World of Cultivation

Chapter 629 Fight!

Zuo Mo looked at the crowd of heads in front of him with a dull look on his face.

Looking around, it was so densely packed that almost half of the demons in Tai'an City were in front of him. One hundred thousand? Two hundred thousand?

When the number exceeded a certain level, the effect was shocking, and Zuo Mo was deeply shocked by this sea of ​​people.

Why are there so many people? Zuo Mo pulled Lan Tianlong over and asked in a low voice.

Lan Tianlong had some pride on his face: Hey, we were stupid at first, recruiting people everywhere, but we found that not many people paid attention to us. Later, a brother asked me if I was with brother you, and I suddenly realized, so I called you brother The signboard lights up. Well, that’s it!”

My signature? Zuo Mo was dumbfounded and speechless.

Brother, you blocked Lin Qian's sword. Everyone saw it. Now that the city lord is gone, you are the most prestigious. Hey, everyone believes in you anyway! Lan Tianlong patted Zuo Mo's shoulder and said seriously: Brother, everyone's lives are in your hands. No matter what, we must save more lives!

After saying that, he jumped down.

Looking blankly at the expectant eyes of everyone in front of him, Zuo Mo suddenly felt that his throat was a little dry and he was at a loss.

He had previously asked Lan Tianlong and the others to bring over some people, but he just wanted to bring in more people to build up their momentum and provide more cannon fodder at critical times.

He didn't want to save others.

But now, when Zuo Mo saw the dark sea of ​​people and the faces looking at him, for some reason, he felt panicked!

how so……

Zuo Mo was distracted for a while.

He is not a saint, nor does he think he has anything to do with justice or heroes. He doesn't even think he is a good person.

He is selfish, greedy, and cold-hearted, and he will do whatever it takes to win. Sacrificing unimportant people to protect his own people, he has no psychological burden at all.

The world is like this, who can be responsible for whom?

However, when he saw pairs of eyes staring at him full of hope, faces covered with dust, and a crowd as quiet as the sea, he didn't know why and couldn't say those words.

Silence fell.

People stood on the ruins and in corners, some alone, some hugging each other, their faces raised, hundreds of thousands of people watching Zuo Mo.

They are waiting for a miracle to happen.

The name Laughing Mogo, in their minds, is synonymous with miracles. In him, the light of miracles shines from time to time, and people hope that this time, like before, miracles will come again.

They were waiting, waiting for Laughing Mogo to say something.


Princess Xia and the others looked at the dense crowd in front of them in surprise, and then looked at the weak figure above the crowd, their expressions full of shock.

They were also shocked by the scene before them.

They also underestimated Zuo Mo's influence.

Times make heroes! Zhu Ke couldn't help but mutter to himself.

In the sky, the young man with the reverse dragon claw on his back was unable to look away at this moment.

A strange color flashed in Princess Xia's eyes, and she seemed to be saying to herself: You can always bring hope and courage to people...

Suddenly, Laughing Mogo's figure moved in the sky.

Everyone couldn't help but hold their breath. They had a premonition that a scene they would never forget was about to begin.


Zuo Mo moved his body, and the reverse dragon claw behind him also moved.

He faced everyone's gaze and spoke slowly, his voice hoarse and low, floating in the air.

You surprised, surprised and overwhelmed me. I didn't know why you chose me, and to this day, I still don't understand.

He shook his head, as if describing himself, and also as if talking to himself.

You make me don't know what to do. To be honest, I rarely do this. You and I have never met each other.

I am surprised that you have chosen to believe me despite no relation. But I have to tell you, I don’t have any good ideas.

Many people below showed disappointment, but they remained silent.

There are Ming bandits outside, and you know better than me how ferocious they are. If I had the same war corps, maybe I would still have some confidence. But I don't. I am just like you, scared, terrified, and desperate , I know that a breakout is unlikely. They never take prisoners, and I will die, just like you.

Some people below were trembling, some looked desperate, some were crying, and pairs of hopeful eyes dimmed.

Yes, they are bright bandits. In front of them, we are as weak as lambs. In their eyes, we are lambs. They are waiting for the water curtain to disappear and then have a feast. We are dead.

Zuo Mo's last words were like a death sentence. Many people could no longer hold on and fell to the ground, crying loudly.

We are doomed.

Zuo Mo repeated this sentence as if to himself, but this sentence made many people couldn't help but raise their heads and cast their eyes on the young man in the sky again.

But I don't intend to give up resistance. I don't intend to be like a weak lamb and be sent to their butcher's knife. They will eat me easily and leisurely. Yes, how powerful they are! Yes, how cruel they are! Yes, we don’t have the slightest chance! Yes, we are bound to die! But so what?”

In the last sentence, Zuo Mo's tone suddenly became fierce and fierce. His eyes suddenly widened, his face became ferocious, and the veins on his neck burst out. He looked like a wolf cornered.

so what!

He suddenly raised his voice, and this angry shout was like thunder rolling over Tai'an City.

Everyone was shocked by these words. They stopped crying, they raised their heads again, and they held their breath.

Zuo Mo's eyes slowly swept across the crowd. His face was ferocious, and his voice seemed to be spitting out of his chest, low and as if he had exhausted all his strength, trembling slightly.

Yes! So what! Yes! I have no choice, but so what! We are too weak, so what! I don't want to sit still and wait for death! I don't want to be caught without mercy! Besides fighting! Do we have any other choice?

Zuo Mo looked at everyone and suddenly shouted: Do we have any other choice?

The demons below stopped crying, wiped the tears from their eyes, stood up from the ground, and held the demon soldiers tightly. They raised their faces, and the fear and despair on their faces faded little by little, and a light called determination crept onto their faces quietly.

Yeah, do they have any other choice?

When people find that they have no other choice, their fear becomes much less intense.

We have no other choice! Nothing! I don't know why you chose me, I don't know why you believe in me, I don't have any good ideas, I don't have miracle hands, I will only take you to do one thing !”

The light in people's eyes became brighter and brighter, as if there was a ray of fire flashing in the depths of their pupils.

Zuo Mo's eyes were like two burning flames, his face was ferocious and twisted, and he spoke out word by word as if gritting his teeth: Then fight!

Fight! Keep fighting! Fight to the death! Fight that won't stop until death! We have to use fighting to tell those bastards that they are bandits, so what! They are stronger than us, so what!

His expression was crazy, his tone was crazy, he was like a blazing flame, radiant.

In the crowd in front of him, everyone had a flame in their eyes, burning crazily. They felt that the blood in their bodies was almost boiling. In deep despair, an unprecedented excitement suddenly burst out from the deepest part of their hearts!

We can still fight! We can still fight! We can still fucking fight!

Zuo Mo suddenly grabbed the Nilong Claw, raised it high, and roared: Fight!


In response to him, the erupting volcano was a roar that shook the sky and surged like the waves, and it was a sea of ​​arms raised high like a forest!

Kill them! Zuo Mo roared!

Kill them! Countless people roared at the top of their lungs!

The ground is shaking, the ocean is roaring, and the humblest power is burning!


Quick, quick, faster!

A team of one thousand people, hurry up!

Remember your captain, all you have to do is follow him, and attack in whichever direction he attacks!

In battle, no matter what the reason is, never retreat! Even if you are injured, even if you are about to die! If you retreat, your captain will chop off your head as soon as possible!

The entire Tai'an City became busier and more tense than ever before. Everyone is studying hard, doing everything they can to study, listening to the captain's instructions, and doing the simplest drills.

The strength of more than a hundred people in the guard camp was too small to play a role in such a battle. Zuo Mosuo used them as the backbone and the captain of each team.

One thousand people per team, this is an unprecedentedly large team.

But that's it, the number of captains was not enough, so Zuo Mo had to choose some experienced demons to serve as captains.

But no matter how chaotic and busy he was, he always looked calm and composed. Whenever he had time, he would carry the Dragon Claw on his back and patrol back and forth.

Although everything was still in a mess, everyone's morale was extremely high.

Without all the hope of luck, people are not so afraid. Most of the residents of Tai'an City came because of the magic monument. They all have some strength and know that they will die, so the bloody nature in their bodies is stimulated.

Since he is bound to die, why should he bring in a few backers!

There is a fire burning in their hearts.

The entire Tai'an City is like a blazing furnace, constantly brewing power under the black water curtain.

They are waiting too! My QT room is open! Fang Xiang’s official QT room number [9177] click to enter

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