Yan Cigui

Chapter 346: All are killer moves (two updates in one, please vote for me)

In the study, Lin Yu sipped her tea and was silent for a while.

Just now, Xu Jian told him everything that happened in front of the emperor yesterday.

I don’t know if it counts as one, five, ten, or the whole thing, but the general process is there, which is enough for Lin Yu to sort out the ins and outs.

 But he felt it was very subtle.

 If you just weigh the pros and cons, there is definitely no problem.

 First of all, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince does need to gain more experience. I don’t say how much he can gain from observing politics in this month at the end of the year, but it will certainly not be without progress.

Furthermore, Xu Jian took the initiative to avoid following the prince. Although it is not a long-term solution, the monarch and his ministers will eventually have to find a way to get along with each other. But since this is the situation at hand, avoiding it for a while is still a move.

 Just looking at these two points, Lin Yu thought, it is completely feasible and beneficial.

 But he couldn't help but feel uneasy. Just like the last time he heard about the little throne, he couldn't find any problems on the surface, but Xu Jian might not have any extra plans on the inside.

 What Lin Yu wants to think about is still the "plan".

Taking another sip of tea, Lin Yu asked Xu Jian in a low voice: "Have you ever thought about what might happen to His Highness in the past month..."

Xu Jian lowered his eyes and looked serious.

Lin Yu sighed.

 The answer is actually simple.

No matter what happened, if Xu Jian did not follow the prince, no matter whether he was criticized or blamed by all parties, he would not be able to fall on him and it would have nothing to do with him.

The only one who is in trouble is the prince. It is difficult for the prince to answer to the Holy Emperor.

 The various sounds that have just been suppressed and lurked in recent days will surge up again.

 Crisis may be seen as an opportunity by some people, but there are also many people who do not look forward to the crisis.

Compared with the instability of the crown prince's position and the unrest in the palace and harem, which caused troubles for both the government and the public, Lin Yu thought that they hoped that everything would go smoothly and that the country would be peaceful and the people would be safe.

There is no need to think about taking sides, and there is no need to worry about making big mistakes. Having a hereditary and irreplaceable title in your hand and passing it down from generation to generation is better than being in a mess and losing everything if you are not careful.

"It doesn't matter what you or I say about this matter," Lin Yu said matter-of-factly, "It depends on the prince."

It is not the same thing if the prince does not behave randomly and everything goes smoothly, but if the prince behaves randomly and the Holy One favors him from the bottom of his heart, it is not the same thing.

 Xu Jian smiled and seemed quite helpless towards Li Shao.

“Father-in-law,” he said, “if we wish your highness the best, both inside and outside the court, you and I must be among them.

I saved him on the battlefield, and my mother-in-law also saved him...

As long as His Highness is not a fool, he will inherit the throne in the future. The Xu and Lin families will not say that they can speak loudly in the main hall, but no matter how smooth and stable they are, there is still hope.

 The fact that you are telling me these things today is because you have noticed some problems. You know that your Highness and I probably have no relationship as monarchs and ministers anymore.

  Not only you, the Empress Dowager is also worried. She is afraid that if she takes the first step, the princess will lose her support.

The Holy Emperor may not understand, but he loves the prince too much, and he is particularly nostalgic for old friendships and cherishes talents, which is a bit blind.

If I take a step back and really be idle in exchange for peace in the future, I am actually quite willing. Traveling with the princess and traveling all over the country is also a kind of fun in life, but taking a step back may not be enough. Put it evenly…”

Lin Yu’s expression was much more solemn.

Those subtle feelings were revealed in Xu Jian's words, but what the sun brought him was not warmth, but harshness.

 Xu Jian thought very deeply. Judging from his words, it was not just words. He had thought deeply.

However, what did Xu Jian think of and understand that made him so unsure of His Highness the Crown Prince?

 Not only did Xu Jian lose the confidence to be a famous minister in the court, but he also lost the confidence to retire in exchange for stability.

Moreover, even the Queen Mother is worried...

Lin Yu believed that he was quite perceptive. He joined the officialdom at a young age and could speak eloquently and give pointers in front of the late emperor. Although he had been quiet for these years, he did not completely stay away from the court. He did not lack experience and vision for advancement and retreat, but he He just couldn't figure out for a moment what he had missed that prevented him from making such a judgment as Xu Jian's.

"So?" Lin Yu quickly organized his thoughts and pointed to the center, "You think things cannot be settled properly with the prince, so which way do you want to go?

Which road can bring peace to the Xu and Lin families?

That's the prince. You agree with what I just said. The more the Holy Emperor cares about the late queen, the more stable the prince's position will be.


Lin Yu raised his hand and pressed his eyebrows.

 Putting aside the term "Xu and Lin's family", before the two families got married, Lin Yu believed that his family did not need to worry about this matter, but getting married would create variables.

Lin Yu doesn’t blame Xu Jian. To be fair, it’s really not Xu Jian’s problem.

Besides, we are already married, so it would be ridiculous to differentiate between you and me.

 But he must think about the future, and all the people in the Lin family must be taken care of.

Xu Jian understood what Lin Yu meant.

In fact, as he told the little princess before, if the two did not get married and the Chengyi Mansion could escape the end of being confiscated, he would be willing to let it go.

 He did try it.

 Unfortunately, the result was clear, and he personally brought people to search the house.

 It’s just that I can’t speak directly to Master Taishan about this matter. Furthermore, Master Taishan has a forward-looking temper. Rather than analyzing the good and bad of not getting married, he would rather hear what to do next.

"You are right, the crown prince's position has always been very stable," Xu Jian said, "The Holy One is too devoted to him. If His Highness causes trouble, as long as it is not earth-shaking, the Holy One will protect him.

Furthermore, something as simple as that can make the prince fall, and then the court will be even more chaotic, and it will not do any good to the other highnesses..."

Lin Yuan frowned and raised his hand to wave to Xu Jian.

Hearing this, what else could he not understand?

Whether it’s the little throne, or whether it’s watching the government a year ago, it’s all the same way. To put it bluntly, it’s all about “praising and killing”, in order to make the prince shake the world and break his bones.

 Lin Yue stood up and once again confirmed that the front and rear windows were closed tightly, then sat down again and asked Xu Jian: "Do you want to change someone? If you think we can't be peaceful after the prince takes power, then just start changing. You are really..."

"Not only for himself, but also for the world," Xu Jian said, "The prince can't even tolerate the Xu and Lin families. Can he be a wise king to the people of the world?"

Lin Yuan sighed and said, "If you continue to deal with this matter, you will be following the same path as the Zhu family."

 In the entire Zhu family, only Zhu Chan survived in the end.

"It's different. The Zhu family does not have a Holy Emperor in their eyes, and the person he is loyal to is probably not Li Mi. There are probably other people," Xu Jian said. "I am loyal to the Holy Emperor, and the prince is still just the prince."

Lin Yu pursed her lips.

 The truth is actually this.

The Zhu family's walk was a little crooked, and Xu Jian thought it was still within the scope of "standing in line." But to put it more broadly, those who are loyal are all from the "Li family".

"You might as well tell me in detail," Lin Yu's voice couldn't help but become lower, "Have you thought about this and what else have you done before..."

Xu Jian glanced at Lin Yu.

Since it comes to this point, it is natural to be frank.

 In the court, if we talk about advancing and retreating together, without care, and if we can really find someone who can rest assured, we can only be sincere.

The little princess always said that she was a grasshopper on a rope, and this description is still accurate.

Of course, things related to those experiences still cannot be said.

  It's not a matter of whether the uncle believes it or not, but even if one day he wants to tell those past stories, it should be the young princess who opens the door to the uncle.

 This is what father and daughter have to face together. Xu Jian is a son-in-law and a husband, but he cannot overstep his authority.

 Xu Jian briefly talked about it.

The little princess rescued Jin Shu from the prince's guards, the prince exchanged wine for tribute at the thanksgiving banquet, he sat back and watched Chen Mihu's colleagues make a fortune, he proposed to the emperor to put gold bricks in the house, and he secretly stole the gold note. Moving hands...

Lin Yue did not interrupt and listened to Xu Jian's words almost expressionlessly.

 Then, there was silence in the study again, and it was far longer than the silence just now.

Lin Yuan leaned back on the chair and looked at Xu Jian.

After Xu Jian finished speaking, he picked up the uneaten bunch of candied haws and took bites one by one.

 Since it has been in the house, the sugar shell has melted a little, is not as crisp as before, and is still a little sticky, but the taste is still the same.

Seeing his calm look, Lin Yu smiled after a while.

"Both you and Yun Yan are a little beyond my expectations," Lin Yu sighed. "If I think about it again, I may not be clear about many things."

 In fact, it is not traceable.

Let’s just talk about the two boxes of gold bricks in Laoshi Alley. Did we get some inside information and find out the location of the gold bricks? Let’s not talk about it for now. Later, we concealed the truth and even the Shuntian Mansion didn’t get a clue. This shows how capable we are at doing things.

Yun Yan is undoubtedly complicit, but Xu Jian has done a lot to make things happen.

 Thinking back to how Yun Yan skillfully opened a lock with a hairpin that day...

 No one in her family taught her this!

Not to mention, Uncle Niu dared to chase the car for her and rescue Jin Shu.

Xu Jian said that in a simple way, but there was no news outside after the incident, and we still don’t know where the missing guard went. Xu Jian dealt with the aftermath beautifully, and Yun Yan was not so delicate as to be able to make a prompt decision.

 For a moment, Lin Yue was actually a little lucky.

No one knows what the future holds. Maybe the Lin and Xu families will really face hardships. Instead of being a coquettish girl, Yun Yan might as well have more skills at her side and have more opportunities when encountering difficulties.

Furthermore, although Xu Jian said that he "sit back and watch" and "let it go", to put it bluntly, it was His Royal Highness who acted inappropriately.

Lin Yue met the late emperor, had dealings with the Holy Sage for so many years, and read so many history books. He knew that kings had their own tempers, and emperors throughout the ages were not the same, but they all had certain manifestations.

He did not expect Li Shao to be a wise king who would be remembered for generations in the future, but he had to behave in a disciplined manner and not act recklessly. Unfortunately, this was a bit difficult for the Crown Prince.

 It was so difficult that Xu Jian chose to set up a trap in order to replace others.

This courage and this disruptive idea have to be said to be quite ferocious.

After all, he is a disciple of the general, ambushing one place after another, and even hiding it from the Holy Emperor. This is the most difficult thing. The situation is laid out, people enter the game, and they are used up bit by bit. In the end, they are all killing moves.

"At this point, let me ask you," Lin Yue said thoughtfully, "How old are your highnesses? Are you sure that if you really change one, the Lin and Xu family will be able to sit back and relax in the future?"

“I’m not sure,” Xu Jian said matter-of-factly. “The only thing I’m sure of is that one day the prince comes to power, and that’s the end of us.”

Lin Yue poured tea.

 The tea is completely cold and tastes astringent in the mouth.

To be honest, Lin Yue was also somewhat dissatisfied with Li Shao.

  It was not because of the death of his wife. As ministers and saviors, they had a duty to be kings and masters of heaven and earth. These were all engraved in their minds.

Lin Yuan's dissatisfaction came from Li Shao's behavior, especially as he grew up and walked in the court, he would cause outrageous things from time to time.

 But as a minister, what Lin Yuan actually wanted to do was to advise, assist, and rectify things. Today, after a conversation with Xu Jian, everything was suddenly messed up.

 It has nothing to do with whether it’s right or good, it’s just that it was too sudden and caught Lin Yuan off guard.

Logically speaking, he should persuade Xu Jian now to stop digging holes for the prince before those little tricks are exposed. As a minister, you have the responsibility of a minister, but Lin Yu really understands Xu Jian's worries.

 The "fate between monarch and minister" is something that Lin Yue himself saw. He pressured Xu Jian to twist the impossible-sweet melon, which was completely asking for trouble.

Not to mention what will happen in the court in the future, Weng's son-in-law has different political opinions, and the daughter is the first to be hurt.

"I have to think about it again," Lin Yue took a deep breath and slowly exhaled, "Your Highness is going to observe the government, and I just want to see more about what will happen to him."

 Xu Jian responded.

 The uncle’s reaction is reasonable.

"One more thing," Xu Jian said, "The Holy One never believed that the flood in Dingguo Temple was an accident. He had captured Wang six years ago and confirmed that King Ding died of poisoning, which also gave the Holy One another layer of confidence that he could be found. Confidence in the truth.

Father-in-law, you thought it was an accident before, but now? Are you still so persistent? "

Lin Yu’s breathing was stagnant.

"If there is no evidence, we couldn't find it back then. If there is any clue, the Holy Spirit will dig deep. He hasn't dug it out for so many years." Lin Yu paused and then said, "I'm not stubborn, I also have to look at the evidence.

However, we all can see that if there is something inside Dingguo Temple, it will undoubtedly be a big change.

The Holy Emperor already loves the prince so much. Once it is confirmed that there is another conspiracy behind the death of the late Queen, the Holy Emperor will become more emotional and may favor the prince even more.

And you have the idea of ​​​​substituting someone else. No one can tell whether it will be a blessing or a curse at the moment. "

 Xu Jian nodded.

   Uncle will not be sure of good fortune or misfortune, but Xu Jian thinks that the chance is not small.

During the reign of the late emperor, what made the fight between the princes appear on the surface and really become "lively" was the night when Dingguo Temple was flooded. There is actually no conclusion on the real culprit of the "bandits" attacking the town.

How could the people behind the scenes who are making waves today miss the changes that night?

Old things are so old that it is hard to find a trace of Xu Jian, a young descendant, but Cheng Yibo is different. Even though he was not at Dingguo Temple that night, he experienced a complete incident in Beijing. If he can look for it from the past, he might be able to find it. Clues.

 Please give me a monthly ticket~~~~

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