Most of the adventurers who came with the tribal coalition were here to watch the fun, or to see if there was any profit to be made. Some adventurers came to find Yang Yi, who was the original investor in Dead Water Village.

When these investors arrived at Dead Water Murloc Village, they saw that the village, which had been built for more than a month, was destroyed by the Centaurs. Some of them hurriedly tried to find a way to notify the president of their guild, and some rushed to find the Thorntooth Murloc.

"Mayor of Thorntooth Town, why didn't you defend the village?"

"Mayor Poseidon, why did all the houses burn down?"

"What about the money we invested?"


The adventurers all ran to find Yang Yi at this time, and they were all worried that their investment would go down the drain.

"Shut up!" Yang Yi shouted angrily.

The noisy adventurers saw Yang Yi get angry, and then looked at the fighting murlocs around them, and they all shut up and stopped.

"This village will continue to be built as planned. Everyone leave here and don't hinder the murlocs from doing their work." Yang Yi made a promise to the adventurers, and then drove them all out of the wall. The adventurers were driven out one by one by the fighting murlocs, and they gathered together unwillingly. "What should we do?" "Can this murloc's words be trusted?" "The key is that the centaurs are too strong, and these murlocs can't stop them at all." "I have to go back and report whether the subsequent funds should be invested." "I think we should not invest. We are not like those big guilds, who invested a lot of money at the beginning." "Fortunately, our guild only spent some money to brush up the reputation of Ratchet Village." ... The adventurers discussed it in a flurry. After seeing the destroyed murloc village on the scene, they were very skeptical about the construction of Dead Water Village. Although the adventurers signed a contract in advance and determined their respective investment amounts when investing in Dead Water Village, they did not give all the investment money to the murlocs at the beginning. Deadwater Village was originally planned to be a large village, and it would take several months to complete the construction of the entire village. The investment funds were also delivered to the fishmen in batches. In the words of adventurers, this is called phased funding according to the progress of the project.

Deadwater Village had only built two rows of walls and buildings needed for garrison and construction on the side of the fishmen village before, so in fact, only a small part of the investment funds had been received so far.

After driving out all the adventurers, Yang Yi called the old blind eye over.

The losses suffered had almost been counted, and the old blind eye reported to Yang Yi: "Lord, the main losses are that the food in the warehouse was robbed, and the buildings were destroyed and burned. Except for some wood that was burned a little, the other building materials were intact. The injuries of the fishmen have been treated, and none of the kobold slaves were missing because they hid in the cave of Thunder Peak."

Yang Yi was quite satisfied after hearing this, at least there were no casualties.

"Old Blind Eye, organize the fishmen builders and have them build enough fishmen huts so that the fishmen have a place to rest. Tomorrow, we will start to build the wall. Also, send the fishmen back to Ratchet Town to let Slark arrange to deliver enough food."

"Yes, Lord."

Old Blind Eye immediately ran to organize the fishmen builders.

Dead Water Oasis is a little far from Ratchet Town. It will take at least two days for the fishmen to go back to Ratchet Town to prepare materials and then deliver them to Dead Water Oasis. After Old Blind Eye left, Yang Yi wanted to arrange a team of fishmen to go hunting as a temporary food supplement. Currently, Brak is recovering from his injuries, so he found the fishmen ambusher Swat.

"Swat, there is a lack of food here now. You take a squadron of combat fishmen out to hunt." Yang Yi said to Swat.

"Yes." Swat replied, "Lord, there are many foreign humans who have been watching us."

There are too few fish ambushers in Ratchet Town. At present, the main task of the fish ambusher team led by Swat is to guard and investigate. He found that many adventurers looked furtively in the direction of the fish village from time to time after they came.

Originally, Yang Yi didn't care about such things, but when he thought of the adventurers sneaking into the fish village late at night before, he paid attention. It is very likely that there were people sent by Lu Xiaoming among them.

Today, many people came to Dead Water Oasis. In addition to Qin Kunhui and the Blood Blade Mercenary Group who came earlier, a large number of adventurers came later with the tribal reinforcements.

After the tribal reinforcements came, they took the injured orcs to the crossroads. The adventurers did not all leave Dead Water Oasis. Some of the adventurers who stayed behind had already started a fire to prepare food.

Adventurers in the world of Azeroth are very different from players in virtual games. In the past, gamers basically didn't need to worry about food, clothing, housing, transportation, eating, drinking, and defecating. Even if the player character was injured, at most they could take some medicine.

But it's different in the world of Azeroth. For people like Mu Xiaolan who brought hundreds of people here, logistics is already a hassle. Hundreds of mouths need to eat, you have to find a way to feed them first. You also have to arrange rest time to restore your physical strength, otherwise you don't have to do anything.

Being injured is also a big problem. Although there are quick recovery items such as healing potions and first aid bandages, it is not that you can be energetic and healthy immediately after using them.

Many people in Qin Kunhui and the Blood Blade Mercenary Group were injured by the sharp arrows of the centaurs. Now many seriously injured people are still recovering from their injuries, and they all stayed.

"Mu Xiaolan and the others immediately organized so many people to come to the Backwater Oasis today, even earlier than the tribe's wolf cavalry. They must have received some news in advance. Lu Xiaoming has been sending people to sneak into the Backwater Oasis before. It must be There's something wrong with these two siblings, why don't you go find out what's going on?"

Yang Yi looked at the sky. It was already afternoon, and the adventurers were preparing for dinner by making fire and cooking.

"Anyway, there are so many miscellaneous people here today, so I'll blend in. Maybe I can gain something."

Yang Yi made a decision. He found a place and turned into a human.

When Yang Yi appeared in front of everyone in the Backwater Oasis again, he was already carrying a [Hard Short Bow] and holding a [Fighter's Short Sword].

"A short bow of excellent quality and a short sword of ordinary quality can no longer be kept low-key."

Yang Yi looked at his own equipment and the "shattered metal" in the hands of other adventurers, and felt proud.

At present, most of the weapons in the hands of adventurers have moved away from the primitive stage of wood and stones picked up from the ground, and rough-level weapons have become the mainstream. For organizations like Qin Kunhui and the Blood Blade Mercenary Group, most of their elite members already have weapons of ordinary quality. However, weapons of excellent quality are still extremely rare, and only a few leaders such as Mu Xiaolan and Blood Blade own one or two.

After Yang Yi appeared, he did not go directly to the people in Qin Kunhui. He walked around deliberately so as not to appear too deliberate.

The Backwater Oasis was very lively today, and people could be seen setting up fires and barbeques everywhere. It looked like a large suburban barbecue party organized by a group.

Some adventurers took this opportunity to spread animal skins or linen on the ground and started to set up stalls to sell all kinds of strange things.

Yang Yi walked past several street stalls. He took a look and found that the adventurers really had their own magical powers. In addition to equipment and food, there are teeth of beasts, feathers of raptors, strange stones, and gear parts removed from unknown places.

Most of those equipment were of rough quality. Occasionally, there were a few items of ordinary quality that could not catch Yang Yi's eyes. Yang Yi didn't sell any of them. However, there was a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl selling a fruit called [Golden-skinned Apples], which aroused his interest. There were three golden-skinned apples placed in front of the girl. It was obvious that she did not grow this number herself.

Yang Yi saw that the apples were selling well, and he could tell with the Lord's Eye that they were level 3 food.

"I haven't eaten fruit for a long time. Let's buy a few to try."

Yang Yi was greedy, so he threw a silver coin to the girl and bought three apples.

"Thank you, thank you." The girl kept thanking her and quickly put away the silver coins.

"Ah, three apples for one silver coin!"

"I also sell food here, boss, would you like to see it?"

"Brother, are you still accepting new people in the guild? I can cook, do laundry, massage, warm beds, and can do everything."

The people setting up the stall next to the girl all showed surprised expressions. One silver coin was a lot of money. This kind of apple had no other effect except filling the stomach.

"What are you talking about? Have you never seen a wealthy person?" Yang Yi roared disdainfully.

Yang Yi shrugged and thought to himself: The uncle doesn't have copper coins with him, the smallest ones are silver coins. The uncle just has money, there is nothing he can do.

When everyone saw that Yang Yi was not only spending money lavishly, but also speaking so "lavishly", they all consciously shut their mouths.

"Little sister, where did you get these apples?"

Yang Yi opened his mouth wide and took a big bite of the apple, then asked the girl while chewing and foaming at the mouth. He has recently become accustomed to staying with fishmen, and his behavior has become increasingly erratic.

The girl had some freckles on her face. She took a step back to avoid Yang Yi's saliva, then frowned and looked at Yang Yi. He looked like he was only a teenager, but he actually called her little sister.

But considering that Yang Yi was a rich man, the girl reluctantly replied: "There are many apples like this near Razor Swamp in the south. Everyone who has been there knows it."

"Razorfen is the territory of the quilboar. Do the quilboar still grow apples? I haven't heard the quilboar Tooth say this. I'll ask him next time I see him."

Yang Yi left the girl's stall while biting the apple.

This [Golden Apple] tastes really good. Yang Yi finished eating one and started to eat the second one. A few steps ahead, a thin young man stumbled towards Yang Yi.

The young man didn't seem to be looking at the road and suddenly bumped into a big man. A piece of parchment in his hand fell to the ground.

"Boy, didn't you wear your eyes when you went out?" the big man yelled angrily.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't see it." The skinny boy apologized quickly.

After the parchment fell on the ground, the young man hurriedly stretched out his hands to pick it up, but he couldn't find it after groping for a long time.

"There's no point in saying sorry."

The big man pushed the young man to the ground with both hands.

Yang Yi was chewing an apple and watching.

The wind on the grassland was strong, and after the parchment landed, it was blown in the direction of Yang Yi. In fact, it only flew three or four steps. But the skinny boy stretched out his hand to feel around. Could it be that the big man was right? This skinny boy really went out without his eyes.

"What's painted on it?"

Yang Yi curiously glanced at the parchment in front of his feet. The wrinkled parchment seemed to have a rough map drawn on it.

"Hey, where have I seen this map? Isn't this the map of the Barrens?"

Yang Yi remembered that the orcs had asked the Ratchet fishmen to cooperate in attacking the Deadwater Oasis. He had seen a similar map in the camp when he was first brought to see General Legoza Deathgate by the orcs. At that time, Yang Yi was still thinking about getting such a map, but unfortunately he never had the chance.

After Yang Yi saw the map of the Barrens drawn on the parchment, he quickly picked it up and walked towards the two of them.

"Brother, don't be angry. This friend of mine likes to walk without looking at the road."

Yang Yi stepped forward and took the big man's hand. He stuffed an apple into his hand and a silver coin at the same time.

The big man was about to get angry when he saw an apple, but when he saw a white silver coin, he immediately grasped it.

"Tell your friend to be careful next time." The big man left behind his words and left.

It's easy to do things if you have money. Yang Yi walked over and helped the young man up.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you very much."

The young man stood up, regardless of dusting himself off. He hurriedly reached out and grabbed the parchment in Yang Yi's hand while saying thanks.

Yang Yi grabbed one end of the parchment, and the boy also grabbed the other end of the parchment. Yang Yi didn't want to let go, so the young man pulled hard but failed to pull off the parchment.

"Ahem." Yang Yi coughed awkwardly, "Brother, did you draw this drawing yourself? Can you sell it?"

"I won't sell it for any amount of money!" The young man was very determined.

Yang Yi smiled and said, "I won't sell it for any amount of money." Isn't it just that the money is too little? Let's see the uncle use money to knock you out.

Yang Yi took out a gold coin directly.

"Never sell!"

The young man said and suddenly rushed forward, grabbing the parchment held by Yang Yi with both hands. He pulled with all his strength, tearing the parchment to pieces just to get the parchment back into his hand.

Yang Yi looked at the corner of the parchment left in his hand, feeling baffled by the boy's behavior. "It's so fierce, it's not a treasure. Could it be some kind of treasure map?"

"Thank you, thank you, I'm leaving."

The young man snatched the parchment back, said thank you again and again, and then ran away in a hurry.

Come on, I don't care either.

Yang Yi watched the boy stumble and run away, stepping on other people's stalls on the way.

"The name is 'Baoyu'. He has no level and no decent weapons. This kid is miserable." Yang Yi looked at him with the Lord's Eye and found that he only had name information.

When the young man named Baoyu ran away, Yang Yi just regarded it as an interlude. He saw that he had had enough of wandering around, so he pretended to be walking towards Qin Kunhui. .

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