Yan Cigui

Chapter 340: Wedding (two updates in one, please give me a monthly ticket)

The alley where Chengyi’s Mansion is located is full of noble families.

  Dingbeihou Mansion, Enrong Bo Mansion, and Xuanping Bo Mansion are all connected together.

Today there is a wedding held by a family. All the familiar masters came to the house to give gifts and have wine. The servants and women below were not idle either and came out to watch the fun.

Seeing the wedding team appear at the entrance of the alley, everyone looked forward to it.

They are all well-established families, and no one is lacking in discernment. But today, the groom is one of the most handsome, and who doesn’t want to take a second look?

“He came on horseback. It seems his leg injury has healed a lot?”

“I have been treating it for so long and it is somewhat effective. Even if I still feel a little uncomfortable, I will persist.”

“That is, if you don’t insist on getting married yet, when will you insist on it?”

"Don't mention it, Duke Fu is really outstanding in appearance and stature. No wonder he can make the Empress Dowager nod. I think in the whole capital, except for Duke Fu, there is no young master of the right age who can be worthy of the princess."

“The Duke of Fu is not only handsome, he is also very capable. If he only has a face, he will not be able to pick up the bride from our alley.”

"That's right. I really only care about handsomeness. Uncle Cheng Yi was also first-class back then."

"You can't say that. Uncle Chengyi is so talented. The Duke of Fu can now make the Empress Dowager nod. Didn't Uncle Chengyi have to pass the test of the Empress Dowager back then? Moreover, he was not only handsome back then, he is also handsome now."

“Isn’t it true? It seems that some gentlemen have become more honest in the past two years.”

The women who are familiar with each other gathered together, taking advantage of the good day, they dared to say anything, as if they were amusing themselves, and they couldn't stop laughing.

There are also people who miss Aunt Wang a lot. At this time, if Aunt Wang has that mouth, she can really make the old sisters laugh so hard that they can’t stand up straight. It’s a pity that Aunt Wang, as a member of Uncle Chengyi’s house, I really can't have time today.

 While talking and laughing, everyone turned their attention to Xu Jian again.

 The procession to welcome the bride stopped outside the Chengyi residence.

The Lin family who blocked the door were standing outside. There were so many people that even the stone lion was crowded.

Standing at the head is Lin Yunfeng.

He is not old and tall, but he is full of momentum. He raised his head and looked at the second brother-in-law who was riding on horseback.

 Xu Jian reined in his horse, turned over and got down.

Lin Yunfeng looked straight at it, and then quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

 No one helped me, and the landing was very stable. It seemed that my legs and feet were in good condition.

  Second sister, you can rest assured.

The groom came forward, and the groomsmen behind him also came up, and they met each other.

Everyone was waiting to see the excitement of blocking the door, but no one expected that before the groom could speak, Lin Yunfeng suddenly stretched out his hand.

 A hand stove was handed to Xu Jian.

Xu Jian suddenly laughed.

Needless to say, it must have been given by the little princess.

Xu Jian took the stove and the first words out of her mouth were "thank you".


 The unexpected scene made everyone stunned, and then they all laughed.

Xia Qing slightly smiled happily.

He did not urge Lin Yunfeng and others to come up with questions. He only said: "Get out of the way quickly. It's a cold day and the bride feels distressed after being delayed for so long."

Lin Yunfeng is young and thin-skinned.

 But the hand stove was prepared by his second sister. He couldn't refute it and could only shake his head with a red face.

The other groomsman is An Yibo's grandson. He looks like a ruthless man, but he knows how to get into trouble. He sends people prepared big and small red envelopes and stuffs them all at the person who blocks the door.

Lin Yunfeng was stuffed into his arms.

No one came to answer the question, but it was still very joyful and lively. Seeing that it was almost done, the people welcoming the bride crowded up the steps, and those who blocked the door took advantage of the opportunity to retreat in. The door creaked open on both sides, allowing the groom to enter.

 In Zaishou Courtyard, the woman who reported the news came again, shouting "Come in, come in".

Lin Yunyan stood up and bowed to her elders.

Little Duan Shixu was talking and watching Xiniang put the red hijab on Lin Yunyan.

On the top are dragons and phoenixes. The pattern was drawn by Lin Yunjing. Lin Yunyan embroidered part of it, and Lin Yunjing did most of it for her. The gold and silver embroidery threads sparkled under the sun.

Lin Yunding knelt down and carried Lin Yunyan on his back.

Lin Yunfang stood on the edge and whispered: "Steady, steady."

Lin Yunding stepped out and said, "Don't listen to Third Sister. Don't worry, Second Sister, you won't fall."

Lin Yunyan lay on Lin Yunding's back and smiled.

With her head covered, her vision was blocked, and she could only see a small area in front of her eyes. What she saw at this moment was Lin Yunding's shoulders.

Lin Yunding has not yet grown up, and the government has not yet asked him to be crowned prince, but he is gradually gaining a sense of calmness.

Lin Yunyan thought that as long as there were no more accidents in the Lin family, Yun Ding could fully support the future of the Chengyi Mansion.

"I'm very relieved," she said. "Soon, you will have to carry the eldest sister and the third sister on your back."

Lin Yunding did not stop, but his tone was unusually dull: "I will carry you all on the sedan, but if something happens, I will also pick you up. You can't retreat only if you have a ceremony."

Lin Yunyan blinked.

This kind of words is really inappropriate on a big day, but it is also a promise that brothers make to their sisters at home.

Yun Ding has always been restrained and steady in temperament. Lin Yunyan has always felt that Yun Ding is more like her father Lin Yun than his father Lin Xun.

 It’s no wonder.

As the eldest son of the Yun family, Yun Ding has been taught by her father in recent years.

Such a calm person said inappropriate words precisely because of his enthusiasm and sincerity.

Lin Yunyan will not feel unlucky, but will feel warm.

"We have already gotten rid of the worst, and things should be fine from now on," Lin Yuntan said with a smile, "Third aunt is also thin-skinned, so it would be too difficult for her to ask her to get out of the marriage again."

Hearing her joke, Lin Yunding couldn't help but laugh.

The dullness disappeared, and his voice became much clearer: "Yes, everything will be fine."

The big red sedan stopped in the sedan hall. Lin Yunding sent Lin Yunyan to the sedan. When the sedan curtain fell, he raised his head and glanced at Xu Jian not far away.

The groom is also dressed in red and stands out among the crowd.

Lin Yunding pursed his lips.

This brother-in-law is indeed very good.

When the auspicious moment came, Xu Jian walked back to the horse and got on the horse. For him, it was easier to get on the horse with his left leg in the stirrup than when he landed.

Wan Yue stepped on her feet and saw that he was sitting firmly on the horse. Then she hurried back to the sedan and opened the side curtain.

“Princess,” she said, “the horse that the Duke mounted himself is very stable.”

Lin Yunyan responded.

The onlookers made way, the groom took the lead, and the sedan chair also got up. With the beating of gongs and drums, boxes of dowry were carried out from the mansion, and a long procession walked out.

At the back, Linton lit the fuse, the firecrackers crackled loudly, and the smoke filled the air, sending them farther and farther away.

The route back to the house has been decided before, and many people came to see the wedding ladies scattering countless candies and money, making the journey very lively.

The sedan chair was inevitably bumpy. Lin Yunyan sat inside, listening to the cheers of the people outside grabbing the wedding money, and couldn't help but laugh again.

 She is really happy.

Even if no one is watching or knowing, the joy in her heart cannot be suppressed, and she will laugh involuntarily.

It was cold outside at the end of November, but her heart seemed to be in the spring of the past. At that time, the people watching the ceremony were also so joyful, shouting one after another, but she and Xu Jian were completely different.

At that time, Xu Jian suffered a serious leg injury. On the way back to the Duke's Mansion, he insisted on riding a horse and tried his best, but she was worried and uneasy. Now, her heart was actually going up and down.

With those cheers, they rose and fell, rising higher and higher, but falling less and less, until they almost jumped into the throat.

 The sound of firecrackers rang again.

When the wedding team returned to Fuguogongfu, the alley was also covered in the sound of firecrackers.

The sedan chair stopped, but Lin Yunyan's heart was still unsteady.

What she saw was limited, but she also knew the rituals very well. She knew what was going on outside just by listening to the sounds.

The laughter was heavy, but she could still tell from it that Xu Jian dismounted, Xu Jian took the long bow, Xu Jian drew the bow and shot an arrow...

The long arrow shot through the air, struck the sedan door with a whoosh, and landed in her heart.

Lin Yunyan took a deep breath, lowered her eyes to look at her hands, and then breathed out slowly.

Xi Niang helped her get out of the sedan chair.

One end of the red silk was handed into her hand, and the other end was given to Xu Jian.

Xu Jian clenched the silky red silk tightly and looked at Lin Yunyan.

Through the hijab, he couldn't see the little princess's face, but he only knew that the wedding dress was extremely exquisite.

He shortened the red silk and looked at the bride getting closer and closer to him. He had something to say in his heart, but the surroundings were too lively, so he pressed it down first.

 From the gate of the mansion to the flower hall, it is said that it is not long.

Lin Yunyan is familiar with the Duke's Mansion. Not to mention being held by Xu Jian in front and supported by Xi Niang on the side, she can walk down smoothly even if she is the only one walking.

There were many guests in the wedding hall. It was rare for the Duke's Mansion to be so lively. Xu Miao sat on the main seat, looking forward to it.

"I'm coming."

 “Oh, the bride’s wedding dress is so beautiful.”

 When the news was delivered, the wedding hall immediately burst into cheers. When a group of people came in, the cheers became louder.

An Yibo, who was officiating the wedding, couldn't help but rub his hands, his dark skin showing a little red.

 The newlyweds gave a great ceremony and were sent to their new house amidst laughter.

Lin Yunyan is still familiar with the world.

 This new house is also the courtyard where they lived before.

Lin Yunyan’s view was limited, and she also saw “familiarity” from this limitation. The arrangement of the furniture was just as she remembered it.

Even the wedding bed is exactly the same.

 Lin Yunyan sat down on the bed, put her hands on the edge of the bed, brushed her fingertips from the quilt, and touched the red dates and lotus seeds underneath.

Xi Niang said many auspicious words and urged Xu Jian to lift her hijab.

Xu Jian stood on the side and looked at Lin Yunyan with lowered eyes. The bride didn't seem to be shy at all. Not only did she not lower her head, but she raised her head slightly, as if she could see him from behind the hijab.

 In fact, he couldn't see it, but Xu Jian still felt his heartbeat heavy under the blocked sight.

 He stretched out his hand and slowly lifted the hijab.

There was no longer any obstruction between the two of them, their eyes were facing each other, and their gazes were exchanged across the distance. He saw the smile in Lin Yunyan's eyes, and his figure was reflected in those dark eyes.

He couldn't help but curl his lips.

 Xu Jian sat down next to Lin Yunyan. The two of them were close to each other and looked at the wine cup brought by Xi Niang.

 One cup per person.

 He picked up the wine cup and drank with her.

 The spicy drink rolled into your mouth, and your throat rolled up and down. What was left was a strong sweetness.

As she breathed, Xu Jian smelled the familiar scent of fragrant dew, which Lin Yunyan used daily. The owner of the fragrant dew was close at hand, and he could touch her face by leaning slightly.

 Many years…

This thought came into my mind.

He has walked on this road many times by himself, experiencing the same thing from different angles and with different possibilities, but he has never experienced it before on this day.

So that, at this moment, whether it is fresh or nostalgic, the emotions are rolling, making people excited.

The intertwined arms separated, the wine cup was put down, and the distance between the two bodies was restored. Lin Yunyan looked at Xu Jian and pursed her lips.

 “Does your leg hurt?” she asked.

Hearing this, Xu Jian held her hand, held it on her right leg and gently beat her: "It's okay."

Lin Yunyan chuckled.

It’s strange that it hurts if you beat it twice.

 But if she was asked to hit it hard, she really wouldn't be able to do it.

“I have to thank you for asking my brother-in-law to give me a hand stove.” Xu Jian whispered.

After hearing this, Lin Yunyan couldn't help but wonder: "What question did they ask at the door? Or those?"

"No problem," Xu Jian said, "I gave you the hand stove. My brother-in-law is so thin-skinned that he can't speak even if Xia Qing laughs at him."

Lin Yunyan laughed.

  I do have to thank her for being so noble.

In the room, they talked as if there was no one else. Both the maid and the mother-in-law and Xiniang suppressed their laughter and did not disturb them.

Until the time was almost up, Xi Niang had to urge: "The Duke of the country still has to go to toast."

Lin Yunyan raised her head when she heard the sound.

Xu Jian also reacted, shook Lin Yunyan's hand, let go again, and stood up.

Lin Yunyan watched him go and saw him walking out smoothly, feeling much more relaxed.

so good.

This time, I am not holding him on crutches, or sitting in a wheelchair to toast. The only thing I have to worry about is that I have no excuse for being in poor health, but I am afraid that I will have to drink a lot of wine.

 Just drink, Xu Jian has a good drinker anyway.

Lin Yunyan also stood up and sat in front of the dressing table.

Wan Yue took off the phoenix crown for her. Lin Yunyan's neck suddenly relaxed, and then she felt tired.

 The body is tired, but the spirit is still good.

After changing into her wedding clothes, she arranged them with her own hands and hung them on the hangers.

Liu Ping came to accompany her and brought a box full of snacks: "Mother He's family made these, they are very sweet!"

Lin Yunyan tasted a piece and nodded: "It's indeed sweet."

Night is gradually coming, lights are on inside and outside the house, and dragon and phoenix candles are lit on the table.

Not long after, she heard footsteps outside.

Lin Yunyan turned her head, the footsteps were getting closer and closer, and she watched Xu Jian come in.

Maybe it was the cold wind blowing or the smell of alcohol, Xu Jian's face was flushed, and even his lips were darker than before, but his eyes were bright, reflecting the candlelight.

It was obviously winter, but Lin Yunyan was suddenly pulled into summer by the emotions in her heart.

 In her midsummer, there are not only cicadas chirping, but also fireflies.

  Thanks to book friends 20211101011403913, Shifang Muzi, and Ears Like Lies AX for their rewards.

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