Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 315 The Han Nation

Force a fight?

Jiang Hongfei smiled coldly.

"If there are not even ten thousand Jurchens, they will be invincible" is an indisputable fact. After all, it is backed by historical facts.

But that also depends on who the opponent is.

The opponent is the declining Liao army and the Northern Song army that values ​​culture over military force. It can be like this.

But there are a few words that Wanyan Zonghan, Wanyan Zongwang and other Jin people who came out of the ravine may not have heard of them.

One sentence: One Han is worth five barbarians!

Another sentence: The Ming army is invincible if it is full of noise!

The Han nation has been an extremely warlike nation since its birth. Among the Xiongnu and Turks during the Han and Tang dynasties, which one was not as good at war as the Jurchens? Were they not beaten out of the stage of history by the Han people?

In terms of results, the fact that our great Han nation has been able to stand firm on the land of China for thousands of years is the best proof.

Even though we have suffered setbacks somewhere in history, we have never been truly defeated. Every foreign invasion and every foreign oppression was ultimately resolved by our indestructible national will and invincible brave spirit.

When our Han nation was strong, Wuhutong was there, so what?

The phrase "the Ming army is invincible if it is not full of noise" is a true portrayal of the combat effectiveness of the Ming Dynasty army. Although the Ming Dynasty's army was affected by internal corruption and external intrusion at certain periods, their combat effectiveness should not be underestimated. In the war against Hou Jin, the Ming army showed amazing courage and determination, which made Hou Jin feel unprecedented pressure.

Later, after the Ming army surrendered to the Manchus, they were all brave and good at fighting.

Rather than saying that the Han nation was defeated at the hands of Man Qing, it would be better to say that it was defeated by its own hands.

Why is this happening?

In fact, the people of the Ming Dynasty themselves were also puzzled.

So, after a battle in the late Ming Dynasty, Shi Kefa personally interrogated the captured Manchu and Qing Han troops and asked them why they surrendered to the Manchu and Qing Dynasties?

The result was an answer that silenced everyone.

To put it simply, the Manchu and Qing Dynasties gave too much.

There are historical records that as long as the Ming army surrendered, even if they were ordinary soldiers, the Manchus would first give them a wife, eight cattle, sheep and a donkey.

Some people may think that assigning wives is simply unbelievable, contrary to human ethics, and shattered.

But don’t forget, this is a feudal society, and women have no status. Who among high-ranking officials, wealthy families, and noble families does not have wives and concubines in groups?

As for the poor, including those who are poor soldiers, how can any woman be willing to follow them?

Therefore, giving women to them is a huge temptation for them.

What's more, eight cows, sheep and a donkey were a huge sum of money in that era.

The key point is that in addition to the great greeting gifts, the monthly military pay of the Qing army also fluctuates. Specifically, whatever the Nanming side gives, the Manchu Qing side will double it, and it is paid in cash, without any credit. If you die, you will still have one hundred and fifty. A pension of ten taels will be paid immediately to the family members. In addition, there will be additional funeral expenses and family allowances for meritorious personnel.

People like Wu Sangui and Kong Youde were just general soldiers in the Ming Dynasty and could not see the emperor because they were not high enough. But when they got to the Manchu Qing Dynasty, they were directly granted the title of king, and the troops they brought were not disbanded. They were returned to their command, with sufficient food and pay. The most important thing is that if they had anything to do, they could directly contact Huang Taiji, Dorgon, Shunzhi, and Reporting to Kangxi, there is no middleman to make the difference.

With this kind of treatment, people like Wu Sangui and Kong Youde would not have received it in eight lifetimes in the Ming Dynasty.

On the other hand, in the Ming Dynasty, after the founding of the country more than 200 years ago, military households had no status at all. There was a ballad at that time that ten military households were poor and ten were poor. Even the civilian households who farmed the land looked down upon them. It was common for military households to be in arrears. , if you die in battle, you will only get a few taels of pension, you may not be able to get it, you have to give a discount, otherwise, it depends on the general's face, and as an ordinary military household in the Ming Dynasty, you have no background, it doesn't matter, It is impossible to get promoted based on military merit. Unless you work as a servant for the generals' families, and then you can be recognized as a foster father. Only then will you be able to get ahead.

Take Zu Dashou, for example. He had an adopted son named Zukefa, and that’s how he came up.

But the probability of this happening is too small and has no universal significance.

But the problem is, even if you become a military commander, it doesn't mean you can feel proud.

You know, although the Ming Dynasty was not as serious as the Song Dynasty, it always emphasized culture over military affairs.

Even a famous general like Qi Jiguang had to curry favor with a civil servant like Zhang Juzheng in order to do what he wanted to do.

To sum it up in one sentence, it was too difficult for generals and soldiers to mix in the Ming Dynasty.

But it was different when we got to the Manchu and Qing Dynasties. In order to gain entry into the Qing dynasty, and to gain control of the country, as long as you surrender, you will receive all kinds of good treatment, not only high wages and benefits, but also the most important thing is high status. The main force of the surrendered Ming army was basically integrated into the Eight Banners and became the Eight Banners Han Army. In theory, it was on the same level as the Manchurian and Mongolian bannermen. Especially those who are incorporated into the Shangsan Banners, the flag owners are all the emperor, they are all the emperor's personal soldiers, and they are all the ruling class. To put it bluntly, they are the disciples of the Eight Banners, they are hard-core crops, and they are qualified to carry cages and cages for birds in the future.

No emperor in the Ming Dynasty could give him this kind of treatment.

Then you ask, can this combat power not be overwhelming?

One is in heaven and the other is underground.

Although during the Qianlong period, the Manchus were a little full and scolded the cooks, crossed rivers and demolished bridges, and abolished a large number of the Eight Banners Han army, that is, raising the flag, but that was also a hundred years later. At least the wave of Ming troops who surrendered to the Manchus in the early Qing Dynasty was He got what he was supposed to get, nothing less.

"The Jurchens are invincible if there are not even ten thousand." The Jurchens do have strong fighting power. They are good at riding and shooting, and they are brave and good at fighting. However, they are not invincible.

Not to mention, in the Southern Song Dynasty, when the Han nation got used to war, the Jurchens became ineffective. Even if they were faced with an extremely weak emperor like Zhao Gou, the Song army could still fight the Jin army at a 50-50 ratio. The Jurchens in the Jin army suffered repeated setbacks and even suffered defeat due to the tenacious resistance of the Yue Jiajun, Han Jiajun, Wu Jiajun, and Eight Character Army.

History is always surprisingly similar, but the results are often different.

The history of the Han nation is a history full of war and peace, setbacks and victories.

We have encountered countless difficulties and challenges, but we have never given up or backed down.

Therefore, it is true that "the Jurchens are invincible if there are not even ten thousand Jurchens", but we must remember that as long as there are no problems with the above policies, our Han nation has been a nation that is good at war since ancient times. We have an indomitable national will and an invincible brave spirit. No matter how powerful our opponents are, we have the ability to defeat them and protect our homeland and national dignity.

Jiang Hongfei believed that his policies were absolutely correct. He changed the status of soldiers, gave them wives, gave them adequate pay and generous rewards, and gave them a sense of national pride. He also had many Liangshan heroes, such as Yue Fei and others. A large number of famous Han generals.

Let me ask, why is Jiang Hongfei afraid of the Jurchens?

Therefore, after patiently listening to Wu Xie and Dadi Wu's explanation of Jin Guo's thoughts, Jiang Hongfei pressed his hands and signaled those who wanted to make the sudden flood to calm down.

Then, Jiang Hongfei said very calmly: "If the two dynasties do not tolerate each other, they will have to fight. Since you two are here, I will not specially send people to inform Aguda. In this way, Dadiwu, you go back and tell Aguda, I'll wait for him. Just let him come. Wuxie, you stay, and I'll trade you for my brother Chai Jin later."

Wu Xie and Dadi Wu never expected that Jiang Hongfei would be so stubborn and directly escalate the matter to the level of war. They couldn't help but think: "Hasn't he heard of my reputation as Dai Jin?"

Wu Xie, who was about to be left behind by Jiang Hongfei, became a little nervous. He hurriedly pulled back his words: "Things between the two major countries must be discussed. Why is this so?"

Wu Yong said calmly: "The matter has come to this, what is there to discuss?"

Wen Huanzhang said: "If your family doesn't want to go to war with my family, it's not that you can't be accommodating. Just give the nine states behind the mountain and all the passes to my family, and your family and I will be able to do nothing wrong. We can even form an alliance to jointly arrest the Lord of Liao." , ending the rule of the Liao Kingdom."

Wu Xie and Dadi Wu did not dare to say anything. They only said: "You and I can discuss this matter slowly."

Jiang Hongfei waved his hand and said to Wu Yong and Wen Huanzhang: "You two go and discuss with them."

Wu Yong and Wen Huanzhang took the order and went down with Wu Xie and Dadi Wu.

Not long after, Wu Yong and Wen Huanzhang brought Wu Xie and Dadi Wu to the post house.

As soon as he arrived at the post house, Wu Xie couldn't wait to ask: "The Duke keeps saying to raise troops, what does he mean?"

Wu Yong replied: "Your family is aggressive and refuses to return the nine states and passes behind the Han people's mountains. There is no need to discuss it. The only way to resolve this matter is a fight between our families. Later my family will issue a formal declaration of war." , Teach the deputy envoy of Diwu to take it back and issue a notice not to kill the people, but to spread the message. "

Wu Xie said: "You and I didn't have a good discussion, but we started fighting as soon as we came up. What's the reason?"

Wen Huanzhang replied: "It is only because of your insatiable greed that this is the case."

Wu Xie said: "Soldiers are deadly weapons, and Heaven is disgusted with them. Your dynasty swallowed up the land of Yan, and it was only through the power of this dynasty that it was able to get it. Once you and I, regardless of everything, raise our troops to fight, how long will we fight in the future?" Are you sure? We are both big countries with a vast world and strong military and civilian influence. If we go to war, the impact will be huge. "

Wu Yong said: "If the Duke was afraid of this, he would not send a letter of war to your family. Now that the letter of war is coming, you will also see it."

Wen Huanzhang said: "Now that things are like this, what are we doing here to quarrel? If the deputy envoy can persuade the emperor to urgently petition, he can only cede Yundi Jiuzhou and pass the pass, and access the Dajin Zong temple and the country, but he can Serve the country.”

Seeing that the people in Shuibo Liangshan had such a tough attitude, Wu Xie knew that it would be useless to continue talking. He could only say: "How easy is it to talk about this? It seems that your dynasty listened to the crazy words and regarded this dynasty as a ruined Khitan." Treat it, but I’m afraid you’ll bring trouble to yourself later!”

Wu Yong and Wen Huanzhang both smiled and said nothing. Obviously, they had great confidence in Jiang Hongfei and Liang Shanjun.

Seeing that he could no longer continue the conversation, Dadiwu had no choice but to return to Feng Shengzhou alone and gave a detailed report to Wanyan Agu on the attitudes of Jiang Hongfei and the people in Shuibo Liangshan.

Wanyan Aguda was shocked. He really didn't expect Jiang Hongfei to be so reckless and about to start a war. He immediately held an emergency meeting with Wanyan Xieye, Wanyan Zonghan, Wanyan Zongwang and other senior officials of the Jin Kingdom to discuss countermeasures...

Let’s talk about Jiang Hongfei.

After declaring war on the Kingdom of Jin, Jiang Hongfei called Zhu Wu and Chen Xizhen and asked, "How is the recovery of Pingzhou going?"

The three prefectures of Ping, Luan and Ying have been beautiful places since ancient times, covering hundreds of miles and carrying more than 100,000 soldiers. The key point is that the Western Liaoning Corridor is known as the "Banghai Road". It is a very suitable passage for nomads and fishermen and herders to go south. It must be Keep it in your hands. Otherwise, I am afraid that Zhang Jue will meet Yelu Yanxi in the west and Xiaoqian in the north, and together they will become a border trouble for Liangshan. Or Zhang Jue simply surrenders to the Jin Kingdom, which would be even more troublesome.

Moreover, Jiang Hongfei was about to start a war with the Kingdom of Jin and did not want to fight on two fronts, so he hoped that the battle in Pingzhou would end as soon as possible.

Set the time back one month ago.

As soon as Han Shizhong arrived in Luanzhou, he drove Zhang Jue's army away and occupied Luanzhou.

Han Shizhong originally wanted to take advantage of the victory and advance to Pingzhou, but it suddenly rained heavily and he was unable to march, so he withdrew his troops to garrison the sea, chased water and grass to rest, and sent troops to garrison Luanzhou. At the same time, the surrounding prefectures and counties that had not surrendered were ordered not to have any contact with Zhang Jue.

Soon, Yue Fei also arrived. Seeing that Luanzhou was captured by Han Shizhong, he led his troops to attack Yingzhou.

Unexpectedly, Yingzhou City had already been prepared, and Zhang Jue had sent more than 10,000 troops to guard the city.

When Yue Fei saw that the city gates of Yingzhou were closed and the soldiers were standing on the city walls, he felt that he had few troops and that he had no chance of winning by storm, so he retreated without fighting.

Zhang Jue's general Zhang Qian thought that Yue Fei was afraid of him, so he announced that he had defeated the Liangshan Army and killed many people. He also sent someone to Pingzhou to report the victory to Zhang Jue with a petition written by him.

Unexpectedly, Yue Fei didn't go far at all. Taking advantage of Zhang Qian's paralysis, he decisively sent Niu Gao to lead 500 cavalry to fight back, directly into the city, and then pressed the enemy with the army.

Seeing this, Zhang Qian quickly retreated to Pingzhou with the remaining defeated generals overnight.

Yue Fei then occupied Yingzhou.

Han Shizhong was a little anxious when he saw that Yue Fei had captured Yingzhou easily. For the purpose of grabbing credit, he quietly led his army from Luanzhou and marched toward Pingzhou along the rugged mountain road in the southwest. He planned to attack Pingzhou in one fell swoop. The greatest achievement was to recover Pingzhou.

However, Han Shizhong did not expect that his marching movements had been informed by Zhang Jue, who quietly set up an ambush at Tu'er Mountain to the west of Funing.

Rabbit's Mountain belongs to the remnants of Yanshan Mountain and is named after its twin peaks that tower like rabbit ears.

The terrain here is difficult, making it a good place for an ambush.

Han Shizhong didn't know that there was an ambush in front of him, so he stepped between the two peaks unprepared.

Suddenly, Han Shizhong's 10,000 infantry troops were violently attacked by Zhang Jue's 20,000 troops, and were defeated.

Han Shizhong led his remaining soldiers to break out of the siege and fled back to Luanzhou in embarrassment.

After Jiang Hongfei learned about this, he was very angry. He removed Han Shizhong from his position as commander and made him the current commander, continuing to lead his troops and make meritorious deeds.

Chen Xizhen advised Jiang Hongfei: "Han Tongzhi's men are all infantry, and Zhang Jue attacked him first. How can he not be defeated?"

Jiang Hongfei said angrily: "Am I angry that he lost the battle? I'm so angry that he underestimated the enemy and rushed forward! He didn't even think about it. How many years has Zhang Jue been operating in Pingzhou? Can his infantry attack by surprise?"

Despite the scolding, Han Shizhong was Jiang Hongfei's favorite general. Jiang Hongfei immediately provided Han Shizhong with 10,000 troops. Not only that, in view of Han Shizhong's failure this time, Jiang Hongfei allocated another 1,000 troops to Han Shizhong.

In addition, in order to prevent Yue Fei and Han Shizhong from competing for credit again, Jiang Hongfei also sent Chen Xizhen as the commander-in-chief to recover Pingzhou.

Now, Chen Xizhen has been there for a while, and Jiang Hongfei doesn't know what's going on there...

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