the demon world, this is a very severe punishment.

For a moment, he burst into tears, wanting to go to his late mistress and feel so sad.

Go. Biehan looked indifferent and didn't say much.

Looking at Bie Han's cold and stubborn figure, which overlapped with the lost beautiful figure in a daze, Fu Feng stopped his tears and said resolutely: I obey my orders!


The magic merit tablets are arranged according to the depth of their contents, from shallower to deeper. The more peripheral the magic merit tablets, the more people are underneath them, and the further inside, the fewer people are under the magic merit tablets.

Zuo Mo started to show off from the first stone tablet.

Intoxicated? Uh, how do you look like you're intoxicated?

Zuo Mo was a little worried at first, but when he started browsing for the first time, he was unknowingly attracted by the content on the magic merit tablet.

The content on this stone tablet was very superficial, but for Zuo Mo, who had never practiced systematic magic skills, it immediately made many things that he thought were fuzzy immediately clear.

Zuo Mo had a very high starting point and cultivated the Great Sun Demon Body very early, which is enough to show that he has outstanding talent. On the contrary, I am very unfamiliar with these basic practices. When he was in Gravel Town, he benefited a lot from Uncle Anya's guidance. But Uncle Anya's strength is limited, and his training is also very superficial.

But that master Ziming was truly a genius. He described many basic cultivation methods, no fewer than hundreds. Moreover, each basic practice will have corresponding explanations, which are insightful and thought-provoking.

Zuo Mo looked at the stone tablets one by one as if he was possessed.

Shulong stood guard vigilantly.

However, what people didn't expect was that Awen was as addicted as Zuo Mo.


I know. Jiang Zhe said calmly.

It was as if he had known the news for a long time.

The expected anger did not appear, and the men who reported it were a little surprised, but they were relieved in their hearts. Although Mr. Jiang Zhe is usually kind, when he is angry, he is extremely terrifying and is feared by everyone above and below him.

Master Fengyue left suddenly with a thousand warrior cultivators. Logically speaking, Jiang Zheda would never tolerate such behavior.

These thoughts flashed through the mind of this cultivator and disappeared. Master Fengyue has always been loved by everyone, and no one wants Master Fengyue to be punished for this.

After his men exited, Jiang Zhe sighed quietly, and the worry in his eyes flashed away.

After a while, he suddenly raised his head and shouted: Here comes someone!

A guard came in quickly: Sir!

Let Gao Xuan come to see me! Jiang Zhe looked calm.

Soon, a burly and steady-looking warrior came in, bowed and saluted: Sir!

You transfer 500 people from Jiang Zi Department to catch up with Feng Yue.

Gao Xuan was a little surprised by Jiang Zhe's order, and his face was full of surprise. Everyone knew that Master Fengyue secretly led the war department to avenge Uncle Dingzhen. Everyone originally thought that Master Fengyue would not escape punishment this time. Although your Excellency usually seems easy to talk to, military discipline is very strict and no one dares to disobey him.

It seems that adults also want to avenge Master Dingzhen!

Gao Xuan couldn't help but feel a little excited. He was inconspicuous in the temple and his strength was mediocre, but he had also received guidance from Uncle Dingzhen. It's just that he is not as bold as Feng Yue and dare not disobey orders.

Yes! Gao Xuan said loudly.

I'm not worried about Fengyue's level. Jiang Zhe looked sternly: But she has an impatient temper and loves to take risks. Your steady personality can just make up for her shortcomings.


Jiang Zhe looked at Gao Xuan and said sternly: You don't have much time, and you need to fight quickly. The war in the Cold Mountain Realm is not over yet. I estimate that after some time, the demons will definitely counterattack. You'd better get back before then.

How long? Gao Xuan asked cautiously.

No more than two months! Jiang Zhe said flatly.

Yes! Gao Xuan responded in a deep voice, his expression full of confidence.

The 1,000 people Fengyue took away were not elites, but the 500 people from the Jiangzi Department assigned to him by the Lord were the real elites. The Jiang Zi Department is the most elite war department under Jiang Zhe. They have followed Jiang Zhe for many years. Jiang Zhe almost single-handedly recruited them from various sects. Among every twenty people, there is one at the Golden Core stage.

Jiang Zi Department, one of the core war departments of Xuankong Temple.

The battle in the Cold Mountain Realm sharpened the war department carefully built by Jiang Zhe. The Jiang Zi Department also became famous because of this battle, becoming one of the top war departments in the Four Realms.

With just these five hundred members of the Jiangzi tribe, Gao Xuan had absolute confidence that he could conquer the entire world.

What's more, the thousand people of Senior Sister Fengyue are by no means a decoration. Although their selection was not as stringent as that of the Jiang Zi Department, they had also gone through numerous assessments, and each one of them was an outstanding disciple of the peripheral sect. Put into any world, they can become elites, but because the competition in Xuankong Temple is too fierce, they did not enter the Jiangzi Department.

How strong can an unknown Yunhai Realm be?

As steady as Gao Xuan is, he doesn't think the other party can make any waves. As long as they are careful not to make mistakes, the other side won't stand a chance.

Jiang Zhe finally let go of his worries and smiled slightly: Go, don't waste time.

Gao Xuan saluted Jiang Zhe, turned around and left.

Soon, a war department of 500 people left silently.


My wife is very busy.

Golden Crow Camp's research on demon patterns is very effective, especially for those demons with good bloodlines. The results are particularly good, and they can often be directly promoted to the first level. Although Xiaomanjie is just a remote small world, there are still many school-level demons. Most of them have some special bloodlines. Although they are not pure, this is not a problem at all for the Golden Crow Camp.

Shidong's reputation in the Xiaoman world is very good, and the treatment he provides is also very superior. Coupled with the legend of the king, it quickly spreads in the Xiaoman world and also attracts many potential demons.

These potential demons were quickly sent to the Golden Crow Camp on Turtle Island to be engraved with demon patterns.

In a short period of time, there are now sixty leader-level demons!

The madness of the Golden Crow Camp infected Xiao Niang, and he thought about how to maximize the strength of these demons with unprecedented efficiency. In the end, he decided to add these commander-level demons to the Suzaku Camp.

The Demon War Department is not a difficult thing for him. In fact, he is far more familiar with the demon's arms and war department than the cultivator's arms and war department.

He decided to formulate new tactics. The addition of these commander-level demons made the Suzaku Camp stronger, and they were able to complete more complex and difficult tactics!

The last battle with Azag made Xiao Niang feel suffocated.

He knew very well that if they wanted to help Senior Brother Zuo, they needed to become stronger!

These commander-level demons were very repulsive and disdainful to the Suzaku Camp at first, but as Wei Ran led a team that was half golden elixir and half condensed pulse, and defeated the war department composed entirely of commander-level demons, these commander-level demons The demon was immediately convinced.

The most powerful person in the demon clan speaks with his strength. Once he is respected, he will never play tricks. And they are not stupid. Although coexisting with cultivators was difficult for them to accept at first, as Turtle Island's strength continued to appear in their eyes, and Turtle Island treated the demons equally, they gradually put aside their prejudices.

The most important thing is that all demons firmly believe that this is the foundation laid by my king.

My king is a real demon!

The sword cultivators of Suzaku Camp couldn't help but admire the good discipline and tenacity shown by the demons who had begun to integrate into Turtle Island.

The sword cultivators in the Suzaku Camp were also holding their breath in their hearts, and each of them was working hard.

It was in this atmosphere that the new Suzaku Battalion and new tactics gradually took shape. My QT room is open! Fang Xiang’s official QT room number [9177] click to enter

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