World of Warcraft Murloc City Guide

Chapter 143 Navigation and Trade

The battle between the tribal alliance and the Kokar Centaur ended. This battle did not change the situation in the Barrens. Such results are commonplace for various races living in the Barrens. 【】

Many years have passed since the Horde camp entered the Barrens. Centaurs, wild boars, harpies and other races that are not tolerated by the Horde camp still live in the Barren Land. These races live tenaciously in the Barren Land and want to take them away. It's not that easy to drive away.

Yang Yi shifted his attention from the tribes and centaurs back to Ratchet Village. He wanted to work hard to develop Ratchet Village so that the fishmen could live tenaciously on this land.

After Yang Yi obtained the construction drawings of the village's level 1 jewelry workshop from the goblin merchant, a jewelry workshop was built in Ratchet Village, and more than a dozen murloc craftsmen were assigned to work in the jewelry workshop.

Making handicrafts is the specialty of the murloc tribe. In the early days, Ratchet Village did not specially cultivate murloc craftsmen. When they leveled the murloc village in the canyon, they captured a dozen talents in this field, so Yang Yi planned to Build an jewelry workshop and make good use of this specialty of the fishmen.

Ratchet Village currently has many shellfish farms, and countless low-level ordinary pearls are harvested every month. A lot of high-quality pearls have also been accumulated in the warehouse, and these pearls can be used to make jewelry.

Ordinary quality pearls can be used to make pearl necklaces, bracelets, rings and other accessories, which are very popular among aborigines.

Level 2 excellent quality [Small Glossy Pearls] are very valuable in the hands of various life occupations. Not only can they be used to make jewelry, they are also used by tailors to make [Pearl Cloak], [Moonlight Coat] and other tailoring products. At the same time, The blacksmith will also use it when making the [Pearl Dagger].

Yang Yi asked these fishman handicraft craftsmen to first learn to use this pearl to make a ring called [Simple Pearl Ring], which is an excellent quality ring.

[Small shiny pearls] are mainly produced from small clam shells. The hard-shelled clams recently started to be cultured in shellfish farms have a certain chance of producing level 3 excellent quality [colored pearls]. This kind of In addition to making jewelry, colored pearls are also used to make high-quality equipment such as [Silver Scale Breastplate] and Gem Belts, so they are even more valuable.

Now the shellfish farm in Ratchet Village has another function besides raising sea shells to provide mussel meat for the fishmen in the village, that is, it specializes in raising sea shells that breed pearls.

The fishmen in Ratchet Village have not mastered the technology of artificially growing pearls from sea shells, but Yang Yi recently discovered a fishman talent, which made it possible for Ratchet Village to specialize in cultivating sea shells that breed pearls.

This is a purple-gold little fish-man. This little fish-man has just walked out of the nursery pond.

[Name]: Little Fishman

[Qualification]: C

[Level]: Level 1 Murloc

[Race]: Long Beach Murloc

[Gender]: Female

[Experts]: Perceiving pearls, dexterous hands, making jewelry

This little green fish-man is a little mute. When Yang Yi was inspecting the shellfish farm, he found her as a fish-man fry. She was stealing small clam shells.

At that time, Yang Yi saw that the fish-man fry had a special color of scales and was pitiful for being mute, so he asked the fish-man in the village to take her back to the nursery pond.

The purple-gold murloc has the specialty of "perceiving pearls", so she has a high chance of being able to detect whether there are pearls inside the clam shell without having to pry it open.

Yang Yi still remembered that when he opened the small clam shell she stole, he found a "shiny little pearl".

This expertise of the purple-gold fishman is of great use to Ratchet Village, which has a large shellfish farm.

Ratchet Village can continue to cultivate the selected seashells instead of digging them up and eating them after they have passed the growth stage. This can greatly increase the number of high-grade, high-quality pearls that Ratchet Village can obtain.

This little murloc can help Ratchet Village identify and select seashells containing pearls. At the same time, she is also a talent in making jewelry, so Yang Yi brought her to let her learn to make jewelry in the jewelry workshop.

After the establishment of the jewelry workshop, Ratchet Village gained another profitable industry. Yang Yi handed over the purple-gold murloc to the best murloc craftsman in the village and left.


The Murloc ambusher Swart learned to make [Corrosive Acid] within a few days after hard work. Ratchet Village is currently preparing to test the effect of this poison on the Lobstermen.

In the Colosseum of Ratchet Village, Yang Yi was sitting in the audience. Swart stood in front of him holding several green vials. There was also a group of fighting fishmen and three tall men standing on the duel field in front. lobster man.

"Get out of the way, leaving a lobster man in the middle. Swart, you can try the corrosive acid to see how effective it is." Yang Yi ordered.

The fighting fish man immediately drove the two lobster men out of the way, and Swart walked towards the lobster man who stayed in the middle of the field with the green medicine bottle.


Swart moved quickly. He raised his hand and a small green bottle flew towards the lobster man like a dart.

With a bang, the small green medicine bottle smashed into one of the Lobster Man's shrimp claws, and the green liquid in the bottle stuck to the Lobster Man's shrimp claws like a thick plaster.

The shrimp shells on the lobster man's prawn claws are the thickest part of their bodies. When the green liquid sticks to them, white smoke immediately rises from the prawn claws.

The lobster man was extremely frightened when he saw the white smoke rising from his prawn claws, but he was oppressed by the fighting fishmen around him and the lobster man did not dare to move.

About a minute later, the lobster man suddenly let out a heart-rending scream, and the shrimp shell of his shrimp claws was corroded by the corrosive acid.

The corrosive acid began to erode the lobster man's flesh. The lobster man was in pain and began to roll on the ground. Several fighting murlocs stepped forward to end his life.

"The effect is okay, but it takes a little long. Try the shrimp shells on the backs and tails of the other two lobster men." Yang Yi said.

The fighting fish man drove the other two lobster men into the middle. Although they were frightened after hearing the miserable screams of the previously dead lobster men, they still stood obediently in the middle of the field.

Swart smashed two green medicine bottles on the backs and tails of the two lobster men respectively. In less than a minute, the latter two lobster men screamed one after another.

Soon, the two struggling lobster men were killed by the fighting fish men.

"These three lobster men are still underage. If they were adult lobster men, it would take longer to burn through their shrimp shells. Although the time is a bit long, it is still within an acceptable range. Overall, the effect is pretty good. ”

Yang Yi nodded. It was very difficult to deal with the corrosive acid. Even if the lobster man used shrimp claws to pick it, the shrimp claws would be corroded.

"Swat, can this corrosive acid only be stored in glass bottles?" Yang Yi asked.

"Yes." Swart nodded.

"Then we have to find a way. This corrosive acid can corrode even the lobster man's shrimp shell. It cannot be applied to the weapon, otherwise the weapon will be corroded." Yang Yi thought about it.

Yang Yi wanted to use this corrosive acid to deal with the lobster people, so that the fish people would not have to fight hand-to-hand with the lobster people.

If the glass bottle is thrown by hand, the distance is not far enough. In that case, both parties may have finished fighting before the corrosive acid takes effect.

"Tie small bottles to a spear and throw them together? Or get a catapult specially designed to throw small bottles?"

Yang Yi thought for a while and found a way to prepare the ejector. Before that, you can let the murloc spear throwers in the village try it out to see if it works smoothly. It would be best if it works.

"Swat, the village has recently trained several murloc ambushers. I asked them to follow you to learn to refine corrosive acid and deceleration ointment. These two poisons need to be produced in large quantities." Yang Yi said to Swart.

"Yes." Swart replied.

After testing the effect of corrosive acid on lobster and shrimp shells, Yang Yi left the Colosseum and went to the dock.

Ratchet One is docked at the dock, and the sails on the ship have been raised. Today, the two-masted sailing ship will go out to perform its first mission.

Captain Mojitov, navigator Talley and two undead gnolls have all arrived, and the fishman merchant also came to the dock with his merchant apprentice.

A group of murloc drudges are busy carrying cargo and fresh water and food needed for the voyage to Ratchet One.

"Let's set off when you're ready. Go early and come back early to transport things back. Don't delay on the way." Yang Yi ordered.

"Yes, village chief. Promise to complete the task." Mojitov stood at attention and saluted.

Ratchet One sets sail, this time the destination is Sen'jin Village.

The Darkspear Troll's Sen'jin Village was built on a piece of land called Durotar in the northwest of the Barrens. Sen'jin Village is located on the southeast coast of Durotar.

In fact, the coast of Ratchet Bay is composed of the Barrens to the west and north, and Durotar to the east. Therefore, after leaving Ratchet Bay, you can sail a distance to the east to reach Sen'jin Village.

"At present, the relationship between Ratchet Village and the tribe is pretty good, but it has very little contact with the Darkspear Trolls. I heard Bain Bloodhoof said that Vol'jin, the leader of the Darkspear Trolls, is a wise troll. I hope he can survive The merchant ship trade gradually developed a good relationship with the Darkspear Trolls."

Yang Yi watched the Ratchet One sail away. He sent Ratchet One to Senjin Village this time mainly to buy shields and throwing spears from the Darkspear Trolls. He also hoped to establish normal transactions with Senjin Village. After all, If you take the sea route, the distance between Senjin Village and Ratchet Village is not far.

Yang Yi was on the dock imagining the scene where the Darkspear Trolls in Sen'jin Village warmly welcomed Ratchet One. He didn't know the past festival between the Darkspear Trolls and the Murlocs.

When the Darkspear Trolls moved to the desert island in the South China Sea from Stranglethorn Valley, Senjin, the father of Vol'jin, the current leader of the Darkspear Trolls, led the tribe to abandon their prejudices and work with Thrall's orcs to defeat a group of humans who invaded the Jungle Island. But tragedy soon befell the Darkspear tribe. In order to appease the mysterious sea witch, a group of crazy fishmen captured the trolls and orcs on the island. Although many of the imprisoned orcs and trolls successfully escaped, the forest Jin was killed.

In honor of Sen'jin, Thrall welcomed the Darkspear into the Horde. The new leader of the Darkspear tribe, Vol'jin, was also grateful for the help of the orcs, so he joined the tribe with the Darkspear troll and became the first member of the new tribe.

It can be said that if it had not been for the full help of the orc chief Thrall, the Darkspear tribe might have been wiped out by the murlocs and disappeared from the history of Azeroth. At the same time, it was also because of the appearance of the fishmen that the establishment of the new tribe was promoted.

If Yang Yi knew this period of history, he would probably break out in a cold sweat.

Fortunately, Baine Bloodhoof was right. Vol'jin, the current leader of the Darkspear Trolls, is a wise troll.

Although the Darkspear Trolls in Sen'jin Village would not be enthusiastic about finding the Murlocs, they would not feed the crew of Ratchet One to the Velociraptors under normal circumstances.


Time flies quickly, and a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

Although the Kokal centaurs in the Backwater Oasis successfully defended their territory, they suffered heavy casualties, so these centaurs have been quiet a lot this month.

The Kokar centaur did not come to harass the murlocs of Ratchet Village. On the other side, the Slippery Shell Lobsterman tribe living not far from the mouth of Ratchet Bay kept coming to trouble the murlocs of Ratchet Village.

The murlocs of Ratchet Village have to carry out many of their daily tasks in the bay, and these slippery lobstermen find opportunities to continuously attack lone murlocs in the bay.

The sneak attack of the Slippery Shell Lobster Man disturbed Ratchet Village, and Yang Yi decided to have a battle with the Lobster Man.

Yang Yi called all the murlocs in the village back, and then gathered all the fighting murlocs in the village to wait for the lobster man's arrival.

He knew the purpose of these slippery-shell lobster people. They were here to find the little Naga. As long as the little Naga was in Ratchet Village, these lobster people would definitely come to his door.

Although this tribe of slippery lobstermen had come into contact with the fighting murlocs of Ratchet Village, they did not know the true strength of Ratchet Village. In order to prevent these slippery lobstermen from escaping through the sea, Yang Yi deliberately chose the battlefield. on land.

The murlocs of Ratchet Village stood ready, and nearly two hundred strong Slippery Shell Lobstermen soon fell into the trap.

The combat effectiveness of nearly two hundred fighting lobstermen is equivalent to about six hundred ordinary fighting fishmen.

Having six hundred fighting murlocs is not a small number. The Canyon Murloc Village, which was once the largest murloc village on the Merchant Coast, only had a total of over a thousand murloc villagers, and even fewer fighting murlocs.

Nearly two hundred strong Slippery Shell Lobstermen emerged from the sea, and they charged towards Ratchet Village in an aggressive manner, intending to kill all the fishmen in Ratchet Village in one fell swoop.

The Slippery Shell Lobsterman rushed to the shore. Not far away was a large fishman village, but they did not see the fishman.

"Elder, I didn't see the fish-man." A lobster man reported to an unusually burly lobster man in front of him.

"Hey, the murlocs in this murloc village are all cowards. Go through this murloc village and be sure to find that little naga. Those damn little greenskins have left. Today we, the lobstermen, are going to Reclaim Ratchet Bay. Yahahahaha.”

The burly elder of the lobster man laughed loudly and strangely. His laughter was filled with ambition and pride, which made people's hair stand on end.

On the other side, the murlocs of Ratchet Village have already set up a dragnet to wait for these lobstermen.

"Today is the time to test your training results. Don't embarrass this lord like you did before. These lobster people are seeking death. We must entertain them well." Yang Yi said to the old blind man and the Brak brothers beside him.

"Yes, Lord. We will kill all these lobster people." The old blind man was extremely excited, and he was ready to kill them all.

All the fighting murlocs are eager to try. In addition to the murlocs' natural bloodthirst, they also have a little passion for defending the murloc village.

All the non-combatant murlocs in Ratchet Village gathered around. They wanted to witness the battle between the fighting murlocs in the village and the lobstermen, the enemies of the murlocs.

After driving away the invading Kokar centaur last time, Yang Yi found that the murlocs in the village began to care about the battle between the murloc village and foreign races. Many murlocs in the village took the initiative to ask him about the battle.

The murlocs of Ratchet Village slowly began to regard themselves as a member of the murloc village and began to care about the survival of the murloc village.

Like other murloc villages on the Merchant Coast in the past, after the village was destroyed by Ratchet Village, the murlocs in the village, except for those who escaped, directly chose to join Ratchet Village. For them, joining the fishman village is just to seek protection, and it doesn't matter which village they belong to.

A fishman patrolling the beach ran back and reported: "Village chief, the lobsterman has landed and is heading towards our village."

"Okay, everyone gets to their places, let them see how powerful Ratchet Village is, and don't let any of them run away."

Yang Yi gave an order, and the Ratchet Village fighting murlocs who had already divided their teams quickly took action. .

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