World of Cultivation

Chapter 79 Zuo Mo’s decision

Zuo Mo opened his eyes and suddenly screamed, his whole body felt like he was being gently cut with a sharp knife, and the pain was severe. At home? What time is it now? Zuo Mo forced himself to sit up and shook his dizzy head.

He seemed to have gone to Dongfu and bought a lot of things. His eyes fell on the treasure bag on the ground. Yes, what next? I went to the free market myself...

Zuo Mo's pupils suddenly tightened, he remembered!

Yin beads! It's the Yin Pearl...those terrifyingly powerful cultivators...

Zuo Mo subconsciously touched himself. Although his whole body ached, he was intact, with no arms or legs missing. He was still alive! He remembered that he suddenly fainted. What happened next? How did I get back to Xifeng Courtyard?

He knew nothing, someone saved him? This was the first thought that came to his mind.

Although he didn't know much, he was not stupid. The continuous signs in the free market alone made him realize that the value of Yin Pearl was far greater than he imagined, and these people had no reason to let him go in vain. He quickly went to look through his treasure bag, and when he saw that the Yin Pearl was still there, he was even more puzzled. After counting carefully, I found that two pieces were missing.

No matter how you look at it, there is something fishy about this.

He suddenly remembered that he could ask Pu Yao. He must know what happened.

When Zuo Mo entered the sea of ​​consciousness, he was suddenly shocked. The sea of ​​​​fire that danced wildly in the past is now wilted, and the flame is weak, like an embers after burning, and may be extinguished at any time. In the void above his head, the two stars did not change at all, hanging in the void like diamonds. And the sword river has not changed at all. As usual, half of the ice crystals are surging and half of the water-shaped flames are burning.

how so?

Suppressing the panic in his heart, Zuo Mo quickly ran towards Pu Yao's location. He had a strong feeling in his heart that something big must have happened!

When he rushed to the tombstone and saw the Pu Yao on the tombstone, he was stunned. Pu Yao's face was so pale that there was no trace of blood. He looked like a clay sculpture sitting cross-legged on a tombstone, motionless, with black clouds lingering around him.

Pu! Zuo Mo suppressed the panic in his heart and shouted.

Pu Yao did not react, like a stone sculpture carved from white rock.

Zuo Mo shouted a few more times, but Pu Yaoru didn't hear him.

Something must have happened!

Zuo Mo forced himself to calm down. He carefully recalled every bit of that day, Yin Zhu, and combined with Pu Yao's appearance, what happened that day was ready to be revealed...

Low-level cultivators are like grass in the eyes of high-level cultivators. When he saw Xue Yun, he knew that it was difficult to be kind, so he made up his mind to fight to the death. Even a low-level magic weapon has been killed to suppress it, let alone the mysterious Yin Pearl? Most of the Yin beads on my body are still there, which means those people didn't succeed.

Could it be that Pu Yao really saved him?

Zuo Mo didn't believe that Pu Yao could be so kind? However, this speculation seems to be the most reasonable of all speculations.

With Pu Yao looking so bleak in front of him, Zuo Mo hesitated. Was Pu Yao injured?

Looks very injured...

Even when Pu Yao was beheaded by Uncle Xin Yan, he had never been so weak. Staring at the lifeless Pu Yao, Zuo Mo suddenly thought that Pu Yao would not die like this, but for some reason, he suppressed this thought. This thought made him panic. Did the Panic Pu Yao suddenly disappear like this? But isn't this what I have always wanted?

Looking at the lifeless Pu Yao, the expression in Zuo Mo's eyes changed.

He closed his eyes, and after a while, he opened them again.

I don’t owe anyone any favors!

He was just repaying the favor of saving his life, Zuo Mo told himself.

For some reason, when he made up his mind, the panic in his heart suddenly stopped.

Looking up at the stone-like Pu Yao, Zuo Mo took a deep breath. He began to try to recall every detail of being with Pu Yao in his mind, hoping to find a way to help Pu Yao.

The first thing he thought of was Fetal Breath Refining God. Pu Yao had been either inducing or forcing him to practice Fetal Breath Refining God.

Zuo Mo remembered very clearly that just after he broke through for a breath, the sea of ​​fire in the sea of ​​​​consciousness was much stronger than before. Seeing the weak flame that was now weak and could be extinguished at any time, Zuo Mo felt that this dark red flame should be inseparable from the Pu Yao.

Next is crystal stones. Pu Yao always needs a lot of crystal stones. Most of Zuo Mo's crystals fell into Pu Yao's hands. Pu Yao's demand for crystals was so great that even Zuo Mo was a little surprised. Although Zuo Mo didn't know where Pu Yao spent the crystals, it was obvious that the crystals were very important to Pu Yao and might be able to help Pu Yao.

Then there is Yin Qi. Zuo Mo could vividly see the scene of Pu Yao desperately absorbing the Yin energy in the sword cave. Zuo Mo felt that Yin Qi was like a great tonic for Pu Yao, and it should also be helpful.

After thinking for a long time, Zuo Mo concluded these three points. Among the three, the most difficult thing to deal with is Yin Qi. If you want to absorb Yin Qi, you need to enter the sword cave. When Pu Yao was still awake, entering the sword cave was just a matter of crystal stones. But relying on Zuo Mo's own strength, it is extremely difficult to enter the sword cave and is basically hopeless. So far in our sect, only senior brother Wei Sheng has entered the sword cave. The others, even if Zuo Mo understood the Li Shui Sword Intention and showed good talents, the elders in the sect never mentioned the sword cave.

Zuo Mo focused on the first two points, which he thought were more feasible.

He decided to go to the stone room to meditate and practice Fetal Breath Refining God. When he was about to start, he realized that his face in the mirror had not changed yet. He quickly washed the disguise off his face. If someone broke in at this time, it would be terrible.

It's been a long time since Zuo Mo practiced Fetal Breath God Refining so seriously. Although he practiced it every day, he didn't really put much thought into it. At this time, he planned to practice seriously, but he suddenly discovered many things that were not clear to him but were ignored by him. He couldn't help but feel guilty and reflected secretly in his heart. It was as if he had returned to the time before his breakthrough, desperately studying this obscure mental method.

People are always like this. When they need time, they always find that time is slippery and disappears if you are not careful.

After coming back from his trance, it was already getting late. Zuo Mo entered the sea of ​​​​consciousness and took a look again. The flames were still weak and there was no obvious improvement. It seems that it still requires long-term practice, he thought to himself.

After exiting the sea of ​​consciousness, he began to sort out the various elixirs he bought from Dongfu. These raw materials were used by him to try the water refining method and earn some crystal stones, but he didn't expect that they would come in handy now. Before, Zuo Mo only had a trial attitude towards water refining alchemy, but now, he is extremely serious about it. In his deduction, the crystal stone is also an important point. He didn't know what help the crystal could bring to Pu Yao, but it was one of the few things he could do.

Zuo Mo couldn't help but smile bitterly in his heart. It seems that in his life, earning crystal stones is an eternal proposition!

Abandoning distracting thoughts, he began to process these raw materials according to what Senior Wei Nan said in the jade slip.

The method of refining by water and the method of refining by fire are completely different. For Zuo Mo, it was the first time for him to come into contact with many things. Fortunately, he now has some foundation in alchemy, and his previous crazy refining of Jinwu Pills also gave him a lot of experience. The language used in Senior Wei Nan's jade slips was straightforward and simple, without any pretense, and it was easy for Zuo Mo to understand it.

This is why browsing the jade slips of Senior Wei Nan always makes Zuo Mo feel relaxed and happy, and he is unconsciously addicted to it, but Refining the God of Fetal Breath always makes him heartbroken, and life is worse than death.

Zuo Mo had thought over the rough steps of the water refining method many times. Although he was not as familiar with it as mud, he was still familiar with it. The most peculiar thing about the water refining method is that it needs to establish an elixir first. The elixir is conceived in the elixir fetus, and the process is like human pregnancy and childbirth, which is miraculous and abnormal.

Using the spiritual power of the magic formula as the vein, and various raw materials and spiritual herbs as flesh and blood, the refined elixir is the most critical step in the water refining method. Not only will it directly determine whether there will be a pregnancy elixir, but any slight change in it may lead to vastly different elixirs being produced.

This is also an important reason why the water refining method is not as popular as the fire refining method. Its rules are even more difficult to explore.

For Zuo Mo, this is undoubtedly a new challenge. Fortunately, his current cultivation level is much deeper than when Senior Wei Nan tried the water refining method. Senior Wei Nan's account is also extremely detailed, and many key points are elaborated again and again. Moreover, Zuo Mo has an advantage that Wei Nan does not have, and that is his spiritual consciousness. His spiritual consciousness, not to mention senior Wei Nan back then, was not as good as that of other senior brothers in the sect. The wonderful use of spiritual consciousness plays an extremely key role in the method of refining by fire.

With the prepared spiritual herbs and elixir, he came to the spiritual spring in the stone room. The spiritual spring is extremely cold and is located near the spiritual veins. After so many years, the spiritual energy contained in the spring water is also abundant and rich. Zuo Mo took a look at the ice cloud grass growing there and saw that it was growing well, so he put it aside.

After calming down, Zuo Mo's hands suddenly felt like snowflakes flying.

Some characters with strange shapes and shimmering light flew out from his hands and disappeared into the spiritual spring. These shimmering characters were submerged into the spiritual spring, and slowly approached each other as if they were attracted.

Zuo Mo's eyes widened for a moment, and the speed of his hands did not slow down at all.

As the fingering on Zuo Mo's hand changed, the shimmering characters in Lingquan moved slowly, just like building blocks, the characters gradually piled up and reorganized.

For a whole hour, Zuo Mo was sweating profusely, but he didn't dare to move his eyes even a little bit in the rising fog. Zuo Mo's fingers were sore and limp due to the constant changing of fingering techniques. He could only grit his teeth and persevere. A slight mistake would mean that all previous efforts would be wasted.

When the last shimmering character moved in, a stable frame was formed, and a burst of light blue light appeared, flowing endlessly along the surface of the characters!

Zuo Mo didn't dare to hesitate. He didn't even have time to wipe off the sweat. He put all the materials that he had prepared accurately and used specific techniques to insert them into them.

For a moment, a light blue spherical elixir body hung quietly in the spiritual spring. My QT room is open! Fang Xiang’s official QT room number [9177] click to enter

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