Xian Ao

Chapter 814 Phoenix Seeking Phoenix Society Ao Ran Qingyi (Second update, please vote for me)

The three of them walked and talked, following the white jade steps, step by step forward. At the end of the white jade steps, in the mist, a magnificent mountain gate cave house appeared faintly, with glazed tiles, gold roof, bluestone pillars, dozens of feet high, and a one-foot-tall beauty statue stood on each corner of the eaves, with different shapes, all like intercourse, all natural and lifelike, and people were tempted to see it.

A huge plaque hung in the middle of the mountain gate, with purple as the base, inlaid with fine gold, and five ancient seal characters on it.

"Elysium and Soul-Stirring Sect"

Yu Zecheng and the other two walked into the mountain gate, and after entering, they walked forward. In front of them was the main hall of the immortal mansion, surrounded by white jade carved railings on all four sides, each with 81 steps. The main hall was naturally formed, without beams or pillars, like a whole piece of jade, and after being carved by ingenious craftsmen, it was magnificent and solemn.

Just as Yu Zecheng was watching, a Jindan Zhenren came over. This Jindan Zhenren was wearing a pink butterfly dress, with beautiful and delicate features. Her eyes were like spring water, and she was naturally gentle like a Jiangnan woman. Her delicate face smiled before she spoke, which made people feel like being bathed in spring breeze. Her soft words were even more heart-melting.

She bowed to Yu Zecheng and the other two, and her graceful and elegant manners were fully displayed.

She slowly said:

"The three seniors are here, and the Ji Le Xiaohun Sect is honored. The Feng Qiu Huang will start soon. Please come over here."

As she spoke, the Jindan vision broke out frequently, forming purple smoke on her body, which made her look even more ethereal.

The Big Belly Laughing Buddha said:

"Alas, I really met a phoenix seeking a phoenix. What level is it this time?"

The Golden Core True Man said softly:

"It was our sect's fairy uncle in green who performed the phoenix seeking ceremony. She formed a Nascent Soul three years ago."

As soon as he said this, the old madman and the Big Belly Laughing Buddha looked at each other and frowned.

Yu Zecheng saw the troubles of the two and asked in a voice transmission:

"Old Crazy, what is this Phoenix Seeking Phoenix Ceremony?"

The old crazy replied in a voice transmission:

"Since ancient times, things will turn to the opposite extreme. Every sect will have heretics. This Blissful Soul-Stirring Sect has one of them. They are devoted to seeking the truth and pursuing the happiness of blissful soul-stirring, but they are as pure as jade and use illusions to get the magic power they want.

The disciples of this lineage have always existed in the Blissful Soul-Stirring Sect. They are untainted by the mud and are not accepted by other disciples in the sect and are excluded.

Later, Fairy Shuiyu became the head of the sect and vigorously promoted the disciples of this lineage. She did not discriminate against them and strongly supported them. But their first man must be arranged by the Blissful Soul-Stirring Sect. This is the origin of the Phoenix Seeking Phoenix.

Because after the disciples of this lineage formed the golden elixir, , body mutation, their first night, their first man will get infinite benefits, and these benefits are not fixed. Sometimes they can remove the hidden injuries of the cultivators, sometimes they can treat their hidden dangers, sometimes they can restore their magic to the origin and reshape the road, and some can make them break through the bottleneck of cultivation, and they may even have some enlightenment and improve their cultivation level. It can be said that there are many benefits.

So every sixty years, Fairy Shuiyu holds a phoenix-seeking event, providing a Jindan real person of this lineage for cultivators from all over the world to snatch and pick. All cultivators can come here to participate in this event, and select a leader from among them, win the first prize, and get that ecstasy night. "

Yu Zecheng also frowned when he heard it, and said:

"How is this similar to the selection of the courtesan in the brothel in the mortal world? I remember that our family The largest brothel in the village holds a competition every year, where a prostitute is introduced and countless wealthy men gather to compete for money and treasures, and finally all the money goes to the brothel. "

The old madman nodded and said:

"Back then, Brother Xiang Manyi once traveled around the world with Shuiyu. This is indeed the method she learned in the brothel in the mortal world.

However, she used it more skillfully than in the mortal world. If you want to be qualified to be a phoenix, you must pay 500,000 spirit stones, and then go through many competitions and tests before you can get the beauty.

Under the control of Fairy Shuiyu, these tests will show all the strengths of a cultivator, from fighting swords, fighting treasures, refining pills, refining equipment, formations, and prohibitions. Down to piano, chess, calligraphy, and painting. There is no comparison. Let you participate in this conference, you can show all your talents Come out.

In this way, the most elite can get the favor of the Jindan Zhenren. There have even been several cases where the Jindan Zhenren of the Ji Le Xiuhun Sect married the winner of the competition after the competition. The two lived together and practiced together.

In this way, Feng Qiu Huang gradually changed from the election of the most beautiful woman in the fairy world to a grand market for cultivation. There were many people coming and watching. Even if you can't get the favor of the beauty, you can show your talent here and attract the attention of others.

This is the power of the Fairy Shui Yu. She will make every participant pay countless spiritual stones and treasures in the end, and be squeezed dry, but they will also get some benefits, such as the favor of other fairies in the sect, a night of romance, let you enjoy endlessly, endless aftertaste, and participate again next time, so that the world's cultivators will gradually take Feng Qiu Huang seriously and become one of the grand events of cultivation in the sky world. "

Big Belly Laughing Buddha sighed and said:

"Alas, if you do this, the participants of the Ji Le Sect will benefit endlessly, but it is not a good thing for us. This event will be held for one or two months.

This time it is still Yuanying Zhenjun Fengqiuhuang, and it will take at least half a year, and the best time for Yaxiang to be treated is the night of returning to the soul seven days later.

After one treatment, Shuiyu Fairy will have to rest for at least a month. She will never give up holding this conference for our favor. She can afford to wait, but we can't afford to wait. "

Yu Zecheng frowned and said:

"Will True Lord Nascent Soul also participate in the Phoenix Seeking Phoenix and betray himself?"

The old madman said:

"What can't be done? As long as the price is met, no one can be exempted from the secular world. There are many reasons, such as the previous kindness, the restrictions on the body, the skills of cultivating immortals in the Nascent Soul stage in the future, the involvement of relatives, the temptation of desire, the freedom of the future, the past Promises, etc. Even Nascent Soul Lord has her own troubles, but after this betrayal, she is free.

In fact, this is nothing. It was called a sensation six hundred and sixty years ago. Fairy Ningfu of the Paradise Ecstasy Sect, who was the Returning Void True One, also came out to hold Feng Qiuhuang. At that time, the world was shocked. That time laid the foundation for The phoenix seeks the reputation of the phoenix. "

Yu Zecheng opened his mouth in surprise and said:

"Returning to the Void, are you going to sell her? Damn it, why are you buying her?"

The old madman said:

"I don't know. All those who participated in that grand event were Return to the Void Shinichi. Our sect had no intention of joining in the fun. However, the whole world was shocked at that grand event. In the end, it was Tianlei Island's Dafang Shinichi who came out on top, and the two of them seemed to be married. As husband and wife, they lived in seclusion on Tianlei Island together, and Da Fang Zhenyi became one of the guest elders of the Paradise Ecstasy Sect.

And it is said that Dafang Shinichi was already in danger of transforming into a Tao at that time. After that spring breeze, his danger of transforming into a Tao was completely lifted. That's why Feng Qiuhuang became famous all over the world. "

Yu Zecheng said sarcastically:

"I really can't believe it, it's amazing."

Dadu smiled and said:

"This, this, actually has a hidden secret. Da Fang Zhenyi and Fairy Ning Fu were lovers during Jin Dan's time, so..."

Yu Zecheng blurted out:

"In the husband and wife game, the Bengkaizi are paying for it, right? They are Huixu Shinichi."

The old madman said:

"No matter how high their cultivation level is, they are not immortals. No matter how they practice, they are still human beings. Returning to the True One is not just returning to the origin. The true self is the same. Human nature will never change."

The three of them were walking and chatting. Under the leadership of Na Jindan, they came to the main hall. Space magic was used here. When the three of them entered, it was like entering the huge arena of the Western Qin Empire. There were countless stone resting places. The stairs are right in front of you.

On these stone steps, there are people sitting everywhere. This Fengqiuhuang is really a grand event in the world of cultivating immortals. There are tens of thousands of monks here, including many female monks. They are here specially to watch this Fengqiuhuang competition.

Under the guidance of Master Jindan, the three of them walked to the stone steps in the front row and sat down. Master Jindan said in a soft and sweet voice:

"Three seniors, I can only lead you so far. Only Nascent Soul Lord can resist the restriction and rest here.

I take my leave and hope you all have a great time here. "

After saying that, she bowed deeply but did not leave.

The old madman glanced at Yu Zecheng. Yu Zecheng understood immediately. He reached out and took out a sixth-level flying sword from the Pangu world and handed it to her. It turned out that she was asking for a tip. What kind of immortal sect is this? It is a brothel in the mortal world.

The Jindan master took the flying sword. While taking the flying sword, he quickly handed a jade bamboo slip to Yu Zecheng, then smiled at him and turned around to leave.

Yu Zecheng entered his spiritual thoughts, and the content on the jade bamboo slips suddenly appeared. It was the address mark and contact talisman of the Jindan real person. The meaning was self-explanatory. Yu Zecheng couldn't help but smile bitterly, but this kind of person was favored by others. It still feels very comfortable.

The three of them sat on the stone steps and looked at the field. At this time, a woman stood in the center of the field, standing proudly. This woman was the protagonist of this event, the Qing Yi Zhenjun.

Originally, in Yu Zecheng's mind, this girl should have a charming and charming appearance, but who knew that at first glance, he was stunned.

Loneliness is like the ice and snow on the mountains, pride is like the green cypresses on the green mountains.

She was wearing a cyan ribbed dress. The cyan texture is woven by skillful hands to look like ivy. Green and green. The sleeves are woven from several layers of light yarn. Embroidered with a lotus flower. Exquisite and gorgeous, it reveals a bit of leisure and comfort. There was just a simple bun on her head. If you have a hairpin, just insert it. Elegance reveals gracefulness.

Her face was cold, and she looked at the thousands of people around her as if there was nothing there, and her eyes were like waves. The fragrant cheeks are like gelatin. It seems like it is less than two decades old. On the beauty of appearance. What a beauty.

But there was an indescribable feeling of coldness in her eyebrows, as if she was alone in the vast sea of ​​people. She was indescribably arrogant, but also indescribably pitiful and lonely. It made people want to hold her in their arms and warm her. This cold heart.


Fellow Taoists, do you still have monthly passes? Please take action, baby, to save my mountains and rivers.

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