Yan Cigui

Chapter 256: Buddha crossing the destined person (two updates in one)

Chapter 256: Buddha’s Deliverance to Destined Persons (Two updates in one)

Tears welled up in her eyes, Yue Niang was so sad that she couldn't stop them.

Beside, the nanny who had followed her was lost for a long time before she came back to her senses and put her arm around Yue Niang's shoulders to comfort her.

If she hadn't heard Yue Niang tell her about the situation, she would never have imagined that there was such an inside story.

She has been persuading the girl for the past two days, telling her not to make a hasty decision, but to walk steadily and watch carefully.

Pianyue Niang is still anxious today.

Mammy invited the princess according to her wishes, but she still didn't agree with Yue Niang in her heart.

It is true that the young master questioned the girl’s whereabouts yesterday, but it was the new grandma who was the instigator.

 Now is the time for a tug of war.

 Why are you so impatient and eager to take that retreat?

 But she couldn't defeat Yue Niang...

Now that she knew the situation, grandma cursed herself hard in her heart.

 Her "sawing" almost hurt the miserable girl.

 The young master usually spoke so sincerely that even he was deeply moved. Unexpectedly, he even wanted to "sell" his own sister behind his back.

If you can sell your sister today, you can sell your parents tomorrow!

 The girl is just an outsider, how can she be sold together?

 It’s unreliable!

 A man is a man!

 It’s not reliable at all!

 “It’s a hard life for a girl,” the mama couldn’t help but her eyes turned red, “encountering such a heartless man!”

Wan Yue stood on the edge, looked at his princess, and then at the two masters and servants in the room who were crying, feeling mixed emotions in his heart.

 She originally looked down upon Yue Niang.

 You cannot choose your origin, but you can choose your own path.

Beautiful girls from poor backgrounds all have their own difficulties. Wan Yue has heard of some of them, but she always feels that even if she is sold to a lady as a maid, it is worse than being an outlaw. good.

 Especially, Yueniang clearly has a way out.

She still had distant relatives and elders who were willing to take her in and give her a stable path, but she had to stay with Liu Xun.

 Such a person is willing to fall.

 But now seeing Yue Niang crying, Wan Yue felt a little sympathy for her.

 The worst thing is that Liu Xun.

 He coaxed Yue Niang into spinning around.

Yue Niang had her fault, but now she has found her way back...

 No one forced her, nor was she just pretending. Since she was sincere, she had to be corrected.

Wan Yue called softly: "Princess..."

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly.

 She remained silent until Yue Niang cried out the annoyance and bitterness in her heart and stabilized her mood, then she said: "I'm glad you can trust me."

Danfeng’s eyes were red and swollen, and Yue Niang just looked at Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan smiled and said, "I'm also glad that you can figure it out on your own."

Yue Niang is extremely bitter.

If she couldn't figure it out all her life and was kept in the dark, it would be a kind of "happiness".

 But the young master doesn’t have the ability to lie to her for the rest of his life.

 Young Master has shown his weakness.

She is not really blind and has a dark heart. She can clearly see it, but she still pretends that she cannot see it...

Although this kind of seeing through is extremely painful, it is also a step she must take.

“As for Miss Ping, I will find a way to protect her and prevent her from being plotted against,” Lin Yunyan looked deeply into Yue Niang’s eyes, “And you, I hope you really understand.

Now you are afraid that one day Liu Xun will not protect you, and in the evening he will say a few words of kindness and you will ask him to coax him away, or you may think of the good things that have happened over the past year and feel reluctant to let him go.

This kind of vacillation is the most undesirable. If you are of this temper, I will be powerless to help you. "

Yue Niang tightly grasped the handkerchief in her hand: "I understand, Buddha is destined to ferry people."

Lin Yunyan said: "You don't have to be afraid, you actually always have a way to go.

Isn’t Mr. Shashan of Shiyang Academy your uncle and grandfather?

He was willing to take you over, as long as you don't meet people like Liu Xun in the future, and you will have no worries about eating and drinking at his house. "

Yue Niang looked ashamed.

 At the yamen, her uncle and grandfather persuaded her, but it was she who insisted on being Liu Xun's concubine.

 Now that things have happened, how can she have the nerve to beg him again?

Lin Yunyan looked at her expression and knew what she was thinking, and said: "If it's inconvenient over there, I won't let you live on the street. There is always a mouthful of food. As for whether it is a mouthful of porridge or delicacies, it depends on how you manage it. ”

Yueniang's eyes widened in astonishment: "I'm leaving the young master, and naturally I have nothing to do with the new grandma. If the princess uses me as a knife, I won't be able to chop anyone."

 Besides, she just wants stability, not delicacies.

"You don't need to chop this or that," Lin Yunyan lowered her voice, "it will be fifteen in a few days. You go to Guangde Temple and meet Mrs. Xu."

Yue Niang’s eyes widened even more.

 Mrs. Xu?

Isn’t that the young master’s mother?

"Princess, you said that Mrs. Xu is kind-hearted. She knows about my matter and wants to solve it properly," Yueniang said after thinking about it, "But now I neither want to enter the Liu family nor continue to be a concubine. I Why are you trying to interfere with Madam's eyes?"

Lin Yunyan did not hesitate and taught Yue Niang all the words.

Looking at Yue Niang’s pale face, which looked as if Baiji had brushed against it, Lin Yunyan said in a deep voice: “I want you to tell Mrs. Xu these words.”

 Subconsciously, Yueniang shook her head.

It's not that she's unwilling to contribute, it's that she's not sure she can handle the tasks entrusted to her by the princess.

 What if I say the wrong thing, what if my words fail to convey my meaning...

"It's no wonder that you haven't been able to see through Liu Xun before. Even his mother, Mrs. Xu, told him to lie to him a lot," Lin Yunyan persuaded, "It's better to hide it, or to see through it. I think you understand it best today." of.

 You have come out of this pain. I only hope that you can also help Mrs. Xu.

It’s not that I’m blaming myself, but because of my status, I can’t go to Mrs. Xu and tell her that Liu Xun is not the one.

 After much deliberation, I still have to leave this matter to you.

 You are not stupid with your mouth, and you are also thoughtful. I believe you can make Mrs. Xu understand something. "

Yue Niang looked at Lin Yunyan for a moment.

The princess's words seemed to have some power.

 It was not a final word, more like a turbulent stream. The current was not large but continuous, washing her heart.

Yue Niang thought of a word: dripping water penetrates a stone.

 And she was indeed persuaded by the princess.

"I, I will try," Yue Niang took a deep breath, as if to encourage herself, "I will try my best."

Lin Yunyan said hello.

Wan Yue asked the waiter for a basin of water so that Yue Niang could cleanse her face.

Mammy looked at Yue Niang and then at Lin Yunyan, thinking deeply.

 “Mom, do you have any questions?” Lin Yunyan asked her softly.

Mammy shook her head hurriedly.

There were doubts, but how could she dare to question the princess in person?

Lin Yunyan's voice was very low, not enough for Yue Niang to hear, and she just said to the nanny: "What I'm thinking is, I'm helping Yue Niang, so why should Yue Niang find other things to do, which will cause trouble."

Telling Lin Yunyan to tell the truth directly, Grandma lowered her head in embarrassment.

"Emotional matters are really up and down in the mind," Lin Yunyan said. "Sometimes you think about it, and sometimes you can't think about it. Especially when you are alone, you will inevitably have random thoughts. I am thinking about finding something for her to do to distract her mind. This is I need help from my grandma. I can help her organize her speech and practice it a few times so that she won’t have time to think about Liu Xun.”

 Ama suddenly realized it! Isn’t that what it is all about?

 The girl has such a deep affection for the young master, how can she just let it go? She has to go back and forth for a long time, and it will slowly subside over time.

 The beginning is the hardest, and you need to find things to distract your mind the most.

  It is the princess who has thought carefully.

She quietly glanced at Yue Niang again and assured her, "Don't worry, I will definitely advise her. It's enough to fall into a pit once. No bones can withstand being thrown back and forth!"

Lin Yunyan blinked her eyes and smiled: "I like to hear what grandma said."

 Human truth.

  coincides with her.

 The fifteenth day.

Yue Niang changed into plain clothes and went to Guangde Temple with her nanny.

There were many pilgrims in the temple. Yueniang bowed in the main hall, got up and walked out.

 A woman walked towards him, and they met each other.

Yue Niang looked at the other party's appearance and was stunned for a moment.

In the past two days, she and her mother-in-law had discussed many ways to "get to know" Mrs. Xu. It was best to meet Mrs. Xu by chance. If that didn't work, she could only ask the monk who knew the guest and go directly to the side room.

 But she had never met Mrs. Xu, so she encountered real difficulties unexpectedly.

But at this moment, seeing this official woman, Yue Niang immediately understood what the princess had said.

“Liu Xun looks like his father and his mother. You can definitely recognize him at a glance.”

 She did recognize it.

Yue Niang stared intently.

Xu Miao held Nanny Xia's hand and was about to step forward to worship the Buddha. She noticed a gaze falling on her, and she subconsciously turned her head to look.

 She is a young girl, and she does not mean any harm.

Xu Miao smiled at Yue Niang and turned her head. The next moment, her heart was beating fast.

That girl looks familiar.

Xu Miao hurriedly turned around. This time, she looked up and down, carefully looking at Yue Niang.

Yue Niang took this opportunity to step forward and asked softly: "Are you Mrs. Xu?"

 Xu Miao nodded slightly: "The girl is..."

"I," Yueniang pursed her lower lip, "my name is Yueniang."

 Just a name, no explanation.

 She couldn't say it in front of Mrs. Xu that the outer room was not the outer room.

 Xu Miao took a breath.

 Of course she knew the name.

 At the same time, she also knew why it looked familiar.

 A Ping went to Shuixian Alley to take a sneak peek at Yueniang. When she came back, she told her that Yueniang was very similar to the girl they met in the temple on the mountain.

 At that time, Xu Miao seriously recalled that encounter.

 Although she couldn't explain it clearly, she always felt that she should have that face engraved in her mind.

Seeing Yue Niang today, Xu Miao thought, it is just as A Ping said.

"I know you," Xu Miao said again, "There are others in the palace, let's go outside and talk."

Yue Niang naturally responded.

The two of them took their nanny and walked to a place outside the palace where there were few people.

 Xu Miao kept some distance from Yueniang.

After all, this is the outer room. If she is too kind, it will hurt Zheng Liu’s face.

But Xu Miao really didn't know how to speak harshly to a young girl she met for the first time.

"Xun'er acted so poorly that he ended up in such a bad situation," thinking of Liu Xun, Xu Miao sighed and shook her head, "He won't suffer as a man, but his wife will be unhappy, and you will be in a dilemma."

Yue Niang was slightly startled.

She did not expect that Mrs. Xu would first say that the young master was not a gentleman, and did not blame her for not knowing her status and not respecting herself.

Mrs. Xu is really a very kind elder. If she were not in such an embarrassing status, she would be very willing to get along with Mrs. Xu.

At the same time, Yue Niang also became determined to speak clearly.

"I was attracted to the young master and lost my sense of propriety," Yue Niang lowered her eyes and said, "Madam did not blame me. I am really grateful."

Xu Miao thought for a while and asked directly: "Is it a coincidence that we met here today?"

“No,” Yue Niang said directly, “To tell you the truth, I have been feeling very uncomfortable since the new grandma came here.

I had a sweet dream. My new grandma knew about my existence early on, so she would probably turn a blind eye and allow me to live in Narcissus Alley.

 But I was wrong, women are jealous.

 The new grandma came to my place, and the young master was also in a dilemma about this. I was really confused.

I heard that you will come to Guangde Temple on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, so I will come and take a look.

Let Buddha show me the way. If I am lucky enough to meet you, I will also say hello to you. "

The princess told her that Mrs. Xu didn’t like to be deceived.

 The madam has been hiding many things from the young master. Her love for her son makes her blind, but if others lie to her, she will be wary.

 Once the wife doubts her in her heart, it will be difficult to say what happens next.

Looking at Xu Miao's reaction at this moment, Yueniang thought that the princess was right, and telling the truth would make the lady feel more at ease.

Seeing her sincerity, Xu Miao added: "As a mother, you have great affection for Xun'er. Of course I hope he has someone around him who cares about him as much as you do.

 As a mother-in-law, what I want is for my family and everything to be prosperous.

Xun'er obviously doesn't have the ability to balance you and his wife. Whether he takes you into his house or lets you live outside, there will always be a quarrel.

 At that time, you will definitely be the one who suffers the consequences. "

 Identity determines the outcome.

Not to mention that she and the master would not let their son pamper his wife and neglect his wife, how could the Yunyang uncle's house watch Zheng Liu being bullied without saying a word?

Yue Niang has no relatives, no relatives, and no one to rely on.

Thinking about it, Xu Miao still sympathized with her.

His own son has committed a crime!

Yue Niang said softly: "I know, that's why I came to worship Bodhisattva and want to solve the confusion in my heart. Maybe it was Bodhisattva who made me meet you and you can help me solve it. I will definitely think about it carefully. I What I fear most is that the young master will be embarrassed and embarrassed, and he will really get tired of me. Instead of being disliked and complained by the young master, it is better for me to leave early so that we can get together and have a good time. From now on, the young master will always say "good" when he thinks of me. "

The more Xu Miao listened, the more she felt that Yue Niang was sensible.

  Involuntarily, it added a sense of intimacy.

“You look very much like a girl I know,” she said.

Yue Niang raised her eyes.

She laid the groundwork a lot, and was about to find an opportunity to bring the topic to the right track, but she didn't expect Mrs. Xu to bring it up on her own initiative.

"Really?" Yue Niang pretended to be surprised, "Could it be Miss Ping? The young master mentioned that day that I looked a bit like Miss Ping. I thought it was the young master joking with me."

"A Ping?" Xu Miao waved her hand, "You misunderstood, it's not A Ping."

"It's not a good thing," Yue Niang's eyes showed a bit of bitterness, "It's really not a good thing to look like someone like me."

Xu Miao saw that she was depressed and was about to say something to comfort her when she heard Yue Niang say something else.

“During the Chinese New Year, I was listening to a play with the young master, and when I met His Highness the Crown Prince, he also looked at me a few times, maybe he also thought who I looked like..."

   Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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