World of Cultivation

Chapter 714 God descends to earth

The entire earth trembled, and large rocks above the head continued to collapse. It looked like the end of the world. However, at this time, most of the people left behind were masters with special skills. They turned a blind eye to everything around them, and everyone's eyes were firmly fixed on the Tianzi Hao Demon Weapon Pool.

Although the layers of restrictions outside prevented them from seeing the scene inside, they could clearly feel how terrifying and amazing the power that was taking shape inside was! It was like an ancient monster, waking up bit by bit from its deep sleep.

The guard leader of Wuxitang was throbbing in his heart. He was very close to the magic weapon pool. This feeling became stronger and stronger. He had a strong premonition that the magic soldiers taking shape in the magic weapon pool were full of danger!

Back off! Back off everyone! he shouted.

The other guards looked at each other and hesitated for a moment. The leader's order was contrary to the above, but the guard leader had a very high status in Wuxitang and had the power to make decisions outside.

Everyone retreat! the guard leader shouted angrily, his hair and beard spread out.

The hesitation on the faces of the other guards was wiped away. They packed up the secret gold boxes on the ground and retreated like a tide.

Just after retreating fifty or sixty feet away, the Demon Weapon Pool made a loud noise, and a thick blue-white light pillar shot into the sky!

Boom boom boom!

The beam of light was more than ten feet thick and touched the rock formation above the head. The densely covered magic patterns on the rock formation suddenly dissipated like paper. The hard rock is like tofu in front of the light beam. The light beam sank into the thick rock formation without any effort.


Boom boom boom!

The ground shook for a while, and the people on the street all looked shocked and flew into the sky.

What happened?

Is there an earthquake?

As soon as the discussion started, an extremely thick blue-white light pillar suddenly spewed out from the ground and went straight into the sky!

The beam of light slammed into the clouds.

Boom boom boom!

The clouds seemed to be stirred by an invisible hand, and the clouds from all directions began to gather towards the light pillar at an alarming speed.

In the blink of an eye, the clouds became as dark as lead clouds, and the sky became dark at a speed visible to the naked eye. Only the thick blue-white light pillar became more dazzling and eye-catching!

The layers of dark clouds were as black as ink, making people almost breathless, and strong winds rose from the ground, blowing sand and rocks.

People looked at the sky in horror.

Suddenly, a dazzling and thick lightning suddenly exploded in the clouds!


Thunder exploded in everyone's hearts, and those who were less courageous almost fell down.

Pitter-patter, big raindrops fell on everyone's face. In an instant, a violent storm suddenly broke out, and the sky and the earth were covered with rain. The rain was so heavy that people couldn't open their eyes at all!

The silver snake dancing above the head suddenly lights up, showing the power of thunder from heaven and earth.

The frightened people had no time to feel the power of heaven and earth. Their eyes were all staring at the dazzling blue-white light pillar in horror!


In the blue-white light pillar, Zuo Mo was in a panic.

This was the first time that he had combined magic patterns and rune patterns so perfectly, but the power of the combination of the two was far beyond his imagination. When the blue-white magic rune pattern lit up, he felt something bad in his heart, but the light that shot up into the sky swallowed him up instantly.

The remaining fragments of clothes on his body were instantly turned into ashes. Just as his expression suddenly changed, the gray dragon claw bracelet on his wrist suddenly lit up with a faint blood color.

This layer of faint blood surged up and enveloped Zuo Mo like a ball of flame. The fierceness of the blue and white light beam did not affect the faint color of his blood at all.

Reverse Dragon Claw!

Zuo Mo was shocked. Ever since Nilongzhao was severely injured last time, it had lost all its brilliance and no longer had any power. The sudden abnormality at this time made Zuo Mo's heart beat involuntarily.

Zuo Mo looked down and saw that his wrist seemed to be wrapped with a brighter blood mist, like a small blood dragon.

Surround the body. Suddenly, a cloud of blood mist suddenly rose up, and the dragon raised its head.


A dragon roar rang out in Zuo Mo's heart without any warning, and the rising blood mist suddenly opened like a bloody mouth, roaring in anger!

The light ball closest to Zuo Mo suddenly trembled, and then flew towards Zuo Mo staggeringly.

This is……

Zuo Mo stared at the scene in front of him dumbfounded. Before he could react, the blood mist on his wrist was like a real dragon. With a hiss, it turned into a blood mist and accurately hit the floating light ball!

As soon as the blood mist hit the light group, it turned into a ball of blood mist, wrapping the light group tightly.

The light group in the blood mist kept struggling, but soon the struggle became weaker and weaker until it became motionless.

The blood mist was churning, constantly swallowing the light group. Soon, the blood mist became thicker, and the dragon claw bracelet on Zuo Mo's wrist became a little more shiny.

After taking the supplement, the blood mist became several times stronger, and it immediately pounced on another light group.

The light column suddenly became a mess, and the remaining nine light groups flew around desperately to avoid this terrifying blood mist. These light groups were full of spirituality, and their bodies were extremely flexible. The blood mist flew for a long time, but nothing was found.

Suddenly, the blood mist stopped, turned into a vague dragon head, suddenly opened its bloody mouth, and let out a roar.


The dragon's roar still exploded in Zuo Mo's mind, and his mind suddenly went blank, and the nine balls of light that were running around froze. The blood mist saw another opportunity and swallowed up a ball of light.

Soon the dragon claw bracelet on Zuo Mo's hand became smoother again.

At this moment, a dark gold villain suddenly appeared in the beam of light. He was almost exactly the same as Zuo Mo. He was a black gold talisman soldier! He had a sinister look on his face and licked his lips, looking salivating. He suddenly hugged a ball of light and chewed it with his mouth. His body was small to begin with, but when he was chewing the ball of light, he held the ball of light with both hands and kicked around, as if he was using up all his strength to eat.

The blood mist followed the same pattern and swallowed three light groups in a row. Then it swung its tail with satisfaction and quickly got into the dragon claw bracelet. The dragon claws on the bracelet changed from the withered appearance before, and became lifelike, full of flesh and blood, and the fingertips were as red as blood.

An inexplicable feeling arose in Zuo Mo's heart, and he could vaguely feel the thoughts coming from the dragon's claws.

The efficiency of the black gold talisman soldiers was obviously much worse. He only had time to bite two. He looked at the remaining light balls with reluctance, and then glanced at Zuo Mo cautiously. Before Zuo Mo could react, he swung Get inside the ring.

Zuo Mo looked at what was happening in front of him in stunned silence.

He didn't expect that the reverse dragon claws and black gold talisman soldiers would come out halfway, and before he could figure out the situation, half of the light group was missing.

Although the reverse dragon claw seems to be a little more alive, there is no sign of returning to its original state. The guy with the black gold talisman started to sleep again...

A light group is an Earth Demon Soldier...

In the blink of an eye, five pieces of earthly demon soldiers were missing...

Five pieces of earthly demon weapons!

After realizing it, Zuo Mo's head suddenly exploded. How many magic shells were there? He seemed to see the vast ocean of magic shells disappearing in the blink of an eye, and a wave of evil energy suddenly emerged from his guts!

There is nothing more hateful than snatching the magic shell crystal from my brother!

Zuo Mo's eyes were bloodshot, and his whole body was filled with an extremely dangerous aura. The remaining five light balls were trembling, like shivering sheep under the sharp claws of the devil.

However, the last trace of reason was able to curb the anger in Zuo Mo's chest. He lost five light groups and the power of the blue light pillar skyrocketed!

Refining magic weapons has entered the most critical moment, and all previous efforts will be wasted if you are not careful.

The blue light pillar is the alchemy furnace formed by the earth fire and the cold current!

Zuo Mo took a deep breath, and with the anger in his chest, he frantically inserted the magic marks into the five magic weapons one by one. Every time a magic pattern penetrates into the light group, a ray of pure earth fire and cold current penetrates into the light group.

However, stimulated by the disappearance of an astonishing number of magic shells, Zuo Mo obviously had a tendency to go berserk, and the magic patterns he shot out became more and more outrageous!

He still tried hard to control the first light ball, and the magic patterns he struck were quite satisfactory.

When the last light ball came out, he had completely gone berserk, and saw the magic patterns pouring down like water, and there were countless complex runes mixed in them.

For the last piece of magic weapon, he smashed the magic patterns and runes for a full hour. It seemed that he was going to smash all his anger into this ball of light.

The light ball trembles and towers, the reverse dragon claws are honest, and the black gold talisman soldiers are quiet.

An astonishing amount of cold current earth fire poured into the last light group crazily, and it seemed that the light group might explode at any time.

It was only then that Zuo Mo suddenly regained his composure and was startled.

The last light group was more than twice as big as the other four light groups. It was like an inflated balloon, swaying.

Zuo Mo's scalp suddenly exploded!

If this guy really explodes...

This result made him shudder. When he saw this, he quickly stopped.

The embryos inside the five light groups were like five groups of molten iron, starting to change shapes. Zuo Mo's eyes widened, not daring to miss a single detail. The sight of these embryos growing was of great benefit to him.

Sword and shield base, ice tassel blood spear, sun and moon ring blade, thirteen-section whip...

Only the largest light group is constantly changing, but it has never taken shape. It was like a ball of molten iron, with magic patterns and runes flowing continuously. Zuo Mo widened his eyes and wanted to take a closer look, but he felt dizzy. He was shocked, and his expectations for this magic weapon were a little higher.

Six whole hours!

A magic weapon that was beyond Zuo Mo's expectation finally took shape.

——A battle armor!

The ice blue battle armor is like the outline of the most graceful curves. The dark red mask is filled with murderous aura. Each armor scale is like a thin blue ice flake. If you look closely, you can see that each armor scale is covered with countless complex and beautiful lines, and a pair of snow-white wings on its back are extremely holy.

Even Zuo Mo, who had refined countless treasures, couldn't help but show his obsession when he saw this armor.

The moment the battle armor took shape, the entire beam of light suddenly surged.

Zuo Mo felt an extremely powerful force suddenly spurting out from the ground.

He didn't have time to react at all, before he bounced up to the ground like a small stone. When he passed by the five magic weapons, the five magic weapons turned into five streams of light, tightly surrounding him.

When he passed through dozens of miles of rock formations, flew out of the surface, and flew into the sky, everyone in Buzhou City couldn't help but raise their heads.


Zuo Mo let out a long scream, he had never flown so high before!

Passing through the clouds and the thick layer, Zuo Mo just felt like he was flying in the clouds and mist, and he didn't know how long he had been flying.

Suddenly, he felt that his body began to fall. This time, he became even more panicked, and screamed more horribly: Ahhhh...

Zuo Mo, whose scalp was exploding, grabbed the armor surrounding him in desperation!

Zuo Mo had only one thought in his mind.

It has wings...

At this moment, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly dispersed, and a dazzling light bloomed from behind the thick clouds!

In this tens of thousands of rays of light, in the eyes of the entire Buzhou City looking up, there is a perfect figure of ice blue, with long snow-white wings, wiping two long sparks, surrounded by four radiant magic weapons, Swooping down like a shooting star.

The soul-stirring scream echoed throughout the countryside.


The feet covered with ice-blue scales crouched slightly and stepped heavily on the ground. The ground air flow carried the dust and flew away. The snow-white wings raised upwards. Zuo Mo's figure was like a sculpture.

Duh duh duh!

Four streaks of light struck the ground around him like raindrops, and the true appearance of the four magic weapons appeared, filled with murderous intent.

Four words popped up in everyone's mind at the same time:

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