World of Cultivation

Chapter 748 Expansion Begins

Zhong De's comeback is nothing less than a major earthquake to the entire Sijingtian.

For young people, this name is very unfamiliar, but for those older people, they all talk about it. When people dug out the veteran's life from the dusty old papers, the strong smell of blood that hit them was almost suffocating. The brutal and shocking battles are still frightening even after fifty years of dust.

The first thing Zhong De did when he came back was to clean up Xixuan. He killed so many high-level officials and so many people, which was unprecedented in the entire history of Four Realms.

Xixuan was stained with blood, and the central area of ​​Xixuan, Central Tuyuan, was even soaked with blood.

Countless generals in the war department were horrified when they heard the news and fled in panic overnight.

According to later revelations, people learned that in just one month, the leaders of thirty-nine war departments were missing. During this unprecedented purge, more than 30,000 people were executed in Xixuan instead of 7,000.

Under Zhong De's iron fist, not a single rebellion occurred.

Soon, Zhong De, whose hands were stained with blood, once again showed the world his cruel and brutal style. Without waiting for the sect to be reorganized and regardless of the sect's turmoil, he suddenly led the Yuanlao War Department and appeared on the border of Xixuan.

With the power of thunder, three forces were destroyed in a row.

This was an act of revenge, and the three forces that were destroyed were the same three forces that defeated the Xi Xuan War Department not long ago.

This seemingly normal act of revenge shocked the world again.

Because of the massacre!

Even though the war has happened for so many years, massacres rarely occur, even in battles between cultivators and demons.

The seventeen cities in the three realms have all become places of death.

Such a cruel act aroused unanimous condemnation from all over the world, and countless people were outraged. Cruel, murderous, ruthless, executioner, etc. were all used to describe this veteran. However, no matter how they denounced him, no war corps dared to go to crusade. People were deeply afraid of this inhumane warrior.

When enough blood flows, there is natural peace.

This famous saying by Zhong De spread like wildfire.

The people above and below Xixuan are as silent as cicadas, and the forces around Xixuan are as silent as cicadas.

No one says that Xixuan will be the second Xuankong Temple. Even those who hate Xixuan have to admit that Xixuan's re-rise is unstoppable, even if its rise is fought out of blood. So bloody.

Xixuan, who had swept away the decline, returned to calm.

However, after five years of recuperation and development, the major sects have completed preparations for war.

It was Kunlun who took action this time.


Kunlun took action.

Zuo Mo looked solemn, and everyone in front of him also looked solemn. They know very well that Kunlun will one day become an enemy they have to face. The unspeakable pressure brought by Kunlun has always shrouded their hearts.

Our current territory is sixty-nine realms. Gongsun Cha said calmly: After digesting Xuankong Temple, Kunlun's ruling scope is about 1,300 realms, Tianhuan is about 1,100 realms, and Xixuan has no development. Probably around 800 realms. The nine major Zen sects have about 600 realms, and the Guliang Dao has about 142 realms. These are all data on the surface. As for the number controlled secretly, it is difficult to count. And they are always constantly The earth cannibalizes the surrounding forces and continues to grow. If we face them now, we have no chance of winning. Fortunately, there are nine Zen sects between us and Kunlun, Tianhuan, and Xixuan. Although Mo Yunhai is a bit remote, there is no one around. Other powerful enemies, this is also our advantage.

The boundary map on the wall clearly marked the scope of Mo Yunhai. In the entire Sijingtian, it was an extremely small territory.

Although everyone was familiar with these data, they still took a breath of air. The sheer size of Kunlun and Tianhuan was suffocating.

He Ming stood up and continued: In the past few years, our strength has grown rapidly.

With abundant resources, strong production capacity, and mature sales channels, we have accumulated considerable financial resources. All front-line war departments have completed the change of equipment. The newly replaced [Mo Yun series] divine equipment is currently the first-class war department divine equipment on the market, and the inventory is also satisfactory.

When talking about this, the generals present nodded their heads and were full of confidence.

Indeed, although Mo Yunhai's current territory is not large, the equipment is good and ranks among the best in the world of cultivation. With the continuous development of divine power, today's magic weapons have gradually withdrawn from the stage, replaced by divine costumes.

The divine armor is a reduced version of the divine weapon. Its power is not as powerful as the divine weapon equipment, but similarly, the requirements for the user are not as high as the divine weapon equipment. The most important thing is that it is not as expensive as the magic weapon equipment.

Mo Yunhai's [Mo Yun Series] divine costume has always been one of the most outstanding divine costumes on the market. Together with [Kunlun Series] and [Sky Ring Series], they are also known as the three major divine costumes. Even Xixuan's [Xixuan System] and the Nine Zen Sects' [Zen System] can only be ranked at the next level.

The level of divine equipment is directly related to its understanding of divine power, the level of weapon refining, and the abundance of resources, and they are indispensable.

In the short term, no one can shake the status of the three major series.

In fact, although Mo Yunhai's territory is not large, few people regard them as a local force. It produces top-notch magical equipment, has two top-level warriors, and has a small territory but abundant resources. No one dares to underestimate it. As for the people inside Mo Yunhai, they were all powerful creatures who were full of confidence and didn't know what fear was.

Everyone's eyes turned to Zuo Mo, whether it was Gongsun Cha's analysis or He Ming's statement, but it was Zuo Mo who made the final decision.

We need to expand.

As soon as Zuo Mo opened his mouth, everyone in the room cheered up, especially the generals. They felt like they were rusty after having been suppressed for so many years with my mother on her various expeditions.

In fact, everyone knows that in the current situation, expansion has become their only way out.

Mo Yunhai is as stable as a rock now, because there are nine Zen sects in between. If Kunlun and Tianhuan continue to pretend to be bigger, in the future, they will not even have the power to protect themselves. Although the restricted defense line is powerful, it is not difficult if the Kunlun Sky Ring does not hesitate to live.

In the elite war department, Mo Yunhai was not inferior by much. But compared to the ordinary war department, the two sides were far different. The human sea tactics alone were enough to swamp Mo Yunhai in several rounds.

Only by continuously expanding and growing stronger can Mo Yunhai have the power to compete with it.

Maybe others are willing to surrender, but for these core members of Mo Yunhai, this is absolutely impossible. The first person who refused was Zuo Mo. The hatred between him and Kunlun Tianhuan Xixuan was as deep as the sea, and they were destined to fight to the end.

They did not choose to expand before because their foundation was too weak and it would be easy to capture them, but they did not have the ability to digest them. Blind expansion would even cause problems for defense. But after these years of development, Mo Yunhai is now capable of expansion.

The question now is, in which direction do we expand.

Zuo Mo asked the question, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly became heated.

Nine major Zen sects! Those guys look like they are outnumbered, but they certainly won't fight. Except for Yang Yuanhao, they don't have anyone who can stand up to them.

Yes, the nine major Zen sects. I heard that there is a fierce fight among them. Such a good opportunity...

Although the Nine Zen Sects are the fourth largest force in the world of cultivation, their internal struggles are extremely fierce. The system they implement is somewhat similar to that of the Monster Tribe Elders Council. The heads of the nine sects form a head council to jointly control the entire force.

Since the strength of the nine sects is not much different, internal disputes have never stopped from the first day it was established. They are just a loose alliance, not united enough.

The most fatal thing is their lack of top warriors.

The nine major Zen sects only have one top-level general, Yang Yuanhao, which is extremely inconsistent with their status as the fourth largest force. In contrast, Mo Yunhai has two top-level generals, and no one dares to underestimate them.

If Xixuan hadn't been too weak before Zhong De's comeback, the Nine Zen Sects would have been the least favored force.

Listening to everyone's chattering, Zuo Mo was also thinking carefully in his mind. He had started to consider this issue very early. This strategic decision will directly affect their future development direction.

No, we don't attack the Nine Zen Sects.

When Zuo Mo opened his mouth, the others immediately shut up and listened carefully.

The nine Zen sects are like a shield. As long as this shield is not broken, we do not need to directly face the super powers like Kunlun. Not only can we not attack them, but we must support them so that they do not need to worry about the rear. It would be best for us to be inextricably killed with Kunlun Tianhuan and the others.

Gongsun Cha and Bie Hanwei nodded. Zuo Mo's analysis made sense.

Don't they always want to buy our [Mo Yun style] magical equipment? Sell it to them! We must try our best to support them and let them have a good fight with Kunlun Tianhuan. Yang Yuanhao is still very powerful, and they are local There is a certain advantage in fighting. It is not that easy for Kunlun and the others to win.

Many people nodded secretly.

Then where should we expand? someone asked doubtfully.

Except for the nine major Zen sects, the others are all small forces. Although it is easy to fight, the benefits are also very small.

After swallowing a piece of fat meat like Fifty-Six Realms in one gulp, they have long been disdainful of these little grasshopper legs. These small forces have small territories and pitifully few resources.

We are expanding towards the demon world. Zuo Mo's answer was unexpected.

Everyone was stunned, but many people began to look excited. The Demon Realm has vast land and rich resources, especially people like Azag, Shidong, and Yi An, who are extremely eager to expand into the Demon Realm.

However, Zuo Mo has always said that he seems to have little interest in the devil world, which makes them a little disappointed.

Who should I operate on? Lei Peng's eyes lit up.

Demon Commander Alliance! Zuo Mo said without hesitation.

Gongsun Cha and Bie Han were also a little surprised. In terms of the Hundred Barbarians Realm, the Demonic Temple was the strongest, followed by the Demonic Commanders Alliance headed by the Flut Commander, and the Heroes Alliance ranked third in strength. Everyone thought that Zuo Mo would attack the weakest League of Heroes, but unexpectedly Zuo Mo would target the Alliance of Demon Commanders.

Our goal is Baimang Realm. Zuo Mo's eyes glowed with eagerness and desire. My QT room is open! Fang Xiang’s official QT room number [9177] click to enter

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