Yan Cigui

Chapter 263: Are you sure this is gong? (five thousand big

 The rain was heavy.

The sky seemed to have a hole, and water kept leaking underneath.

Shan Shen wiped his face as he hurried on.

In this kind of weather, an umbrella is useless, and even if you wear a coir raincoat and a bamboo hat, even if you wear it, the official clothes inside are actually damp.

Not to mention the feet with rain boots, the socks were sticky and stuck to the flesh, and the chest, back, stomach and waist were almost wet.

 The beautiful late spring brings the coolness of late autumn with the night wind.

He couldn't help but shudder.

 “It’s already wet anyway, so go faster.” Shan Shen urged.

 Behind him, everything was dark and full of human hands.

In order to seize Dao Heng, this time, except for one Fu Cheng and a few necessary personnel to watch the Yamen, Shuntian Mansion almost all mobilized.

When there are too many people, it is difficult to use carriages and sedans, so we might as well just run over.

 But he didn’t dare to really run.

The rain brought the sky with it, and it was so dark that it was difficult to see even three to five steps away, let alone a little lantern light.

At Shan Shen's age, he was panting after running for such a long distance.

The group of people rushed outside Chenmi Hutong. Zhang Yuan pointed out the location to Shan Shen: "Sir, have you seen that tree? It's the house under the tree."

Shan Shen stared twice, rubbed his face and turned to look at Zhang Yuan.

 What kind of tree is it?

 He couldn't even see Zhang Yuan's face clearly, which was so close.

Zhang Yuan actually couldn’t see clearly. He was the house with the tree that someone told him about.

The government servant who had been standing nearby came trotting over: "The monk is still inside."

 “How do you know?” Shan Shenqi asked, “Can you see clearly?”

The yamen officer said: "There are people guarding the entrances to the alleys in front and back. Since the evening, people have only entered and not come out of these two alleys. Reinforcements have not arrived, so we did not dare to get too close rashly for fear of disturbing the situation."

Shan Shen nodded and asked, "I don't think there are many residents nearby?"

 Before coming, he read the documents in the Yamen.

There are supposedly a lot of residents in this area, but in reality, there are not many people.

Even if it’s raining heavily and people don’t go out to walk around, Shan Shen can tell if there are any people around.

The yamen officer nodded repeatedly: "What you are saying is that the young men have been keeping watch all night. There are not many people entering the alley. There are still a few carriages, which look like they are passing by."

Shan Shen thought for a while, discussed with Zhang Yuan, and rearranged the manpower.

No matter what, additional personnel must be sent to the front and rear alley entrances, and when the action is taken, they will gradually shrink inward, and the house must be surrounded.

 Not a single mosquito can fly out!

“Come here with some smart ones,” he said, “come closer and take a look!”

 In the house, the smell of wine is steaming.

Liu Xun held the wine cup, hugged the beauty in his arms, and glanced at Li Shao beside him.

Li Shao wore a mask on his face, with only a pair of eyes exposed. He could not see much emotion, and he was teasing the two dancers.

Liu Xun saw this and secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

 After getting the Yue Tower, he looked for the prince several times, but he didn't get a good look.

Later, when we met at the house, Li Shao was also very indifferent, and Liu Xun's various attempts to please him had little effect.

This made Liu Xun quite confused, and he thought about several bad people in his mind for a long time.

My mother is a noble girl from a noble family, and she doesn’t understand how difficult it is to have a future in this world!

He didn’t pave the way for his son’s future, and he didn’t find a good match for A-Ping!

 Is there any better marriage in the world than following Li Shao?

My mother actually stopped me!

 A-Ping is the same, he doesn’t know how to praise him at all!

The most important thing is Xu Jian. His surname is not Liu. Who should he take charge of the Liu family affairs?

 But even if I cursed in my heart, nothing could be changed.

Especially, His Highness stopped coming to the house a few days ago, making it impossible for Liu Xun to continue to please him.

Even Liu Xun couldn't ask. His Highness is His Highness. No one else can control where he wants to go and when he wants to go.

Liu Xun will continue to come and wait for the rabbit.

 What a coincidence today.

 The prince is here.

Li Shao called Xu Jian and got very angry.

 Liu Xun bowed his head and took care of himself, busying himself with things, and finally stabilized Li Shao.

 At least, judging from the eyes behind the mask, Li Shao is in a good mood now.

Eunuch Shi was waiting around to give Li Shao more wine.

Liu Xun introduced: "I just heard from the manager that these wines were only delivered to the capital this morning."

 “That’s it.” Li Shao muttered.

Eunuch Shi was a little uneasy and whispered: "Why do you think this place is so empty today?"

 When I came here before, there were many nursing homes inside and outside, and you could tell that they were doing something well.

There is no nursing home today and there are few stewards. Only these dancing girls are more lively.

"Go and take shelter from the rain," Li Shao didn't care. "It's raining so hard, and you can't see them even if they're guarding the yard. That's fine. You don't need to wait on them. You can go play next door."

When Eunuch Shi heard this, he no longer cared about whether there were too many people or too few people, so he went to the next door.

He is a person who is weak-minded but can’t help but want to do something with his hands and mouth. This is really a good place.

Li Shao drank two more glasses of wine and felt dizzy.

 The sound of rain is sometimes far away and sometimes near, and some roaring thunder can be heard.

He thought, Xu Jian's speech was strange, but he was not wrong either.

 In this weather, any smell will be drowned out.

 The wine doesn’t taste good anymore!

At the entrance of the alley, Shan Shen waited anxiously for a long time before the yamen officer who went to investigate brought back the news.

“It seems to be larger than what was registered. Maybe the houses on the left and right are connected from the inside.”

“The trees are luxuriant and the rain is heavy, so I can’t say I’m sure.”

“There are several rooms with lights on. We can see a little light from a distance. We want to go to the brightly lit room.”

Shan Shen touched his beard.

 Beard was covered with rainwater, and he shook the water on his hands unaccustomedly.

 Heavy rain is both a bad thing and a good thing.

Had it not been for the poor visibility, this area was full of bungalows, and the people in the house would have spotted them if the yamen servants climbed up the tree and looked around.

Of course, the yamen servant can only see whether there are lights inside, and the rest of the information is difficult to grasp.

 Monk Dao Heng, the thief is a real thief.

  It involved the king for six years and deposed the prince. Regardless of who was his master, this person was not a simple person.

They rushed in as a group and everyone was very happy to have caught the person. If the monk had escaped in the chaos, there would probably be no chance of another incident.

"Go to guard the Yamen and ask Lao Wan to borrow some more manpower. Just tell him that we are going to capture the important criminals of the imperial court and ask him not to be stingy. He will also be rewarded for his merits later," Shan Shen said.

 Lao Wan refers to Wantang, the commander of the garrison yamen.

They are all responsible for major and minor affairs in the capital. Their responsibilities are different, but there are also some overlaps. They often cooperate with each other on weekdays.

Shan Shen also has a good relationship with him.

When Wantang heard that Shan Shen wanted to borrow someone, he laughed and said, "I think he just can't handle it on his own! Otherwise, can he get a piece of my pie? What's wrong with him and makes him so nervous?"

When he heard that they were arresting Monk Daoheng, Wantang became more energetic and personally led thirty people to the entrance of Chenmi Hutong.

“Sir Shan,” Wantang patted Shan Shen on the shoulder, “I am very grateful that you can think of me for such a good thing!”

 A share of one cup, it’s not even close to the score, it’s too much better.

 Shan Shen explained the situation.

Wantang acted cautiously and let his men go out to explore again.

At this moment, bursts of lightning were accompanied by thunder, making half of the capital a little brighter.

The spies in the tree took a look and saw some clues.

"There doesn't seem to be any guards in the yard. They may have taken shelter from the rain."

“The brightest room is the one in the northwest corner. Unfortunately, you can only see the light and not the other side.”

Shan Shen and Wantang discussed quickly.

Wantang broke in through the main gate on the south side, while Shan Shen led the government servants through the north gate.

 After all, this is Shan Shen’s intelligence, and he has to take the lead.

 Making sure that the entrance to the alley was securely guarded, and estimating the time, Shan Shen had someone light the torch.

Even though it was soaked in tung oil, the torch looked like it was about to go out at any time under such heavy rain.

better than nothing.

The yamen servant jumped over the wall into the yard and opened the gate.

Shan Shen took the lead and rushed into the house.

 As soon as he entered, Shan Shen had only one thought - it’s too circuitous!

This house has a different layout than ordinary ones. It is twisted and twisted, with trees here and there and walls there. It was the first time I came here and it was so dark that I really couldn’t find my way around.

Just like this, the government officials dispersed and searched in different directions.

Shan Shen walked and looked all the way, heading towards the lighted house.

 Getting closer, the light gradually became more obvious in the rainy night.

It is like a flower hall or some kind of short pavilion for viewing. The long bamboo curtain hangs down to cover it, and the warm oil light shines from inside.

The master followed Shan Shen and said, "It's strange. We broke in from the north and the south together, but there was no movement at all?"

 Normally speaking, there will always be encounters with stewards, nursing homes and the like.

  Not to mention the jingling of bells and fighting, there will also be movement more or less.

Shan Shen also murmured in his heart.

 But even if you come, there is always a reason to retreat.

 “Let’s take a look over there first!” he said.

Several government officials walked forward quickly. When they got there, they stretched out their hands and pulled down the bamboo curtain.

 The curtain fell to the ground with a clatter.

 The strong wind rushed inside instantly and almost blew out all the oil lamps.

Shan Shen strode in, looked at the scene inside, and twitched the corner of his mouth once and again.

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven..." He counted to ten in a row, but no one was awake!

 Both men and women were all drunk.

Seven crooked, white flowers.

Those dancers didn’t have a few pieces of cloth on their bodies, but the red and purple marks were very clear. There are two other gentlemen, who look better than the dancing girls.

 He was naked and had a mask on his face, so he finally had something to cover him up.

 The master peeked his head from behind Shan Shen and exclaimed, "What a good guy!"

 Then, he sneezed heavily.

The smell of wine, rouge, and the lingering smell in it was too strong, and the wind was blowing and the rain was so heavy, it still didn't dissipate.

"Sir..." The master rubbed his nose and said, "Both of these two have hair, so they shouldn't be Dao Heng."

 “I don’t know which **** it is!” Shan Shen cursed.

 He knows that there are many dandies in the capital.

 Some disciples are in a mess in private.

However, as long as this kind of thing is not brought to light, Shuntian Mansion can't control it.

 Unless he was like Su Ke, who was kicked out onto the street naked, made a big fuss, and was eventually taken into the government office.

Of course, it’s just like being escorted in, and taking people back home.

No matter how much you scold, that is the job of the censor.

 What happened today is purely because these two people were a bit unlucky.

“Take it back later,” Shan Shen said. “After you sober up and explain Dao Heng’s affairs, let their family pick him up.”

 Master Shan has seen big scenes after all.

 Except for being a bit dazzling at first sight, now, it’s okay...

 There is a lot of evidence, at least all of them are women.

 Compared with the previous time, it is a small witch.

Thinking of this, Shan Shen stepped forward, bent down, and personally lifted the mask of one of them.

 Under the mask, a young face is revealed. The eyes are eyes and the nose is nose. When put together, he is very handsome.

  also looks very familiar.

The master came up to take a look and said, "This, isn't this Mr. Liu? He is the son of Mr. Liu Jing."

At this mention, Shan Shen remembered: "Master Liu himself is very capable, how could he raise such a son..."

The more Shan Shen thought about it, the more he shook his head.

 He thinks he has a good relationship with Duke Fuguo, and he also feels that Mr. Liu has some problems in dealing with the Xu family, but overall, Mr. Liu is still okay.

Having been an official in the government for so many years, he is diligent and responsible, has never made any mistakes, and works well with any yamen he works with.

 It means raising a son, something big goes wrong.

With Liu Jing's three-thirds of knowledge, he would not have learned to cheat and be unable to fight back after being exposed.

 If Liu Jing had enough self-respect, this place would not be in such a mess.

The master couldn't help but shake his head: "I'm sorry for that girl from the outside, I'm afraid she'll be sad."

 It’s so exciting to play! So drunk!

They are all standing here, everyone on the ground, not to mention awake, not one of them has opened their eyes.

Shan Shen turned around and went to lift another person's mask.

 Under the mask, there is also a familiar face.

Shan Shen recognized it without the master's reminder. He was so shocked that his hands shook and the mask fell to the ground without holding it firmly.

 “This…” Shan Shen felt like his head was going to split.

How could it be His Highness the Crown Prince? !

 Why is Your Highness here? !

"What are you doing..." The master also came over to take a look. When he saw clearly, he screamed and threw himself on the ground, "Are you alive?"

Shan Shen came to his senses only after this reminder. Just as he was about to test Li Shao's breathing, he saw the prince mutter something vaguely.

"It's okay," the master was about to cry, pointing at Li Shao's face, "Sir, do you want to lift it up again? Maybe this is also a mask?"

Shan Shen: "...No matter how many words I read, I can't save you."

Of course, it can’t save me alone.

 Why is he so unlucky?

Caught an important criminal in the court and put it on the prince's head.

Such a big witch, he will never be able to catch another one in his life!

He also said that his family would come to pick him up.

Everyone in the family must kneel down in Shuntian Mansion!

Hold on, Shan Shen looked around: "Find some clothes for the prince first!"

This flower hall was in a mess, and Li Shao's clothes were not seen for a while.

A yamen servant tremblingly turned over some stuff and was about to cover Li Shao's body. Shan Shen saw it and stopped him severely.

 “Put it down! Put it down!”

Those pink and tender clothes look like a girl’s clothes at first glance!

 “It’s better to cover it up for now than to go naked, right?” The yamen servant was about to cry.

He is just a little guy, his monthly salary is only a little, how come he got involved in this kind of nonsense?

Shan Shen said: "It's better to be naked, really..."

  In any case, light is not more scary than that face.

Master used his hands and feet to find a man's coat, whether it was Liu Xun's or Li Shao's, and covered it with His Highness first.

 In the surging wind and rain, the sound of heavy footsteps came.

Before he could see anyone, he heard Wantang's loud voice: "We came in from the south and didn't find the monk. We only found two nursing homes. What about you? Have you gained anything?"

Shan Shen didn’t have the energy to answer.

Wantang shouted all the way without getting any response, so he couldn't help but step up and said, "What's wrong? I say, Lao Dan, don't be greedy for credit alone."

 Speaking, he led a group of people into the flower hall.

The white flowers before my eyes are cooler than a bathhouse.

Wantang was startled: "The monk who returned to secular life has been holding back for a long time, right? Who is following whom?"

Shan Shen pointed weakly at the ground.

Wantang looked along the finger.

 In the inner part of the flower hall, the person lying there sleeping soundly looked eerily familiar.

"You, this..." A big man from Wantang was so shocked that he couldn't speak. He stammered for a long time and asked Shan Shen with wide eyes, "Is this what you said you wanted to share with me? Master Shan, are you sure?" Is this gong?"

 This is life!

 Half of Wan Tang’s life will be lost!

Shan Shen screwed him over!

 “I don’t know either.” Shan Shen shivered several times in a row.

The raindrops on the raincoat dripped down, soaking the soles of his feet. The night wind blew outside, making him feel chilled all over.

This time, it was a real battle between the two forces.

"I want to know," Shan Shen raised his hand and wiped his face with his fingers that were numb from the cold, "I want to know, will I come? It's not like I hate my longevity!"



Master Shan has a good way of being an official and will not do things that seek his own death.

 This time, it was pure bad luck.

“Has anyone really seen that monk?” he asked.

Shan Shen said: "I have also been thinking about this matter. Either someone deliberately spread the news to lure us to arrest and find the prince; or it was Dao Heng who used himself as a bait for the prince..."

 In the final analysis, it is a matter of someone wanting to find the prince.

They Shuntian Mansion is just a handy tool.

 As for guarding the Yamen...

Shan Shen glanced at Wantang.

 Before thinking about sharing the credit, he was still a little bit distressed.

Now, he has to be grateful for his generosity at that time.

 He was not the only one who caused trouble for the prince.

“Say,” Wantang struggled, “let’s go out and pretend we didn’t find anything tonight, okay?”

Shan Shen didn't answer the question.

 He knew that Wantang himself would not take it seriously.

With such a situation here, how can they just close their eyes and plug their ears to end it?

 Concealing it or not reporting it is even worse.

Wantang cursed again in his heart, calmed down his emotions, and sighed: "Let's send the person back to the Yamen first, and then check the house inside and outside. It's not enough to just freeze here."

Shan Shen nodded and directed the men to clean up all the white and naked things.

Hearing that several more people were found in the next room, one of them was a **** who should be following the prince, Shan Shen went over to take a look.

By the time he came back, Wantang had already sent people to prepare the carriage.

 “Send them all to Shuntian Mansion,” he said. “Shuntian Mansion’s top priority.”

Shan Shen heard it and didn’t argue about it.

 After all, he was indeed the first to do it.

 The rain was astonishingly heavy.

The thunderstorm roared, disturbing people's sleep.

A man hurriedly walked through the corridor, came to the bed, and called out through the curtain.

 “What’s the matter?” asked the man on the bed.

The visitor reported: "The house that Shuntian Mansion and the commanding office entered together, but the prince is also in it!"

 The curtain was lifted instantly, and the people inside sat up and asked in shock: "The prince is here too?"

 “Being taken back to Shuntian Mansion.”

 The person on the bed looked extremely ugly.

 Li Shao obviously went back to the palace after leaving office in the past few days. It rained heavily again tonight, so why did he go suddenly?

Putting on a coat, he said coldly: "Go and call Dao Heng."

This half chapter, together with the last half chapter, counts as an extra chapter.

  It is ChenLinda’s 10,000 coins plus update.

If I pay off my debt little by little, I can definitely pay it off!

 Asking for a monthly ticket~~

 Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and Xiu Xiuniang for the reward.

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