Yan Cigui

Chapter 252: Not exciting enough (two updates in one)


 The yamen of the Ministry of Rites is still very busy.

Li Shao sat on the big chair, absent-minded.

Eunuch Shi walked in quickly, glanced at Xu Jian on the other side of the room, then looked away, and leaned over Li Shao.

"Your Highness," Eunuch Shi said in a low voice, "They have all been sent back, and they have been counted in the warehouse. They have been completed."

Li Shao snorted lightly.

Seeing Eunuch Shi glance at Xu Jian quietly again, he asked curiously: "What's wrong?"

Eunuch Shi smiled sarcastically.

 Today is his first day working with His Highness.

They are all chamberlains in the East Palace, and they all serve His Highness, but compared to Eunuch Hu, they lag behind.

Eunuch Hu followed His Highness whenever he came in and out, shouting at them behind their backs.

it's good now.

The general manager, Eunuch Cao, spoke, and Eunuch Hu was beaten so hard that he couldn't get up from bed.

 The good thing of running for His Highness just fell on his father-in-law Shi.

 He must seize the opportunity.

I have no choice but to serve His Highness well and gain His Highness's trust. Even if Eunuch Hu recovers from his injuries, there is no way he can take this job back.

"I'll figure it out on my own..." Eunuch Shi was afraid that Xu Jian would hear it, so he just said that he hadn't figured it out yet.

Upon seeing this, Li Shao wasn't interested in listening, so he didn't ask any more questions.

 When he arrived at the lower office, Li Shao stood up and stretched his muscles.

Hello to Xu Jian lightly, he strode outside.


 “Strange.” Li Shao muttered.

Eunuch Shi rolled his eyes and said hurriedly: "In front of Duke Fu, I didn't dare to say anything. I was thinking that the incident yesterday was probably caused by Grand Duke Fu?"

Li Shao frowned: "He stabbed him? Are you sure?"

“While we were still having a thank-you banquet, the princess entered the palace, and happened to point her finger at the wine.” Eunuch Shi curled his lips, “I thought that the matter was leaked, and the princess came to find her.

 I heard that after you left yesterday, the Holy Father summoned Duke Fuguo into the palace and said a lot of things behind closed doors.

If it wasn't about the wine tribute, why would you be so anxious? I'll just call them over after the court today. "

 The more Li Shao listened, the more sense he became.

 He just said it!

How could he be so unlucky?

 It turned out that Xu Jian was plotting against him behind his back!

 But so what?

The thunder was loud and the raindrops were light. Things ended last night.

Other than those who were present at the time, who else knows?

This morning, no one mentioned it at all because no one knew about it.

Xu Jian was scolded by his father at night, shouldn't he have to settle the matter?

 From beginning to end, Xu Jian could not do anything to him.

 He has no pain or itching!

 On the contrary, it was extremely enjoyable.

He was very happy when Xu Jian was depressed; he was also very happy about the excitement that he had hidden from his father.

 He also had to thank Xu Jian for letting him know what it was like to do these things under the eyes of his father.

"I don't have time to argue with him!" Li Shao said proudly, "Let's go, I have something more important to do."

Li Shao's so-called important thing is, of course, to have a good time with Liu Xun.

 Entering the house, a variety of delicious dishes were already placed in the elegant room.

Eunuch Shi held a wine jar and placed it on the table.

Liu Xun's eyes lit up: "Could it be that the Ancient Moon Tribute Wine is contained here?"

 Li Shao said: "That's right."

Eunuch Shi poured two cups and gave them to Li Shao first and then to Liu Xun.

Liu Xun held it with both hands, smelled the aroma of the wine, and looked at the color of the wine. His mind was moved for a while, and he recited several poems about wine.

After he finished reading, he said: "I always felt that these poets were too exaggerated. Wine is wine, no matter how good it is, it's just the same thing. But now I know that the descriptions make sense. The cup in my hand The wine is fully worthy of those kind words.”

Li Shao laughed.

 Liu Xun took a sip of wine.

Of course the taste is good, but to be honest, it won't make you drunk after one sip.

But, Your Highness is waiting for him to brag!

Liu Xun could see that what he had just played was in line with His Highness's wishes, and he would definitely continue to play it now.

 What leaves a lasting impression on one's mouth and what brings endless aftertaste.

Having complimented me on the wine, of course I cannot thank Your Highness enough.

"If it hadn't been for the gift from His Highness, how would I have had the chance to taste this fine wine?"

“After taking this sip of wine, my heart will really feel hot.”

Li Shao raised his head and took a full sip. His Adam's apple rolled and the wine fell into his stomach.

“It’s just a little tribute wine. You are exaggerating.” He motioned to Eunuch Shi to add some more. “If you work with me, how can I let you not even drink this wine?”

“For His Highness, you are the crown prince, so this is a piece of cake, but for me, being able to taste a sip of tribute wine is no simple matter.”

Li Shao glanced at his "little effort", the small wine jar.

Most of the tribute wine that was moved out of the palace has been sent back.

 He himself retained only a small part.

It is impossible for the warehouse to calculate this difference with him. Even if some ignorant people ask, it means that it has been transported back and forth and has been worn out.

 After having an idea in front of his father yesterday, Li Shao would not take these small mistakes seriously at all.

 Besides, the big ones have been given, how can the father pursue these small ones?

If you have the ability, Xu Jian will go to the warehouse by yourself and pack buckets and jars to see if you can tell how many jars are different.

For such a picky person, let's see if Father will scold him or Xu Jian.

 When he thought of Xu Jian, Li Shao couldn't help but look at Liu Xun again.

Obviously they are two brothers, but Liu Xun talks a lot more than Xu Jianzhong listens.

 As for what happened in the warehouse last night, Li Shao would not tell Liu Xun.

How embarrassing it would be to let Liu Xun know that he was tricked by Xu Jian and blocked by Ning An!

The majestic prince has no face to speak out.

 “You can continue drinking if you like.” Li Shao looked unconcerned.

 Half a jar of wine was consumed.

 Liu Xun was a little elated.

 Outside, the music sounded, and the dancers were ready.

Li Shao and Liu Xun put on their masks and watched the young girls swaying in.

The fun didn’t end until the third watch.

 Liu Xun was physically exhausted but still energetic.

 When I got home, I entered the room with my front foot, and then Liu Jing knocked on the door.

"Are you still awake?" Liu Xun was excited.

"You also know that this is the time to go to bed?" Liu Jing lowered his voice, "I'm not at home in the middle of the night, and I still smell like makeup!"

Liu Xun hurriedly explained: "I am just accompanying His Highness the Crown Prince!"

Liu Jing's eyes suddenly sank.

 After hearing Liu Xun talk about what happened with Li Shao these days, Liu Jing's face became a little gloomier.

Liu Xun was quite surprised when he saw this.

 Is your father an old-fashioned person?

Father even thought of hinting to the people around the prince to kidnap people, so would he care about the prince's debauchery?

Liu Jing saw what Liu Xun was thinking and said, "These are two different things!" Kidnapping people and how the prince tormented the kidnapped people were all done behind the scenes.

 But this kind of debauchery...

 Look at the time, it won’t be long before you’re ready to go to court!

That is to say, His Highness is young and vigorous. If he were a middle-aged man, I am afraid that the whole Jinluan Palace would be yawning all over the place.

The prince stayed outside the palace for one or two days in the first ten days. If the news reached the ears of the Holy Emperor, trouble might arise.

 Besides, how can there be a truly safe place...

"Who gave you the connection? Are you sure the other party is reliable? Who owns that house? Who raises all the dancers? Is the other party really unaware of His Highness's identity?" Liu Jing asked a series of questions in one breath.

Liu Xun was speechless when asked.

When Liu Jing saw this, he said angrily: "Be careful, someone else specially arranged it!"

 “No, it can’t be?” Liu Xun couldn’t believe it.

"Be careful when sailing for ten thousand years," Liu Jing thought for a moment and said, "It would be better for you and His Highness to go there less often. You are getting married next month, and when the girl from Yunyang's house comes in, you will too. After playing like this until midnight, you still smell like powder when you return home?"

Liu Xun hesitated and said, "Then how should I explain to His Highness?"

Liu Jing felt angry when he heard this.

Yue Niang, what a pity!

However, the matter has come to this, and there is no point in dwelling on the impossible.

Touching his beard, Liu Jing said: "Just say that there is something wrong with the recent rumors in that house. Let's hold off for now. Since you can speak with dignity in front of His Highness, why can't these things be settled? The most important thing in front of you is to get married and settle down. Study and walk step by step.”

Of course he hopes Xun'er can walk faster.

 You can take shortcuts, but you have to be quick on your feet.

 Xun'er's walk back to Beijing was not smooth.

Especially the fall that I learned to take, it was such a hard fall.

Previously, after the news about Xun'er reached Xu Miao's ears, he reorganized Xun'er's homework as agreed with his wife.

Liu Jing got some clues from this question.

Xun'er's homework does have many shortcomings, but it doesn't mean he knows nothing and has read so many years of books in vain.

At first, Xun'er stumbled a bit with his answers. The more questions he asked, the smoother he became, and he even came up with some very good points in the end.

 This is Liu Jing’s impression of Liu Xun’s true level.

 He was extremely confused at the time.

 At this level, even if you are unprepared, you will not be unable to answer the questions at all.

 After asking a few more questions, Liu Jing finally understood.

Liu Xun is easily nervous when dealing with these questions, so that his mind goes blank. The more anxious he is, the less he can answer.

When facing the couple, the tension gradually faded away, especially after the beginning, and the follow-up became smoother naturally.

 To put it bluntly, I’m just too nervous.

 But in Liu Jing's view, being nervous is never a good thing.

He has seen many candidates who are full of economics. When they enter the examination room and pick up the pen, they are sweating so much that they can't write a word.

 But tension can also be overcome.

No matter what, it is better than having no ink at all in your stomach.

"Your mother has to arrange your marriage." Liu Jing patted his son on the shoulder. "She has been restless lately. Don't let her notice anything."

 Liu Xun agreed.

 It’s been another half month in a hurry.

 The yamen of the Ministry of Rites is still so busy.

 Xu Jian glanced at Li Shao.

 It can be seen that His Highness the Crown Prince is in low spirits and even tends to doze off.

According to the results reported by Xuansu, Liu Xun had not played with Li Shao for some time until midnight.

Perhaps it’s a marriage relationship, Liu Xun has been much more honest recently.

Li Shao seemed a little dissatisfied with this, but anyway, he was familiar with the house. Even if Liu Xun was not around, he would go to the house from time to time.

 But, it’s not very exciting.

 Li Shao is indeed a little tired.

When having fun, without someone like Liu Xun who can brag around, it is indeed a bit less fun.

As for those dancers, no matter they are Yangzhou thin horses or foreign dancers, they always come and go.

 It was very refreshing the first few times, but after that, it wasn’t exciting enough!

But if he said he would never go back to the past, Li Shao couldn't think of any other fun for a while.

 It’s really boring!

 It seems that we still have to wait for Liu Xun to have some free time and let him come up with new ideas.

 In early April, when the spring flowers were blooming, Liu Xun and Zheng Liu got married.

 The wedding was quite lively.

Common people love to participate in wedding events, and they gather around the wedding procession, waiting to receive wedding money.

Liu Xun rode a big horse to welcome his bride. There was loud music and firecrackers in his ears, which almost made him lose his seat.

The steward was nearby, and he quickly helped him with his hands.

Liu Xun finally sat still and heard a few laughs from the people watching the excitement.

 What a laugh!

 He muttered in his mind.

These people either laughed at him for being unstable on his horse, or laughed at the reason for his marriage.

He can still ride a horse to welcome the bride. When Xu Jian gets married, he will want to see if his injured leg can still ride a horse.

Anyhow, since Xu Jian was injured and returned to Beijing, I heard that he was either in a sedan or a carriage when he went out, and he had never ridden a horse.

Wan Yue is also among the people receiving wedding money.

 It’s not that I care about these copper coins, but...

But their princess said that all matchmakers must take the matchmaker's red envelope, otherwise their own luck will be ruined.

Wan Yue doesn’t believe it.

 She always felt that the princess was tricking her.

But the princess vowed that not only would she take it herself, but she would also have to take it from the Duke of Guo. If this marriage can happen, she and the Duke of Guo are great matchmakers...

Wanyue couldn’t question the princess, she honestly came to receive the red envelope for the princess.

 Copper plates are also red envelopes.

 It doesn’t mean getting rich, just don’t have bad luck.

With a lot of banging, Liu Xun took Zheng Liu's sedan chair home, and after paying attention to all the etiquette...

In the new house, the two of them looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, and they didn't like each other.

 Liu Xun took a step back first.

This marriage was considered the best choice at the time. Now that it is done, there will be many uses for Zheng Liu and Yunyang's house in the future.

“I know you are not very satisfied with me,” he said. “In Zhangping Garden, you have never thought of getting such a marriage for yourself.”

Zheng Liu snorted.

“But now that we are married, I will tell you frankly,” Liu Xun continued, “I know that you hate the sisters in Chengyi’s Mansion, especially the princess, and you have become enemies with her.

 I don’t like Xu Jian either. I have no brotherhood with him at all.

 At this point, the two of us are on the same journey. "

Zheng Liu raised his eyes and looked Liu Xun up and down: "What? I am a married woman who is not valued by the family, and you are a scholar with a bad reputation. The two of us can handle the Duke and the Princess. Can’t do it?”

 Liu Xun frowned.

This scholar was obviously mocking him.

 But he had to endure: "Who knows? Maybe there will be a chance."

Zheng Liu sneered, and after a while, he said: "Okay, let's try cooperation."

Ten days later, as a collaborator, Zheng Liu arrived at Shuixian Hutong in a sedan chair, knocked on the door of the house, and stood in front of Yue Niang.

 Sorry, it’s very late today.

Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and the reward for not getting fat if I eat in my life.

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