When the Protector Star God swings his hammer, a new Amber Era begins.

The current Amber Era is 2158.

Ji Chen thought of this and gained the power of the Star God by swinging his hammer.

At the same time, he integrated various Star God powers into this fine iron sword with each hammering.

He was ready to create a handy weapon.

After years of hammering, this ordinary iron sword had mysterious patterns on its surface.

The terrifying aura it exuded was like a wild ancient beast that was about to revive.......

Time passed quickly.

Night fell.

The bustling Upper Town of Beloberg became very deserted.

The Silver Mane Iron Guards began their night patrol in the underground light.

Close the door of the bookstore from the inside.

Ji Chen's figure flashed and appeared on the street outside the bookstore, and then disappeared into the night.

More than an hour later.


The Great Guardian's bedroom was brightly lit.

Cocolia was wearing a gauze pajamas, sitting at the table, holding a glass of red wine in her hand.

Her beautiful eyes looked out the door from time to time.

There seemed to be some worry on her noble and cold face.

A few minutes later.

Cocolia seemed to be unable to sit still. She took a sip of red wine, put down the glass and was about to go out.

Just stood up.

There was a knock on the door outside:"Wife, open the door."

Cocolia showed a hint of joy in her eyes, and the corners of her mouth couldn't help but curl up a soft arc.

But she suppressed it by force, and said calmly with a straight face:"The door is not closed." The door was pushed open, and a tall and slender figure walked in. It was

Ji Chen. Cocolia's nominal and de facto husband

"You haven't slept yet so late, are you waiting for me?"

Ji Chen came up, sniffing the intoxicating fragrance, and put his right hand on the soft waist.

The black silk pajamas on the delicate body felt round and smooth.

Cocolia's body stiffened slightly, and an imperceptible blush climbed up her earlobe.

But it did not stop Ji Chen from rubbing her waist.

He said coldly in the tone of a great guardian:"How is the matter going?"

Seeing her like this, Ji Chen's mouth cracked, and he directly embraced her delicate body in his arms.

His palm immediately slid down the hem of the pajamas.

When Cocolia's pretty face tightened and she was about to struggle, he smiled and whispered in her ear:

"Don't worry, everything is ready. The changes will start soon. Let's hold the meeting as planned tomorrow morning."


Cocolia seemed a little surprised and unbelieving, looking at Ji Chen who was flirting with her.

The questioning words changed in her mouth:"You are not hurt, right?"

"Don't worry, a group of insects can't hurt me."

Ji Chen's voice was calm, but with strong confidence.

He didn't know what his current strength was.

The only reference was that Sangbo, who was suspected to be the Joy Order, was not his opponent.

He could easily control

"After clearing out these insects, you can prepare resources and troops to fight against the monsters of the Rift......."

Ji Chen said, picked up Cocolia and walked towards the soft big bed.

Cocolia, who was immersed in the changes in Beloberg, finally reacted at this time and knew clearly what Ji Chen was going to do to her.

Her expression changed, and she struggled violently with a red face.

"Don't move."

Ji Chen looked at the shy and arrogant beautiful face with fiery eyes,"Madam, you don't want to see Beloberg destroyed, right?"

The struggle slowly stopped.

Cocolia closed her eyes tightly, her body trembling slightly, and was gently placed on the soft big bed by Ji Chen.

A voice that was both shy and angry came from between her teeth:"......Bastard!"

It's hard to find peace in the quiet night.......

The next morning, a piece of bombshell news spread throughout Beloberg.

The Marcuse family, the Bova family, four aristocratic families.

Their patriarchs and several outstanding heirs all died in their heavily guarded rooms.

It was almost a mess.

Those who were more informed learned that the mediocre legitimate sons of these families, who originally had no inheritance rights, were quickly taking over the family assets with the help of mysterious forces.

Hearing this, the civilians of Beloberg were not panicked at all, but instead had an urge to cheer.

These powerful capitalists never did anything good on weekdays. Monopolizing resources, driving up prices, squeezing civilians, deceiving the lower and concealing the truth from the upper, have long caused public resentment. Now seeing these powerful people finally get their comeuppance, they feel so happy.


Klipperburg, the Great Guardian's bedroom.

A night of tenderness.

Ji Chen opened his eyes from his sleep and felt the soft and delicate body in his arms.

A mature and charming fragrance lingered in his nose.

He looked down.

Cocolia leaned on his chest, her golden hair scattered on her beautiful back, her beautiful eyes closed, as if she had not woken up yet.

The time was close to eight o'clock.

In the past, Cocolia would have gotten up long ago and went to the office to handle government affairs.

Ji Chen smiled and gently lifted the golden hair by her ear.

The next second.

The delicate body in his arms gradually tensed up.

The flawless arm that was originally on Ji Chen's body was quietly pulled back little by little.

Seeing Cocolia's appearance.

Ji Chen almost laughed out loud.

He suppressed his laughter and coughed lightly, saying,"The meeting will be held in more than an hour.

How long do you plan to sleep in?" There was no response.

Ji Chen knew in his heart that he didn't intend to hear Cocolia's answer, and rubbed his right hand under the quilt fiercely.

Then he got up and put on his clothes.

When I was about to leave the bedroom, I looked back.

The quilt that had been lifted was covered on Cocolia again.

"Just do it, I'm always here."

The door closed.

After no movement outside,

Cocolia finally breathed a sigh of relief under the quilt and quietly opened her eyes.

At this time, her cheeks were flushed, and there was a hint of charm in her eyes as a new wife. She was no longer the cold and noble guardian.

Her eyes swept towards the clock.

Cocolia's face changed slightly, and she cursed Ji Chen in her heart, and quickly got up and put on her clothes.

Soon, the white scenery was covered by the clothes of the guardian.

Cocolia turned back into the supreme ruler of Beloberg.

She moved her beautiful legs and left the bedroom with an indifferent expression, ready to hold this crucial meeting.......

After breakfast,

Ji Chen went back to the bookstore and looked around.

Then he walked towards the busiest commercial street.

He rummaged through a few trash cans on the way.

This morning, the owner of the Perpetual Motion Mechanical House, the famous rock musician, the talented daughter of the Landau family, Shiluwa, was going to hold a new rock concert.

Countless Beloberg people gathered and discussed today's topic happily while waiting.

That is, the rumors that those aristocratic families who had committed many evil deeds were punished by the mysterious righteous man.

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