Yan Cigui

Chapter 371: Death without evidence (two updates in one)

 There was silence for a few breaths in the main hall.

 Everyone seemed to be shocked by Shan Shen's speech and did not react.

Until someone was so shocked that he exclaimed, like hot water dripping into a frying pan, there was a lot of chatter.

The disappearance of the East Palace guard was quite surprising, but there were unforeseen circumstances, and no one said that a guard would not become a victim.

But, collecting gambling debts? Robbery? Either way, it sounds like the guards are being unreasonable.

  Is this what the people in the East Palace and the people around the prince should do?


 This is not what a serious person should do!

 Some were surprised, some were shocked, some were puzzled, all kinds of eyes fell on Shan Shen, all curious about what evidence Shuntian Mansion had obtained to be able to speak like this.

 There were also officials who were bold, or they were relatives of the emperor and had an extraordinary status, so they raised their heads and looked at Li Shao.

Li Shao felt a chill running down his back and felt like he was sitting on pins and needles.

Obviously he was questioning Shan Shen a moment ago, but within a few words, the situation turned around.

The Holy Master looked at Shan Shen seriously, then turned to look at Li Shao: "Is there such a thing?"

 Li Shao couldn't help but swallowed his saliva.

 He was caught off guard, but he also knew that he could not recognize it: "My son and I only knew that he returned to his hometown, and no one else heard about it."

 But how did Shan Shen know?

Only Liu Xun, Qian Hu and Eunuch Hu were aware of the events before and after Geng Baoyuan's disappearance.

That day, he was furious in the East Palace, but other palace residents retreated far away. Logically speaking, they could only see him kicking and cursing people, but could not hear anything specific.

 Liu Xun was exiled, Qian Hu was sent to hard labor, and Eunuch Hu was beheaded on trial...

More than half a year has passed. Where did Shuntian Mansion find out the news?

Li Shao was extremely puzzled. He lowered his eyes and looked at the waist badge, as if he was puzzled as to how this thing could appear.

After hearing Li Shao's answer, the Holy Spirit was noncommittal. After pondering for a while, he asked Shan Shen in a deep voice: "Or, or? When Aiqing investigates the case, does he use 'or' to decide the case?"

 Long Yan is displeased.

Shan Shen complained repeatedly in his heart.

He did not dare to look up at His Majesty, nor did he look at the faces of Ruan Shangshu and Shi Rui beside him. He braced himself and braced himself.

 What are you afraid of?

He Shan Shen was the one who told the civil and military officials about the earth-shattering night in Chenmi Hutong in the Jinluan Palace and at the court meeting!

 Compared with the feat that day, what is today?

 How can people who have been on the Xingban list be afraid of a child test?

Shan Shen recounted the entire story, from digging out the cards, to searching through records and matching the confessions of Qian Hu and Liu Xun at the time, to going to large and small gambling houses to investigate...

 At the moment, all the evidence and clues are missing, but given some time, we will be able to find more clues.

By the time Shan Shen finished speaking, there were many soft conversations in the hall, which together made a buzzing sound.

The Holy Spirit asked: "Why didn't you repay it at that time?"

"Qian Hu and Liu Xun seemed to be at odds with each other, and they seemed to be at each other's throats, but they couldn't explain why." Shan Shen was prepared for these foreseeable problems, "Geng Baoyuan disappeared in Yuanyue, and was with Chen Mi Hutong The matter has nothing to do with it, so it was not reported because of these two points.”

Li Shao frowned when he heard this. He was actually tricked by those two bastards!

Although Liu Xun did not admit it, he did give some "hints" to Geng Baoyuan and others. Qian Hu did not have the courage to rob people, and Geng Baoyuan was nowhere to be seen. No matter how he disappeared, it actually had nothing to do with him, Li Shao, from the beginning to the end.

 He didn't know anything about it beforehand, and he had no intention of robbing the girl.

  Going behind his back and causing fatal things, you still bit him in the end and bit him again?

Those kicks at the beginning were really light!

"They were contradictory and talking nonsense. Master Shan didn't believe it at the time, but he believes it now?" Li Shao said angrily.

“I found this piece of money,” Shan Shen asked, “Your Highness, where did Geng Baoyuan go?”

Li Shao glanced at his father beside him and repeated his previous remarks.

"You said he handed over the lexicon?" Shan Shen asked. Seeing Li Shao nodding, he added, "Since he handed over the lexicon, the waistband should be taken back by the East Palace. How could he live outside the palace?"

Li Shao gritted his teeth. Although his mind was in a state of confusion, his thoughts were still quick: "The people below may not be careful in their work."

This reason is embarrassing, but he was punished by his father for not being strict in managing the East Palace earlier, so Li Shao moved it out for use.

 After all, for the same reason, this is the same as punishment again.

"Geng Baoyuan disappeared on the eighth day of the first lunar month, but on the ninth day of the lunar month, all the gambling houses in the capital mentioned that the Geng family's father came to look for his son. The one accompanying him should be Qian Hu," Shan Shen looked at Li Shao and said "According to the neighbors of Geng's family, Qian Hu went to Geng's house to inquire about news when Geng Baoyuan didn't show up for his job. He went to Geng's house on the eighth and ninth day of the lunar month and accompanied him all night to look for someone.

If Geng Baoyuan had submitted his resignation letter before the eighth day of the Lunar New Year, Qian Hu should not find anyone for absenteeism.

If he hadn't already handed it over, Your Highness, when did Geng Baoyuan, who suddenly disappeared, hand over the resignation letter to the East Palace? "

Li Shao's face turned red.

He looked at Shan Shen and the civil and military minister standing below, and felt his father's eyes on him beside him...

 How to explain?

At that time, the image of waking up in Shuntian Mansion on a rainy dawn and being questioned by Shan Shen came into my mind, superimposed with the current scene.

 It’s not very nice.

That time I was able to throw down my sleeves and leave from Shuntian Mansion, but now it is impossible to walk out of Jinluan Palace regardless.

Li Shao racked his brains, clasping the armrests with his hands tightly, his knuckles turning white: "Sir, are you questioning my lying?

Geng Baoyuan was indeed a guard of the East Palace, but that was all. I had no need to lie to protect him.

His resignation was handed to the then general manager, Eunuch Hu. I knew that he wanted to accompany his father back to his hometown to recuperate, so it was natural. I did not think that he might deceive me.

As for the hidden meaning, I really don’t know.

Since he is a gambler, it is not surprising that he is being chased for debts, and it is not surprising that he is being chased for debts. On the contrary, I am surprised that Mr. Shan would think that a gambler would not intentionally deceive me.

 What he did outside the palace is his own business. The conflict between Qian Hu and Liu Xun is also their business. Mr. Shan wants to investigate the case and go to them. I can't find anything out.

I admit that my rule in the East Palace was not strict in the past, and I have also reflected on it. However, I did not teach Geng Baoyuan how to gamble. He did commit robbing, and it was not my instigation.

 At court later, I will go back and give a good warning to the people in the East Palace, so that they will never let such messy things happen again. "

 A long sentence, finished in one breath.

Perhaps he was a little nervous, Li Shao's speaking speed gradually increased, but fortunately there was no slip of the tongue.

 After speaking, he briefly reviewed what he had said, nodded secretly in his mind, and thought he had said it well.

 He was indeed caught off guard.

 He did have something to hide.

But the most fundamental thing is that he did not let Geng Baoyuan rob anyone, nor did he let Geng Baoyuan enter the gambling house.

Don't even think about covering up such a bad thing on his head.

He said that Geng Baoyuan handed over the dictionary, which means he handed it over. If Shan Shen didn't believe it, he would cut off his head and go underground to ask Eunuch Hu.

 As for that **** Geng Baoyuan...

Li Shao’s teeth were itching, and he wanted to know where Geng Baoyuan was.

"But," Shan Shen said with a serious look, "Eunuch Hu is dead, and there is no evidence of his death. And according to Qian Hu, you have a strong preference for Liu Xun's mate, and the girl you want to rob is very similar to that mate... "

 Another bucket of hot water was poured into the oil pan, causing the whole hall to be stunned.

It turns out that there is such an inside story behind the robbery?

There is nothing so exciting in the storybook, right?

 Li Shao was really dumbfounded. What on earth did those two **** say in Shuntian Mansion?

Have all these details been explained?

There is also this Shan Shen, who really has bad intentions. He didn’t mention it in the previous story. He just got rid of it, and Shan Shen brought up another chapter?

Who knows how many more details Shan Shen has hidden!

Li Shao's face turned blue and white for a while, his chest heaved, and he couldn't identify himself or not.

What if he says something else and is blocked by Shan Shen again?

"What a load of nonsense!" But he couldn't sit still and wait for death. "What a load of nonsense! My majestic prince, what kind of girl do I like, and why do I need my subordinates to secretly kidnap her? Father, you can't believe it!"

 The Holy Spirit had a gloomy face.

 Those things mentioned above, to be fair, he believed them.

Geng Baoyuan's disappearance is a fact. No matter how hard Liu Xun and Qian Hu fight, they will not "rob people" out of thin air. Most of those stupid things have happened. The only question is, how much is Shaoer involved?

Whether he was unaware of the incident from beginning to end, or concealed it after the incident, or was the mastermind behind it, His Majesty still needs to discern.

As a father, the Holy Father does not want his son to be wronged; but just because he is a father, and precisely because he has thought about grinding Shaoer, he lacks a legitimate reason.

Shaoer has been very peaceful in recent days. Although the dog came from Yongji Palace, he did not instigate him to cause trouble. The reason has not come yet, and Shan Shen gave him a deeper reason...

 If the government is not strict, then it is too light.

 It can instigate murder, but it is too serious.

 This degree needs to be further grasped.

Li Shao saw that the Holy Master was still silent, and he became anxious and said to Shan Shen: "Master Shan, you can't rely on those rumors to convict me, right?"

In the middle of the hall, Shan Shen seemed not surprised by Li Shao's reaction. Instead, he said: "Your Highness is absolutely right. The whole story needs to be investigated clearly. I hope your Highness will forgive me for a while. This case cannot be fully investigated before it is sealed."

 Li Shao frowned.

Shan Shen obviously came prepared, how could he find out?

 Besides, did Geng Baoyuan really disappear because of gambling?

 He ​​listened to Qian Hu and Liu Xun's words at the time, but he did not completely believe it. In Li Shao's view, Geng Baoyuan was more likely to have missed the robbery and was killed.

 Since he was killed, his waist card did not appear sooner or later. At this time, Shan Shen dug it out...

There are probably a lot of twists and turns here!

Li Shao didn't trust Shan Shen and wanted to change the yamen chief.

The Holy Emperor did not let him speak, and only said to Shan Shen: "Let me check carefully whether it is yes or no."

Shan Shen is busy responding.

 After such an incident happened, there was no need for others, neither minor nor serious, to report on this occasion. Eunuch Cao announced his "retreat from the court."

 The Holy Spirit strode down the Jinluan Hall.

Li Shao followed down and when he passed by Shan Shen, he pursed his lips and glanced at him.

Just be careful with your ears, look at your nose, and your nose with your heart, just pretend you don’t know.

After the honor guard left, Shan Shen was suddenly surrounded by Ruan Shangshu and Shi Rui.

 “Sir Shan, you are silent and thunderous!”

"Isn't this different from what we agreed? You have to change your mind and come to terms with us!"

 “You are so courageous, and you are talking eloquently in the Jinluan Palace. Have you ever thought about us?”

Shan Shen rubbed his stiff face.

 He was prepared for the wrath of His Majesty, but in fact, His Majesty was very restrained and much calmer than at Chen Mi Hutong.

And since he has passed the holy test, why would he care about what Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment say.

"My lords, don't worry," Shan Shen smiled politely, "I didn't say that the two of you knew about it as soon as you found out the cards. If the Holy One wants to blame you, you can't blame them. I One person is responsible for the work.”

  Ruan Shangshu:…

Shi Rui:…

Shan Shen added: "I thought about it carefully and reported it truthfully. However, the matter is serious and I really don't want to implicate you two. I also have good intentions."

The smile became three points more genuine. After smiling, Shan Shen cupped his hands and said, "We still need to investigate the case, so I'll take the first step."

 After saying that, Shan Shen walked out of the Jinluan Palace and trotted down the footpath.

If the Qi is not completely smooth, it is better to be half smooth.

Lin Yue came out of the hall two steps behind. He twirled his fingers and looked at Shan Shen's back as he quickly left.

 No one from the Jin family entered the court.

Today in the Jinluan Palace, the only person who knew that Geng Baoyuan had kidnapped the target was Lin Yu.

He knew that Geng Baoyuan almost succeeded. It was Yun Yan who caught up with the carriage, and Shen Chen arrived, subdued Geng Baoyuan and the handlebar, and settled the situation.

The Jin family decided to keep it secret at that time, which was considered a wise choice.

It is not easy to sue the prince. In the end, Jin Shu and the Jin family will be harmed.

Everyone pretended to be peaceful and did not leak the news. Fa'an Temple only knew that they had helped Jin Shu, but they did not know the whereabouts of Geng Baoyuan.

Ordinarily, since Geng Baoyuan fell into the hands of Shen Chen, that is, Xu Jian, how could his waistband be dug up from the burial ground of other cases?

 It is impossible for Xu Jian to make such a mistake.

 That is to say, Xu Jian did it on purpose. He was using Geng Baoyuan's incident to give the Holy Emperor a reason.

 This step is thoughtful but also subtle.

Moreover, based on Lin Yun's understanding of Lin Yunyan, he knew that his daughter would never let Jin Shu and the Jin family be involved in this matter, and Geng Baoyuan's disappearance would not be linked to the Jin family.

 The most important part is missing, the “victim”. If you want to be “justified”, you are missing some weight.

Of course, this amount cannot be replenished.

The Holy Will is the final word, it just depends on how Shuntian Mansion adds to it and covers it on His Highness the Crown Prince's head.

 On the other side, Li Shao stepped up and followed behind the Lord.

 Father and son entered the imperial study room one after another.

Li Shao looked at his father's displeased expression and said hurriedly: "I really don't know about Geng Baoyuan's bad things. He gambled and robbed people, and I didn't know anything about it beforehand."

 His beforehand naturally refers to before Qian Hu told him.

The Holy Master sat down on the chair and said in a deep voice: "Shao'er, I told you last time that if your subordinates commit crimes, just because you don't know about them does not mean that you are not at fault. If you are not strict in your governance, you will not be able to employ people clearly. , it’s just wrong.”

Li Shao was speechless for a moment. He looked at his father and didn't say a word for a long time.

 In two days, starting from the 29th, monthly tickets will be doubled. I urge book friends to collect their tickets.

 Thanks to the book friends Xiaoyuan and Ear Like Lies AX for the reward.

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