Xian Ao

Chapter 647: Magic Talisman: Incarnation of the Demon (sixth update, please give me monthly votes fo

Chapter 647: Magic Talisman - Incarnation of the Demon (sixth update, please give me monthly votes for recommendation)

These light points merged into Yu Zecheng's body little by little. Bai Hexi watched silently, gritted his teeth, disappeared instantly, and returned to his true form. The current Bai Hexi was just like Yu Zecheng had controlled the Immortal Qin Yuanying puppet. However, the one in the dominant position is the magic spirit of Dongfu. He controls Bai Hexi's body and controls his consciousness.

Only by this method can the cave magic spirit escape from the control of the cave and reach the outside world.

After returning to his own body, in an instant, the Qin Terracotta Warriors transformed from Bai Hexi's body disappeared immediately, leaving Jialan and Ji Lezhenyi standing in the air.

The last time Yu Zecheng entered the Xianqin ruins, the place was in a state of dilapidation. Because at that time, although the magic spirit of the Xianqin cave had its own consciousness, it could not reach such a smooth and adaptable level and could only enter the Xianqin. Everyone in the ruins conducts transactions and then secretly exploits them to obtain resources that support the operation of the Xianqin ruins.

Later, Yu Zecheng blackmailed Immortal Qin Dongfu's magic spirit, and was suddenly robbed of 30,000 merits by Yu Zecheng. Dongfu Farrington suffered a big loss for a while, but it was a blessing in disguise, as if he had an enlightenment and figured out many things.

When Yu Zecheng left, he refined all the souls captured by the Qian Demon Spirit Master into puppets, and then began to drive them to rebuild the ruins of Xian Qin. At the same time, he began to activate all the unfinished tasks of Xian Qin to bathe Gunzhou. The project, in order to spread its authority, began to develop step by step.

The reconstruction work of Gunzhou in Xianqin back then was almost completed. Later, Xianqin collapsed and the project was stalled indefinitely. Now it has become the territory of Dongfu Dharma Spirit, where it met Bai Hexi and his wife who were in distress, and then Bai Hexi In order to extend his wife's life, he became a subordinate of the magic spirit of the cave.

Bai Hexi was modulated by it into another powerful Immortal Qin warrior god, King Kong, so today it was able to control Bai Hexi, walk out of the Immortal Qin cave, snatch the body of the demon, and finally fulfill Yu Zecheng's wish.

Jialan watched Yu Zecheng absorb the white light bit by bit. She shouted angrily, trying to stop Yu Zecheng. This was snatching her body and everything she had, but it was of no use. She could only watch. Yu Zecheng absorbed all the white light and instantly occupied Jialan's body.

In an instant, Yu Zecheng returned to his sober state. He opened his eyes and looked at the world. Suddenly, the world completely changed. There was no heaven and earth in his eyes, but countless lines. The heaven and earth were composed of forces. All things were filled with forces. Force is the basic element of everything in this world.

Some forces are vertically downward, some are floating left and right, some are attracting each other, some are repelling each other, thousands of forces are all different.

This Heavenly Way of Power is too powerful, too great, and too complicated, but now Yu Zecheng can't control it. With his thoughts, all the lines disappeared in a moment, and the world returned to normal. He stood floating in the air, watching the normalization The world and the earth, feeling the power brought by this new body.

Now Yu Zecheng has endless power. He can reach out to reach for the moon, go to the sea to catch dragons, overturn mountains and seas, and change the world.

The heaven and earth are all under his control, all living things are under his single thought, and life and death are determined by his heart.

This feeling is too powerful. This is the feeling of returning to the virtual world. It can despise the world, destroy the continent, and destroy the world.

Yu Zecheng slowly felt this power, but he felt that something was missing from the other party. He touched it and suddenly found that his most important thing was gone, but there were two heavy things on his chest. .

Not good, why is this body the body of Tianmo Jialan, and he has become Tianmo Jialan, and turned into a woman, what should I do?

Yu Zecheng wanted to move, but then he realized that he was very strong now, reaching the limit of strength, but he was too strong. He could not drive this powerful body and could only move his hands and feet slightly.

why is that? This is how to do?

The thought came together, and the reason suddenly came to mind. This Tianmo Jialan was the true one of returning to the void. This body coincided with the power of heaven, and the rest was his own power. He could only move his hands and feet to get up, and he could not drive this body at all. This is the maximum extent that Jindan Zhenyi can control Huixu Zhenyi.

If he wants to control this body and the heavenly way of power, Yu Zecheng now has two ways. The first is to give up himself and give up Yu Zecheng's body. If the soul and the body of the devil are completely integrated, then it is completely possible. Controlling the power of the demon.

The second is to use the normal method of Xian Qin to control the supreme demon, the normal method of driving the demon Qin warriors, and return part of the authority of this body to the soul of the demon Jialan, so that the demon Jialan can drive the body of the demon, and Yu Zecheng commanded the demon Jialan to drive this supreme demon body.

This kind of command is the kind of unconditional obedience. As long as Yu Zecheng gives an order, Tianmo Jialan will execute it thoroughly. He can't do it with any form of confrontation.

In the first type, Yu Zecheng can't choose anything. Then he is no longer Yu Zecheng, he is Tianmo Jialan, and has become a woman. Although he can transform his body and possess the characteristics of a man, he will never It's not him anymore. He has lost the meaning of life. Even if he becomes the powerful Lord of Demons, what's the point?

Besides, he already owns Pangu World, which has all the five elements of innate spiritual treasures. He also owns the Tianli Stele, the Mountain and River Cauldron, and countless treasures. Although the Lord of Heavenly Demons is powerful, Yu Zecheng's ideal is more than that. In the future, he will far surpass the Lord of Heavenly Demons. He will surpass his idol, Zhongxing Patriarch Wang Yinyang, and he will become the most powerful great god.

So Yu Zecheng didn't even think about it, and immediately chose the second method, giving Tianmo Jialan part of his body, and controlling the Tianmo Jialan himself to drive this demon's body.

Immediately, the consciousness of Heavenly Demon Jialan appeared again. After this consciousness appeared, Yu Zecheng was able to perfectly control this body in an instant. Several ways to drive this supreme Heavenly Demon war figurine appeared in Yu Zecheng's mind.

The first type of magic weapon control is to turn Tianmo Jialan into a magic weapon, and drive it to fight for himself when needed.

Let’s look at the types of magic weapons that can be turned into:

Qin, lamp, beads, book, wheel, fan, bag, pot, sword, clothes, seal, mirror, stele, brick, stone...

There are a total of three hundred and sixty-five species. Each of these magic weapons has their own special name, Heaven-turning Seal, Colorful Glazed Lamp, Seven Treasures of Magic, Purple Gold Vase, Huntian Silk, Qiankun Circle...

Each type can be slowly refined in the future and become an innate magic weapon. Each type has its own powerful magical power.

This method can turn the supreme demon into a special magic weapon, with a single purpose and extremely powerful.

The second type of cave abode, heaven and earth, can turn Tianmo Jialan into a cave abode of heaven and earth, or it can be integrated with other cave abodes, where you can recuperate, refine elixirs, refine weapons, practice life, and live a happy life.

The following is the mode for providing caves:

Cave, building, water palace, cloud room, bunker, fairy pavilion...

There are a total of thirty-six types, and each cave world has its own characteristics and advantages.

This method turns the supreme demon into a place of rest and life, which is extremely safe and the best home.

The third type of talisman shikigami transforms the demon Jialan into a talisman, which can be released each time for one's own use. The talisman can also be passed on to others, and the talisman can be drawn during the battle to summon Jialan to appear to help fight.

Let’s look at the types of talisman shikigami that can be transformed into:

God Emperor, Immortal General, Ghost Soldier, Beast God, Demon King, Demon King...

There are eighteen kinds in total. The characteristic of this kind is to establish a sect. With this magic spell, everyone can use it together and last for thousands of years.

The fourth form of the clone soul is to refine the demon Jialanji into a clone outside the body, the second soul, to control it and use it for oneself.

Let’s take a look at the types of second souls that can be transformed into external clones:

Demon body, battle body, shadow guard, distraction, transformation...

There are twelve types in total. The characteristic of this kind is to increase one's own strength, perfectly occupy the body of this demon, and increase one's own strength.

The fifth type of armor control allows the user to possess the body of the demon, thereby controlling the body of the supreme demon and gaining powerful power.

The following are the types of possessed armor:

Armor, combat equipment, incarnation, transformation, fusion...

There are seven kinds in total. The characteristic of this kind is that when the strength is insufficient, you can gain strength with the help of the body of the supreme demon.

Looking at these options, Yu Zecheng was immediately stunned. Mo Jialan was also stunned that day, and then he shouted explosively:

"Asshole, it's impossible. Don't try to control me. Give me freedom or die."

Yu Zecheng smiled, it's not up to you. Unfortunately, in the current environment, there is only one choice.

Now there are two Zhenyi standing opposite Yu Zecheng, Bliss Zhenyi and Yumiao Zhenyi. They are watching Yu Zecheng eagerly. As long as he shows a slight flaw and the other party hits him, everything will be ruined and he will be dead.

The first type of magic weapon control method, if not for the two true ones, Yu Zecheng would refine it immediately. He could refine Tianmo Jialan into a powerful magic weapon, and he could use it to conquer the world. But choosing this now is Give someone a magic weapon.

The second type of cave dwelling, heaven and earth, is even more impossible in such a situation.

Once the third talisman shikigami is refined, it will take three days. When the demon Jialan disappears and his original body is exposed, he will be played to death by these two Shinichi.

The fourth form of the clone soul, the external incarnation, the second soul, requires the main body to be extremely powerful, and was immediately cancelled.

So Yu Zecheng has only one choice, which is the fifth type of battle armor control, and it must be the kind of combination that completely retains Jialan's body, with her as the main one and himself as the supplement, otherwise it will become something like a battle armor, and she will If your strength declines, you will be seeking your own death.


There is one more update, which may be later. Again, I’m asking for monthly votes, members’ clicks, and recommendation votes.

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