Xuanjian Immortal Clan

Chapter 657 Planning for the Future

The heavy rain on the salty lake has stopped, the wind is clear and the moon is shining, Li Qinghong is standing on the lake riding a thunder, there are no human traces in this water area, Li Xuanxuan and Bai Yuan are standing aside.

There are many people on Wangyue Lake, so naturally a few people will not fight on the lake. Li Qinghong and others found a place to stay on the Aral Lake. This place is the quietest in the sea. There are only two lake monsters patrolling the lake. They saw Several people were building the foundation, so they didn't dare to care about it, pretended not to see it and drove away by water.

However, two small boats sailed by from afar. They were disciples of the Kong family. They circled around and saw Li Qinghong from a distance. They recognized her, bowed and left.

Li Zhouwei raised his hand, with his palm facing upward. Fierce light spurted out from his hand, transforming into two armored generals beside him. Their armors were gleaming with white scales, and they were wearing silver boots. Their faces had no armor or facial features. They were white. A vast expanse.

Both of them are armed with spears and have bows behind them, making them look majestic.

Li Zhouwei himself stood with his halberd horizontally. The curved arc in the center of the halberd was filled with bright light, and the two halberd blades were connected to the curved arc, which was sharp and compelling.

Kong Heng clasped his hands together in front of his chest, squinted his eyes so tightly that he could hardly see, and murmured in his mouth. Light golden runes flew out from his red lips and white teeth, surrounding him.

Li Zhouwei held the halberd and turned it up. The bright light in the center rippled, and invisible and colorless light emitted from it. In an instant, it enveloped a lake, and the lake water was filled with white mist.

Kong Heng on the opposite side was better, but he felt that the dazzling light hit his face, making it like fire, making it difficult to look up. He Shixiu was not afraid of this at all, so it was no big deal.

But being so dry made the peeping monsters feel miserable. They felt sweating all over their bodies and felt restless. They glanced at each other, and most of them lost their intention to gossip and dispersed to the left and right.


Li Zhouwei didn't stop there. With a command, a stream of flames spurted out from the arc and fell on him. Bright light rolled on his armor and flames hovered under his feet.


A sonic boom exploded on the lake, and the next moment the halberd was in front of Kong Heng. The monk finally opened his eyes, his palms separated, and a golden rune rushed out.

The golden rune turned into a chain in mid-air, and there was a jingling sound, and it wrapped around Da Sheng like a snake. Li Zhouwei exerted force on his forearm, and the halberd shook and swung most of it away.

The techniques in Kong Heng's hands changed at the same time, and his eyes opened slightly.

The golden light behind him condensed and turned into a big golden ball. A thunder exploded on the ground. The giant thing stretched out from it, and a golden upper body emerged. Six arms echoed across the sky, covered with dense golden spells. The two huge The golden dial with horizontal stripes is gleaming with red light, which is very majestic.

A huge golden-armored six-armed Vajra stood up straight from the golden light.


The King Kong's eyes were wide open, and all six arms were holding the golden chains. They exerted their strength together, making a heavy metal swaying sound. All the golden chains tightened at the same time, and a golden light exploded.

This golden-armored Vajra is as big as a palace, with two eyes as big as windmills, casting a huge reflection on the salty lake. Li Zhouwei in front of him is like a pony tied in front of the door, and the magic weapon in his hand is stretched. straight.

Kong Heng used all his strength as soon as he took action, which made Li Qinghong and others nod in unison.

Li Xuanxuan stroked his beard, raised his eyebrows in surprise, turned around and said with a smile:

"A monk cultivates his mind and ignores the world of mortals. When he takes action, he uses his full strength without reservation."

Kong Heng was not one to do favors to Haha, so he kept his hand to support Li Zhouwei. This blow was enough to take away most of the foundation-building magic weapons. The dense golden locks wrapped around the Great Ascension Halberd, and Li Zhouwei felt a heavy weight in his hand.

Without any hesitation, he opened his mouth and spit out white light.

The white light shot up, like a white rainbow rising into the sky. Instead of going to Kong Heng, it flew towards the golden-armored Vajra behind him.

"Huangyuan Pass"

White passes pile up in the air, scattering the golden light at once. Huangyuan Pass is the best at suppressing it, let alone suppressing these insubstantial spells? The pressure instantly made the King Kong a blur.

Kong Heng saw him taking the opportunity to draw out the magic weapon and nodded slightly.

Logically speaking, it is most correct to use "Huangyuan Pass" to suppress the enemy's body in a fight. Just like Li Ximing, as long as the enemy can be suppressed, it will be very difficult to cast spells and recite spells, and it can also consume the opponent's magical power. Keep winning.

If you use this Immortal Foundation to suppress the enemy's spells, it will be a bit of a waste of time. A huge amount of mana will be consumed in each move, but the enemy can use the spells to come back...

But Li Zhouwei was facing Kong Heng.

"Kong Heng's cultivation is good, and his cultivation is so much higher than mine. If I use this Immortal Foundation to suppress him, I will use long against long and short against short. Even if I can save him this time, I will definitely be defeated by Jin next time. The locks are so tight!"

He immediately grasped the opponent's characteristic of not being good at attacking, and used Immortal Base to polish the opponent's spells, making the opponent's spells useless. He first protected his own safety, and as for the consumption of mana...

"It's a good thing to be able to turn the battle of skills into a competition of mana!"

Huangyuan Pass flickered for a while, turning the phantom in the air into a golden light. Kong Heng flicked his sleeves and smashed the armored soldiers who rushed towards him, and said softly:


A bronze Zen staff appeared in his hand. He raised it a little and smashed it down with a majestic sound. Li Zhouwei in front of him raised his eyebrows and also met the halberd in his hand.


The weapon in Li Zhouwei's hand was an ancient magic weapon in the cave. The weapon in Kong Heng's hand was a Tao-protecting treasure that he had held since he was a mortal. Although it was very strong after years of sacrifice, it could not compare to such treasures.

I saw the twigs on the arc shining with sharp light, and hooked into the arc-shaped bell of the Zen staff with a choking sound. Li Zhouwei had been waiting for him to take out the staff, turned the halberd, and exploded into a bright flame.

The Zen stick was hooked by him, and he couldn't break free for a while. It ate up the bright flames and made a squeaking noise. It was still hung on the halberd and could not be taken off. Kong Heng's face was covered with flames and he had to retreat temporarily. smiled and said:


His bronze Zen staff twisted suddenly, jumped twice like a snake, and fell off the hook. Li Zhouwei knew that this move could not cure him, so he stabbed forward.

Kong Heng threw the magical weapon with a cry, put his palms together in front of his chest, shouted low, and restrained the halberd forcefully.

"Receiving the foundation-building magic weapon in the physical body?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Li Zhouwei's eyes. He knew that the monk's body was powerful, but he didn't expect it to be so powerful. With a thought, a bright light exploded from [Da Sheng].


Kong Heng only received it gently, and the pain between his two palms was burning. When he recovered, he immediately threw away the magic weapon, letting the blazing bright light hit his body, and got out in disgrace.

He bent down and lowered his eyebrows, and flicked out a sleeve of golden runes.

The rune had not yet taken shape in the air, and the "Huangyuan Pass" that had been eyeing it for a long time suddenly crashed down in the sky, but Kong Heng was not interested.

"The prince has just made a breakthrough, so he must be unskilled in using the Immortal Foundation. 'Huang Yuan Pass' is no better than others, it is the externalization of the Immortal Foundation. The magic power in the body will inevitably rise and fall between ups and downs!"

Just when Li Zhouwei urged Xian Ji, Kong Heng's eyes suddenly lit up with golden light, he clasped his palms together, and the Sanskrit sound in his mouth boomed:


This sound was like splitting bamboo and silk, shaking the water on the lake. After all, Kong Heng had been a mage for many years. This sound was at its peak, and it was the key to the operation of his magic power. Not to mention, the immortal base in the sky shook for a while, and Li Zhouwei's expression became even brighter. It was a flush, and he almost vomited blood.

But Kong Heng moved.

The moment the "Huangyuan Pass" shook, not only a piece of golden rune came out of it, but the golden figure that had been suppressed and almost exhausted also straightened up again, with six arms in the air, and put down countless golden chains.

Li Zhouwei calmed down the turmoil in an instant, and the other party completely broke away from his rhythm. The gold in Li Zhouwei's eyes flashed, and Kong Heng's expression was determined and unwavering.

It has to be said that Kong Heng has almost no weaknesses except for his lack of attack. The pupil technique blessed by Li Zhouwei's golden pupil is extremely terrifying, but it has no effect on him. The bright light eliminates evil and destroys disasters, and the characteristics of suppressing and killing also affect Shi Light is of little use.

""Shang Yao Fu Guang" has not been refined yet...otherwise there would be nothing we can do..."

He took a deep breath and had to step back.

But his strength was far inferior to others, so his retreat immediately fell into the control of others. Kong Heng's golden lock swayed in the air, and the golden curse turned into a small golden wooden fish to resist the "Huangyuan Pass" .

"Huangyuan Pass" cannot be dealt with with just one spell, but the Li family is familiar with Kong Heng. How could Kong Heng's understanding of the Li family be so different? Let him crush the wooden fish, as long as the "Huangyuan Pass" rises and falls, a Sanskrit sound will immediately vibrate, and the golden lock will threaten and trap him.

Kong Heng acted extremely seriously, even if he had the upper hand in every situation, he never gave up. He carefully closed the golden lock little by little. The two fought for nearly a hundred times. Kong Heng finally stopped talking, and Li Zhouwei stopped his halberd.

Without him, if the fight continues now, it will be a fight of life and death. Although this golden lock cannot trap Li Zhouwei to death, it still requires a lot of energy to escape from the lock. The two of them are just competing, and there is no need to break their muscles and bones. .

Li Zhouwei only handed the halberd into the hands of the armored soldiers, and came all the way. After thinking for a long time, he nodded and said:

"The juniors will gain a lot."

Kong Heng smiled bitterly and shook his head. Only then did he realize that he was a little ruthless and whispered:

"It doesn't make sense for a monk to bully a small one..."


Little did he know that Li Xuanxuan was extremely happy to see it. Li Zhouwei once rushed into Kong Heng's side. If it were any other foundation-building monk, it would have been a headache. It was Kong Heng who was fighting with him. The old man smiled and said:


Li Qinghong kept smiling and didn't say much. They rode the wind back to the island, and then Li Qinghong said softly:

"Zhou Wei, although your cultivation is still shallow, your strength has already begun to show its prowess... From now on, I will leave the lake to you, so I feel more at ease."

If Li Zhouwei realized something, he nodded heavily, waved his hand, and sent Kong Heng and Bai Yuan down. Li Qinghong patted him and said with a smile:

"Don't forget that the [Yuan'e] armor has not been refined yet, it is just worn on the body. When you refine the armor, your strength will increase."

Li Zhouwei nodded naturally, and Li Qinghong said softly:

"What my family can do to help you is armor, halberds, exercises, spells, and elixirs... We... have tried our best, but you were born in my family and can't give you anything better..."

Li Zhouwei was keen and noticed that her tone was a little strange, and said in a deep voice:

"Don't worry, sir. I only feel that there are too many, and I have never thought about the shortcomings. I have made an oath in my family and many restrictions. Minghuang will keep it in mind and don't dare to violate it!"

After hearing what he said, Li Qinghong sighed softly, as if relaxing and sighing, and whispered:

"I know... I just have something to tell you."

She paused and said gently:

"As long as my family's Xiaozong and foreign surnames are talented enough, they have always been raised with spiritual talents. Chen Yang, who is the most talented, even received Qingdu treatment... I have discussed with my brother that as long as there are characters who can build foundations, my family will also treat them with spiritual talents. The skills are sufficient.”

"But the Lijing family that initially followed us, although they are now wealthy families, are actually from farmers. After all, it is difficult for them to have the capital to build a foundation... This technique has been hanging around and has not been used."

She looked at the lake shore and said softly:

"Now that the lakeshore has been unified, all the families have joined my family. An Siwei, Chen Yang and others all have hopes of building a foundation. These people must be given a chance and must not be underestimated based on their sectarian views."

"These people have achieved great success and are willing to stay in my family if they are willing to take an official position in my family. If they don't want to stay on the lake and want to find another job, just keep this relationship and let them leave with their clan members."

Hearing Li Qinghong's words, Li Zhouwei was silent. His family was not as good as the Qingchi Sect, and it actually had no attraction to the foundation-building monks. If they didn't really have friendship, choosing a place to close their own doors and become the master would be considered a noble family. Wouldn't it be much happier than living under someone else's roof? ?

Only the old man on the side frowned slightly when he heard this and whispered:

"Qinghong, this is..."

Li Qinghong said softly:

"There won't be any need for manpower in my family right now. The monks who broke through the Foundation Establishment advised him that it would be best to go Xiaoyao and stay on the lake. I'm afraid of being plotted by the Zi Mansion."

"My family has nothing to do with them. In terms of martial arts, as long as the talent is enough and there is spiritual energy available, except for my own secret techniques, everything else is for them to refer to. Spiritual materials and spiritual objects are distributed every year in every province and peak. If the talent is good, then If I have the resources, I can even go to the continent to practice... If there is danger, my family will go there first... All the families also respect us, this is friendship."

"But this is something that can be afforded. Once the foundation is established, some things were obtained by my ancestors with their lives, or I fought for them with my own life. I can only give them out because they are my relatives, and I can no longer afford them... If you don’t get it, you will become resentful, which will ruin the friendship.”

The woman said softly:

"What I mean is... my family's top priority is Zi Mansion, and we must not create any extraneous problems. I don't know how many things will happen if Zi Mansion's magical power teases them. It's best to persuade them to leave first and preserve their friendship. Why bother building the foundation with one or two people?"

Li Zhouwei finally nodded and said softly:

"Junior understands, as long as there is no Zifu in the family, there are foreign surnames, and Xiaozong achieves the foundation, first advise them to take away the clan members and go elsewhere."

Li Qinghong looked at him with a smile, then turned to look at the scenery on the lake. Li Xuanxuan beside him didn't say much. She was silent for a long time, turned her face and said:

"Uncle, take care of yourself."

Today’s post is a bit watery, so I’ll send it to you in advance. I have to prepare the manuscript for last year’s conference^


Ouqi_Xu Wuwu

Fearless Xiao Jin


Try speaking star language

Reward the leader

Let’s talk about Xingyu (Mr. Chen)’s entry into the house, which will be auspicious!

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