Yan Cigui

Chapter 185: What a joke!

Chapter 185 What a joke!

 This question kept spinning in Liu Jing’s mind over and over again.

He was so dizzy that he couldn't even breathe smoothly.

 That’s right.

The princess is young and tends to get hot-tempered.

 This is also the reason why he originally wanted Xun'er to attack the princess.

 Identity, status, future, etc., are all things that only elders will consider. They compare the two in marriage and evaluate the winner or loser.

 Little girls who have little contact with foreign men cannot think of those things at all.

The county owner was fighting Xiao Jingui again. He had never eaten hardships or suffered difficulties. He didn't understand what is money oil and salt at all.

What kind of man can best please a little girl?

 Those who are handsome and those who have a sweet mouth are nothing more than these two.

 Xun'er has both of these.

 Liu Jing had a good idea, but something went wrong.

 After what happened at Zhangping Garden, he also changed his view on Princess Ning'an.

 The princess is scheming.

 She is not a little girl who is ignorant of the world.

 But now it seems that young is still young!

 Otherwise, could Xu Jian be deceived?

  Does Xu Jian have a sweet mouth?

 With the Jinluan Palace so crowded that people couldn't even turn around, no one would put the word "sweet mouth" on Xu Jian.

Xu Jian went to court to watch the fun, and either didn't speak, and when he did he spoke in a weird manner.

 Which little girl would like yin and yang weird things?

 Xu Jian is from head to toe, top to bottom, and the only thing that can be distinguished is his appearance.

 Handsome, really handsome!

Liu Jing felt panicked when he thought that the handsome appearance was inherited from Liu Jing and his wife!

They are both biological sons, and Xun'er is also very good-looking. How come Xu Jian is better at growing up than Xun'er?

  What good-looking facial features his parents have, he will take care of them.

  It is even more suitable to combine the strengths of the two people together, and they stand out at a glance.

As for Liu Jing, there are so many young men in Beijing, but none of them can be more handsome than Xu Jian.

There is no doubt that it was this handsome face that impressed the princess.


 The timing is wrong!

 Young men of this age are really different every year.

Xun'er is only one year younger than Xu Jian, but she has grown a bit slowly. Her voice is still changing, her height has not increased, and her facial features are handsome.

Unlike Xu Jian, I don’t know what the old man fed him to grow up. He started to grow taller in the past few years, and now he has fully grown.

 This is how a gap is created!

 Otherwise, when Xun'er also grows...

 I don’t say it will definitely be better than Xu Jian, but I can certainly deceive the princess!

The princess is obviously not in a hurry to get engaged, so why...

Even if the princess is angry and the Holy Father takes another idea, won't there still be the Queen Mother, Uncle Chengyi and the old lady?

 They treated the princess with so much respect, why didn't they stop her?

What made Liu Jing even more gritted his teeth was that he had just arranged a marriage for Xun'er, and then the emperor issued a decree to marry Xu Jian.

Since Yunyang's residence was neither cold nor hot, he was also afraid of long nights and many dreams. The marriage of the two families was in a hurry, so Xiao Ding also kept things simple.

This brief is for Yunyang Bofu. The Liu family did not deliberately suppress or wrong Zheng Liu.

In the eyes of ordinary people, Xiao Ding's gifts were already very valuable, in line with the etiquette of official marriage.

 But today I was suddenly outclassed!

 The Duke of Fuguo made a marriage arrangement with the princess of Bofu, and the imperial edict cleared the way.

 The gifts that the Emperor Guangsheng and the Empress Dowager will reward are unparalleled by anyone.

It’s a good thing that those two families probably didn’t bother to put down the small ding ceremony a few years ago, otherwise the small ding ceremony would be carried out on the street, and it would be as big as the sky and the earth.

If it can't be hit with eight poles, it won't be compared together outside.

However, who can not compare two brothers who have the same father and mother by blood even though their bones are broken but their tendons are still connected?

How can Liu Jing not feel aggrieved by this?

 Subconsciously, Liu Jing wanted to take a sip of tea to soothe his throat and calm down. When he reached for the teapot, he realized that it was completely cold and had no choice but to put it down.

He pressed his eyebrows, and suddenly, the confusion that had been lingering in his heart not long ago finally had an answer.

 No wonder!

 No wonder Xu Jian would help him talk to him in the morning, saying "try it as a surprise". He knew that Xu Jian was not a superficial child with a temper. Xu Jian did not care about being comfortable with his mouth. Xu Jian must have his purpose.

 It turns out that he is waiting for him right here!

 Xu Jian had already known what the Holy Emperor was thinking, and must have tried to find a way to please the princess and the empress dowager. The marriage was already well planned, and then, Zheng Liu was completely given to Xun'er.

Speaking of which, the princess had plotted against Zheng Liu and Xun'er, and Xu Jian suggested this. Could it be that "bringing joy" was part of Xu Jian's plan to please the princess?

He and Xun'er worked hard and tried every means to get Uncle Yunyang to take a step back and finalize the marriage, but it turned out that they were all used by Xu Jian to please the princess?

 Thinking about this, Liu Jing became increasingly unable to calm down.

 Xu Jian made his "wishful thinking come true", leaving him with the fruit of "failure".

 What a good plan!

 The abacus beads flew to his head!

 On the other side, in the Liu Mansion, Liu Xun, whose health was "gradually improving", was finally able to leave his study in the past few days.

Liu Jing did not let him go out for a walk, and even ordered an old housekeeper to watch him closely.

Liu Xun was dissatisfied, but thinking about the settled marriage, he could only comfort himself over and over again. At least he could get out of the house to get some air, and the yard at home was small, and he could walk around twice.

  After holding it in for a long time, the cold wind didn't make me feel cold. I just felt refreshed and more comfortable than in a house heated by charcoal fire.

As I was turning around, I heard a lot of people outside. It was very lively.

 Liu Xun's curiosity was suddenly aroused.

"What's going on outside?" he asked the housekeeper. Without waiting for an answer, he added, "Have a look!"

The housekeeper hurriedly caught up and advised, "Sir, I told you not to go out!"

“I’m not going out,” Liu Xun shouted. “The door is open a crack. Can you let me take a look at the assembly?”

As he spoke, he walked quickly and rushed to the concierge. The bustle outside was very clear.

 “I’ll just take a look.” Liu Xun said.

He kept his word. He only opened a small crack, put his whole face up, and put his right eye on the crack of the door.

 His field of vision was limited, so he didn’t see clearly and muttered.

“Hey, I’m having a happy event. This box looks good. I wonder what kind of treasure is inside.”

  “Hey? Why are the people carrying boxes and cages dressed like eunuchs in the palace?”

"Oh! I understand! To whom is the reward given by the palace, right? With so many things, who has made great achievements? Why didn't I hear that the battle at the border was won?"

 The concierge already knew about the ceremonial situation and hurriedly whispered to the old housekeeper.

When the old housekeeper heard this, his heart was pounding, and he hurriedly stammered to persuade Liu Xun: "My lord, my lord, it's almost done. Don't let anyone find you. Let's, let's go back inside!"

 Liu Xun waved away the old housekeeper's hand in disgust.

 The sound of a conversation reached his ears from outside.

Those were a few ladies who were watching the fun. Their voices were high-pitched and clear after passing through the gate.

 “Given marriage.”

“As expected of the Empress Dowager’s favorite princess, the palace has rewarded her with so many good things.”

 “You are so lucky to be the Duke of Fu! The princess is very popular.”

“I am very lucky to be the princess. The Duke is so handsome. I am ten or twenty years younger..."

 Liu Xun's head buzzed.

He didn't hear a word of what the ladies said after that. He only knew that they were laughing and leaning forward and backward with laughter.

 In the shocked eyes of the old housekeeper, Liu Xun closed the door, walked back to the study with a dull face, as if he had lost his soul, and sat down at the table.

The old housekeeper didn't dare to say anything, he just poured a cup of hot tea and pushed it to Liu Xun.

 After a while, Liu Xun seemed to remember the tea, picked it up and took a sip.


 Cough, cough!

The tea was in his throat. Liu Xun held on to the table and coughed loudly before regaining consciousness as if he had just woken up from a big dream.

 “Smile, laugh your **** off!” he scolded, “I have a lot of things to do!”

 The old housekeeper looked sad.

The old ladies have been locked at the door for a long time, how come they are scolded?

 Is the young master considered awake or not?

  The extra story about the entity that died well has been uploaded.

Book friends who have not bought the traditional Chinese book before and are interested in the extras can read the pages of Good Death, including the last two chapters.

Happy watching everyone~~

   Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng Official Girlfriend, Mountains and Seas Watching the Moon, Shi Gan Dang Dang, and Everything Is Happy 166 for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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