Yan Cigui

Chapter 205: It’s ruined the atmosphere (please vote for me)

Chapter 205: Bad morale (please vote for me)

Shan Shen arrived a quarter of an hour later than Xu Guogong and his son.

When he arrived, Su Ke was kneeling on the porch, and Xu Guogong stood aside with a tense face and said nothing.

Eunuch Cao came out after hearing the sound and asked Shan Shen to go in with Duke Xu.

Shan Shen glanced at Eunuch Cao's face.

 Brows were slightly furrowed, and there was no smile in his eyes.

 You can get a glimpse of the Holy Spirit's mood.

 Entering the imperial palace, Shan Shen saluted and stood aside without taking the initiative to speak.

On the contrary, it was Duke Xu who knelt down and saluted: "I have no way to teach my son..."

The Holy Emperor interrupted Xu Guogong and asked, "Did he deliberately harm Uncle Chengyi's house?"

"Absolutely not, it was an accident," Xu Guogong hurriedly explained, "There were many people watching in the court, and they laughed at him about the past. He couldn't explain anything, and when he was in a hurry, he uttered arrogant words, alas!"

 The Holy Emperor's eyes fell on Shan Shen.

Shan Shen hurriedly handed the case file to Eunuch Cao and said, "I should have sorted it out carefully before submitting it to the Holy One, but I heard that Duke Xu had already entered the palace, and I didn't dare to keep the Holy One waiting for a long time, so..."

The Holy Emperor didn't care about this. He opened it and raised his eyebrows.

Judging from the handwriting, it is not Shan Shen’s own handwriting. The handwriting is slightly flying. It should be the master’s written down of the court hearing process.

Very lively.

It was so lively that it was like a play. You just finished singing and I came on stage. Su Ke's words and the testimonies of witnesses were matched with the reactions of the people watching. Even the Holy Spirit liked to listen to plays, and he often listened to Xia Qinglue's lively remarks. The scene was so shocking that the organization was speechless for a moment.

 Putting down the case file, the Holy Spirit touched the center of his brow.

After a long time, he asked Xu Guogong: "After hearing everything, do you still insist on saying it was an accident or coincidence?"

 Xu Guogong insisted.

 He had no choice but to persevere.

The Holy Spirit laughed and asked Eunuch Cao to bring Su Ke in.

Su Ke didn't kneel for long, but today his mood was up and down. He broke out in a cold sweat earlier and was blown by the cold wind. Now he was in low spirits. When he saw the Holy Master, his weak feet couldn't stand, so he simply knelt down again. Go down.

Shan Shen had sharp eyes and saw that something was wrong with Su Ke's situation. He whispered to Xu Guogong: "What's wrong with your master? He's so careless about kneeling? Why do I remember that he was very good at kneeling outside Uncle Chengyi's house half a year ago..."

Xu Guogong gave Shan Shen a hard look.

You say he was loud, he did suppress his voice, but if you say his voice was low, the Holy Spirit must have heard it!

 Which pot should not be opened?

 It’s obviously intentional!

The Holy Emperor did hear it. Thinking of the situation that Xia Qinglue vividly described in the imperial study, he looked at Su Ke with an increasingly unkind look.

 “Lift your head,” he said.

Su Ke raised his head tremblingly.

 The dragon's face is filled with anger.

"Tell yourself," the Holy Master asked again, "Is it an accident? Is it a coincidence? With so much evidence, how can you still say it has nothing to do with you?"

 One word after another, the majesty is deep.

Even ministers like Shan Shen, who often saw the holy face, were so frightened that the hairs on the back of their necks stood up, let alone Su Ke.

Su Ke had never had the experience of meeting a saint at such a close distance. He was so shocked that his face turned pale with fright and he could not stammer out a complete sentence.

Xu Guogong was also stunned on the spot, not even daring to remind Su Ke to answer.

 The more you answer, the more likely you are to make a mistake.

“Everyone makes mistakes, and I also make mistakes,” said the Holy Sage. “Isn’t the most important thing to reflect on and summarize after making a mistake?

It’s not that I haven’t given you a chance.

  There was a turmoil in the city before. The two families broke off their marriage and settled the matter. I never pursued it.

But you are good, you have done it again and again, and now you dare to murder people!

If you deny it even though you have done no harm to others, do it in front of the common people, or do it in the imperial study room, if I don't teach you a lesson, it will ruin the atmosphere! "

Shan Shen was startled, and when he saw Eunuch Cao looking at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, he immediately imitated him.

 Until this moment, he finally understood what Xu Jian said.

 “The Holy One doesn’t like to hear it.”

What the Holy Emperor is tired of is not the clever or unlucky things that Su Ke did, but the trend of these dandy boys. He is not famous for studying and practicing martial arts, but his private life is more chaotic than a romantic novel, and his thoughts are heavy. Today he is calculating his reputation, and tomorrow he is calculating his life...

Thinking about what happened to the Zheng and Liu families a while ago, and then to Su Ke and Xu Guogong, it is no wonder that the Holy Father has completely lost his patience.

 Can't ignore it, can't go without punishment.

 Otherwise, if this continues, the children of nobles and officials will be in chaos.

 Xu Guogong almost didn't come up in one breath.

He heard the Holy Spirit's intention of killing the chicken to scare the monkeys, and hurriedly knocked his forehead on the floor tiles: "I am guilty. I failed to teach my son well. I..."

 Sheng glanced at Eunuch Cao.

Eunuch Cao immediately understood and called the guards in.

When Xu Guogong saw this, he did not dare to fight for anything in front of the imperial court, and retreated honestly and unsteadily.

Su Ke was completely confused. He didn't know what would happen next or what the situation was now. He was beaten away by the guards.

With two less people to worry about, the Holy Master took a sip of tea and asked Shan Shen, "Where is Xu Jian? Didn't you go to the court for trial?"

Based on His Majesty’s understanding of Xu Jian, he would never leave without saying a word.

 His name will definitely be on the case file.

Shan Shen replied: "The Duke of Fu is working in Shuntian Mansion on behalf of his ministers."

The Holy Father raised his eyebrows: "It's strange, why doesn't he have fun?"

Shan Shen gritted his teeth and said: "It's quite cold outside, and the Duke's legs are not feeling well. Besides, if the princess is here, if I see the cold wind blowing from the Duke..."

The Holy Spirit laughed.

Shan Shen was secretly puzzled.

This smile really makes me feel relaxed.

I thought the Holy One would be dissatisfied with helping the Duke to take time off, but I didn’t expect that the Holy One was not only not angry, but also quite happy?


 The Holy Spirit refers to marriage.

The princess cares about the Duke, and the Duke will trust the princess's thoughts, and the Holy Emperor will definitely be satisfied.

 The Holy Spirit has indeed relaxed a lot.

 Xu Jian has his shortcomings, but he also has many advantages.

How great it would be if the younger generation were as clear and capable as Xu Jian!

Thinking about it this way, Su Ke seemed even more arrogant.

"Xu Guogong closed his door to think about his mistakes and was fined for three years. As for his unsatisfactory son," the saint thought for a while and said, "I will send him away after traveling three thousand miles in these two days."

Shan Shen heard the words and hurriedly responded.

From his point of view, the Holy Emperor was not only giving a serious warning to the noble disciples in the capital, but also saving face for Xu Guogong's government. He did not beat him to the end with a stick.

 Whatever the Holy One has decided, Shuntian Mansion just has to do it.

Eunuch Cao and Shan Shen went out together and saw the father and son who were still in a daze outside the imperial study.

Hearing Eunuch Cao’s words about the Holy Sage’s judgment, Su Ke’s eyes darkened, he felt dizzy, and ended up passing out again.

Xu Guogong looked at the door of the imperial study room in disbelief and murmured: "It can't be like this. Ke'er didn't mean it. How could it be possible... I want to see the Holy One, and the Holy One has mercy..."

Eunuch Cao stopped him: "Mr. Guo, listen to the Zajia's advice. Just admit it. Go back and talk to the old lady, madam and the prince. Finally, give the third prince a full meal and send him out like this." Bar."

    Xu Guogong was shocked and turned to look at his son, who was being held up by the guards so as not to fall to the ground.

Eunuch Cao’s words are very clear.

 He also has an old mother and other sons.

If he disobeys the advice and really offends the Holy Spirit, then...

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, Meimei Da M, for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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