Yan Cigui

Chapter 258: Seeing is believing (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Chapter 258 Seeing is believing (two updates combined into one, asking for monthly votes)

 The atmosphere in the room suddenly became solemn.

 Liu Xun keenly noticed that his mother's brows furrowed.

 He couldn't help but cursed the word "stupid".

Zheng Liu is so self-righteous and stupid!

Although their mother had kept them in the dark in the past, who in the family would dare to talk to her like this?

Even my father speaks softly.

His father has always taught him that when speaking, he must pay attention to the way he speaks, including his tone, attitude, and wording.

As long as you speak beautifully, the listeners will be happy, and your own intentions will be achieved.

 Liu Xun was convinced.

His abilities are not as proficient as his father's, but at least he has gained entry.

  Talk about people when you see them, talk about ghosts when you see ghosts.

Zheng Liu is just like a human being and a ghost, and his head is full of stupid things!

It sounds like a provocation. What do you want your mother to think?

 Xu Miao's eyes became much colder.

She asked herself that she was not a stingy person, nor was she so protective of her shortcomings that she was unreasonable.

When her son and daughter-in-law quarreled, she would easily stay out of it, but if she really did get involved, she wouldn't mind standing with her daughter-in-law and scolding her son.

 After all, the ultimate goal is for family harmony.

 As a husband, it is normal for Xun'er to bow down to his wife and work as a follower for his wife and sister.

But what Zheng Liu said made Xu Miao feel particularly prickly, and the uneasiness became more and more intense.

For a moment, she couldn't judge the reason for her uneasiness, so she said coldly: "You all go to the theater and leave me alone at home? Let's do it this way, we all go, the three of us sit and listen, and let Xun'er guard the door. , do you think so?"

  Unexpectedly, Xu Miao would say this. Zheng Liu was stunned for a moment and looked at Liu Xun.

 Liu Xun was also beating a drum in his heart.

During the day, he sent a message to His Highness the Crown Prince, saying, "Tonight I am going to Deyue Tower with my sister to listen to a play, and I cannot go to that house with Your Highness." His Highness replied, just as Liu Xun expected.

His Highness replied, "It's okay to listen to the opera. I'll go and listen to it too."

 Liu Xun was mostly heartbroken at that time.

His Royal Highness the Prince's reaction has revealed that he is somewhat interested in A-Ping.

Having made an appointment there, of course we can't break it easily.

 But my mother went with me...

 Liu Xun was unsure.

Zheng Liu looked at his expression and knew that he was retreating, so he secretly scolded him for being "careful".

What does the mother -in -law have a unknown temperament, even if they see His Royal Highness?

 In other words, to say hello, can she see the clues?

 On the contrary, it would be troublesome if you miss this opportunity and let His Highness make this trip in vain.

Before Liu Xun could speak, Zheng Liu hurriedly said: "I thought you didn't like to listen to opera, so I'll just do what you said."

Liu Xun’s face turned pale.

Liu Ping sat on the edge and bit her lip when she saw the people going back and forth among them.

She could see that her mother did not want her to go, and the brother and sister-in-law did not agree on her mother's proposal.

 If this continues, don't have any more conflicts.

"Otherwise," Liu Ping said softly, "brother and sister-in-law, you can go, and I will stay at home with my mother..."



At this time, Zheng Liu and Liu Xun spoke in unison.

Xu Miao's eyes passed across their faces, and the vague uneasiness finally took shape.

It’s not just watching a play, it’s like a banquet.

 In other words, there are others who will show up tonight.

that person…

 Xu Miao's heart was beating rapidly.

 She had an answer in her heart, an answer she didn't want to believe.

  Clearly knowing that the prince is not an innocent person when it comes to men and women, Xun'er did not insist on supporting A Ping when he went to the Ministry of Rites. Tonight...


 She can't just think on her own.

 Xun'er is her son, how can she doubt it just based on what she thinks?

seeing is believing.

"Xun'er, I haven't gone out with your wife since she came in. Mother-in-law and daughter-in-law can't get along so well." Xu Miao took a deep breath and said, "Let's go tonight and listen to the show together."

Zheng Liu happily responded.

Upon seeing this, Liu Xun stopped saying anything and nodded in agreement.

Hurrying Liu Ping to go back and change clothes, Xu Miao also had to tidy up herself.

Sitting in front of the mirror, she thought about it secretly.

 I hope I guessed wrong and misunderstood Xun'er.

If the prince really shows up, then under her nose, the prince will not be rude to A-Ping!

Mother Xia tidied it up for her, guessing what she was thinking, and feeling quite uneasy: "Madam, what if..."

Xu Miao asked her to come over and whispered: "Before I go out later..."

Mama Xia nodded hurriedly.

 The four masters of the house went out together, and the concierge was arranging carriages and horses.

 Manager Tao directed the people: "Hurry up, don't delay Madam's listening to the play."

Mother Xia helped Xu Miao to the carriage and went to find Manager Tao.

"I have something to trouble you." Nanny Xia lowered her voice and asked Manager Tao to lend her a step. "I'll go to the Duke's mansion later and tell him that I'm at the Yamen. Everyone else in the mansion will be there too." Listen to the opera in Deyuelou and ask the Duke to come. "

Manager Tao rubbed his hands and said, "It's not that I'm lazy, but the Duke will probably not go, and my wife will probably be sad again."

"You just need to take the message with you and say that there are many people listening to the play, and you are afraid of meeting people in the court," said Aunt Xia. "Young Master alone is afraid that you will not be able to deal with it well. If you delay any important people..."

Manager Tao listened and glanced at Xu Miao.

 As far as he is concerned, Madam is just wishful thinking.

"I will go there, but I don't dare to accept it if you can ask me."

Mother Xia stuffed a red envelope into it and said, "Excuse me, there are not many people I can safely tell you about any important matters in this house."

When Manager Tao heard this, his face turned red.

you do not say.

Everyone in the house listens to the master and the young master, and many things are hidden from the lady and the girl.

 Last time, the lady herself discovered the messy things done by the young master.

If the master wants to stabilize his wife, he must call the stewards to her and give her a few words of instruction.

It’s just a scene. After training, it’s done.

The other two stewards had a better attitude than him, but their acting skills were definitely more obvious.

As for him, he probably looked a little more guilty and asked his wife to remember him and explain anything today.

“Mom, please don’t worry, madam, I will pass the message on.” Manager Tao accepted the red envelope.

 After all, it would be boring to push out such a simple thing.

 Mother Xia thanked her.

In these days, it seems that this manager Tao is the most practical.

Just passing these two sentences, he won't just take money and do nothing. As for the Duke of the country...

The madam said that if the Duke really noticed something was wrong with the prince yesterday and asked the girl to go home quickly, then he would be able to understand the underlying meaning.

Helping Xu Miao get into the carriage, Granny Xia got into the carriage at the back and sat face to face with Granny Su at Zheng Liu's place.

“What did the old sister say to Manager Tao just now?” Grandma Su asked casually.

 Mother Xia also replied casually: "Just a few words."

Regardless of whether the Duke understands it or not, what she hopes in her heart is that the lady is overthinking everything...

 A group of people arrived at Deyue Tower.

Liu Xun came and booked a private room in the afternoon.

The waiter cheerfully ushered everyone in and was busy serving tea and snacks.

 Xu Miao asked Liu Ping to sit next to her and said to Zheng Liu, "Let Xun'er stand inside. Stand on the porch and let others watch the joke."

Zheng Liu doesn’t care.

  Liu Ping is already here anyway, and Liu Xun, the green bastard, looks the same everywhere.

 Soon, singing started downstairs.

The corner boy stood on the stage, singing, reciting, and playing, all of which were wonderful, attracting cheers from the guests in the private rooms on the left and right and in the lobby below. Only the Liu family applauded, but not enthusiastically.

 No one’s mind is on the stage.

Liu Xun and Zheng Liu each had their own ideas. Xu Miao was thinking about them, the prince, and even Xu Jian, but she didn't listen attentively. Liu Ping was careful and noticed that the atmosphere was not right, so how could she concentrate on listening to the play?

 The snack melon seeds were not touched, but half the pot of tea was gone.

Liu Xun refilled the tea for several people, holding the half-empty teapot and saying, "I'll ask someone to add more."

 After saying that, he turned around to open the door.


 Someone knocked on the door twice outside.

 Liu Xun and Zheng Liu quickly exchanged glances.

Xu Miao looked in her eyes and pursed her lips.

Liu Xun opened the door, Xu Miao looked over his body and took a breath.

 It’s not Xu Jian who’s here.

That was a young man, dressed in gold and expensive clothes.

Xu Miao has never met the prince, but she can tell at a glance that the person coming is Li Shao.

Liu Xun pretended to be surprised and respectfully saluted Li Shao: "Why are you here, Your Highness?"

Li Shao strode into the private room and saw two other people besides Liu Ping inside. He couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

Liu Xun bit the bullet and quickly introduced him: "This is my mother, and this is my wife..."

Xu Miao had already stood up, suppressing her beating heart and saluting Li Shao.

Li Shao nodded slightly, and then glanced at Liu Ping.

Liu Ping, this little girl, looked a bit uncomfortable. Li Shao originally looked down on her.

 But unfortunately, this is Xu Jian’s biological sister.

Yesterday at the Ministry of Rites, he glanced at Liu Ping a few times, but before he could get a clue, Xu Jian told Liu Ping to leave with a cold face.

Li Shao was very unhappy about this.

He didn't believe it, he couldn't conquer such a little girl.

 When Liu Ping obeyed his words, Xu Jian's expression should be particularly wonderful.

 Because of this, when Liu Xun sent a message today, Li Shao accepted it without even thinking about it.

Unexpectedly, when we arrived, there were not only my sister, but also my wife and I, who half-blocked Liu Ping behind her.

Li Shao finally realized that Mrs. Xu did not regard him as a good person.

 He has not done anything to Liu Ping at all!

 With such an old hen protecting her young, what can he do?

Li Shao scolded Liu Xun hard in his heart.

However, after coming, of course it is impossible to just leave.

 “Add a chair.” Li Shao said.

 Liu Xun greeted the waiter.

 Soon, the door was pushed open again.

A man came in carrying a big pear-shaped chair, placed it in the middle, dusted the invisible dust on the cushion, and said to Li Shao, "Sit down."

The voice sounds familiar.

Li Shao stared at him with wide eyes and a long face.

 “The one next to Xu Jian?” He gritted his teeth.

 The personal entourage is here, what about Xu Jian?

Looking at the door again, the person coming in with a teapot is undoubtedly Xu Jian.

 How could Li Shao still be in the mood to sit down?

"It's a coincidence that I can meet the Duke of Fu after I go to Yamen." Li Shao said coldly.

 Xu Jian looked at the people with different expressions, saluted Li Shao, and said lightly: "It's indeed a coincidence."

Liu Xun opened his mouth half-opened, looking at Xu Jian who appeared out of nowhere, and his head hurt.

 Why did Xu Jian come?

 This is not the Ministry of Rites...


 It seems that my father is right.

 Xu Jian is so good, it must have been the meeting with the Ministry of Rites yesterday that made him suspicious.

Thinking of this, Liu Xun glanced at Zheng Liu, full of resentment: It's better to catch the sun than to pick it up! Well now, I'm in big trouble.

 Zheng Liu curled his lips.

What do you blame her for?

 She was not the one who recruited Xu Jian!

 Speaking of which, Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian are both as good as predicting the future?

In Zhangping Garden, Lin Yunyan did not fall into the trap, but instead she suffered great misfortune.

Now, Xu Jian appears here again for no reason...

Only Xu Miao, holding Liu Ping's hand, finally felt her uneasy and anxious heart calm down.

Ah Jian understood what she meant.

 Ajian is also here.

 As long as Ah Jian is here, nothing will go wrong today.

 At the same time, deep disappointment and sadness surged out of my heart.

 Xun'er finally betrayed her trust.

seeing is believing.

This is not her assumption, but something she saw with her own eyes.

The prince appeared here, and he looked at A-Ping with evil intentions.

It was not simply admiration and admiration, but a kind of robbery and playfulness. The prince didn't even pretend, he just showed it out.

Of course, they are just stopping some bad things, not trying to break up with the prince.

Xu Miao thought for a while and said, "Your Highness, please sit down. Ah Jian can also sit down and talk."

 The stalemate dissipated slightly.

Li Shao said: "You and your family are listening to the opera. I have to take one step in advance."

Hearing this, Liu Xun was about to persuade him to stay, but he saw Xu Jian bowing his hands and saying, "Your Highness," he did it in one go, without any sloppiness.

 Liu Xun:…

Li Shao walked away quickly, and Liu Xun had no choice but to chase him out and send him all the way to the street.

“Something went wrong.” Liu Xun whispered to Li Shao.

Li Shao sneered: "What would it be like if you didn't go on a business trip?"

 Liu Xun was speechless.

 Let things get done and let him speak out his plans...

 He couldn't say it.

Li Shao saw this in his eyes, was silent for a while, and then suddenly burst into laughter.

He stared straight into Liu Xun's eyes, and his smile suddenly disappeared, leaving only a cold expression: "You said before, you just mentioned it casually, it was Geng Baoyuan who made his own decision, but I don't look like it now. Liu Xun, you Is he the one who has the courage to do things but not to say them? "

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Liu Xun's face was pale and pale. Reflecting the large lanterns at the entrance of the theater, the whole person looked eerie.

“Should I say I think highly of you, or did I underestimate you before?”

 After saying these words, Li Shao waved his hands and left.

 The hair on the back of Liu Xun's neck stood up, and he raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

No, his shoulder hurts again.

 This matter was not done well and it was self-defeating.

 Fortunately, he has become close to His Highness in recent days. With his friendship with that house, he would not be a serious person in His Highness's eyes...

Thinking so, Liu Xun raised his head and glanced downstairs.

That Xu Jian!

In the private room, Xu Miao looked at Xu Jian from time to time.

  She had a lot to say, but A Ping and Zheng Liu were here, so it was not convenient for her to speak.

 But no matter what, she must have a good talk with Ah Jian.

Suddenly, Xu Jian turned to look at Xu Miao and asked, "Do you like this play?"

 Xu Miao shook her head.

"Then I won't listen." Xu Jian stood up. "The mansion was cleaning up the warehouse two days ago and found a few things of yours. Why don't you go to the mansion to take a look and put them away."

Xu Miao took advantage of the situation, pulled Liu Ping and said, "Come with me."

It’s almost the end of the month, so I’m calling for monthly votes.

Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and Atlanta for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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