Yan Cigui

Chapter 335: Fragments (two updates in one)

 The bed is still warm.

  Before going to bed, I put down several soup pooches and kept them covered with quilts, trapping all the heat in them.

On the contrary, the one that Lin Yunyan took out to cover Xu Jian's legs now only has a little bit of warmth left.

She simply put it on the end of the bed, took off her coat and fell asleep.

Hand the moon and lower the curtain.

The dim yellow light penetrated through the thick curtain, leaving only a tiny bit of light.

Lin Yunyan turned over and asked, "What time is it?"

"It's the fourth watch," Wan Yue said softly, "Princess, my servant is blowing out the lamp."

"Blow it."

 The room was completely dark.

Lin Yunyan was lying quietly, and when she heard some rustling sounds, she knew that Wan Yue had also stopped.

The girl seemed to be stuck guarding the door. After a while, her breathing became slow and long.

Lin Yunyan couldn’t sleep.

Just now, there are a lot of choking, repeated emotions in the middle, so that she can't speak, but her heart has always been messy, and there is no time to sort out her mood.

At this moment, everything around her became quiet, and she could sort it out from the beginning.

Two lifetimes of experience passed by in front of her eyes, with joy and sorrow all mixed together. For a moment, Lin Yunyan almost couldn't tell when and where a certain episode happened.

 This made her breath tighten.

 Compared to Xu Jian, her "memory" is actually very clean and concise.

The last life was complete from birth to death. No matter how many changes have occurred in this life, in the final analysis, only more than a year has passed.

 That's all.

 If she really wanted to distinguish them seriously, she could certainly separate the two lives so that they wouldn't be mixed together, but she couldn't help but feel confused for a moment when her mind was unsettled and her mind was confused.

What about Xu Jian?

 How clearly can he tell?

How can he tell the difference?

With so much time, so many intersections and repetitions, in Xu Jian’s words, in that period of experience where he didn’t even know what day it was when he opened his eyes, how could he sort out the truth and nothingness?

 No, you shouldn’t say that.

 There is no nothingness.

 For Xu Jian, these are all real and have been experienced by him personally.

All the "truths" are mixed together, but you have to understand which part of the truth is it at all times.

Lin Yunyan took a deep breath.

"Sooner or later she will go crazy."

This is what Xu Jian said about Mrs. Xu, but if Lin Yunyan said it, it would not be surprising at all that Xu Jian is crazy.

 However, Xu Jian is not crazy. He is still persevering, sorting out, and trying his best to use his many "wrong" experiences to build a "correct" future.

 Because she is here, she is in this "reality".

 Xu Jian cannot afford to lose.

Maybe it was because she had been holding the breath for a long time, and her chest felt dull pain. Lin Yunyan breathed out the breath, but it didn't relieve her much. She was so uncomfortable that she could only press her heart with the palm of her hand.

 No wonder Xu Jian refused to say it before.

 With so much "past", how could he speak so easily...

Lin Yunyan turned over subconsciously.

She thought of Mrs. Xu. Without Mrs. Xu's words, she would not have been able to piece together so many fragments. Without a painting that was only missing her eyes, Xu Jian would not have been able to take over the pen and paint that little bit. Press down.

Mrs. Xu was concerned about Xu Jian's injury. She kept thinking about it and even dreamed about it.

Lin Yunyan clenched her fingers.

What about her?

She, who once accompanied Xu Jian to the road of death, what did she dream about?

 Over the past year or so, she...

Lin Yunyan's eyes suddenly tightened.

If there is any dream that is her real nightmare, one that she cannot forget over the years, it is only "the fire".

Lin Yunyan actually couldn’t remember the dream at that time, but when she grew older, she heard Grandma Wang mention it.

When she lived in the Cining Palace when she was young, she would cry in nightmares in the middle of the night. The Empress Dowager would hold her and coax her back to sleep. When she lived in the uncle's house, she would wake up crying three or four times in a month, and she was so worried. The Queen Mother assigned Mother Ma to take care of her.

 All she dreamed about at that time was that there was a fire. No matter how specific it was, she was too young to tell clearly, and the Empress Dowager did not ask anyone to ask more questions.

 Everyone thought it was a mother-daughter connection.

When there was a fire in Dingguo Temple, Lin Yunyan was only one and a half years old and was not present. She stayed in the capital and was taken care of by her elders. She had not experienced fires elsewhere. After thinking about it, she could only think of her mother who died.

  Later, when she got older, she no longer had those dreams.

 But now, when Lin Yunyan thinks about it again, she is not sure.

 Is it really the fire in Dingguo Temple that she dreamed about?

 The fire she really experienced was with Xu Jian.

 Those frightening dreams in her childhood may have come from her memory of facing death...

From a time perspective, her childhood should have been outside of chaos, but time was too chaotic, and perhaps there were fragments buried in impossible and inappropriate corners.

Can she and Xu Jian use these pieces to piece together a way out?

 What the fragments brought them...

A thought rushed into her mind, and Lin Yunyan sat up suddenly, grabbing the quilt with her fingers, and stared blankly ahead.

It was so dark that even if her eyes adjusted for a while, she couldn't actually see anything clearly.

She could only hear her own heartbeat, one after another, like a drum.

Wanyue was also awakened: "Princess?"

"Is it dawn yet?" Lin Yunyan's voice was trembling, and she tried to calm down, "When will it be dawn?"

Wan Yue turned to look in the direction of the window. It was dark outside: "It's not bright, you..."

"I'm looking for my eldest sister. I have something to ask her," Lin Yunyan said.

Wan Yue hurriedly said: "Then we have to wait until dawn. The eldest girl is still asleep at this time."

 “You’ve worked hard, please help me bring a message to her...”

Wanting the moon, I put on my clothes and lit a lamp, feeling very anxious.

The princess of her family has always been very thoughtful in doing things, but she also does everything in an orderly manner. It is really rare to be so careless today.

 She was about to lift the curtain when she saw Lin Yunyan getting up on her own.

“I’d better go over there and ask her face to face.”

Looking at her expression, I could tell that she was anxious. I knew I couldn't persuade her, so I could only say: "It's cold outside, please change your clothes first."

Lin Yunyan changed her clothes in a hurry. She didn't even bother to comb her long hair. She simply rolled it up and wrapped herself in a thick snow coat.

Wan Yue held up a lantern and opened the door.

With the commotion in this compartment, Ma Ma also woke up in the other compartment. When she saw the master and servant coming out, she panicked for a moment.

"What's going on?" She picked up a coat and rushed out, looking into the room, and asked Huan Yue in a low voice, "You're not leaving?"

Wanyue knew that she was referring to Duke Fu, so she said, "I have been gone for a while, but the princess suddenly wants to find the eldest girl."

 Mama Ma was extremely puzzled.

 What is the urgent matter that we need to search for someone before dawn?

Seeing that Grandma Ma was anxious, Lin Yunyan said: "It's a small thing, but I'm too worried about it. I can't sleep until I understand it."

 Mama Ma:…

There is no reason to ask at this time!

But she couldn't persuade her, so she could only signal Wan Yue to be more careful, and then opened the door for Lin Yunyan herself without waking up the woman who was guarding the courtyard door.

Wanyue walked in front holding a lantern, and Lin Yunyan followed quickly. In the dead of night, the sound of footsteps echoed.

Lin Yunyan thought of the night road she walked when she first woke up. At that time, she felt that something was missing. Later she realized that the sound of the wheelchair pressing against the floor tiles was missing.

 She was so used to having Xu Jian around.

At that time, I would feel much more at ease when I heard the movement of the wheelchair, even if I was in danger.

 She is not helpless.

The night wind made the lantern sway, and Lin Yunyan stepped up her pace and rushed outside Qingpu Courtyard.

 Wan Yue stepped forward and knocked on the door.

Not long after, the woman inside asked anxiously: "Who is it?"

"It's the princess. The princess has something urgent to do and is looking for the eldest girl."

When the mother-in-law heard this, she didn't dare to delay, let alone complain, and hurriedly opened the door.

Lin Yunyan went in and whispered: "Don't wake up the second aunt. I'll have a few words with the eldest sister."

 The mother-in-law naturally responded.

Lin Yunyan walked around the courtyard and knocked on Lin Yunjing's door.

Lin Yunjing was still sleeping deeply. When she heard that Lin Yunyan was coming, she was stunned for a moment.

The maid lit the lamp and raised the curtains. Lin Yunjing looked at Lin Yunyan, whose nose was reddened by the cold wind, and rubbed her eyes hard twice.

Most of her drowsiness had subsided, and she did not get out of bed. She only patted the quilt and said, "It's so cold, come here quickly."

Looking at Lin Yunjing urging her, Lin Yunyan's anxious heart suddenly dropped, and her shoulders relaxed.

  After taking off her snow coat, taking off her coat, and kicking off her shoes, she got into the quilt that Lin Yunjing had lifted for her without saying a word. As soon as she lay down, she was wrapped tightly again.

Lin Yunjing tucked up her quilt and touched her hand: "It's cold."

 Not only cold, but also crazy.

If it were summer, it would not necessarily be possible to see the fish belly white at this moment, not to mention the long nights in winter and it was still dark, but Lin Yunyan knocked on the door regardless of whether she was sleeping or not.

 If it’s not crazy, then what is it?

He signaled the maid to blow the lamp and put it down under the curtain. There were only two sisters in the curtain, just like when they were children.

"Tell me," Lin Yunjing stood next to her and asked softly, "How big of a deal is it that makes us, Yun Yan, not even care about the time."

Lin Yunyan smiled and said, "Come and discuss the answer with eldest sister."

"Those two questions?" Lin Yunjing said with a smile, "I haven't thought about it. Otherwise, I would have to knock on the door of Bao'an Garden in the middle of the night."

Lin Yunyan said: "I remember my eldest sister said that at that time you always heard a voice, telling you over and over again not to marry Su Ke. Do you still remember that voice?"

Lin Yunjing’s smile condensed on the corners of her lips.

 She blinked her eyes and didn't speak for a long time.

Without the previous sentence "asking for answers", she might not be able to get it right, but by putting them together one after another, her memory becomes clearer.

"I only met Duke Fu once, in the sedan hall. I didn't even see his face clearly, but I did hear him speak," Lin Yunjing held Lin Yunyan's hand and recalled it again with her eyes closed. "It's very similar to that voice."

 She was 70% sure, but at the same time she was more confused.

 At the time when she was engaged to Su Ke, they had no contact with each other in the Chengcheng Prefecture and the Fuguogong Prefecture.

Where did she go and why did she hear that voice?

And the voice is still preventing her from marrying Su Ke.

 It doesn’t make sense, it doesn’t make sense at all.

Of course, Lin Yunjing is more worried about Lin Yunyan.

"I don't know him," she said, "and I don't know why..."

Lin Yunyan smiled: "I know, don't worry."

There is no reason why. It is just that we have traveled too many roads and experienced too many repetitions, and a fragment has been buried in this process.

They didn’t know where they came from or the details, but they were deeply impressed by it. Before they knew it, they were placed under the old bluestone floor tiles that they had walked through countless times. When they stepped on it again, No more mud and water splashing on my shoes.

 Give them enough luck.

It is this luck that allows Lin Yunyan to insist on believing in what Xu Jian said, that it can be done.

 The bed is too warm.

Those who have not slept all night will eventually feel sleepy.

Lin Yunyan wanted to hold on a little longer, so she pursed her lips hard. There was a wound on her lower lip that she had bitten, and she couldn't help but take a breath in pain.

 “What’s wrong?” Lin Yunjing asked.


 His fingertips poked out of the quilt and pressed on his lips.

Gently and softly, Lin Yunyan couldn't help but think of the kiss not long ago, a restrained, gentle kiss that smelled of blood.

She thought of what Xu Jian said about "giving up", of the years he spent alone, of his fear and persistence...

 What a grasshopper on a string.

What kind of good grasshopper is she?

 She didn’t even know that only Xu Jian was jumping around.

The tip of her tongue traced her lower lip, and she could clearly recall his breathing and temperature. She could also hear her own heartbeat beating.

“Sister,” Lin Yunyan smiled, closed her eyes, and said softly, “There are still ten days left, and I really want to marry him.”

Lin Yunjing laughed.

 “It’s so good,” she said, “It’s so good.”

 When the sky turned white, Lin Yunyan finally fell asleep.

Lin Yunjing stayed with her without getting up.

 In the Duke Fu's mansion, Xu Jian put on his court clothes and prepared to go to court.

Dr. Yue packed up the medicine box and muttered: "I don't know what I can do. If it weren't for this plaster that works so well, I don't even know if I could stand up straight now. I'm just holding on because I'm young. Gu Nian "Don't worry about your injured leg, I can't bear it a few times."

 Xu Jian sounded funny.

 He knew the importance and also knew what Doctor Yue was capable of.

 “Don’t worry,” he said, “There won’t be any trouble next time.”

If he dares to climb over the wall of Uncle Chengyi's house again, the little princess will not be so easy to talk to.

 Besides, there are still ten days left, and the person is getting married, so there is no need for him to read it.

However, tonight’s conversation was more or less beyond his expectation.

Xu Jian knew that Lin Yunyan was keen and intelligent, and that sooner or later those things would come to a conclusion, but she didn't expect it to be so soon.

 In that situation, there was no use hiding it, we could only tell it as it was.

 It doesn't matter to him. To him, it's all happened and in the past. He doesn't want Lin Yunyan to think too much.

The little princess is soft-hearted, and she doesn’t know when she will be able to sleep well that night.

It’s almost dawn.

 The lanterns that have been lit all night in the corridor have become much darker.

Cheng Xi walked through the corridor, pushed the door open, and saw his master adjusting his sleeves and collar in the mirror.

"Yesterday afternoon, Duke Fu and the young master of the Xia family had tea and wine. At midnight, they were sent outside Enrong Bo's house. Then," Cheng Xi quietly raised his head and lowered his eyes, "Gong Fu climbed over the wall. I entered Uncle Chengyi's house and stayed there for almost an hour before leaving. "

Jin Guiren turned his head and glanced at Cheng Xi: "Climb over the wall? Xu Jian?"

 About Ayan’s frightening dream, we have discussed it in Chapters 2 and 3.

  Thanks to book friends Lonely Cello and Little

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