Xian Ao

Chapter 895 Eighteen Immortals, a Mountain in Hand

Everyone left this realm of annihilation, looked at the earth under their feet, and saw this world again. Everyone gained countless things here.

Yu Zecheng carefully counted his gains this time. He first got ten ninth-level flying swords, one ninth-level magic weapon, and then got one hundred and sixteen Nascent Souls that returned to the virtual world. His title was promoted to the third level. Big five, small, six innate spiritual treasures, the innate spiritual treasure Fire Essence Golden Pill given by the God of Fire has been refined and is no longer being harvested.

In the city in the clouds, you will get one nine-color return to virtual realm bird egg, one hundred and thirty-one five-color bird eggs, and thirty-nine seven-color bird eggs.

In the lake world, one hundred and twenty-seven kinds of rare spiritual stones were obtained, totaling 9,863. These spiritual stones were worth dozens of square meters.

In addition, there are millions of ordinary gemstones of various colors, rubies, emeralds, and diamonds the size of fists, piled up like mountains. If exchanged for gold, regardless of price changes, it would cost about tens of billions of taels. This is only the best gemstones collected. , where it is only one or two tenths.

In the place of fighting beasts, 1,217,831 spiritual beasts, a total of 1,321 birds and 3,674 beasts were collected and put into the Pangu world. Evolving monsters can add countless subordinates.

In the stone mine tiankeng, more than 300,000 high-level spiritual stones and millions of pieces of various kinds of beautiful jade were obtained, covering ten miles of land. These jade stones are all of certain use in cultivating immortals.

In the snowy world, we have obtained 376 kinds of precious weapon refining materials, various crystals, and millions of pieces of jade, which can be used to build palaces. Three pairs of treasure-hunting rats have begun to breed.

In the volcanic world, ninety-three types of rare metal minerals were obtained. After exchanging them with others, 19 types were left, totaling 120,000 kilograms of these rare minerals.

In the mountain world, 321 kinds of elixirs and immortal herbs were obtained, including 63 kinds of precious elixirs such as Yuanzhu grass.

In the deep sea world, 630,000 sea beasts were obtained, including 62 dragon girls. Collect countless underwater treasures, hundreds of thousands of corals and pearls.

In this harvest, the items collected from various regions combined with the spiritual stones of the sky world totaled five hundred square meters, which was a huge harvest.

Everyone is like this, with smiles on their faces. You must know that in the Tianlai Conference, under normal circumstances, few people can harvest more than the three-way spiritual stone.

This time everyone discovered a new world of heaven. No one had mined it before, so they had this harvest.

The heavenly domain occupied by Daluo Jinxian Sect is ten days and ten nights away from here. Everyone flew all the way and soon arrived at the heavenly domain occupied by Daluo Jinxian Sect.

When everyone landed, they originally thought that there would be countless defensive formations and other restrictions here, but there was no resistance at all. There was no one here, and all the Daluo Jinxian Sect disciples disappeared.

Yu Zecheng silently guessed:

"It is impossible for the Da Luo Jin Immortal Sect to have just three Returning to the Void True One here. There must be True Monarch Nascent Soul accompanying them, but there is none here. It seems that they know that their elders are in danger and have all fled."

Sure enough, everyone was exploring this place, and it was true that all the treasures here had been mined and emptied, so the Nascent Soul Lord of the Great Luo Jinxian Sect had left with his full load.

Nothing more can be harvested here. If we harvest too much, it will destroy the natural environment of this place.

The God of Fire was so angry that he wanted to destroy this place.

Master Yijian suddenly stretched out his hand to stop him and said:

"Don't touch it, there are traps. If we destroy this place, it will be destructive mining. There are countless treasures in you and me. Maybe the Eight Heavenly Dragons here don't mind taking back some of them."

With this said, everyone immediately understood the trap set by the Daluo Jinxian Sect who left, so that you can gain nothing here. There is still a treasure in front of you. As long as you pick it, it will destroy the environment. For the Eight Heavenly Dragons here, it is... Got an excuse to take action.

It seemed that it really couldn't be touched. Everyone started looking for the teleportation array. With the treasure-hunting rat, the hidden teleportation array was also found.

The teleportation array was indeed made of special materials and was extremely difficult to destroy. It seemed that what the Green Fairy said was true.

Everyone put in the spirit stones and prepared to activate the teleportation array, but who would be the first to teleport there? is a problem.

You must know that there is no form on the other side. The first monk who passes by may encounter any changes. They don't have to fight. As long as the teleportation array is destroyed, the monk who teleports over will definitely die.

Siqinxiejun said:

"I'll do it. Fangzheng, I'm not afraid of death. If you wait for me for an hour and there's no reaction, you can enter."

After saying that, Siqin Evil Lord entered the teleportation array, activated the spirit stone, and disappeared instantly.

An hour later, nothing happened. Everyone passed through the teleportation array and returned to the Jiutian World controlled by Yunhai Qingming Sect.

In an instant, they all walked out of the teleportation array one by one. From a distance, Siqin Xiejun looked at them and smiled, saying they were safe and sound.

This is the northwest desert of Junlintian. It is extremely desolate. No wonder the other party has deployed this teleportation array here.

When everyone is here, there is still some time before the end of the Tianlai Conference. Bing Xin Zhenjun is going to explore the Immortal Weapon Research Institute, and Yu Zecheng will naturally go there.

Wuming Zhenyi said:

"I'm not going. I'm tired too. I'm going back to rest. Everyone, let's meet again at the next Tianlai Conference. If you have anything, you can come to my place to find me. I, Lao Zhang, will always welcome you."

Wuming Zhenyi wanted to leave, but everyone was reluctant to leave. Zhenjun Ju Que also said:

"I, I'm leaving too, tongue, it's not good, I, I'm of no use, I, I'll see you again."

True Lord Ju Que burst into flames for the second time, and now his lisp spell has only half the power, so his departure is a matter of course.

Siqinxiejun said:

"I'm leaving too. I was reborn and my vitality was seriously injured. That immortal body is of no use to me. I'll see you all again."

Then he looked at Yu Zecheng and said:

"I still owe you an ice essence. I'll give it to you. You can choose a technique yourself. It's my thank you gift."

In an instant, he took out a total of eighteen jade bamboo slips, all of which were newly refined, and all of them contained magic arts, and asked Yu Zecheng to choose one of them.

Yu Zecheng was stunned when he scanned his consciousness. Among them were Guangling Xiaoyaoqu, Tianyin Shaping Sword, Red Dragon Blood River Scripture, Netherworld Ghost Claw, Nine Lives and Immortals Taiyin Shaping Xuanyi Baojian, and Dawei De Dou. The Mother Xuanling Ghost Spell, Thousand Souls and Hundred Refining Soul-Leaving Sutra, and Jiutian Duzhuan Demon Seal and Zhengfa, these should be the magic spells mastered by Evil Lord Siqin himself.

In addition to this, there is also the Great Luo Jinxian Sect, the Supreme True Immortal Word among the Eight Wonders of the Golden Immortal, One Qi Penetrating Heaven and Earth, Absorbing Xia into the Mysterious Pill, Bodhi Light Technique, Ji Dao Destruction Fist, Red Capital Immortal Killing Technique, Brahma Sea Shura Seal, There are only seven absolutes, and the eighth absolute is not here.

In addition to this, there are three other types of the ninety-nine secrets of the Immortal Qin Dynasty: the thirty-fourth method of the Immortal Path, the Great Zhoutian Perfect Picture, the seventy-sixth method of thousands of souls and blood skeletons, and the eighty-second method of a mountain higher than a mountain. .

There are a total of eighteen types of these secrets and magic, and Yu Zecheng is asked to choose one of them. Yu Zecheng hesitates. He looks at the Eight Magical Skills of the Golden Immortal and hesitates for a moment.

Siqinxiejun whispered:

"Youdao knows you best and is your enemy. I have fought with the Zijin Immortal for 1,800 years. I joined the Daluo Jinxian Sect three times, cultivated to the Nascent Soul realm, and failed to assassinate him. So the Eight Golden Immortals are absolutely It's not a problem for me.

However, the eighth skill of Jinxian can only be practiced by the head of Daluo Jinxian Sect. Our other disciples don’t even know their names.

This time Tianhong, Luyou, and Qinggang were all lost here. Only Bailing Zhenyi was left in Daluo Jinxian Sect, and it has declined since then. "

Yu Zecheng stretched out his hand and took away the secret skill of Xian Qin, which was higher than the mountain. This magic was clearly revealed in the Green Youxian, which could turn him into several people and fight at the same time. Yu Zecheng was deeply impressed. So he chose this without hesitation.

Yu Zecheng said in a message:

"No, although there is only one True One left in Daluo Jinxian Sect, I believe they will give birth to a new True One soon, and it will be passed down for tens of thousands of years. They must have corresponding methods."

Siqinxiejun smiled and said:

"Haha, I hope so. After my reincarnation this time, I will soon turn my cultivation into nothingness, and then join Daluo Jinxian Sect again. What I hate is Zijinxian. If there is a Zhenyi leader with the word "Qin" in Daluo Jinxian Sect in the future. that's me.

Zijinxian, I want to be the head of the Daluojin Immortal Sect. I want to change the historical records, throw you out of the history of the Daluojin Immortal Sect, and make you a sinner of the Daluojin Immortal Sect, with contempt and hatred for generations to come. "

Siqin Xiejun said through gritted teeth. It seemed that his hatred for Zijinxian had reached its extreme. In fact, he did not realize that he had never spoken about his wife once. She had been reincarnated many times. Maybe he had forgotten what his wife looked like. , only this hatred is still there, maybe this hatred is the power to support his existence, when the hatred is no longer, maybe he will turn away.

In this way, everyone was divided into two teams, Wuming Zhenyi and others left, while Yu Zecheng, Bingxin Zhenjun, Yijian Zhenjun, and Vulcan continued to explore the treasure again.

Everyone said goodbye sadly and agreed that next time everyone would come here to attend the Tianlai Conference.

Everyone parted, and Yu Zecheng and the four of them continued on. Several months had passed since the Tianlai Conference. From time to time, I saw people returning, some happy and fruitful, and some sad and depressed.

The four people continued to move forward, forming a countercurrent with them. Those people all knew Yu Zecheng and knew that he was the Nascent Soul Lord who had fought three hundred battles, so there was no obstacle along the way.

The four of them once again came to the border full of aurora. This time they tied everyone together with the fairy rope, and then entered the border of aurora.

After entering, this time instead of using the fixing star to find the coordinates of the star field, True Lord Bing Xin took everyone and flew away into the distance, into the boundless void, and flew for three days and three nights, and I don't know how many thousands of miles. .

Flying to this remote place, True Lord Bing Xin said:

"My immortal battle body was actually obtained from the last time I came here. I found half of the remains of the Immortal Qin war martyr in a ruins. After I sacrificed it, the Immortal Qin war martyr disappeared. I don't know why I He has an immortal body and a fighting body. However, this immortal body is incomplete and is only three-thirds of a complete body.

It was my luck that I was able to reach the Immortal Weapon Research Institute last time. The last time I waited here for half a year, I didn't get the chance, and finally returned without any results.

This time we still have to wait. In fact, these ninety-nine heavens are the supply place for the Immortal Qin Tianlai Fortress. They exist like a back garden. The opportunity we are waiting for is to cross this back garden and enter the fairyland. The front hall of Qin Tianlai Fortress.

The path I discovered by accident depends on both luck and chance, so we can only wait. "


There's another chapter in four minutes. It’s been a long time since I’ve said that, tears.

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