Xian Ao

Chapter 883 King Kong Removes Obstacles Seventeen Spiritual Treasures

The world in front of them became bigger and bigger, and the continent seemed to be right in front of them. Everyone flew forward little by little,

If you survive a catastrophe, you will be blessed later, and everyone is extremely lucky.

Along the way, Yu Zecheng told everyone the instructions of the Binglan Demonic Dragon. They were not allowed to kill chickens to obtain eggs or destructively exploit them, otherwise the demonic dragon would not care to come back even once.

Everyone nodded, no one wanted to see the demon dragon for the second time in this life.

Just as he was about to reach the mainland, Master Yijian suddenly turned around and used his sword skills towards the sky. For a moment, it seemed like stars lit up in the sky, and then went out silently. At a glance, there was nothing surprising about it.

Zhenjun Ju Que asked curiously:

"A sword? What are you doing?"

Lord Yijian replied:

"If you don't have long-term worries, you must have immediate worries. If we can find this place, why can't others find it, so I set up this Xingluo Sword Formation outside. As long as someone comes here, this sword formation will warn us."

Everyone nodded in agreement, but it could be seen that everyone disagreed. This is where they all worked hard to get here. Others can get here smoothly, but there is no chance at all.

Everyone continued to fly, and finally fell into the sky little by little. The sound of the waves of the sea could be heard in front of them, and the boundless continent was gradually visible under their feet.

Gradually it fell, and it was about to approach the mainland. There were still more than ten miles to reach the ground. Suddenly, the eyes suddenly darkened. In front of everyone's eyes, there seemed to be a tassel light curtain thousands of miles long, stretching across the sky. At the same time, there was a cold feeling on my body. A cold. It seemed like there was an obstacle blocking everyone's way.

This obstacle seems invisible, but it exists. The continent in front of me is a world of flowers and flowers, with the setting sun shining on the forest, bright flowers and leaves, water and mountains, and beautiful flowers as if they are alive. However, I cannot take a step into this world.

What is going on? Everyone was shocked. You look at me, I look at you.

Wuming Zhenyi said:

"No way, this is the second world sky curtain, damn, there is a time and space barrier.

No one has entered this world before, so there is this last line of defense. As long as we break the two-level sky barrier, we can enter this world. Come on, everyone, work hard to break it. "

After saying that, everyone took action together, with infinite sword energy flying and spells blasting wildly. Everyone used their special skills, but the shield had no intention of destroying it.

After a while, everyone was exhausted and could only stare at the colorful world after the shielding.

Yu Zecheng gritted his teeth and was about to use the Xuanyuan Sword, the magic weapon of his destiny, when True Lord Bing Xin said:

"Uncle Master, use your strength."

Mo Li Qing said:

"Okay, I'm going to use my strength. You all need to step back and stay out of the way for ten miles."

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. True Lord Bing Xin was the first to start flying upward, and everyone followed her to fly upward.

Mo Liqing looked at the time and space shield in front of him and said:

"Twenty-three hundred years of cultivating Taoism, struggling hard, refining all qi, struggling to survive, no matter how hard it is, no matter how tired, no matter how lifeless, the body can be broken, but the mountain is nine feet high, there is no way forward, I have been lost for thousands of years, and today I finally The opportunity is in front of me, and no one can stand in my way.”

As he spoke, his body was slowly changing, and he suddenly transformed into the body of the Vajra protector in the temple. No wonder his name was Mo Li Qing, and he was exactly the same as the Mo Li Qing who was the protector of the four heavenly kings.

His body became more than two feet tall, he raised his hands fiercely, and shouted at the space shield:

"Vajra solution."

And then there's the hit.

In this blow, the demonic energy is everywhere, the Buddha's light shines everywhere, and the power of the wish is endless.

With this blow, he had impressively integrated the Buddhist Dharma and the Demonic Skills of the Wanhua Demon Sect into one body, and also absorbed the vows of the good men and women in the infinite temples. It seems that this is the purpose of his so-called love of carving Buddha statues.

This blow was silent, but Yu Zecheng felt a terrible power. This was divine power, yes, a divine strike, a supreme attack that transcended the laws of heaven.

After one blow, the space-time shield that spread thousands of miles suddenly made a kakaka sound, and then suddenly dissipated. The Vajra Solution was completely decomposed and no trace remained.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and then Yu Zecheng realized why he couldn't feel his presence when he met the Ice Wave Demonic Dragon. It turned out that he had already cultivated the power of divine power.

But even with the power of this divine power, if he fights with the demon dragon, it will only be the fourteenth divine power of the demon dragon.

The shield was broken, and the magic gift Qing suddenly lost weight and turned into the skinny old man again. He had no strength at all, and he struggled to fly in the air.

At the moment when the shield was shattered, little lights suddenly appeared on the continent, as weak as fireflies. These lights were about to fly out of the continent and escape into the void.

Seeing these lights, Si Qinxiejun shouted:

"Oh my God, it's not like I'm blind. These are all innate spiritual treasures. They want to escape from this world, so catch them quickly."

After speaking, he moved his harp, and the supreme sound wave suddenly appeared, turning into a skynet, covering the sky above this place.

But in an instant, three points of light passed through the sound barrier sky net and disappeared into the sky.

In an instant, Wuming Shinichi, Vulcan, and Nightmare Shinichi rose up like crazy, chasing each other. These were all innate spiritual treasures. For a spiritual treasure, even Return to the Void Shinichi would break his head. One by one, the three of them chased desperately.

The innate spiritual treasure blocked by the sound barrier sky net will be handed over to Yu Zecheng and others to collect, and the remaining four people will collect it. Immediately use all your strength to capture these innate spiritual treasures.

This time, Yu Zecheng used all his strength to catch them. These innate spiritual treasures were extremely fast, like meteors. Because the sound network blocked their path, they couldn't rush out, so they flew left and right in the air.

Yu Zecheng grabbed it hard, used his innate invisible grasping hand, and opened his bow from left to right. After this innate spiritual treasure was caught, it became motionless. With one breath, Yu Zecheng harvested five.

In the blink of an eye, all the innate spiritual treasures in the air were captured by the four of them, but a ray of light saw that the form was not good, and it instantly penetrated into the earth and disappeared without a trace.

Everyone returned to the sky, each and every one of them was extremely happy. No one would hide it, and no one had selfish motives. Those who were selfish would die. At this time, the effect of the inner demon heart oath appeared. Without this oath, internal strife would have started by now.

They captured a total of fourteen innate spiritual treasures, plus three that broke out of the sound network and one that escaped, for a total of eighteen.

However, this innate spiritual treasure only has innate energy and has not yet been transformed into a treasure. It is just a ball of light, either the power of the five elements or the energy of yin and yang. It is not like the sky blue marrow and the ancient fire essence that Yu Zecheng obtained before. , Ten Thousand Years Demonic Tree Heart, Snow Soul Bead, Ice and Snow Divine Armor, Ice Essence Vertebral, Voiceless Chime, Sea of ​​Clouds Banner, Divine Light Stone, Nine Heavens Yuanyang and other innate spiritual treasures,

Seeing this state, the evil king immediately canceled the sound barrier sky net and took out fourteen special spiritual stones from the storage bag. This spiritual stone was pure white and had no attributes. This was the Clear Sky Stone, a valuable high-level spiritual stone. Ten.

He hurriedly placed a clear sky stone on top of the innate spiritual treasure, and then said:

"It's coming, it's coming. Although this innate spirit treasure is still intangible and not as powerful as those formed innate spirit treasures, it is a hundred times more malleable than those formed innate spirit treasures. With this treasure, we can They are sacrificed and refined into various types of innate spiritual treasures.

These tangible and intangible things must be suppressed with non-attributed spiritual stones such as clear sky stones, so as to ensure that they are not affected by the outside world and remain essentially unchanged. This time we made it, we made it. "

Everyone looked at these fourteen innate spiritual treasures and liked them very much.

Waiting in the air for the three chasing people to return. First of all, Nightmare Shinichi and Wuming Shinichi came back with a smile. They caught the innate spiritual treasures that they had flown away. Two hours later, Vulcan came back, and she chased hundreds of them. It took me thousands of miles to seize the innate spiritual treasure.

The seventeen innate spiritual treasures were put together. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, and they all decided to divide them up first. Only when they put these things in their pockets can they truly feel at ease.

True Lord Bing Xin said:

"Three of these innate spiritual treasures that flew away can break through the evil king's sound barrier sky net. They are extremely powerful in terms of spiritual energy and essence. I think the three of them can be counted as two innate spiritual treasures.

Does anyone have any objections? "

As soon as he said this, everyone nodded. It was indeed true. These three spiritual treasures exuded a unique light, and they were indeed worthy of each other. "

True Lord Bing Xin said again:

"Okay, so now there are twenty innate spiritual treasures. Each of us has two pieces, and the remaining two will be divided later.

I suggest that the True Lord of Destruction be able to defeat the demonic dragon out of his wits, that the Demonic Ceremony Qing destroy the time and space shield, and that the Evil Lord Skynet intercept it. There are three of them, one each, with one innate spiritual treasure equal to the other two.

In addition, the True Lord of Nietzsche discovered this place, defeated the demon dragon out of his wits, and put Niedu in the lead. I suggest that all the two extra innate spiritual treasures be rewarded to the True Lord of Nietzsche. "

Everyone nodded, as Wuming Zhenyi's leading role, Ju Quezhenjun's power of prophecy, and Bing Xin's commanding power, all belong to the credit of the entire operation. We will calculate it later. Now everyone is sharing the innate spiritual treasure.

In this way, Yu Zecheng got one large, two small, and three innate spiritual treasures. Everyone else got two pieces each, and Mo Liqing and Xiejun each got one of the largest innate spiritual treasures.

Everyone started to choose, and Yu Ze had the most ingredients. He didn't choose first. After everyone finished choosing, it was all his. Anyway, these innate spiritual treasures are all the same, with thousands of rays of light, but they have not yet been transformed into physical objects, so there is no difference.

Immediately everyone finished choosing, Wuming Zhenyi stretched out his hand and took out an innate spiritual treasure and said:

"When we start again, Lord Miedu, you gave me an ice soul essence. I said I would give you a trophy as a gift. This must be the best trophy I can get. I gave it to you to repay the favor."

This was completely beyond Yu Zecheng’s expectation. He said:

"No need, this is an innate spiritual treasure, much more valuable than my Ice Soul Essence?"

Nameless Shinichi said:

"It's not about the quantity or the price, it's about the affection. When you gave me the Ice Soul Essence, you didn't expect that you would get something like this."

Yu Zecheng put away the innate spiritual treasure, nodded and said:


The Vulcan on the side also handed over an innate spiritual treasure and said:

"And mine, it's agreed."

Yu Zecheng said:

"You have already given me a fire elixir, there is no need to give me any more."

Vulcan smiled and said:

"If I cling to foreign objects and keep them without intention, I will perish and never advance. Wuming is right. The road to immortality is rugged. He can abandon everything. Why can't I? I don't want to become a Taoist again."

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