Xianxia version of Water Margin

Chapter 434: Crown Prince

Soon after the outbreak of the Industrial Revolution, which Jiang Hongfei had forced to push forward, Jiang Hongfei proposed the three laws of force, which provided theoretical foundations for the manufacture and application of machines.

Soon after, Jiang Hongfei supplemented the three laws of force he had proposed, making them more perfect.

As for the specific mechanical equations, they have been so many years that Jiang Hongfei has forgotten them, so he did not provide them, leaving it to future generations to slowly summarize.

A revolution cannot be completed by one or two people, it requires the concerted efforts of all people.

For example, the textile machine launched by the court was initially only several times faster than manual work, but after continuous improvement by folk wise men, the production capacity soared, and in a few months it had jumped ten times that of manual weaving.

Such a rapid speed not only attracted the attention of merchants all over the world, but also made ordinary people have more money at home, their clothes became richer, and their lives became more prosperous.

On the streets and alleys, the voices of praise were endless, all saying that the court was wise and Jiang Hongfei was wise.

This was not a single-point change, but a full-scale blossoming in the industrial field.

Coal mining, iron smelting, steelmaking and even agriculture are all bathed in the light of innovation.

In the dark coal mines, miners no longer bend over and carry coal out basket by basket purely by manpower, which is miserable; instead, they operate new pulley machinery and pull rail cars to transport coal out in large quantities with less effort.

In the blacksmith shop, the furnace is blazing, the molten iron is surging, and the new iron smelting method makes the iron tools tougher and sharper.

In the fields, new agricultural tools turn the soil and plow deeply, and grain production is rising steadily.

However, this is still only the prelude of the Industrial Revolution. Whether the fire of the Industrial Revolution ignited by Jiang Hongfei can spread all over the world remains to be witnessed by time.

But seeing that everyone in the world is eager to try and want to join this magnificent revolution, Jiang Hongfei knows that he has completely released the Industrial Revolution, a giant beast that may replace the fairy elements.

As the fire of industry burned, Jiang Hongfei's devotion to scientific research slowed down. It was not that he did not want to do it, but that he was not able to do it.

Jiang Hongfei knew that his own strength was limited, and there were many talented people in the world. What he could do was to point out the direction, and specific practice required unity.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei recruited talents, set up various scientific research departments, encouraged scholars to study and explore, and let the sparks of wisdom bloom freely on this hot land.

Jiang Hongfei also asked the post station intelligence system, the Imperial City Department, and the Jinyiwei to collect news about the progress of the industrial revolution and report it to him in a timely manner. He then guided it according to the development of the industrial revolution.

At the same time, Jiang Hongfei also encouraged the shipbuilding industry to keep up with the development of the industrial revolution and vigorously promote the arrival of the Age of Exploration.

For this reason, Jiang Hongfei, as the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, did not hesitate to draw a simple map of the world himself, put forward the existence of several new continents, and encouraged those adventurous adventurers and navigators to go out to sea to find them. Jiang Hongfei even issued a generous reward to encourage people from the Yuan Empire to go out to sea.

Jiang Hongfei also proposed a slogan: "I have hidden countless treasures in those new continents. Do you want my treasures? If you want, I will give them all to you. Go find them! The Great Route! I have put everything there!"

This slogan quickly spread throughout the Yuan Empire and even the surrounding countries, sparking an unprecedented wave of sailing.

Countless people with lofty ideals, tempted by treasures or with the desire to explore the unknown world, set sail and headed for the vast ocean.

The shipyard worked day and night, and majestic sailing ships were launched like dumplings. Masts stood on the sea, becoming the most spectacular sight of that era.

The adventurers and navigators held the simple world map drawn by Jiang Hongfei, and with dreams and courage, they were determined to write their own legends on this blue sea.

As time went on, news about the new continent was gradually transmitted back to the Yuan Empire.

Some people discovered rich lands, some encountered strange civilizations, and some found the treasures mentioned by Jiang Hongfei.

These news ignited the enthusiasm of more people like a powder keg, and navigation became a theme of this era.

Jiang Hongfei looked at the returning ships, loaded with all kinds of rare treasures and exotic cultures, and felt extremely relieved.

Jiang Hongfei knew that his decision not only promoted the navigation of the Yuan Empire, but also strengthened its connections with all parts of the world invisibly, laying a solid foundation for the prosperity and strength of the empire.

And those adventurers and navigators, their stories and experiences have also become a good talk after dinner. They used their courage and wisdom to add countless new colors and possibilities to this world.

Jiang Hongfei's slogan, like a key, opened a new era, an era of sword sea and adventure.

Jiang Hongfei encouraged the development of the Age of Exploration. In addition to wanting the people of the Yuan Empire to go out and occupy the world while other nations have not yet reacted, he also hoped that these adventurers and navigators could bring back corn, sweet potatoes, rubber and other items that the Yuan Empire did not produce for the Yuan Empire.

This can promote the agricultural development of the Yuan Empire and also promote the continued development of the industry of the Yuan Empire.

There is one thing that Jiang Hongfei did not expect.

That is, after these navigators and adventurers went out, they brought back beauties from all over the country to Jiang Hongfei.

Obviously, Jiang Hongfei's reputation of lust can never be washed away.

In this regard, Jiang Hongfei is not worried about too many lice and too many accounts. As long as those navigators and adventurers bring back real beauties and real virgins, he will accept them all and give them generous rewards.

These beauties who came from afar are not only a bright spot in Jiang Hongfei's life, but also a witness to the cultural integration of the Yuan Empire.

Whenever Jiang Hongfei embraced these exotic beauties and listened to their soft and glutinous foreign language whispering, he seemed to be able to touch those distant lands and civilizations.

These beauties not only brought a different style, but also invisibly narrowed the distance between the Yuan Empire and the outside world.

Jiang Hongfei was not simply addicted to beauty. With the keenness of an emperor, he absorbed information and culture from the outside world from these beauties.

He asked the court painters to paint their portraits and record the beauty of these exotic styles, and also asked the historians to record their stories and backgrounds, so as to enrich the cultural heritage of the Yuan Empire.

Whenever adventurers and navigators returned with new "tributes", the court was always full of laughter.

Jiang Hongfei would also hold a grand banquet to celebrate the return of these navigators and adventurers, which was also a welcome ceremony for these beauties.

At the banquet, the beauties will perform their own national dances, showing their unique cultural charm, which will open the eyes of the nobles of the Yuan Empire.

The arrival of these beauties not only adds color to Jiang Hongfei's life, but also injects new vitality into the development of the Yuan Empire.

With his wisdom and courage, Jiang Hongfei has pushed the Yuan Empire into an unprecedented era of prosperity.

But then again, Jiang Hongfei is the emperor after all, the emperor of the nine fives. Scientific research or navigation is not his main business. There are also those exotic beauties with different figures and looks. If he is overly obsessed, he may lose his original heart and endanger the country.

Jiang Hongfei always reminds himself that as an emperor, he should take the world as the most important thing and the welfare of the people as his mind.

Therefore, while promoting the industrial revolution, Jiang Hongfei also did not forget to strengthen internal management and stabilize the government to ensure that this revolution can truly benefit the people.

Of course, Jiang Hongfei is still paying attention to what he should pay attention to. He still insists on promoting the development of agriculture and industry, and constantly introducing new crops and technologies.

Under the guidance of Jiang Hongfei, the national strength of the Yuan Empire grew stronger and stronger, becoming the overlord of this era.

In terms of governing the country.

Jiang Hongfei always adhered to the principle of personally taking care of the big things, and let his son Jiang Xiu and other ministers of the Yuan Empire take care of the small things.

Speaking of this, we have to mention that over the years, Jiang Hongfei, despite the opposition of some ministers, forced all his adult sons to be scattered in various places in the Yuan Empire for training.

—— Some ministers hoped that Jiang Hongfei could raise all his sons except the crown prince in Yuan Dadu, and even raise them like pigs, that is, he did not want them to become a factor of instability in the Yuan Empire.

Jiang Hongfei ignored this.

Jiang Hongfei had too many sons. If this was like what these ministers said, they would become one of the biggest hidden dangers of the Yuan Empire in a few generations.

If they met a ruthless emperor, no matter how many of them there were, they might be caught in one fell swoop.

As a father, Jiang Hongfei could not let his children and grandchildren take such a path.

As an emperor, Jiang Hongfei knows better than anyone that only through competition and comparison can the best crown prince be selected.

In addition, Jiang Hongfei never believes that there is a dynasty that will last for thousands of years.

The Song Dynasty in history was the oldest dynasty in China, but it was only more than 300 years.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei would rather his children and grandchildren become powerful, so that they can finally be rotten in the pot.

Let's put it this way, Jiang Hongfei's ideal way is the camel way, that is, to let his descendants take charge of the Yuan Empire.

Of course, Jiang Hongfei also knows that this may lead to the division of the Yuan Empire.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei will vigorously promote the Age of Exploration, preparing to enfeoff all his children and grandchildren who have this tendency in the future.

But these are all later stories.

At least for now, Jiang Hongfei's sons are still under his control. They are in every corner of the Yuan Empire, whether they are civil or military, business or agriculture, and they are experiencing and growing up on their own.

Jiang Hongfei often received letters from them, which expressed his longing for his father, his feelings about his experience, and his vision for the future.

Whenever this happened, Jiang Hongfei would always feel a deep satisfaction. His efforts were not in vain, and his sons were becoming what he dreamed of.

However, as an emperor, Jiang Hongfei also knew the cruelty of power. He understood that his children and grandchildren would eventually grow up and have their own ideas and ambitions. They might fight or even turn against each other because of the temptation of power.

This was what Jiang Hongfei was most reluctant to see, but it was something he could not avoid.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei could only try his best to guide and educate them. He hoped that they could understand that power was not everything, and that family affection, friendship, and love were all indispensable parts of life. He hoped that they could cherish each other, work together, and jointly protect their common homeland, the Yuan Empire.

At the same time, Jiang Hongfei was also actively paving the way for their future. He promoted the Age of Discovery not only to open up new territories, but also to provide his children and grandchildren with more choices and opportunities. He hoped that when that day really came, they would have enough ability and wisdom to face it and choose their own path.

This is a father's expectation and an emperor's responsibility.

Jiang Hongfei knew that he still had a long way to go and a heavy responsibility. But he believed that as long as his descendants could understand his painstaking efforts and unite as one, the future of the Yuan Empire would be even more glorious.

Let's talk about it again.

Jiang Hongfei firmly believes that the essence of an outstanding court is that it can move forward steadily even when the emperor is not around.

Therefore, the way for a dynasty to prosper is for the monarch to delegate wisdom and give power and responsibility to his subjects.

Jiang Hongfei advocates that, apart from major national affairs, minor matters can be handed over to the relevant departments for independent judgment, so as to stimulate the vitality and sense of responsibility of the bureaucracy.

The moderate decentralization of power, far from weakening the imperial power, actually enhances the cohesion and execution of the entire empire.

Jiang Hongfei believes that the true way of a king is to know people and use them well, and let the virtuous people display their talents. He knows that the decentralization of power is accompanied by the increase of responsibility, and responsibility is the driving force for officials to improve themselves and compete with each other. This competitive stream nourishes every corner of the Yuan Empire like running water, making it full of vitality and growing stronger.

In Jiang Hongfei's governance philosophy, the role of the emperor is more like a far-sighted strategist, rather than a micro-manager who has to do everything himself. He firmly believed that without a peaceful mind, one could not have long-term insight; without a lofty ambition, one could not have a clear direction; without a firm direction, one could not make wise choices; and choices were the key to formulating strategies.

Therefore, Jiang Hongfei focused on selecting talents, giving them full trust and power, allowing them to fully display their talents on the stage of the Yuan Empire.

It is particularly worth mentioning that while delegating power, Jiang Hongfei paid special attention to the construction of two major departments:

One is the censors. He carefully cultivated a supervisory force composed of loyal and outspoken people, such as Li Guang, Hu Quan, Chen Gongfu, etc. Their existence is like a mirror, reflecting every corner of the bureaucracy, ensuring that officials are diligent and responsible and stay away from corruption.

The other is the intelligence agencies. They are like Jiang Hongfei's tentacles, spread all over the world, keeping a full view of all the wind and grass, ensuring Jiang Hongfei's absolute control over the empire.

Jiang Hongfei's way of governing the country is loose on the outside, but strict on the inside.

By skillfully using the mechanism of decentralization and checks and balances, he not only stimulated the enthusiasm and creativity of officials, but also ensured the stability and harmony of the empire.

Under his careful governance, the Yuan Empire was like a giant ship riding the wind and waves, moving forward steadily in the long river of history.

As the Yuan Empire got on the right track, a very important matter soon became the focus of the civil and military officials of the Yuan Empire.

This matter was to establish a crown prince...


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