Tethyr belongs to the Kraken family of sea monsters. Although it looks huge, it is actually just a minor Kraken.

The Kraken are a native species to the world of Azeroth. The Kraken are so ancient that it can be said that they watched the continent rise from the ocean.

Because it spends most of its time dormant at the bottom of the deep sea, the sea monster Kraken appears to be very mysterious, and very little is known about them by land races.

In the history of the world of Azeroth, the Kraken once followed the water elemental lord Tidehunter Neptulon and became Neptulon's right-hand man.

The Kraken race also launched an attack on the Cuban Rush trolls. In that earth-shattering battle, the Kraken killed the holy snake Minos of the Cuban Rush trolls and destroyed the powerful Cuban Rush troll empire. .

This period of history can still be found in the ruins left by the trolls. This bloody scene that brought endless pain to the trolls is engraved on the stone tablet. In the text description of the stone tablet, the waves created by the Kraken tribe are higher than the mountains. The most powerful spell cast by Minos, the holy snake of the troll tribe, can instantly evaporate the sea water and leave a huge burning crater on the seabed. However, But they couldn't defeat the Kraken. In the end, the angry Kraken triggered a tsunami, and the seawater flooded the trolls' last empire, taking away the hope of the trolls' revival.

The sea monster Tethyr was summoned by the Murloc Altar of Ratchet Village. With the help of Little Naga, the translator, Tethyr and the murlocs in Ratchet Village could communicate smoothly.

Tessel did not agree to join Ratchet Village as Yang Yi expected, but it did not leave.

After Yang Yi promised to provide food, Tessel temporarily stayed in Ratchet Bay. It usually stayed and hibernated under the seabed of Ratchet Bay, and would only surface when it needed food.

The sea monster Tethyr is huge and requires a large amount of food. Fortunately, as a sea monster, Tessel is not picky about food and can swallow any meat.

With the presence of Tethyr, the fishmen of Ratchet Village have an extra layer of protection for their activities in Ratchet Bay.

The matter at the Altar of Oaths came to an end, the murlocs of Ratchet Village returned to their respective positions, and Yang Yi also returned to the village.

"Almost all races that can survive and grow in the world of Azeroth have a backer. Should the murlocs of Ratchet Village find a backer themselves, such as the Holy Snake of the Trolls?" Yang Yi couldn't help but think. .

"It's as if the wild boars are the descendants of the ancient demigod Aga Magog. They can borrow the power left by Aga Magog to strengthen themselves, and at the same time they are also looking forward to Aga Magog's rebirth. Even the savage half-gods Centaurs also have a great background. It is said that their ancestors were the illegitimate sons of the demigod Cenarius.”

Although the sea monster Tethyr is huge, it is only a level 5 beast at present. It is not strong enough as a backer. Yang Yi can only hope that its existence can be a boost to Ratchet Village.

Ratchet Village is developing steadily as always. The civilization value and military value of Ratchet Village have reached "2302" and "2411" respectively. It is not far from the village to be upgraded again.

So far, Ratchet Village has profitable industries such as tanning, jewelry, brewing, and alchemy. On the mainland, business has been carried out indirectly with villages and towns such as Crossroads through local aboriginal merchants and adventurers. On the waterway, trade has also begun with Sen'jin of the Darkspear Troll.

All this made the economy of Ratchet Village become active, and the village gradually prospered.

Now, the Merchant Coast and Ratchet Bay south of Ratchet Village have basically been pacified by the murlocs of Ratchet Village. Although Ratchet Village still has no way to completely control this area, it is already safe for the murlocs of Ratchet Village. range of activities.

On the Thorn Ridge to the north of Ratchet Village, the wild boar tusk stabilized the wild boar refugees after receiving food assistance from Ratchet Village. Now they are gradually growing and have become the second largest village on Thorn Ridge, second only to Krynig Badnose. The second largest force leading the Wild Boar Tribe.

Now the two steel-maned wild boar forces are hostile to each other and contain each other, which greatly reduces the pressure on the north of Ratchet Village.

The west side of Ratchet Village is still the biggest source of trouble. The Kokar Centaur in the Backwater Oasis disappeared for a while after a battle with the tribal alliance, but recently it has become active again, and it has become even more intense.

The two centaur leaders, Stone Spear and Broken Spear, lost a large number of their teams in the last war. After that, the Centaur Great Khan of the Barrens directly sent a man to prevent the backwater oasis from being taken away by the tribe. Centaur army.

The leader of this centaur army that reinforced the backwater oasis was a powerful centaur warrior named Verogo.

Verogo was originally from the Centaur tribe in the Backwater Oasis. After he came back, he defeated Stone Spear and Broken Spear one after another and became the new khan of the Centaur tribe in the Backwater Oasis.

Verogo is different from the two young centaurs, Stone Spear and Broken Spear. He has been galloping in the barren land for many years. Because of his crazy behavior, people called him Verogo the Fanatic.

The fanatical Verogo lived up to his title. As soon as he became the khan of the centaur tribe in the backwater oasis, he immediately led the centaurs to burn, kill and plunder everywhere, and even led the centaur team to harass crossroads.

Today, the fanatical Verogo led a team of 800 centaurs heading east from the Backwater Oasis and arrived at the west gate of Ratchet Village.

Verogo, the new khan, was very upset about the fact that two of his subordinates had been defeated by the fishmen.

Centaurs are a powerful race with a perfect combination of strength and speed. How could they lose to a weak and inferior race like the fishmen?

"Khan, the fishman village is ahead." Shi Qiang pointed in the direction of Ratchet Village.

"Well, this fishman village is a little different. It actually has a wall. Unfortunately, this wooden fence is too short and the defense is too weak. As long as our centaurs launch a charge, we can break through this fishman village immediately." Verogo was well-informed and didn't care at all about the wooden wall of the fishman village, which was only over three meters high. .

"Khan is right. Taking over this fishman village is not a problem. I heard that the fishmen in this fishman village store a lot of food. We can take this opportunity to grab all the food." Shi Qiang said.

"The food of the fishmen is just for us centaurs, haha." Verogo said with a smile.

"That's because Khan personally took action, and these fishmen had no chance of survival." Shi Qiang flattered.

"The scouts are dispersed to various highlands to conduct reconnaissance. If there is any abnormal movement, immediately send a signal. Broken Spear, you lead the team forward and break down the gate of the fishman village." Verogo ordered.

"Yes, Khan." Broken Spear replied, with a rather dissatisfied tone.

Broken Spear has a cold attitude and is not as flattering as Shi Qiang. After the new Khan came to power, Broken Spear's status in the tribe became lower and lower.

Although Broken Spear was unwilling, he still led his team to serve as the vanguard.

"Kokkar centaur warrior, follow me to break through the gate of the fishman village."

Broken Spear led a group of centaurs toward Ratchet Village fearlessly. These centaurs kept waving the spears and giant axes in their hands, and they were full of wild murderous intent as they accelerated their charge.

The murlocs of Ratchet Village symbolically threw a round of short spears and retreated from the arrow tower. The west gate did not last long and was soon breached by the large weapons in the hands of the centaurs.

The door was broken, and cruel and fierce centaur teams poured in.

Yang Yi led the murloc warriors from Ratchet Village to guard the inside. In order to separate the western and southwest gate hotel areas open to the outside world, Ratchet Village specially built a wooden wall at the village level 3 in the village. Now this wall The wall became the position that the fishman village held firm.

Between the two walls, the lobsterman slaves of Ratchet Village stood at the front. More than a hundred shield-wielding murlocs stood in three rows behind the lobstermen. Behind them were numerous murloc spear throwers fighting. Fishman.

Centaurs are good at running, and their battles require a wide space to give them the advantage of running speed, but there is not enough space for them between the two walls in Ratchet Village.

"Lord, you are ready." Old Blind Eye reported to Yang Yi.

"Okay." Yang Yi nodded slightly.

"Advance!" Yang Yi shouted and gave the order to start the war.

Yang Yi did not give the incoming centaurs a chance to adjust, and the fighting murlocs of Ratchet Village immediately took action.

The shield-wielding fishmen pressed forward neatly and quickly, squeezing the centaur's space for movement.

"Get ready to throw your spear!"

"Throw a spear!"

The murloc spear throwers came within shooting range, and following Yang Yi's order, more than a hundred short spears were thrown towards the centaur team.

"Get ready to throw the net!"

"Cast the net!"

The dense murloc net flew into the air and threw it at the centaur team.

"Get ready to throw your spear!"

"Throw a spear!"

The fighting murlocs in Ratchet Village were like a battle drill. They followed Yang Yi's orders step by step and launched wave after wave of attacks against the centaurs who invaded Ratchet Village.

Kokar centaurs have mortal bodies. Not only do they not have hard shells like lobster men, but most of them are not equipped with armor. Under the intensive short spear attacks from the fish-men spear throwers, the centaurs at the front fell to the ground one after another.

As the murlocs of Ratchet Village launched waves of fierce attacks, the Kokal Centaur barely fought back with bows and arrows at first, and then became a complete mess.

When the Kokar Centaur plundered caravans and manors, they always relied on their speed to defeat the enemy in one go, or left immediately after charging. Positional warfare like this was not what they were good at.

"Captain Broken Spear, these fishmen are too powerful, we can't resist them."

"Retreat!" Broken Spear decisively ordered the team to retreat this time after learning the lesson from last time.


Broken Spear wanted to retreat, but Yang Yi did not allow the centaurs to escape again. He waved the harpoon in his hand and ordered the lobsters and fishmen to start charging.

The fishman first let the lobstermen rush towards the centaur team. Driven by the fishmen, these lobstermen screamed strangely and crashed into the centaurs.

"Ahhhhhh..." the lobsterman slave shouted and rushed over.

The centaur body is also considered strong, but it is still not enough to face the three-meter-tall lobster man. The centaur team was immediately knocked over by the charging lobster man.

"Wow, wow, wow, wow..."

Except for the shield-bearing murlocs and the murloc spear throwers, all the murlocs rushed out from both sides of the team, and they rushed towards the centaur team that was hurriedly retreating.

The west gate of Ratchet Village is not small, but it is not that easy for these centaurs to escape from the west gate in a short time.

Some centaurs who were squeezed under the wooden fence began to wave their weapons and wanted to break out of the wall. However, the level 3 fence of the village was quite strong. It was not easy for the centaurs to smash a hole in the wooden fence, but they could only barely tolerate it. A tall and long centaur must get out.

At this time, Virogo Khan of the Centaur tribe had already seen that the situation was unfavorable, and he asked Shiqiang to lead another team of centaurs to assist Broken Spear.

Unexpectedly, the two groups of centaurs met at the entrance of the west gate. Now both sides were unable to advance or retreat.

The centaurs who first invaded Ratchet Village were trapped inside, and they had to fight with the fishmen.

"Stone Gun, what's going on?" Virogo Khan realized something was wrong and ran over immediately.

"Khan, I don't know what's going on with the Broken Spear. The tribesmen inside seem to want to withdraw from the Murloc Village." Shi Qiang replied immediately.

"This broken spear is really useless, leave them alone. Everyone throw bows and arrows into the wall of the fishman village, shoot in, and kill those fishmen for me!" Virogo ordered decisively.

The centaurs and fishmen in Ratchet Village were fighting in a melee. Verogo's order for the centaurs outside to throw bows and arrows into the wall was undoubtedly regardless of the life and death of the centaurs inside.

Following the order of Khan Virogo, the centaurs outside took out their longbows and began to throw bows and arrows into Ratchet Village through the three-meter-high wall.

For a moment, arrows rained down in Ratchet Village.

Under the ruthless rain of arrows, both centaurs and fishmen fell one after another.

Since the centaur's bows and arrows were thrown as far away as possible from Ratchet Village, more arrows landed on the position of the large murloc army.

"Back off, everyone back off." Yang Yi had no choice but to give the order to retreat.

The fighting murlocs in Ratchet Village received the order and began to retreat, away from the west wall and the arrows thrown from outside the wall.

As the fishmen retreated, the remaining centaurs took the opportunity to escape.

The first wave of fighting is over.

At the end of the battle, more than 180 centaur corpses were left in Ratchet Village. Even the broken spears were accidentally hit by stray arrows from their own people and fell in the pile of centaur corpses.

The fighting murlocs in Ratchet Village also suffered more than eighty casualties.

"Long live the village chief! Long live Ratchet Village!"

After successfully driving away the invading Kokar centaur, the fighting murlocs in Ratchet Village began to cheer.

"Old Blind Man, let them be prepared. The Kokar Centaur may launch a second round of attack at any time." Yang Yi ordered to Old Blind Man amid cheers.

When the battle ended and the fighting murlocs in the village began to cheer for victory, Yang Yi did not feel the blood brought by the war. His heart only felt the cruelty and ruthlessness of the war.

On the Western Avenue outside Ratchet Village, the eyes of a dozen Kokar centaurs who escaped were dull.

The battle into Ratchet Village brought them indelible painful memories, and they almost couldn't even answer the tribal Khan's questions.

"Khan, Broken Spear has died in the battle." Shiqiang reported to Virogo. He had always been in tit-for-tat with Broken Spear, but at this time he suddenly felt a pang in his heart.

"All the warriors who died on the battlefield are the heroes of our Kokal Centaur tribe. This is the glory of the Kokal Centaur warriors. There is no need to be sad for them." Virogo said impassionedly, "What we have to do now It’s to avenge the tribe’s heroes.”

"Khan, tell us what we should do now."

"We want to avenge our tribe's heroes."

Stone Gun and the other Kokar centaurs were excited after hearing Virogo's words, and their morale slowly improved again.

"Light the torch. If the murlocs continue to hide, they will burn the murloc village." Verogo ordered.

Verogo has rich combat experience. Although he is fanatical about fighting, he still maintains his sanity.

The centaur knew that it would be too costly to forcefully enter the fishman village, so they decided to use fire attacks to break the fishmen's will to fight.

Arson is what the Kokar centaurs often do after plundering. After receiving the order, these centaurs immediately took out the torches and flints they had prepared, and they were ready to burn the fishman village to the ground. .

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