Yan Cigui

Chapter 164: Laugh if you want to laugh

Chapter 164: Laugh if you want to

The voice fell.

Xu Jian, who was being scolded, did not show any fear. Instead, she pursed her lips, as if she wanted to laugh but was too embarrassed to laugh out loud.

“You’re still holding back your laughter? Didn’t you laugh out loud just in the Jinluan Palace?” The Holy Master saw this in his eyes and said, “If you want to laugh, just laugh.”

 Xu Jian "follow what is good as if it were flowing".

I have to say that the two "not taking the right path" used by the Holy Spirit are indeed very essential.

 Same word, two meanings.

 Liu Xun’s way and his way are indeed not the same way.

Xu Jian was laughing here, a bit magnanimously and proudly, but it actually took away the anger of the Holy Emperor.


 Many years ago, the words spoken by my father and brother were especially in the ears of His Majesty.

 Although the terms are different, they all express the same meaning.

There is no shortage of upright people in the court. They are strict and follow the rules. Not to mention a slight bend, but even a slight deviation will be corrected.

They work together to push the world forward.

 However, in addition to them, there is also no shortage of ministers in the court who can use "laughing" to criticize problems.

If the court is full of old-fashioned behavior, it will be too depressing for many years.

Some people are not so serious, but they manage things smoothly on the line of "frivolous" and "bold". This is their ability.

 Laughing, yelling and cursing are all skills.

 There are many censors who can curse, but it is hard to find a minister who makes people want to laugh as soon as they say it and thinks it is very reasonable.

  Students must be born in a wealthy family and have passed the imperial examinations. Unless they have been in the officialdom for decades and have become a veteran, how can they dare to tell "jokes" in front of the emperor.

 You must also have your own ability, insight, and experience.

Xu Jian is like this.

You might say he enjoyed it, but he did. Even after reading it, he never forgot to "hit the nail on the head" and hit the point directly. Being able to hit the point so accurately shows that after his enjoyment, his heart is as clear as a mirror.

 Hence, this is also the reason why the Holy Spirit turned to Xu Jian.

On the one hand, the leg injury ruined the future of the expedition to the battlefield; but if Xu Jian did not have such a clear mind, after he expressed his idle thoughts time and time again, the Holy Emperor would not cherish talents and not let people go.

 After all, Xu Jian is the only one who can and dares to "smile and curse" in the Jinluan Palace.

 As far as the Holy Spirit is concerned, you have to be patient in the morning, and think about it when you come back in the next morning, and you can also smile knowingly.

Similarly, when he said a few hurtful words in anger, only Xu Jian could respond with such a calm smile.

Other ministers, if they asked him to say "unique", they would probably have already stood up and were about to kneel down.

Thinking of this, the Holy Spirit himself smiled and shook his head.

“Then tell me,” the Holy Master said after taking a sip of tea, “what other results have you achieved with your unique path?”

 The smile on Xu Jian's face did not disappear, but she also became serious: "The effect is very little."

The Holy Spirit was stunned.

But I heard Xu Jian say again: "I took the initiative to talk to Uncle Chengyi about this matter, and he was quite cautious at the time.

This is also expected. The princess is the apple of my uncle's eye, and she loves and cares about her very much. I was not sent out directly by the uncle's cold face. It's because the uncle took the emperor's face into account.

After that, I couldn’t continue to come to the house. The uncle didn’t respond. It doesn’t make sense for a foreigner to come into the house and want to see the princess.

If you offend your uncle, you will lose more than you gain.

I have to say that I have to thank Liu Xun. Once his crooked ways are gone, and with such a fishy face in front of me, I should be a bit like a jewel, right? "

 Hearing this, the Holy Master subconsciously nodded slightly.

These are some true words.

Xu Jian did not stop and continued: "I would like to have more contact with the princess, but there are not many ways.

Go directly to the uncle to find the princess. The princess may not scold the minister, but it also seems a bit frivolous.

The Empress Dowager may become even more unhappy if word of this violation of rules reaches Cining Palace.

I have the audacity to ask Your Majesty, has the Empress Dowager ever spoken to you about this matter again? Is her old man willing to let go? "

Your Majesty:…                                                        …

 The question was thrown back directly.

 Haunted, Sheng glanced at Xu Jian.

The matchmaker, in addition to pulling strings, also has to deal with Ning'an and the eye-catching empress dowager.

 There is nothing wrong with what Xu Jian said.

Without the consent of the Empress Dowager and Uncle Chengyi, it is really unreasonable for Xu Jian to take the initiative to show his goodwill to Ning'an.

“Tomorrow,” the Holy Father pointed at the big issue, “come with me to see the Empress Dowager, and you can tell her yourself.”

 Xu Jian agreed.

 Seeing the Holy One wave his hand, he stood up and left.

 As he retreated to the middle hall, he saw Eunuch Cao looking at him with a smile.

 Sent Xu Jian all the way out, Eunuch Cao thanked God in his heart.

It’s a good thing he wasn’t waiting inside just now, otherwise he might not be able to hold back his laughter.

Duke Fu Guo said that the princess was interesting, so he asked Eunuch Cao to say that Duke Fu Guo himself was very interesting.

 After sending it to the people, he returned to the imperial court. The emperor had already written and reviewed the memorial.

Eunuch Cao gently poured hot tea with him.

The Holy Father did not even raise his head and asked, "How much have you heard before?"

Eunuch Cao hesitated for a moment, guessed the holy meaning, and replied: "I laughed when I heard that you asked Duke Fu to laugh, and you asked him to go to Cining Palace with you tomorrow."

Since he heard it and didn’t have to waste time saying it again, the Holy Spirit continued to ask: “What do you think?”

 At this time, it was even more difficult for Eunuch Cao to answer immediately.

He thought seriously for a while and said: "The princess and the auxiliary prince met before. The Cining Palace did not show any dissatisfaction. I think the Queen Mother should not object even if she is not happy to see it happen."

 The Holy Spirit nodded.

Based on his understanding of the empress dowager, the empress should "wait and see".

"Tomorrow, do you want to summon the princess to the palace?" Eunuch Cao suggested, "How satisfied the empress dowager is depends on how satisfied the princess is with the auxiliary prince. As long as the princess does not object to having **** with the prince. Say a few words..."

 It’s approaching noon.

 Have a lunch break around Qianbu Corridor.

Liu Jing hurriedly returned to his home with a worried look on his face.

 Liu Xun is recuperating from illness, but he is quite restless.

"You look like a monkey!" Liu Jing said, "I let you lie down and don't ask you to practice. How can you be idle?"

 Liu Xun was flirting, but he didn't reply. He only asked about the situation.

Liu Jing had a headache when he thought about the accusations he received in Jinluan Palace, but he still sat down patiently and talked to Liu Xun.

“I bit you to death because it was Princess Simu who accidentally got involved in Zheng Liu’s matter.”

 “Just rest for a few days and don’t think about going out, especially to Yue Niang’s place!”

“Yunyang’s Mansion is in a more difficult situation than us right now, so we can’t let them find any flaws.”

 Liu Xun reluctantly agreed.

The play has been sung until this point, and we can’t give up all our efforts.

After persuading his son, Liu Jing simply had lunch and then returned to the Yamen to do some work.

As soon as he entered the Qianbu Corridor, he was keenly aware that something was wrong with the surrounding atmosphere.

The state of watching the excitement is very similar to the previous time when Liu Xun learned to make trouble.

 It can be said that because of falling into the water, the whole morning has passed, what else can be new?

Just as he was thinking about it, his subordinate Huang Shaoqing came over and asked in a low voice: "I heard that your Excellency is inviting a Taoist priest to your residence?"

 Liu Jing:?

   Two is a little later.



 (End of this chapter)

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