Yan Cigui

Chapter 118: A bean sprout

 Liu Xun was silent.

He didn't listen to a single word of his father's remarks, but it was hard to refute, so he shut up.

Liu Jing saw this and said sincerely: "I am doing it for your own good. It is not easy to fight in officialdom. If you want to rise to the top without any background, how can there be such a good thing?"

 Just like himself.

If a candidate from other places had not married a girl from the Duke of Fuguo's palace, how could he be able to serve as minister of Honglu Temple based on his age and qualifications?

About Qianbu Corridor, the top leaders of the five temples and six departments have either been working in the court for more than ten or twenty years longer than he has, or they have rich family knowledge and outstanding elders in front of them.

 But Liu Jing still had complaints.

 After the old man married his daughter, he really turned a blind eye and didn't care about his son-in-law at all.

His achievements today are all due to his own efforts and hard work, as well as the spontaneous help from others for Xu Mang's sake.

Honglu Temple is also the only fourth-rank yamen among the five temples. Fourth-rank officials are indeed outstanding, but in the capital, a place where there is no shortage of second-rank officials and the streets are full of relatives of the emperor, they are still a bit unworthy.

If Xu Mang could pave the road a little more, he could take a few more steps forward.

People's lifespan is limited. Being able to rise and fall in officialdom for fifty or sixty years is already extremely capable. Most people will retire after twenty or thirty years.

 Therefore, if you take a few more steps when you are young, you will be a few steps ahead in the Golden Palace in the years to come.

 Three orphans and three princes, that is what Liu Jing pursues.

It's not that there is no chance now, but Liu Jing was angry when he thought about it, but he was limping because of Xu Mang's lack of attention when he could have run away.

 This is also the reason why he wants Liu Xun to climb up.

  When the father's journey has not yet been completed, the son will continue to walk. If one generation fails, then there will be two generations.

"Princess Ning'an is an excellent candidate," Liu Jing continued to warn his son. "The title is her own. The Empress Dowager loves and protects her. Apart from the current princesses and the princesses in the prince's palace, she is the most outstanding one." .

Sincere uncle's house is harmonious and easy to talk to. He only has one daughter. From now on, the family property will be given to his nephew. He will only care for his daughter.

As long as you can win over the princess and have the support of your father and Taishan, are you afraid that you won't be able to fulfill your ambitions? "

 Liu Xun still didn't listen.

Who said that an only daughter will definitely turn to her son-in-law?

Isn’t the person in front of him now a counterexample?

Furthermore, after working hard and working hard, in the end it was just an official hat. Can it compare to Xu Jian's position as Duke of the country?

 Even if he has no real power and is not doing his job properly, the Duke of the State is still the Duke of the State.

Then again, how old is Princess Ning'an?

 Thirteen years old, fourteen years old?

Isn’t that similar to Liu Ping?

He hasn't seen Liu Ping for more than a year, but in his memory, his sister is just a bean sprout, with no front or back, and is boring.

 You have to have a figure like Yue Niang to win over people.

Liu Xun was not stupid enough to say it out loud.

Seeing Liu Jing staring at him, he responded honestly: "I will follow the prince to Cining Palace tomorrow and the day after. My son will leave a good impression on the princess."

Hearing these words, Liu Jing was finally half satisfied: "I don't care what happened to Yue Niang. You should send her out earlier so that your mother and A-Ping don't see her. This will save you a lot of trouble."

Liu Xun heard this and was about to say a few words, but Liu Jing didn't let him speak.

"I know what you want to say," Liu Jing said, "Everyone has a favorite, and it's okay if you like that, but you have to remember that you are nothing now. When you marry the princess, you will be in court. Now that you have a place of your own, it’s not too late to accept a few more that you like. Why are you so eager?”

Liu Xun said with a pale face, "How are these the same?" Can teenagers and decades be the same thing?

I wanted to say again, "Father, you came here when you were young, don't you understand?" But he swallowed the words as soon as they reached his lips.

His father may really not understand. In my father's eyes, there was always only the struggle in the court, and everything was for the sake of official position.

 What love, love, love and love are nothing compared with getting ahead.

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak and seemed to have given up his defense, Liu Jing patted him on the back and said, "It's good that you understand my father's painstaking efforts. Go down and say hello to your mother, and then have a good rest. I just want you to understand my father's painstaking efforts." I’ve taken half a day off and have to go back to the Yamen.”

Liu Xun said casually: "Your official duties are more important."

 Liu Jing nodded.

 The father and son left the study, one went to the main entrance and the other to the backyard.

When they parted ways, Liu Jing gave another warning: "I hope that when I come back from the office, there will be no Yue Niang or Xing Niang in the house."

 In the morning, the autumn rain stopped for a few times, and it was not until noon that it really stopped.

 The Holy Emperor arrived at Cining Palace, and Lin Yunyan greeted him outside the main hall.

 “How is the Queen Mother?” asked the Holy Sage.

Lin Yunyan then replied: "My wife is in good spirits today. I am very happy to hear that you are coming over for lunch."

The Holy Master nodded slightly and looked at Lin Yunyan carefully.

 He grew up watching Lin Yunyan.

 From the little baby who made milky sounds to the current cardamom girl, I just feel that she is very friendly. Now look closely at her appearance...

She is a beautiful woman, and she will become even more amazing when her facial features bloom in a year or two.

 Speaking of which, Lin Yunyan's parents are both good-looking, so it is not surprising that she got such a daughter.


 Xu Jian also inherited her good looks from her parents.

 At this point, it is quite appropriate.

 “I’m going to talk to the Queen Mother.” After the Holy Emperor finished speaking, he walked into the main hall.

Lin Yunyan did not follow him, but turned around and went to the West Side Hall.

 In the bedroom.

The Holy Emperor smiled and said, "The Queen Mother looks much better."

"No matter how bad it goes, everyone in the Ai family will suffer a lot. The Ai family themselves will also feel uncomfortable. They can't win the horse crane and can't eat big fish and meat. It's really boring." The empress dowager also laughed as she said it. Well, he didn’t beat around the bush and got straight to the point, “Your Majesty, do you have something important to mention to Aijia?”

 The Holy Spirit nodded.

Besides their mother and son, only Grandma Wang was standing in the dormitory.

The saint saw this and praised in his heart: All the people in front of his mother are smart people.

Grandma Wang sent away the people early in the morning, but Ning An didn't come in again at all.

"I have something to ask the Queen Mother for her opinion on," the Holy Sage lowered his voice, "Isn't it time for Ning An to discuss marriage? Does the Queen Mother have anyone in mind?"

The Empress Dowager glanced at the Holy Emperor in surprise.

She dotes on Lin Yunyan and often calls people to Cining Palace, but Lin Yunyan has a grandmother and a father. If the marriage is a matter within the Lin family, how can she make the decision?

If the Lin family asks, she can give her an opinion, but she will not overstep her authority.

 The reason behind this is impossible for the Holy One to not understand, so...

“Could it be that the Holy One has a good man who wants to lead this red line?” asked the Queen Mother.

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