Xian Ao

Chapter 653 Qin Terracotta Warriors Battle Formation to Defeat the Evil Dragon (Fourth Update)

Jialan was in front, and Yumiao Zhenyi and Ji Lezhenyi were following behind. The two of them followed Jialan forward while sending out flying talismans. The matter was too big, and they had to contact the door to start preparations.

Immediately, all members of Miaohua Sect and Chuqiao Sect, thousands of miles away, were immediately mobilized. All disciples who had gone out for trials were recalled. All disciples in retreat were detained and the retreat was ended. All the outer disciples, outer branch disciples, and affiliated families were mobilized and concentrated. , those who didn’t know thought that the two sects were going to fight again.

Yu Zecheng led the way, and soon the three of them arrived at Xiling, entered the underground ruins, arrived at the third layer of space, activated the spirit guide, and immediately the teleportation gate opened and arrived at the teleportation platform.

Here is a huge platform, about a hundred feet long. At the foot of this is a huge magic circle. The ground is covered with all kinds of runes, so densely packed that you can't tell how many of them there are.

Outside the platform, there is an endless dark scenery, like chaos, with no end. There is a huge golden gate on one side of the platform. The golden gate is ten feet high. There are words on the gate: "The Immortal Qin Empire Tiannan Gongzhou Western Region Jiedu Envoy Guards House."

Yu Zecheng smiled and said:

"You two, please hand over your treasure."

Yu Miaozhen gritted his teeth and wiped out his marks on the Three Talents Law Body one by one and handed it to Yu Zecheng. Ji Lezhenyi also handed over the Sixth Treasure Mirror of the Sky Treasure Mirror to Yu Zecheng.

Yu Zecheng put away the two treasures, smiled slightly, opened the gate of Xian Qin, and led the two of them in.

In fact, the Three Talents Dharma Body is no longer as important to Yu Miao Zhenyi as it was before, and the Heavenly Treasure Jian Ji Le Zhenyi has also been enlightened for thousands of years and can no longer understand other mysteries, so the two of them gave this treasure to Yu Ze become.

Their identities are not enough to be rogues, and before talking about such a big thing, which is related to the prosperity and survival of the sect, the significance of this magic weapon is not great, and they will not take risks for it.

The door opened, and the Immortal Qin Cave Mansion appeared in front of the two of them.

The door opened, and a beautiful new world suddenly appeared in front of them.

Huge palaces, majestic halls, magnificent flowers, all show the scene of wealth, beautiful scenery, brilliant golden walls of the palace, ingenious thinking, each scene is harmonious and natural, and cleverly integrated.

The pavilions and pavilions are extremely beautiful, with green grass and green shade, beautiful scenery, gentle wind and sunny weather, white clouds cover the sky, and the light source in the sky emits sunlight, as dazzling as the sun. The huge city glowed golden in the warm sunshine.

The two men looked at it greedily, and Yumiao Zhenyi said:

“I never thought I would be able to come here in my lifetime.”

Blissful Shinichi said:

"Xian Qin Cave Mansion, this is Xian Qin Cave Mansion. My faction was prosperous and invincible back then because we wanted to seize the control of this Xian Qin Cave Mansion. In the end, three true ones were killed in the battle. From then on, it began to decline. The ancestors appeared, and it seems that they are in my hands. The Out-of-Body Sect will flourish."

Yu Zecheng led the two of them to the main hall, and then there was no more business for him. It was the negotiation between the magic spirit of Xianqin Dongfu and the two of them.

Yu Zecheng watched from a distance, and Jie Le Zhenyi and Yu Miao Zhenyi were furious from time to time, and danced happily from time to time. They were negotiating hard and studying the distribution of benefits after the rise of the continent.

Yu Zecheng looked at the two of them and couldn't help but shake his head. This was a typical case of seeking the skin of a tiger.

After a while, the two came over and were extremely excited. Yumiao Shinichi said:

"God's Vajra, if we can really evolve and refine our bodies to become God's Vajra, our strength will be a great gift, and maybe we can ascend."

Blissful Shinichi said:

"It is said that the Vajra Body that can be made into the God Self is enough to ascend to the immortal world. Unfortunately, it requires too many resources and needs to be accumulated slowly."

Yu Miaozhenyi said:

"It doesn't matter. When the time comes, as long as we persist, we will definitely succeed. It will only take a few hundred years."

The two looked at each other and smiled, looking sympathetic to each other.

Yu Zecheng let out a long sigh in his heart, "Big brother, it's not that the younger brother is not particular about it. Please wish yourselves good luck. This cave magic spirit is too dark. The two of them still need to hand over countless treasures in order to obtain the God's Self Vajra and become the Dongfu." The puppet of the magic spirit, this is really Jiang Taigong fishing for those who wish to take the bait.

Now that everyone is gathered, it's time to start. When the magic spirit of the cave moved, Bai Hexi's eyes changed instantly, and he was possessed by the magic spirit again.

Yu Miao Zhenyi and Bliss Zhenyi have no objection to Bai Hexi. In the plan allocated to Xingun State, Shuiyun Sect will also exist as one party, and the three families will divide the land and resolutely prevent others from infiltrating.

Bai Hexi said:

"Three of you, let's go. With the four of us, we can definitely defeat the three true dragons. You three don't have to deliberately take action, just follow the guidance of the Immortal Qin Battle Formation. Everything has the Immortal Qin Qin Terracotta Warriors Battle Formation."

While he was talking again, four thrones appeared on the ground. Bai Hexi entered the first one, Yu Zecheng entered the second one, and the other two entered and sat down one after another.

Bai Hexi said:

"Activate the Immortal Qin War Warrior Array System, activate thirty-six Immortal Qin Battle Monk Nascent Soul Level Puppet Qin Terracotta Warriors, and activate ninety-nine Immortal Qin Battle Monk Nascent Soul Level Golden Elixir Qin Terracotta Warriors.

Equipment and sword skills: Xian Qin War Warrior Array System, Da Qin Sword Refining Technique, Red Lotus Destroying World Technique, Sea Splitting Waves Sword Technique, Dragon Slaying God Technique, Sea Dividing Waves Technique, Dragon Slaying Technique, Blood Nightmare Qingguang Shen Technique Thunder, huge waves to the sky, purple dazzling divine eye, Thirty-three Heavenly Talisman Technique, innate energy escape, Hunyuan Final Qi Slash, upside-down Mystified Immortal Five-Cloud Palm, demon-subduing Vajra Solution, Six-Ding Mountain-Opening Technique, and moving mountains to replace them. Dharma, the method of reversing the great chaos of the Five Elements, the method of reversing the universe, the method of changing shadows, the method of innate magical door control, the method of reversing the universe with the seals of the Nine Heavens...

Equip the ninth level flying sword:

Tianlong Demon Sword, Ice Soul Cold Light Sword, Mandarin Duck and Thunderbolt Sword, Heavenly Demon Killing Immortal Sword, Hundred Spirits Killing Immortal Sword, Hauni Sword, Qingni Sword, Golden Rhinoceros Sword, Nine Sons Mother Shadow Soul Sword, Fiery Thunder Sound Sword, Buddhist Heart Sword, Jukui Sword, Divine Infant Sword, Sanyuan Sword, Golden Light Fiery Sword, Wuling Sword, Taiyi Splitting Light Sword, Xuanyin Liuyang Confused Divine Sword, Lei Ze Divine Sword, Ice Soul Divine Light Sword...

Equip the ninth level magic weapon:

Nine Heavens Yuanyang Ruler, Blood Flame Needle, Taiyi Five Smokes Luo, Kasyapa Golden Light Mirror, Great Five Elements Extinction Light Needle, Great Thunder Sound Fiery Fire Flag, Nine Sons Mother Yuanyang Needle, Demon-Suppressing Thunder Sound Thread, Kanli Shuo , Five Elements Thunder Fire Shuttle, Tianmang Thorn, Mist Slit Spectroscope, Five Ghosts Yinfeng Nail, Purple Cloud Barrier, Fire Dragon Hairpin, Liangyi Spectroscopic File, Ten Grounds Small Human Circle, Taiyi Ruyi Circle, Na mustard ring, Nine Palace Immortal Ring , Dragon Bird Ring, Red Gui Ball, Fish-Dragon Magic Light Ball, Abi Yuan Bead, Ganan Bead, Snow Soul Bead, Heavenly Escape Mirror, Mituo Needle, Thunder Sound Cone, Six Yang Divine Fire Mirror, All Heavenly Treasure Mirror, Ecstasy Mirror, Buddha Fire Heart Lamp, Yin Ling Banner, Hunyuan Banner, Heavenly Demon Poison Gathering Banner, Dutian Shen Lei Liehuo Flag Gate/, Upside Down Eight Gate Immortal Control Flag, Xuanyin Divine Curtain, Blue Blood Soul-Destroying Shuttle, Invisible Heavenly Demon Net, Dark Cloud Divine Shark Silk Net, Great Yin Earth Net, Soft Bone Silk, Golden Light Divine Thread, Hundred Treasures Golden Lock, Caixia Red Cloud Miasma, Five Elements Moving Magic Obstacle, Five Elements Moving Magic Obstacle, Soul Capturing Bottle, Five Cloud Stone, Double Dragon Scissors …

As Bai Hexi recited, first of all, the Qin warriors began to rise one by one around the four of them. These Qin warriors had no helmets and were surrounded by battle armor. Each one looked like they were made of clay, with a rustic look on their faces. They formed a strange formation and surrounded Yu Zecheng and four others.

Then rays of light flew into their bodies. These were all kinds of swordsmanship, magic, and magic. They were all loaded. Then rays of light flew out in various halls. They were all ninth-level flying swords and ninth-level magic weapons. They were loaded one by one. Go to these Nascent Souls.

Immediately, Yu Zecheng, Ji Le Zhenyi, and Yu Miao Zhenyi were all dumbfounded. The ninth-level flying swords that were so cherished outside were like cabbage here, with endless supply.

Bai Hexi turned around and said:

"As long as you continue to accumulate merit points, this can be redeemed."

Jie Le Zhenyi and Yu Miaozhen kept nodding, their eyes full of desire, but Yu Zecheng felt that these words sounded a bit suspenseful.

All the spells were loaded, and all the flying sword magic weapons were loaded. Suddenly, the thirty-six Nascent Soul level puppet Qin warriors and the ninety-nine golden elixir Qin warriors were activated together. They suddenly stood up, and then countless rays of light shone around them. Rising up, this is the battle formation connection. Finally, all the light disappeared. Bai Hexi kept saying:

"Thirteen thousand miles away, on Earth Fire Island, the evil dragon clan is extinct."

Suddenly all the Nascent Soul puppets echoed:

"Quasi legal decree."

Then they moved together in an instant, thousands of miles away, and then moved again, thousands of miles away.

Yu Zecheng was stunned for a moment. Isn't this his shrinking into an inch? Then I suddenly realized that the thirty-six Nascent Soul-level puppets and the ninety-nine Jindan Qin warriors were not worthy of their names. The last time I was here, it was extremely difficult to activate a Nascent Soul-level puppet in the Immortal Qin Cave. Although in recent years, Even with Bai Hexi's continuous accumulation, it would not be possible to reach this level.

And there is no need to be so exaggerated, loading so many spells and magical flying swords. In this case, there is no need for three Void Return True Ones.

It seems that all this is the magic spirit of the Cave Mansion trying to hold up the scene. In fact, the Immortal Qin Cave Mansion is not up to this level. He is completely confusing Jie Le Zhenyi and Yu Miao Zhenyi to control them and avoid being caught. Miaohua Sect and Chuqiao Sect are eroded.

Take this spell for example. It is definitely my own spell. It is borrowed by the cave spirit. It is the same as controlling Jialan's spells.

In addition, this attack on the evil dragon must be exterminated. I am afraid that the three true dragon-level evil dragons will be taken care of by the cave magic spirit. According to my experience in attacking the Qian Demon Spirit Sect last time, these three evil dragons were defeated. If they die, their souls are collected, and in the future, the Immortal Qin Cave Mansion will be able to have Xian Qin warriors at the level of returning to the void.

But this is better. The stronger the Immortal Qin Cave Palace is, the more beneficial it is to you. If you can't get it yourself, it's best not to let others get it.

For the sake of the refining method of my own magic weapon, for the restoration of Gunzhou and the great prosperity of the human race, I feel sorry for seniors Le Zhenyi and Yu Miaozhenyi, so I have no choice but to sacrifice you.

But this may not be a sacrifice. Just like Bai Hexi, he enjoys it. In order to gain strength, he is willing to sacrifice everything. It is impossible to say that his ideal will be realized in the future. At that time, it is impossible to say whether he is stupid or others are stupid.

In short, everyone has their own choices and must be responsible for their own choices. You have to walk your own path, so don't regret it.

In Yu Zecheng's wild imagination, the vast sea of ​​​​sky is right in front of him.


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