Near noon, the noon gate outside the palace was surrounded by people at this time.

Countless students are anxiously waiting.

The spies of the family and the gate valve are also waiting anxiously.

It's those ladies who can't help but come out to see the excitement.

The imperial examination can be said to be the biggest event in recent years.

Students from all over the world gather together, and whoever can get the top three is the most powerful person.

This is undoubtedly an opportunity to make a name for yourself.

Although the masters of Sanhua Gathering can overlook all living beings, to put it bluntly, the rivers and lakes are only the circle of a small number of people, and reading is the circle of everyone, which is the real glory of the ancestors.

It was just three o'clock in the afternoon, and the drums were beating.

The sound of the drums is deafening and awe-inspiring.

The crowd that was in a hurry fell silent.

The long-awaited moment of the unveiling of the list has finally arrived.

When the palace gate opened, thousands of Imperial Forest soldiers lined up on both sides.

The neat queue is spectacular and majestic.

With sharp eyes and a murderous aura, he is definitely the elite of the elite.

Li Xiuning was shocked, this kind of momentum is definitely a hundred battles, I didn't expect the Imperial Forest Army in this palace to be so powerful.

Two soldiers, laying out the red carpet in front.

After a while, Zhang Juzheng, the first assistant minister of the cabinet, led Pei Ju, Di Renjie, Hai Rui, Bao Zheng, and the entire cabinet members slowly walked out.

Zhang Juzheng was holding a gold list in his hand, and countless people stared at the gold list, and their eyes were red.

It's all about the fate of all.

After all of them stood still, Zhang Juzheng looked at the black pressure and said loudly: "Thanks to the emperor's grace.

Let the students have a fair chance to compete, first of all, you should be grateful to the current saint, if it weren't for the emperor, you would never have this opportunity"

The guard next to him shouted: "Kneel down and thank the Holy Grace!"

Hearing this, everyone knelt down.

In unison, he said: "Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

The sound was overwhelming, resounding in the sky.

Seeing this, Zhang Juzheng nodded with satisfaction, just know who gave you the opportunity.

After everyone stood up, Zhang Juzheng said again: "Since the emperor ascended the throne, he has worked hard every day, picked up the lamp and reviewed the folds, which can be described as hard work, forgetting to sleep and eat.

For the prosperity of the Great Zhou, we have worked hard to carry out continuous reforms.

This is the first imperial examination in this dynasty, and it also ended grandly under the auspices of the emperor. "

"Today, the unveiling of the gold list is also a moment that the students sitting here are looking forward to.

Then no more nonsense.

At the same time, in order to prevent cheating, the top ten test papers will be published for everyone to watch, which is absolutely fair, just, open and transparent."

Hearing this, many people were excited.

I also think this method is good, everyone will judge, how can the top ten write not as good as their own, isn't that shady?

"This time, a total of 300 tributes will be admitted, and they can be assigned to various county offices, and they can be examined again in the coming year.

The first 100 are Jinshi, and they can meet the emperor in the Jinluan Palace, and the emperor will decide who is the champion.

The specific results of 100 jinshi are divided into three grades: first, second, and third.

The first name is only three: the first name is "Zhuangyuan", the second name is "Bangyan", the third name is "Tanhua", called "Sanding Jia", and all are given "Jinshi and No.";

The second class takes a number of names, and all of them are given "Jinshi origin";

The top three take a number of names, and all of them are given "from the same jinshi".

Now that the rules are complete, I will announce the scores of the top 10 candidates.

First place in this imperial examination: Zhang Liang, from Songhai Confucian Three Zhuang Masters, with a total score of 580 points in six subjects"

The audience was in an uproar, I didn't expect Zhang Liang to take so many exams.

"It's not a loss to be the three masters of Songhai Confucianism, it's amazing."

'Who knows, I don't know if it's the real thing?'

'It's all public exam papers, how can it be fake'

"That is, Zhang Liang is a great talent, of course he is qualified."

There was a lot of discussion at the scene, and the guard snorted coldly: "Silence!"

After the audience was quiet, Zhang Juzheng said again: "Second place: Han Fei, from the representative of the Legalists, with a total score of 578 points in six subjects"

"Third place: Li Xunhuan, from the Li family in Yuzhou, with a total score of 569 points in six subjects;

Fourth place: Ding Dian, from Jingzhou Lingjia, with a total score of 568 points in six subjects


Ninth place: Shi Qing, from Jinzhou, with a total score of 410 points in six subjects

10th place: Gao gradually left, from the Mo family, with a total score of 400 points in six subjects.

The results of the top 10 have been announced, and their exam papers will be posted for everyone's reference.

The rankings of all candidates will also be posted.

The first 100 jinshi, each with their own documents, half an hour later, with the guards into the palace to meet the emperor"

"Yes, Master Zhang"

After Zhang Juzheng, Di Renjie, Bao Zheng, and the other five cabinets left, everyone became impatient.

"Who is this Shi Qing, I don't know it at all, I just haven't heard of it, I can't operate it, right?"

'How is it possible, his exam papers will be announced soon, and he can't run away'

'I didn't make the list, I thought I was going to be in the top 10'

'Hmph, the top four have the highest scores, all of them are above 500 points, and the others are not good'

'Just look at it'

Soon, the rankings came out.

Many people were excited, while others burst into tears.

'I actually fell off the list, it's so unfair'

'Hahaha, I'm three hundred, I'm a tribute'

"I can't meet the emperor in person, what are you proud of?"

'That is'

'I am not convinced, why am I a thousand people away?'

'I'm not convinced either'

'Let's go and see the top 10 results, I don't believe I'm worse than them'

When Zhang Liang's test paper was sent out, everyone gasped.

'It's such a beautiful word, no wonder it gets a high score'

'Look at the last two math questions, it's so simple.'

"Yes, this chicken and rabbit are in the same cage, and it is assumed that two rabbit feet are cut off, it is so simple to calculate, I am really careless."

"That's it, no wonder it's amazing to be the first place."

Soon, Han Fei, Ding Dian, and Li Xunhuan's math exam questions were all released.

Everyone was amazed.

"No wonder you can get a high score, the last two questions of the top four are correct, it's amazing."

'Look at the liberal arts, I'd like to see what they're capable of.'

The first thing everyone reads is poetry, which is really attractive to them literati.

After reading the poem made by Zhang Liang, everyone's eyes flashed with a hint of amazement.

Everyone couldn't help but read it out: 'Dead Yuan knows that everything is empty, but the sorrow is not the same as Kyushu.

The king calmed the world and the day, and the family sacrifice did not forget to tell Na Weng'

"A good sentence, the family sacrifice has not forgotten to tell Na Weng, it is good, good poetry, no wonder I can take the first, I took it"

'Look at Han Fei's, it's not bad'

'The country is broken by mountains and rivers, and the city is deep in spring.

When I feel the tears, I hate the birds.

The beacon fire lasted for three months, and the family letter was worth 10,000 dollars. ’

'The beacon fire has been in the rain for three months, and the family letter is worth 10,000 gold, this sentence is too shocking, and it goes to the heart'

'It's a good sentence to hate farewell birds, it's well written

Look at this Li Xunhuan, it's also very amazing, you have to be talented. ’

'The smoke cage is cold and the moon is long and sandy, and the night is close to the restaurant in Qinhuai. The merchant girl doesn't know the hatred of the country, and she still sings after the river is over.

Especially the last two sentences, 'The merchant girl doesn't know the hatred of the country, and she still sings after the river', which is too appropriate, and satirizes how many wealthy families and Qinglou'

'I took it, I really took it, the top three are really talented, I'm convinced'

'I also took it, no wonder I was able to take the first place'

Soon, the three poems spread among the crowd.

Even many people took out a pen and hurriedly wrote it down, it can be said that after today, Zhang Liang, Han Fei, and Li Xunhuan will be famous all over the world.

Shi Qingxuan, who was in the crowd, saw the poems of the top three, and immediately gave up the arrogance and admiration in his heart.

There is no longer any dissatisfaction, the poems made by the top three are amazing.

'Look, what do they think about land annexation and tax reform?'

'Yes, yes, that's the main thing'

'Hey, that's well written'

'My blood boils when I see it, and if I really do this, then blessed are the people of the world'


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