Yan Cigui

Chapter 384: Holy Sage, think twice (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 The snow is coming fiercely.

Mama Ma stood on the porch, rubbing her hands, and said to Wan Yue: "It may get colder in the second half of the night. Although the room is warm, don't be careless. You can add a quilt at night."

 The moon echoes.

  Tonight was her night watch. She had already washed herself and went into the house after hearing a few words from Mother Ma.

  Separated by the door panel and the thick cotton curtain, there is a huge difference between the hot and cold weather inside and outside.

 When the coldness went away from his body, he walked towards the inner room.

While serving Lin Yunyan, she found that the princess was a little absent-minded.

After helping the person to sit down in front of the dressing table, Wan Yue took a comb to comb her hair and asked softly: "Are you worried that it is not warm enough at night?"

 Normally, the temperature in the room is sufficient, but for the Duke, the hotter the better.

Lin Yunyan blinked her eyes and said, "I hear the wind is strong and it's going to snow again."

 Wan Yue nodded.

After a while, she heard her princess say again: "I haven't seen such heavy snow in many years."

These words made Wan Yue stunned for a moment.

"It seems," Wan Yue tried hard to recall, "it snows every year, and there are times when the snow is heavy, but it seems to be different from today. The last time... I really can't remember it. Maybe it was when I was a child."

Hearing what she said, Lin Yunyan chuckled and said, "How can it be so far?"

 Hand the moon also smiles.

Xu Jian sat on the edge of the bed. He looked up when he heard the words. Through the dressing mirror, he met Lin Yunyan's eyes.

Wan Yue couldn't understand, but Xu Jian knew where Lin Yunyan's "several years" came from, but his time experience was also different from Lin Yunyan's. For a while, he couldn't remember when and where they met. A blizzard.

The wind was strong and the windows rattled.

The lights were turned on early in the room, and Lin Yunyan lay on the warm quilt, leaning against Xu Jian, and fell asleep in a daze.

In her sleep, she heard the howling wind, and she couldn't tell what night it was in her sleep. It made her feel as if she was in the snow.

 She dreamed about the blizzard.

The years are long, and she can remember many things, but more of them become blurry and uncertain as time goes by.

Only those ups and downs that touched her can be clearly reappeared a few years or more than ten years later. Even the parts that she would not recall at all on weekdays, or even the things that she thought she had forgotten, wait until they come to mind again. Here, only belatedly discovered that she had never forgotten it.

 That was when they were trapped in Jinzhong.

The cold winter months are not easy to live with, and the wind and snow come more and more.

Where can I travel in this kind of weather? What's more, the things they want to investigate in Jinzhong have not yet been revealed.

Xu Jian wanted to find an inconspicuous small village and ask the villagers to borrow a house to stay. It was cheaper in the countryside and much more economical than in the city.

It was also good luck that they met the old lady who used to be with Mr. Chen.

That grandma, whose surname is Tu, lost her husband in her early years. When she got older, her son took her back to her hometown in Jinzhong to provide for her retirement.

 At that time, Chengcheng's house was not in ruins. When he left the house, he took a sum of money, which was enough to live a good life here.

Aunt Tu met Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian who were in trouble. Thinking of the past kindness of the uncle's house, and thinking of the current family being broken up, she cried so hard that she couldn't breathe. She arranged a few people to a village in the countryside and asked them to spend time together. Through this period of wind and snow.

That ten-day period, in Lin Yunyan's opinion, was the most relaxed and relaxing time they had spent after leaving Beijing.

Without sweeping, the snow could reach half a person's height. The wind blew snow foam that blinded the eyes, and no one could be seen after more than ten steps. The weather was so bad that all pursuers gave up.

There was enough food and drink in Zhuangzi, and there was also meat and fish. Grandma Tu also recalled the dishes she would cook in winter at her house in the past, so she gathered some ingredients and cooked them twice.

During her free time, Grandma Tu recalled the past with her, what it was like in the good old days, and asked about the current situation of the Lin family, wiping away tears as she talked.

It was also in this situation that Lin Yunyan burst into tears.

Xu Jian stayed by her side and let her cry loudly without persuading her.

With so many changes and ups and downs, it is not a good thing to keep them in your heart. It is better to cry and relax.


 In the darkness, Lin Yunyan opened her eyes.

 Her eyelids were sore, she raised her hands to rub them, and gradually woke up to the sound of the wind, realizing that those in Jinzhong had been a dream.

Lin Yunyan turned over and got closer to the person next to her.

 Xu Jian was not deep in sleep. As soon as Lin Yunyan moved, he woke up. He subconsciously reached out and patted Lin Yunyan on the shoulder through the quilt.

The room was warm, but it was his legs that were feeling cold, but not his arms.

In order to make my legs more comfortable, I really strained my arms and often got hot and sweated in the middle of the night.

"Before going to bed, do you want to ask when the heavy snowfall I mentioned was?" Lin Yunyan couldn't sleep, so she just talked to Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian responded softly.

Lin Yunyan started talking to him about Jinzhong and Aunt Tu.

 After listening for a while, Xu Jian gradually understood: "I cried all night, and I was still crying and burping in the middle of the night."

Lin Yunyan heard the teasing smile in his tone, and was about to say a few words to herself, but thinking of the situation at that time, she couldn't help but laugh.

"Aunt Tu keeps asking me, how come an uncle's house or a prince's house has ended up in such a predicament when he has never done anything to disgrace the imperial court?" Lin Yunyan pursed her lips, "I also asked, how come That’s it.”

Xu Jian was silent for a moment, and then the hand that was pressing on the quilt started to clap again: "It's not us who are helpless now."

Lin Yunyan took a deep breath, adjusted her mood, and raised her head to look at Xu Jian.

"Is that man really so calm?" she asked. "Seeing that Li Shao's matter is getting worse, he just keeps Wang Gouzi busy and has no results?"

Xu Jian said: "If he was impatient, how could he have escaped unscathed from the battle for the right to inherit the throne?"

 The impatient one is Li Mi.

The one who continued to attack even though he knew the chances were slim was Li Jun from Yongji Palace.

The other princes, it is said that they are aware of the current affairs and can be calm, but after the late emperor decided to let Jinshang inherit the throne, they have been peaceful and have not shown any flaws.

No matter whether you are unwilling or not, you still have the green hills left.

 The same is true now.

"With his ability and vision, he must have seen the true intention of the Holy One," Xu Jian said softly, "If only some courtiers were in a panic, there would still be room for discussion, but what the Holy One wants to do is already It's a done deal.

If he sings the opposite tune, not only will he not be able to keep Li Shao's position as crown prince, but he will also drag himself into trouble.

  It would be better to stop and watch indifferently, and take this opportunity to touch upon the relationship between North Korea and China.

Just like Master Zhen, he may not be sure which one of the three princes he has a personal relationship with, but he certainly won't think that Master Zhen is "alone and helpless". Given time, he may be able to identify it as Master Fei. "

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly: "That's right. Anyway, the Holy One only used the deposed prince to hammer and sharpen Li Shao, not abandon him. When the limelight is over, he will find a way to make Li Shao meritorious and establish a prince again. This path will still work. ”

"I think that dog is quite honest, and the Holy One will not touch him." Xu Jian said.

Li Shao is willing to let Wang Gouzi follow him, and Wang Gouzi has been coaxing Li Shao to do good deeds recently. Rather than using another chamberlain who doesn’t know where he came from, it would be better to keep a doggy dog ​​who will notice every trouble.

"The person behind the scenes doesn't want to find a new person," Lin Yunyan said. "It's not easy to train someone. If you continue to be a useless dog and want to put someone in front of Li Shao who can more or less coax him, it will be very difficult." .

However, the seal is only a few days away, and if we really want to depose the prince, we will arrange it after the new year. "

“Major social and economic affairs are taking place step by step,” Xu Jian said. “In this year, many people are having a hard time.”

  Amid the howling wind, the two of them spoke softly.

Until sleepiness hit her again, Lin Yunyan yawned and leaned her head on Xu Jian's shoulder, becoming drowsy.

Xu Jian listened to her long breathing and tucked her into the quilt.

His eyes were used to the darkness, and his night vision was already good. He turned his head and looked at her quietly for a while before closing his eyes.

As expected, it got colder in the second half of the night.

Eunuch Tong set up a small stove, heated up two pots of wine, and called Cheng Xi over for supper.

 A mouthful of spicy wine went down his throat, and his body couldn't help but feel warmer. Cheng Xi picked up a piece of meat from the small pot with chopsticks.

After drinking a bowl of wine, Eunuch Tong asked the question: "I heard that the master has been in a bad mood these days?"

“Who did you listen to?” Cheng Xi asked, “Are you just guessing?”

Eunuch Tong curled his lips and said, "I said he broke the bowl set."

“Ouch!” Cheng Xi said, “It was accidentally broken. The master really wasn’t angry. I’ve been waiting close by all day long. How could I have known it?

To tell you the truth, after my master came back in the past few days, he mostly read chess records and had tea. There was no expression on his face, and he talked to me as usual.

 I thought the master would be unhappy, but I really haven’t noticed it these past few days.

 again. "

Hearing what he said, Eunuch Tong was relieved: "Master is worthy of being a master."

 Chengxi nodded.

 The two of them ate all the remaining food and wine before they dispersed.

Eunuch Tong sent Cheng Xi out. He paused when he opened the door and said, "Wang Qi was born two days ago. I thought it was his first birthday after his death, so I burned some paper money for him in the corner of the backyard. Pour some wine.

 Master is stable, but I can’t help but worry about this and that.

 What I told you then, I still mean the same thing now..."

Cheng Xi clicked his tongue.

 Of course he remembered what Eunuch Tong said.

If there is really something, the person who has the information should tell the truth first, so that the other party can pack up and go out in a decent manner.

"I'm leaving first," Cheng Xi said, "Don't think too much, don't scare yourself.

  Previously, the master was tricked by the auxiliary Duke. He looked at him by mistake and was caught off guard.

Now we can all see it, even if the situation is unfavorable in recent days, as long as we avoid the hidden arrows, the open shots are not terrible.

Let’s wait and see. "

 Eunuch Tong responded.

 It snowed all night.

 At the court meeting the next day, there were wet footprints in the Jinluan Hall.

Your Majesty is sitting on the big throne. The small throne next to him is empty. Li Shao did not come today.

 The prince caught a fever in the middle of the third watch. The doctor from the East Palace was urgently summoned to diagnose and prescribe medicine overnight, not long after he fell asleep.

The Holy Spirit learned that Li Shao could not stand up from the fever, so he asked the imperial doctor carefully.

According to the imperial doctor, he caught a cold in the paddock on the eighth day of the lunar month. The fever was suppressed by medicine, but the symptoms were still in his body. Only His Highness was young and could not see the signs.

 After that, many things happened, and His Highness experienced great emotional ups and downs, which eventually caused the symptoms to appear again.

 It will definitely get better, but you just have to take good care of yourself. You can’t rely on your young age to not take good care of yourself.

After hearing this, the Holy Spirit allowed Li Shao to rest.

 It's just that while the prince is recuperating, the Holy Emperor will still attend court, and the morning court will not be less "lively" because of the prince's absence.

Following the fact that Censor Ge targeted the Holy One yesterday, the main point of discussion among courtiers, especially the Censors today, is no longer how the prince should admit his mistake, but how the Holy One should punish the prince.

˜Quoting scriptures, making lengthy arguments, and also containing true feelings.

 Marquis Bao Bao stood up and said a lot.

“I am old and have relied on my ancestors for help. I have not achieved much in recent years. Fortunately, I have not embarrassed my ancestors.”

“The greatest achievement in this life is to have many children and grandchildren. I also feel that even if these children and grandchildren are not good enough, at least they have not caused big troubles. When I think about it in my free time, I am even proud of myself.”

“It wasn’t until I heard Mr. Ge’s words yesterday that I realized that my previous thoughts were completely wrong. If people like us who live on the imperial salary cannot serve the imperial court, we would be really shameless.”

“I am determined to properly discipline my children and grandchildren, especially my grandchildren, who are young and hope to do more for the court, but after much thought, I am most worried about Yaosun Chengan.”

"It's not that Cheng'an has no foundation in Wenwu, but in terms of character, he is also a **** who likes to fight crickets and **** all day long. I want to scold him, but when I think of the prince, I don't know how to scold him."

“Your Majesty, it is certainly not just the old minister who is in such trouble. If His Highness the Crown Prince can accept punishment and learn a lesson, the old minister can teach the unscrupulous descendants a lesson and help them understand the truth.”

If it can be said that Ge Yushi's scolding of "the middle way is broken" made the Holy Emperor angry, then Bao Baohou's so polite words made the Holy Spirit unable to express his anger.

 One is hard and the other is soft, both hard and soft.

 The other courtiers who had prepared their speeches took the opportunity to stand up one after another.

“The common people are talking a lot and are very worried about His Highness the Crown Prince.”

“What kind of situation His Highness was in the paddock was witnessed by so many royal guards.”

"The capital has concealed the past, but the soldiers stationed at Yumen Pass at that time all knew that His Highness sneaked out of the pass and injured the Duke of Fu. If this matter remains unresolved, it will hurt the hearts of the border officers."

The Holy Father sat there and listened for a long time.

  He didn't speak until it was broad daylight outside.

His voice was tired and hoarse, and as his eyes passed over the courtiers below, the Holy Master said: "Do you mean, do you want me to depose the prince?"

As soon as the words fell, there was silence.

Even though many people were waiting for this result, they did not dare to respond casually for a while.

After a long time, Prince Ping stood up and said, "Your Majesty, think twice."

Someone broke the situation, and many people followed, causing "Think twice" in the hall.

The Holy Emperor waved his hand, stopped the words of the people below, and asked: "Please tell me to think twice, do you want me to think about discarding it, or not to discard it?"

  Thanks to book friends Tongtong 1609 and Xiaoyuan for the reward.

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