Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 355 Will sending eight princesses still work?

Historically, when facing the Liujia army, the Jin people were not fully prepared.

Because the Jin people did not expect that the Zhao and Song Dynasty not only sent 7,777 people who were willing to die to stop them, but also withdrew all the defenders on the city wall, giving them the biggest hit in history. prize.

In other words, since the number of Jin troops attacking the city was not large at that time, it was possible for the Zhao and Song Dynasty to defend Bianliang City if they organized a counterattack.

But now it's different.

Because Jiang Hongfei had already guessed what kind of stupid moves the Zhao and Song Dynasty would use, the Yuan army was fully prepared.

It is precisely because of this that even if the Zhao and Song Dynasties come up with a figure who can turn the tide after Guo Jing caused this farce, it will be useless.

Bianliang City was defeated.

What's more, in the Zhao and Song Dynasty, He Li, Sun Fu, Wang Zongli and others who were in charge of major events all blindly believed that as long as the Liujia magic soldiers went into battle, they would be able to defeat the Yuan army and reverse the outcome of this battle in one fell swoop.

In other words, the Zhao and Song Dynasties only thought about how Liujia's soldiers would defeat the Yuan army and capture Jiang Hongfei and others alive. They never thought that Liujia's soldiers would lose, and were not prepared for defeat. .

One goes down and the other goes up.

The Zhao and Song dynasties really had no chance at all.

In a short period of time, tens of thousands of Dayuan troops climbed onto the city wall, and tens of thousands more rushed through the Wengcheng along the Xuanhua Gate and into the outer city.

Next, the Yuan army methodically captured the twenty-one gates of Bianliang City (including nine water gates), ensuring that the people in Bianliang City could not fly.

It is worth mentioning that because Liu Huiniang's arrangement was so foolproof, Guo Jing and his hundreds of Liujia soldiers, who had already run out of the city, were also captured by the Yuan army.

The Song army, which was completely caught off guard by the Yuan army, saw that the Yuan army entered the city, and the city walls were all filled with Yuan soldiers. There seemed to be millions of them on the dark ground. If they stayed, they were looking for death, so they all went to the city. flight!

There were hundreds of thousands of people in Bianliang City who had crowded in Xuanhua Gate to watch the excitement. When they saw the Yuan Army entering the city, they all fled into the city one after another!

In this way, even if there were soldiers of the Song Army who wanted to fight the Yuan Army, they could only be forced into the city by the crowd and flee.

Zhang Shuye is one of the people who wants to turn the tide.

But as soon as he and his soldiers rushed back less than ten steps, Hua Rong shot Zhang Shuye with an arrow.

Fortunately, Zhang Shuye was wearing the best spiritual armor given to him by Zhao Huan, otherwise Hua Rong's arrow would have killed him.

Seeing that Uncle Zhang was hit by an arrow at night, Zhang Bofen and Zhang Zhongxiong quickly carried their father on their backs, blended into the crowd and fled to the inner city.

Yao Youzhong drew his sword and chopped down a defeated soldier, hoping to stop the defeated Song army and let them go back with him to meet the enemy.

When the defeated troops under Yao Youzhong saw that it was already this time, Yao Youzhong actually wanted them to die. They all drew out their knives and wanted to kill Yao Youzhong who refused to give them a way to live.

At this critical moment, Lu Junyi rushed over with the Tabai Army.

Seeing this, the military ruffians no longer bothered to kill Yao Youzhong. They all bypassed Yao Youzhong and fled into the city.

Yao Youzhong and Yao Pingzhong are actually two brothers - Yao Pingzhong is Yao Gu's adopted son, and Yao Youzhong is Yao Gu's biological son.

In this war that was related to the life and death of the Zhao and Song dynasties, the Yao family did not perform well, letting their old rival the Zhong family outperform, especially when Yao Pingzhong failed to sneak attack on the Yuan army camp and surrendered to the Yuan Empire. back.

Zhao Huan took into account the prestige of the Yao family in the army and was looking for people, so he did not touch the Yao family. He also relied on Yao Gu to regain Hedong, and appointed Yao Youzhong as the commander of the capital to guard Bianjing.

Yao Youzhong didn't want others to look down on the Yao family. Therefore, since the Dayuan Army besieged the city, he personally led the mobile troops to patrol and provide reinforcements. With his desperate resistance, the defenders were able to hold on until the third day.

At this moment, seeing that Bianliang City was about to be captured by the Yuan Army, but there was no one to defend the city, Yao Zhongyou sighed up to the sky, then turned around and shouted at Lu Junyi and others: "I am General Yao Youzhong, if you want to attack my capital, then Step over my dead body!"

After saying this, Yao Youzhong transformed into a half-orc with a lion's head and body, and rushed towards Lu Junyi with a long sword with thunder and lightning.

The soldiers of the Tabai Army wanted to shoot Yao Youzhong, but were stopped by Lu Junyi.

Lu Junyi knew that Yao Youzhong was a general. If it weren't for Yao Youzhong, they would have captured Bianliang City long ago.

For such a loyal general, Lu Junyi wanted to give him the respect he deserved.

Therefore, Lu Junyi dismounted from his horse, raised his steel spear, and said, "The person who will kill you is Lu Junyi, the Great Yuan Anli Jiedu Envoy!"

After saying this, the two started fighting.

Guns and knives were exchanged, and the two fought for more than 120 rounds.

In the end, Lu Junyi took advantage of his mistake and shot Yao Youzhong to the ground with a shot of his gun. He then stepped forward and put the gun against Yao Youzhong's throat.

Yao Youzhong didn't say anything, but closed his eyes and waited to die.

Lu Junyi respected the hero Yao Youzhong and was reluctant to kill him, so instead of taking the shot, he had him tied up.

Afraid that Yao Youzhong would not be able to think about it, Lu Junyi advised: "Everyone in the city is running away now, and the general is defending alone, which is worthy of Zhao Song."

Huang Jingchen, the chamberlain, was a eunuch in the Zhao Ji era, and he was deeply blessed by the emperor's favor.

In fact, it is not just Huang Jingchen, the eunuchs in the era of Zhao Ji, no, not just eunuchs, as long as they are Zhao Ji's ministers, even if they make mistakes and lose power, Zhao Ji will not be like Zhao Huan, who will kill them at every turn, confiscate their property at every turn, and settle accounts at every turn, but will let them die well.

Zhao Ji really did it, vowing not to kill ministers and those who speak out.

In history, Zhao Ji was captured by the Jin people and asked Cao Fu to bring three sentences to Zhao Gou:

The first sentence is that it is true, come to save your parents.

This sentence means that you can act as a real emperor and then save your parents. The first half of the sentence is a political explanation, and the second half is the instinct for survival. I hope that Zhao Gou can take him and Concubine Wei home as soon as possible for the sake of his parents' affection.

The second sentence is that there is a plan to clear the Central Plains, and it will be carried out, don't think about me.

If the first sentence is a plea in distress, the second sentence is still a bit passionate and has a big picture, which means: If you have the courage and strategy to restore the Central Plains, then do it with all your strength, don't worry about me.

The third sentence is that Emperor Yizu has a vow, hidden in the Taimiao, vowing not to kill ministers and those who speak out, and those who violate it will be punished.

Emperor Yizu is Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Zhao Song Dynasty, who left a political will: not to kill ministers and those who advise.

In such an environment, Zhao Ji was able to give Zhao Gou such a reminder, which shows that Zhao Ji was really good to his subordinates.

Perhaps it was because of this that when he saw that Bianliang City was about to fall, the soldiers fled, and the country of the Zhao Song Dynasty was destroyed, and he was powerless to save the situation, Huang Jingchen, who was appointed by Zhao Huan to supervise the east wall, looked at the towering palace in the city from a distance, couldn't help crying, and then rushed into the sea of ​​fire, wanting to be buried with the Zhao Song Dynasty, to prove that although he was physically incomplete, he was loyal.

Seeing Huang Jingchen's loyalty, Zhu Tong flew over and grabbed Huang Jingchen, who had already jumped into the fire, by the collar and pulled him back, then had someone put out the fire on Huang Jingchen.

Guo Zhongxun, the imperial guard who was responsible for guarding the south wall gate, wanted to lead his troops to climb the city wall to fight the Yuan army, but suddenly the Yuan army on the city wall rained down arrows.

Seeing this, Guo Zhongxun had no choice but to retreat into the inner city.

Wang Zongchu led the imperial guards to run to the inner city, while shouting to the soldiers and civilians rushing to the middle of the city: "Go up to the city to meet the enemy, we will go to the palace to rescue the emperor!"

If Wang Zongchu ran away without resistance, who would listen to his orders?

There were many officials and generals in the Song army defending the city, but at the most critical moment, only the commander He Qingyan and the commander Chen Keli were willing to die for the country.

Although the Yuan army had captured the city wall, He Qingyan and Chen Keli still refused to abandon the city and flee, but turned back and fought bravely, and were eventually captured.

It is worth mentioning that there are some people with ulterior motives who spread rumors while running: "General Lu offered Fengqiu Gate.", "General Fan offered Dailou Gate."...

Let's talk about the Yuan army.

After capturing the city wall and Xuanhua Gate, each army beat the drums to advance as Liu Hui Niang had instructed in advance.

The soldiers and civilians in Bianliang City heard the drums and thought that the Yuan army was about to go down to the city to massacre the city. They were so scared that they rushed into the city desperately, and had no time to take care of other things, let alone turn around to fight the Yuan army.

In fact, Jiang Hongfei had already issued a strict order that as long as the people in Bianliang City did not resist, they were not allowed to kill innocent people indiscriminately, set fires, or even go down the city wall. All armies were bounded within ten feet of the city wall, and those who crossed the boundary would be executed immediately.

At the same time, the engineering army of the Yuan army began to build ramps on the city wall.

In this way, the Yuan cavalry could run into Bianliang City at any time through these ramps, and then there would be no need to worry about the Song army taking back the city wall.

The soldiers and civilians in Bianliang City did not know that Jiang Hongfei had issued an order not to kill innocent people. They were immersed in the fear and chaos they created, trampling on each other, and causing considerable casualties.

Some people chose to jump into the river to escape, but unfortunately they were drowned.

How to say it, when war breaks out, some things are really beyond human control, even if that person is Jiang Hongfei.

Maybe this is the pain that must be experienced in the change of dynasties.

Fortunately, after the overall situation was settled, Jiang Hongfei immediately sent Pei Xuan to lead people into the city, posted the imperial edict he issued, and sent 30,000 cavalrymen, each with 500 people, along the streets and alleys, announcing: "My Great Yuan Emperor has an imperial edict. No matter if the people in the city, whether they are soldiers or civilians, surrender immediately, no one will be killed. If they dare to resist, they will be killed without mercy!"

The key is that if these 30,000 Great Yuan cavalrymen see the Song army's defeated soldiers or rogues taking advantage of the chaos to rob the people, they will go up and kill the defeated soldiers and save the people.

The key point is that the Yuan army absolutely did not harm the surrendered people.

Slowly, the people in Bianliang City discovered that the Yuan army had no intention of massacring the city. On the contrary, they were still protecting themselves.

Until then, the people in Bianliang City remembered that Jiang Hongfei was also a Han Chinese. How could the Han people massacre the Han people for no reason?

When Zhao Huan heard that Guo Jing was a big liar, the Liujia regular soldiers were useless, and thanks to Guo Jing and the Liujia regular soldiers, the Yuan army had already entered Bianliang City, he burst into tears and regretted it!

He Li and Sun Fu, who believed in Guo Jing, used the Liujia regular soldiers, and withdrew the defenders from the city wall and finally escaped back to the imperial city, felt very guilty. They felt that they had failed Zhao Huan's trust, trust and high hopes.

He Li and Sun Fu pleaded guilty to Zhao Huan and said they were willing to die to apologize.

After Zhao Huan ascended the throne, he had been clipping his own wings. Zhao Huan killed some of the ministers Zhao Ji left for him, demoted some, and sent some to negotiate peace.

Now, Zhao Huan looked around and found that he had no one left.

At this time, if Zhao Huan dismissed He Li and Sun Fu, two ministers who were loyal to him, Zhao Huan would be completely without anyone to use.

The key is that someone has to come forward to clean up this mess now.

After weighing the pros and cons, Zhao Huan pardoned He Li and Sun Fu, and asked them to find a way to preserve the country of Zhao Song Dynasty.

He Li immediately said: "I am willing to lead the soldiers and civilians who retreated into the inner city to fight with the Yuan army in the streets, and swear to defend your majesty and our Song Dynasty to the death!"

At this time, there were still hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in the inner city.

He Li naively thought that as long as these hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians were organized, they could still resist the Yuan army for a while.

Zhao Huan had completely lost his mind and had no idea what to do next, so he could only listen to He Li first.

He Li ordered people to throw the weapons and armor in the armory from the wall of the imperial city, and then said passionately that he would lead the soldiers and civilians under the city to fight the Yuan army to the end.

However, under the spread of the secret agents of the Yuan Empire who had entered Bianliang City, the people in the inner city who had calmed down remembered that Jiang Hongfei was also a Han emperor, no different from Zhao Huan, and Jiang Hongfei loved the people like his own children, never exploited the people, and would forgive the people's debts, distribute land, and distribute food. Even the nobles, wealthy families, and gentry would not be slaughtered by Jiang Hongfei as long as they did not resist stubbornly.

The Yuan spies also spread to the defeated soldiers that the Yuan Empire never owed military pay, and all of them were real pay. No one dared to drink the blood of the soldiers, and they ate well and dressed well, and the key was that they had social status. In addition, many generals and senior officers of the Yuan army came from the Zhao Song Dynasty. A large number of people such as Wang Bin, Han Shizhong, Wu Jie, Wu Lin, and Liu Qi are now frontier commanders.

Even Yao Pingzhong, Yang Kesheng, etc., did not die, and they all became high officials in the Yuan Empire.

After hearing this, most soldiers and civilians threw away their weapons after getting them.

Soon, Zhang Shuye also dragged his injured body into the palace and persuaded Zhao Huan to rush out of the city with him to avoid danger.

But how could Zhao Huan have the courage?

So, Zhao Huan remained silent and did not respond to Zhang Shuye's words at all.

Under the thundering suppression of Jiang Hongfei and his ministers, the outer city quickly restored order.

In the inner city, the chaotic soldiers and mobs took the opportunity to burn, kill and loot everywhere, and it can be said that they did all kinds of evil, so chaotic.

But Zhao Huan and his ministers could not take care of these things now.

Zhao Huan was very worried that he did such a bad job that his father Zhao Ji would take the opportunity to restore the throne again, so he sent people to take Zhao Ji and Zhao Ji's concubines to the palace on the grounds that he was worried that Zhao Ji would be attacked by the chaotic army and mobs.

This was the first time that Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan met since Zhao Ji's birthday.

In fact, Zhao Ji had already concluded that Jiang Hongfei would definitely go south to attack Song, and persuaded Zhao Huan to seek refuge in Shaanxi.

But Zhao Huan not only put Zhao Ji under house arrest, but also resolutely refused to believe anything Zhao Ji said, guarding against his own father like guarding against thieves.

Seeing Zhao Huan so "filial", Zhao Ji was extremely disappointed with Zhao Huan, and even disheartened.

Let's put it this way, if the Yuan army had not entered Bianliang City, Zhao Ji and Zhao Huan, the father and son, might have never seen each other again.

Now, the facts have proved that Zhao Ji was right, and Zhao Huan was completely self-righteous.

It would be a lie to say that Zhao Huan did not regret it now.

But it was too late for Zhao Huan to regret it now, and it would not help.

In Zhao Huan's view, the important thing now is how to solve the problem?

Zhang Shuye persuaded Zhao Huan to fight out of the city.

He Li and Sun Fu persuaded Zhao Huan to fight the Yuan army in the streets.

Zhao Huan felt that these two suggestions were both self-destructive. For now, the only way out was to seek peace with Jiang Hongfei, so that he and the Zhao Song Dynasty could have a glimmer of hope.

That's right.

Zhao Huan, who had been wavering and undecided about war and peace before, finally made up his mind. He wanted to negotiate peace with Jiang Hongfei, no, to seek peace. As long as Jiang Hongfei was willing to let him go and let the Zhao Song Dynasty go, he was willing to do anything.

Based on this idea, Zhao Huan quickly summoned the royal family and ministers to the palace to discuss how to seek peace with Jiang Hongfei.

Soon, the Minister of Personnel Xie Kejia, King Jing Zhao Qi, and the Minister of Revenue Mei Zhili came to the palace.

After discussing for a while, Zhao Huan couldn't wait to say: "I heard that the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty likes women, especially... especially the Emperor's concubine?"

They are all foxes who have been around for thousands of years, and Zhao Huan's attitude is so obvious. Who can't understand that Zhao Huan wants to follow Zhao Ji's old path, that is, to send the Emperor's concubine to seek peace?

To be honest, Zhao Huan's initiative to send the Emperor's concubine to seek peace must be despised by others.

But at this point, everyone can understand Zhao Huan.

However, it is really difficult for outsiders to agree with the idea of ​​sending a princess to seek peace.

In the end, Zhao Ji was more responsible. He sighed and then set the tone: "In an emergency, we must act according to the rules."

Seeing Zhao Ji speak, everyone responded.

Wang Shiyong, who came later, reminded Zhao Ji, Zhao Huan and others: "The last time the Emperor of the Yuan Dynasty asked for four princesses, this time..."

Everyone understood what Wang Shiyong meant.

Before, the Yuan army did not go south, and the Zhao Song Dynasty sent four princesses.

Now that the Yuan army has captured the city of Bianliang, at least eight princesses must be sent to Jiang Hongfei to have hope of seeking peace.

But the problem is that Zhao Ji does not have so many daughters, but his daughters are either married or too young. The ones of the right age have long been taken away by Jiang Hongfei.

What should we do?

Should we give the married princesses or the underage princesses to Jiang Hongfei?

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