Yan Cigui

Chapter 394: Isolated and helpless (two updates in one, please vote for me)

 At the Jinluan Hall, the courtiers were waiting for the Holy Emperor to arrive.

Li Shao stood at the front, looking at the high platform for a moment.

The throne was still there, exquisite and luxurious. His eyes widened, as if he could clearly see every line carved on it.

 He remembered the patterns.

He was sitting next to the throne and had seen his father's dragon chair from a distance.

 Now, the little throne that he was supposed to be sitting on is missing.

Even though he already knew all this from Eunuch Cao, Li Shao's heart was still filled with turmoil when he saw this scene.

 Behind Li Shao, the courtiers had different expressions.

Lin Yue's gaze passed over his back and he couldn't see Li Shao's expression, but he could guess at least 70% to 80% of his state of mind.

 From standing at the bottom to sitting on the little throne, these few steps are very easy, and going uphill is always easy.

On the other hand, getting off the small throne and standing in the queue, even if you are standing at the front, is still a steep downhill road.

Given Li Shao’s temperament, it is not difficult to guess what he is thinking.

Of course it’s not just Lin Yu, there are so many courtiers at the court meeting today who are observing and making assumptions about His Highness. Some are curious, some are worried, and some are ready to make a move.

 It’s something that’s expected.

Li Shao felt uncomfortable being looked at or looked at in depth.

Even if he didn't look back, he could still feel that the eyes falling on him had substance.

 Sometimes hot, sometimes ice.

It made him want to raise his hand and scratch his neck.

 Fortunately, the chariot arrived at this time.

The bright yellow figure entered the hall with a guard of honor and moved forward steadily. When he passed by Li Shao, the Holy Master did not slow down his steps. After he climbed the steps and sat down on the dragon chair, he glanced at the ministers and finally his eyes fell on him. On Li Shao.

Pressing the armrest with his palms, the Holy Master took a deep breath and glanced to his side from the corner of his eye.

  The place where the throne was originally placed was empty, and he was not used to it for a moment.

 The first major court meeting in Yin Dynasty naturally starts with the most important things.

Li Shao had already received the edict for the deposed crown prince years ago. Today, Eunuch Cao’s announcement was for the courtiers, but Li Shao, the deposed crown prince, was in the main hall. How could he not kneel down to listen to the announcement?

For a time, the Jinluan Palace was extremely dull, with only Eunuch Cao’s voice lingering among the beams and pillars.

Li Shao couldn't help but feel a little dazed.

 He suddenly remembered that he had listened to Eunuch Cao's edict in the same way when he was in the East Palace.

At that moment, the emotions were aroused little by little, stirring in his heart, washing away so much that he even breathed a lot tighter.

His fingers pressed tightly against the floor tiles. The smooth surface of the tiles made the fingertips numb and red. Li Shao felt a buzzing in his ears and he became confused.

 Until Eunuch Cao finished his announcement and the Holy Master called, Li Shao was still kneeling in the center, motionless.

Eunuch Cao saw this and couldn't help but glance at the Holy Emperor nervously.

The Holy Spirit coughed lightly.

Li Shao didn't realize it until King Jin, who was standing close to him, turned away and whispered "Your Highness" several times in a low voice, and he suddenly came back to his senses.

Seeing that he was awake, King Jin stood up straight again and ignored him.

Li Shao got up from the ground and returned to the queue, silently.

 This little "trouble" was brushed aside.

 Looking at it, Gu Heng felt somewhat pity.

 Others may not know it, but he has heard something about it. His Highness lost his temper before moving out of the East Palace. Everything in the palace was smashed and smashed, which shows how excited he was.

Just when he saw His Highness kneeling in the palace and distracted, Gu Heng thought he was going to create another big fuss.

There is nothing that can be smashed at the court meeting, but there are so many people. If His Highness really makes a big fuss...

 That would be wonderful!

What a pity, what a pity!

Each yamen had a lot to say, so Gu Heng calmed down and stopped thinking about Li Shao's silence.

 Li Shao was also listening, but his ears were already very uncomfortable. Repeatedly, the words in the imperial edict read by Eunuch Cao overwhelmed other sounds and turned over and over in his mind.

So that he couldn't hear clearly what the ministers reported or discussed.

Just keeping a straight face and not letting himself be affected by the sound in his ears has already consumed most of Li Shao's energy.

Unconsciously, he was sweating profusely.

 Fortunately, after that, the sound no longer blocked my ears.

 Li Shao finally understood what the others were talking about.

The courtiers explained the government affairs clearly, and the target of the attack turned to him, the deposed prince. After a year of recuperation, he made a comeback again.

Not to mention how fierce and indignant the words were, at least Li Shao didn't hear a single good word or sentence.

Li Shao pursed his lips, his chest rose and fell quietly, and he took a deep breath.

 It’s not as hard to hear as before!

Li Shao had a gloomy face, clenched his fists with his hands, and tried hard to control his temper.

There were a few times when he felt angry and wanted to turn his head to refute a few words. When he noticed his father's heavy gaze, he was alert and endured it.

This repeatedly ended up the whole process, until Gong Cao retired from Ponggong, and after sending the holy driver to leave, Li Shao took a sigh of relief.

With the next court and the absence of the Holy One, the picky and ignited people no longer have the desire to stir up trouble, and they no longer deliberately provoke Li Shao and just go away on their own.

Li Shao didn't leave, he still stood there, motionless.

  King Jin had a few words with Prince Ping, and was about to leave with King Xian. When he saw that Li Shao was like a statue, he came over and patted him on the shoulder.

"Your Highness," King Jin was taller and looked down at Li Shao, "You can't be so distracted during the morning session tomorrow."

“Second uncle,” Li Shao glanced at him, “Thank you for reminding me just now.”

"It's not something worth thanking," King Jin finished his answer, then whispered, "You should be more polite and don't really hurt your father's heart."

Li Shao responded neither lightly nor seriously.

The King of Jin said nothing more and said goodbye to the Xian King.

Li Shao still did not move until all the courtiers had left, and only a few servants were left in the whole hall quietly tidying up. He still stood in the middle, looking at the throne quietly.

Wang Gouzi couldn't wait for Li Shao for a long time, so he only poked his head outside. Seeing Li Shao's posture, he was afraid that he would go up if he got impulsive.

 There used to be a small throne, and it was okay to walk up to it.

Now there is only one dragon chair left. His Highness went up and sat down...

Even if you don’t sit down and just touch here and there, your mouth is enough to cause trouble.

Thinking like this, Wang Gouzi quickly ran in, came to Li Shao's side, and interrupted his thoughts: "Your Highness, it's getting late."

Li Shao clicked his tongue.

 My thoughts have returned somewhat, but my feet still haven’t moved.

The little chamberlain who was working lowered his head, not daring to meet Li Shao's eyes, and walked in a hurry. After a long time, Li Shao spoke: "Gouzi, are you cold?"

Wang Gouzi was disturbed by such a confusing question. After thinking about it, he gave an extremely mediocre answer of "Okay."

 Li Shao said: "I feel cold."

Not only now, he felt cold in the morning.

No matter how many people stood in the hall, they did not bring any warmth, only a chill that seeped into his bones, like a poisonous snake spitting out a message, causing goosebumps all over his body.

 Are you wearing too few clothes?


Li Shao knew clearly that he felt cold because he was isolated and helpless.

In the entire Jinluan Palace, there were so many civil and military ministers, and he, Li Shao, was the one who was surrounded. Some were watching the show, some were holding guns, some were beating war drums, some were waving flags and shouting. Everyone performed their duties, but he was the only one who was surrounded. that person.

 Even his father no longer faced him, allowing those people to be aggressive.

This reminded Li Shao of the blind bear.

 He is the blind bear!

They teased him and drained his strength until he couldn't hold it any longer, then they would rush up and cut him into pieces!

How could this keep Li Shao from feeling chilled to the bone?

This feeling of being alone and helpless is more painful than the frost of the twelfth lunar month!

 Naturally, Li Shao thought of Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian did not go to court, and Xu Jian often had fun when he went to court. But even so, when Xu Jian was with him, Li Shao would not be the blind bear.

Being chased by Blind Bear all day and all night, with Xu Jian here, he was able to remove Blind Bear's arm with a shovel.


 In total, Xu Jian is more reliable.

 At the lantern viewing last night, Ning An also made it clear what the couple meant.

Although there are conflicts, Li Shao is still annoyed by Xu Jian's attempts to manipulate his temper at that time, but in the final analysis, his and Xu Jian's interests are more consistent.

I am irritated, but I have to say that Ning An is the best talker in Cining Palace, and in the imperial study room, Li Shao can also see that his father trusts Xu Jian more than him.

 If that’s the case, why can’t he make good and thorough use of the two of them?

Strengthening the front line with Xu Jian, firstly, this is what the father has always wanted to see, and secondly, Xu Jian's temperament that dares to say anything in the Jinluan Palace will prevent him from easily falling into an isolated and helpless situation in the future.

 Waiting for him to regain the trust of his father, waiting for him to sit on the little throne again...

It’s hard to say who is in charge of who, he or Xu Jian!

Thinking about this, Li Shao licked his lips: "Gouzi, bring me a hand stove."

Wang Gouzi remembered that His Highness had said it was cold before, so he did not dare to delay now, and was afraid that he would be irrational by staying in the palace, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "Your Highness, the palace is drafty, and it is even colder when you stand here.

Why don't you move to a corner to get out of the wind? I'll go back and get the hand stove now. You wait for a while. "

 Li Shao had no objection.

Wang Gouzi breathed a sigh of relief and saw Li Shao go to the corner. He ran out as fast as he could, running back and forth until he was out of breath, and then handed the hot hand stove to Li Shao's hand.

Li Shao took it and finally loosened his clenched fists.

There were a row of fingernail marks in the palm of his hand, which turned into deep purple. Li Shao didn't notice it at all. He only felt that the heat had loosened his almost frozen muscles.

When things calmed down a bit, Li Shao said, "Let's go."

 He took Wang Gouzi to see Sangu.

His father has already told him that he does not need to continue to observe the government in the six departments in a short period of time.

It has not been decided that only the crown prince can observe the government. There are many records of princes observing the government in the past dynasties.

But Li Shao had just been deposed. If only his name changed and everything else remained the same, there would be no change.

It would make sense if there were other princes who were also observing the government, but his younger brothers were far from being able to observe the government.

 As a result, Li Shao's way of observing politics was also stopped.

I have to say that Li Shao was very uncomfortable.

In the past, many people found it boring to observe government, especially when Xu Jian arranged to read documents one by one, they were so bored that their bones itched. But now that they were deprived of it, Li Shao felt rare.

 Things that cannot be caught are always the best.

Wang Gouzi took Li Shao's emotions into consideration and advised: "Your Highness, don't be anxious. You will inevitably be restrained at first. When this period of time passes, you will gradually relax. When the time comes, you will propose to go to the six departments to observe the government. Come to think of it." The Holy Spirit will agree."

Li Shao didn't say anything, but he had some concerns in his heart.

His father may not change his tune easily if he brings it up, but if Xu Jian goes to bring it up, Xu Jian's ability to persuade his father in the imperial study room is probably possible.

Since Xu Jian is good at this, and since his father listens to Xu Jian's tricks, he will direct Xu Jian's people to make full use of their talents.

 In the final analysis, it was Xu Jian who was looking for trouble and got away with it. As a result, he was punished by his father and deposed as the crown prince. Xu Jian must help him get re-established!

Li Shao had made a plan and waited for Xu Jian to return to the court.

He waited for almost a month. By the time he came to court in the morning, the courtiers who wanted to cause trouble for him had all rested. Xu Jian was still recovering from his injuries.

Li Shao was very troubled by raising him.

Wang Gouzi guessed Li Shao's thoughts and said, "Your Highness, you might as well go to the Duke's Mansion."

Hearing this, Li Shao motioned for him to continue.

“The Holy Father asked you to visit me two years ago, but we ended up unhappy. I thought, if you could take the initiative to express your concern for the Duke’s injury, I think the Holy One would be very happy to come...”

If it were more than a month ago, Wang Gouzi would not have dared to bring up such an idea.

When His Highness met the Duke of Fu, not to mention expressing concern, he was placed in a pit and lit on fire. The dog had to recite "Amitabha" twice.

 But recently, he saw with his own eyes that Li Shao was "cultivating himself".

No matter what pit the princess and the auxiliary prince dig, as long as those rhetorics are still the same as in the Yuan Dynasty and can stabilize His Highness and allow His Highness to figure it out slowly, as long as His Highness is still so unhurried and not easily fooled, it can be regarded as a blessing to His Majesty. I asked for a favor in front of me.

 His Royal Highness wants to make a comeback, and assisting the Duke is a shortcut.

Even if you can’t figure out the true intention of Duke Fu, your Majesty still trusts Duke Fu…

  On the surface, the interests of the Duke of Fu are still consistent with His Highness, so you must use him when you can. If the Duke of Fu suddenly shows his claws and is really detrimental to His Highness, then you can also catch his tail!

 The enemy who opposes the master must seize his faults and weaknesses so that he can deal a fatal blow when necessary.

 Li Shao listened.

He didn't care whether Xu Jian's legs could bounce back, but he cared about when Xu Jian could go to court.

 As for what apology my father said before...

 Now it is Xu Jian and Ning An who bow to him.

Since they have to work together, the two of them won't show off to him for no reason, right?

It just so happened that he also wanted to hear how Xu Jian explained the matter of "playing off"!

 “Then go!” Li Shao raised his eyebrows in anticipation.

 How to win the trust of someone who doubts you?

 Xu Jian: Let him be isolated and helpless, and let him see that others are even more unreliable.

 See you tomorrow, book friends~~

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