Yan Cigui

Chapter 293: Don’t miss it again (five thousand big

Chapter 293 Don’t miss again (5,000 chapters, please vote for me)

Su Chang was shaking violently.

He was covered with a cloth, and his eyelids were trembling and rolling around. Fear was weighing on his heart, and he couldn't control himself.

His thoughts were so chaotic that he was unable to make a good judgment and could only keep saying "I".

Outside, Xu Jian couldn't see Su Chang's figure, and he didn't need to look. He knew how Su Chang would react now.

Invisible, intimidated, and with his life completely in the hands of others, the fear of death is not something someone like Su Chang can bear.

 This is also the reason why Xu Jian chose Su Chang.

 Dao Heng couldn't dig out news from his mouth, so he had to find another way.

Xu Jian was not in a hurry: "After you have finished answering, someone will take you back to the shop. As long as you can hold your own, no one will know that you have been questioned. You just ate too much wine at the dinner last night and went back in the morning after you sobered up."

 If you are not stable, then I can't help you, although to me, you are more useful alive than dead.

I keep my word. After all, you are a vine to me, a vine that can touch melons. What is your status with your master and Dao Heng's master? "

 Heavy pressure rolled in layer by layer.

Su Chang couldn't stand it anymore, and all he could think about was "living is more useful than dying".

 He wants to live, but he doesn’t live enough.

Stuttering, Su Chang said: "Wang, Wang Qi, the man who killed Dao Heng is called Wang Qi."

It's like breaking a dam, the first sentence comes out, and the following words will not be difficult.

"I'm following Su Yi, but I'm just a lackey. There's no way he can tell me what Su Yi is planning."

"I only know that he is not very satisfied with the result this time. He feels that the benefits are not enough."

 “I just run errands and pass on a few words, that’s all.”

“I have met Dao Heng before, so I know him. As for Wang Qi, I only met him for the first time on the day he took Dao Heng away.”

"He came very early. He arrived as soon as my shop opened. He said straight to the point that he had been ordered by his master to take Dao Heng away because Dao Heng had not done anything well."

"I dared not interfere with their affairs, so I stayed in the backyard. Then Dao Heng came, and the two of them fought, but Dao Heng was defeated by Wang Qi."

"Wang Qi carried Dao Heng into the sedan from the back door. I knew that Dao Heng was in danger, but I didn't know what to do specifically."

“In Chenmi Hutong, I met Eunuch Tong. Su Yi asked me to give Eunuch Tong a message, saying that he was dissatisfied with what he had discussed with Honglu Temple and wanted to ask if there were any good ideas over there.”

"Who is over there...I don't know, I'm a minion and I only see this guy."

 “That’s it, that’s it!”

 After saying this, Su Chang breathed a sigh of relief.

 He thought he answered pretty well. He had answered all three questions asked by the other party.

Regardless of whether the answer is accurate or not, at least it has been said.

 Unexpectedly, he was answered with a low smile full of mockery.

Even though Su Chang didn't know the identity of the other party, nor what he looked like, he could still picture a pair of sarcastic eyes in his mind.

 He couldn't help but trembled all over again.

"Su Chang," the man's voice came in, every word clear, "I am sincere, but it's a pity that you are not."

Su Chang instinctively wanted to refute.

Xu Jian tapped her fingers lightly on the armrest: "This is the first time you meet Wang Qi? Do you believe anything he says?"

 There was no questioning, and no warning to Dao Heng. It sounds like you are familiar with Dao Heng.

 Compared to Wang Qi, whom you don't know, Dao Heng is undoubtedly the subordinate of someone who is allied with Su Yi, so you don't have a bias in your heart.

 Are you so easily deceived? Su Yi knows that you are such a stupid person, so he can let you do things?

 There is no one left among you in Gu Yue? "

Su Chang's throat tightened, as if someone was strangling him tightly.

At this moment, he once again realized that the person who captured him was not easy to deal with.

The first sentence he pointed out to Wang Qi was the truth out of fear. When he continued to speak, he calmed down a little and did not reveal everything.

 If we can let him get away, Su Yi's affairs will not be ruined.

 But the few words he made up out of desperation were obviously full of loopholes in the other party's ears.

The other party only pointed out the first question and did not talk about the last two. It seems that it is not that he did not hear the question, but that the order of calculation must be paid attention to.


 Can he really make that person be sincere three times?

Su Chang didn’t dare to gamble anymore.

"It is indeed not the first time I met Wang Qi," Su Chang gave up the fabrication. "The first time I met him was in Su Yi's tent. It seems that it was the year before last. He came to see Su Yi once, but what was the specific discussion about? , I really don’t know.

I only met him face to face. Su Yi introduced him and mentioned Wang Qi’s name.

 So Wang Qi came to my door that day and wanted to use my shop to guide Dao Heng, so I didn't care.

So I told him, if you want to kill people, don't do it in my shop. I will do business openly.

Wang Qi probably also cared about Su Yi and just knocked him out and took him away.

I don’t know much about Wang Qi. I have only seen him twice in total. I know that he is very good at martial arts. He is always a knife for them. When they want to kill someone, Wang Qi usually takes the initiative. "

 After saying these few sentences, Suchang did not dare to waste his sincerity and continued to speak honestly.

  "There is really a young man in Chenmi Hutong, and I didn't lie. Su Yi was not satisfied with the discussion with the court, and urged the other party to come up with more ideas. The other side kept pushing the envelope, which made Su Yi very unhappy."

“I finally met Eunuch Tong, and he also practiced Tai Chi with me. I couldn’t even deal with Su Yi.”

"You know so many things, and you must also know that the final terms Gu Yue negotiated with you are actually like that."

"However, Eunuch Tong mentioned it and said that Su Yi came a step late. If he came to Beijing for talks last year, he could have put some pressure on him by getting married, so he would have asked the princess who was dear to the Empress Dowager, but the Empress Dowager did not agree. , Your Majesty must give in to us more or less, but it’s a pity that it’s too late, the princess is engaged.”

Su Chang was talking to himself. He couldn't see or feel that the person standing behind him, blindfolding him and holding a cloth, turned his head once when he heard this.

Shenchen hurriedly glanced outside, then looked back.

 He couldn't see Xu Jian.

 But he thought that their master might not be in a good mood.

Even if Gu Yue doesn't really have any intention of getting married, if the princess is talking about it, they will definitely have feelings for her.

This is normal.

Su Chang added: "As for the people doing business with Su Yi, it's not that I'm hiding it, it's that I really don't know.

It is impossible for Su Yijuan to tell me such an important matter, and I dare not inquire about it.

 But the other party is able to command the chamberlain, which shows that his status is extraordinary.

If you really want to know, then just do what you just said, put me back, let me stay in the shop like a vine, and see if you can touch the melon along the way.

These are all the truth, really the truth. "

This time, Xu Jian did not question Su Chang's lack of sincerity.

 He leaned back on the chair, frowning slightly.

 He knows about "harmony".

The little princess mentioned that there must be something behind the illness of the empress dowager in the late winter and early spring of the twelfth year of Yongjia. After pushing and pushing, it should be the marriage.

Gu Yue used her as an excuse, and the Queen Mother was reluctant and angry. After the incident was over, she simply decided to get married to her.

 No matter how bad Xu Jian is and how to get in and out of a wheelchair, it is still better than being plotted against.

However, I guessed it, it was indeed very unpleasant to hear it from Suchang, a Guyue man.

It's just that no matter how unhappy he is, he won't reveal his clues in front of Su Chang.

Su Chang is in panic now. After he gets out and calms down, if he can taste something from this conversation...

 It is true that the person behind the scenes "saw" him.

So many confrontations forced the other side to abandon Dao Heng. If the other side didn't notice, how could they have forced him and Lin Yunyan to a dead end in the past?

 The person behind the scenes has his abilities and capabilities, and is by no means easy to deal with or easy to fool.

 Xu Jian knew this very well.

Abandoning Dao Heng will not make the opponent happy to be able to get rid of some constraints, but will make him angry and test him more.

 “Seeing” him does not mean understanding his thoughts, and the subsequent confrontation will be more intense.

 So, every step must be more cautious.

 The clues dug out are more than the sacrifices given, and that is a profitable business.

 Earning more than the opponent every time and letting the opponent lose something is Xu Jian's goal.

“That father-in-law Tong,” Xu Jian asked, “how much do you know about him? To be honest, I didn’t think of anyone with an unusual status who had a father-in-law named Tong.”

"I didn't tell lies," Su Chang said hurriedly, "He claimed that his surname was Tong. If there was a mistake, he lied to me.

He, he looks to be in his forties. He is quite thin and has slender eyes.

I don’t know how to describe him. He is different from Wang Qi. Wang Qi still has a scar that can be recognized. The boy’s father-in-law really has no characteristics.

He spoke in a shrill voice and acted like a eunuch. "

Su Chang racked his brains and tried his best to remember: "By the way, he doesn't drink wine. When we were talking about things in the house that day, I drank two glasses and poured him wine, but he didn't drink a sip.

 It doesn’t look like he doesn’t know how to drink, it seems he just doesn’t want to drink with me.

He must look down on a little guy like me. "

After hearing this, Xu Jian asked again: "How long has Su Yihe been doing business here?"

"I..." Su Chang subconsciously said "I don't know." There was a moment of hesitation when the words came to his mouth, and it was no longer possible to cover it up.

 Having said so much, there is no need for him to hide any more. If we get another stamp of being "insincere" because of this, all that we have just done will be in vain.

Su Chang said after breaking the jar: "Su Yi has been an official for almost twenty years. In the first few years, he was a newcomer with no qualifications and background.

 Fifteen or sixteen years ago, Gu Yue also had a group of envoys come to your capital. When Su congressed on Chinese, he was selected as an envoy.

After this trip, he gradually got better. He has been very capable of weathering the storms in recent years.

 I'm not sure of the specific situation, but I guess it was probably that he visited at that time and got in touch with powerful people. "

Su Chang could not remember the specific time, but Xu Jian could recall it.

He sat in the Ministry of Rites for so many days and accompanied His Highness the Crown Prince to read so many boring old documents, including information on the reception of envoys over the years.

In the autumn of the twenty-fifth year of Taixing, envoys from Gu Yue visited the capital.

That year seemed calm, but perhaps, the underwater tide had already appeared.

The two may not necessarily be in cahoots at that time, but it should be a beginning, and eventually lead to today step by step.

 There is still a lack of clues, but it still gave Xu Jian some inspiration.

Compared to the wise king who was sizing him up in the Jinluan Palace today, and the Jin king who was having a good conversation all the way, Prince Ping Li Ren was much less suspicious.

 Prince Ping is the emperor’s uncle and the brother of the late emperor.

In the twenty-fifth year of Taixing, as a brother whom Emperor Taixing valued at that time, even if he had other intentions, he would not look down on the fledgling Su Yi.

 When it comes to doing business, Prince Ping will have a good choice instead of waiting for Su Yi to show his prominence in so many years.

 Furthermore, Su Yi now dares to directly express his "dissatisfaction" and urges the company to come up with more ideas, which shows that this business was relatively "equal" back then.

One is an official from Gu Yue who wants to stand out, and the other is an ordinary prince who is planning to seize the throne but is suppressed by the eldest son Li Cang. This business can only be done.

Seeing that Su Chang could not ask any more questions, Xu Jian tapped her knuckles on the armrest three times.

Shenchen inside heard this and stuffed the strip of cloth back into Suchang's mouth, but did not take off the blindfold.

Su Chang began to tremble again, until he was struck by a knife and passed out completely.

 Shenchen exited the ear room.

Xu Jian whispered: "Send him back quietly, I'll go to the Yamen."

Shen Chen is in a bit of a dilemma.

Xuansu was not here, and he did not follow him, which was outrageous.

Xu Jian saw his expression in her eyes and chuckled: "It doesn't matter, it's just a few steps away."

 Getting on the sedan chair, Xu Jian went to Shuntian Mansion.

He took out a piece of paper from his sleeve, and it was Wang Qi's portrait on it.

 Xu Jianding stared for a while, it was time to avenge Shen Chen.

 In Houya, Shan Shen was still worried, and the progress in Sidao Hutong was not optimistic.

Xu Jian entered the room and closed the door.

 The light in the room dimmed. Master Shan said without raising his head, "The light is blocked."

 The door did not open, only a piece of paper was pressed in front of him.

Shan Shen glanced at the portrait, frowned and raised his head: "Who is this person?"

Xu Jian said directly: "The murderer who killed Dao Heng."

"Are you sure, Lord?" Shan Shen was extremely surprised, "How do you know? Who witnessed it? What is your name? Where is he?"

"You can't catch it," Xu Jian said very straightforwardly, "Didn't Master Shan just say that yesterday? Once the fruit is harvested, let the Yamen collect it when it's good. It's useless to dig it anymore."

Shan Shen's face turned pale.

 He did say that.

 He also knew that Dao Heng was thrown out to tease him.

“The purpose of killing Dao Heng is to block the Yamen. Exposed chess pieces are useless,” Xu Jian clicked on the portrait with her fingertips. “If this one is also exposed, do you think it will be abolished?”

How could someone as shrewd as Shan Shen not understand what Xu Jian meant?

 You can't catch it, but you can force the opponent to destroy it.

Even if the other party doesn't throw people out to deal with the yamen this time, at least it will be enough to disgust the other party.

 It doesn’t make sense, only their Shuntian Mansion is disgusted.

He can't solve the case, but he can make the person behind it angry.

He, Shan Shen, had been tired and angry after staying in the Yamen for so many days, so he had to retaliate.

Thinking of this, Shan Shen glanced at Xu Jian again.

He and Xu Jian have worked together several times. He believes that the young prince will not use public affairs for personal gain in these cases, make up a murderer at random, and involve unrelated people.

 The Duke of Fuguo said that this person is a murderer, so he must be.

 As to how it is determined...

It’s not that Shan Shen is not curious, but that he can endure his curiosity.

Everyone has his or her own way.

Duke Fu was able to lead them directly to where Wang lived for six years, but now he can also expose the murderer directly in front of him.

 For a Bodhisattva, just the spirit will do

 He who worships the Bodhisattva and offers incense does not care how the Bodhisattva appears?

"Since you said so," Shan Shen smiled, "I'll have someone release the reward."

 In the afternoon, Su Chang sat in the backyard of the spice shop on West Street in a daze.

 He didn’t know how he came back, but he knew that he should have escaped.

The person who kidnapped him kept his promise and sent him back in the morning.

The shopkeeper just asked him why he hadn't seen anyone before, so Su Chang followed the prepared excuse and pushed it to last night's banquet.

I ate too much and got drunk, so I didn’t come back all night.

His smell of alcohol did not reveal anything.

He thought that as long as he could hide it from both sides, he would be safe.

I don’t know why, but Xu Shizhen was frightened to death, and he was always in a state of anxiety.

Until there were hurried footsteps ahead, the door was pushed open, and the shopkeeper looked at him: "Master!"

Su Chang was shocked: "What's wrong?"

"A notice has been posted in the city offering a reward," the shopkeeper said. "To catch the murderer, the man in the portrait is the one who came to the shop that day. How did he reveal his secret? How did he get targeted by the Yamen? The Yamen will not find out about our shop. bring it on?"

Su Chang's face turned pale and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

After a long while, he said: "Don't scare yourself, wait until the Yamen comes."

 The people from the Yamen didn’t come until it got dark and the shop closed.

In the dead of night, in a house, Cheng Xi was kneeling on the ground, shrinking his neck and not daring to make a sound.

In front of Cheng Xi, the master looked extremely ugly. There was a broken tea bowl on the ground not far away.

 “Wang Qi will also miss?” the master asked.

Cheng Xi didn’t dare to talk to him at all.

 Dao Heng was killed by Wang Qi, but the thing was not done well enough. The Shuntian Mansion actually got a clue, and his facial features were directly painted on the reward.

 This is a miss.

 “Where are the others?” the master asked again.

Cheng Xi could only say: "In his room."

"Go and see him," the master said coldly, "and ask him to think carefully about how he failed. I have raised him for so many years, not to raise him as a waste!"

Cheng Xi responded and crawled out using his hands and feet together.

When I climbed to the door, I was stopped by Jin Guiren again.

 “You know what to do after asking, right?”

Cheng Xi’s teeth were chattering and her voice was shaking: “I know, little one.”

"That's good," Jin Guiren said, "don't miss it again, one after another, what are you talking about?"

Cheng Xi was scared to death, but couldn't help but ask: "Should we still send him away?"

"Send it away?" Jin Guiren sneered, "Can you send it without anyone noticing? Just dispose of it here, killing the chicken to scare the monkeys."

 Happiness should come down.

 Outside the door, he breathed a sigh of relief.

 It's better to deal with it here, at least he doesn't have to worry about "missing".

Just as I was thinking about it, there was another crisp sound inside.

He heard it, and the master smashed another tea cup.

   Compared with the previous five thousand, I can add another chapter and update it, I’m so embarrassed.

 Let’s give book friend ChenLinda’s 10,000-coin reward plus more updates.

   Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and Xiaoyuan for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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