Yan Cigui

Chapter 402: She ordered it with her own hands (please vote for two updates in one)

Chapter 402 She ordered it with her own hands (two updates in one, please vote for me)

 In the imperial study room, there was only the sound of deep breathing.

 No one spoke for a while.

Li Shao looked at the drawing with confusion in his eyes.

Ning An's question completely stunned him.

 In the past, when questions like this were thrown at him one after another, and he was caught off guard and unable to answer, Li Shao would subconsciously think that the other party was deliberately provoking trouble, but at this moment, he had no such thoughts at all.

 Because these questions were asked to his heart.

What else happened that night?

 He was covered by the monkey-faced **** and fainted, and it was the uncle who carried him out of the palace.

Where is the eunuch?

Has Madam Bo met him in person? Did Mrs. Bo **** him from the eunuch's hands, or did the **** abandon him early and run for his life, but Mrs. Bo took him out immediately when she saw him falling to the ground?

 Why did he sleep in Toji Room?

 Why didn’t the Queen Mother wake up again?

 “Father?” Li Shao looked at His Majesty blankly.

He was too young at the time and could only remember this little. His father personally participated in the investigation after the fire was put out. He has been thinking about this case for so many years and wanted to know more about it.

The Holy One pressed his eyebrows and calmed down for a moment. Let’s start with what is certain.

“The fire was too severe. After inspection, everyone died in the fire, and there was no trace of corpses being destroyed after death.”

 Speaking of this, the Holy Spirit choked up.

In addition to the local government who were responsible for investigating the case at that time, the Third Division of Beijing Central Division also urgently dispatched personnel to arrive, and the widowers they brought were also skilled. Even considering that the prince's concubine and his wife were killed, two female widowers came.

To distinguish whether a fire occurred during life or after death, one must not only examine the body's surface, but also disembowel it.

The officials did not dare to act directly according to the rules, so they had the courage to ask Li Yi, who was still the sixth prince, for instructions.

 Li Yi was hesitant.

It was extremely painful for his beloved wife to be in trouble, and he regretted the quarrel with her that night. He also regretted that he had taken away the guards and monk soldiers so that the temple did not have enough rescuers.

Grief and regret entangled him. Li Yi sat all night, unable to make up his mind.

Some people advised him that since he has left, he should leave intact and dignified, and don’t suffer any more humiliation.

Some people advised him that it looked like an accident from the scene. If he was disemboweled and it turned out to be an accident, he would have been stabbed in vain.

 In the end it was Cheng Yibo who touched him.

Lin Yu also sat there all night. When he came back in the morning, his chin was covered with stubble and he was tired and depressed.

He took Li Yi to the morgue, pointed at the nine corpses and said, "Your Highness, they are burned like this, can you tell them apart? Can you tell which one is the prince's concubine?"

The authors have already sorted it out. Some people have smaller injuries and their features can be identified. Others have more damage, but they can be distinguished based on their height, body shape, bones, etc. In the end, they have come to a general conclusion.

 “Should be unmistakable.”

“But I’m afraid that something will go wrong. I’m afraid that it won’t be Ayun who sleeps in the same cave with me a hundred years later,” Lin Yue said slowly. “I’m also afraid that I won’t understand the truth and won’t have the face to see her.

I also want to make her look more decent. I also understand that it is possible to fetch water with a bamboo basket, but what if it is just that little bit worse?

In case there is really a fierce person, just because the minister refuses to check to the end and let him escape, the minister can't accept it ... "

Li Yi listened.

 Every word hit him in the heart.

He insisted on disemboweling the body, and the authors identified the lungs, trachea, etc., and concluded that everyone was alive when the fire broke out.

Since they were alive, why didn’t the other eight people escape except Shen Yun who returned to the scene of the fire?

All kinds of memories flooded his mind, and the Holy Master’s voice was hoarse: “The first one to arrive was a novice monk. He saw Ning’an’s mother putting Shao’er on the ground and rushing back into the temple.

 He didn't follow him in, he just kept an eye on Shao'er.

During the previous investigation, the scene was too messy, and there was still some lamp oil in the ear room in the east room. Therefore, the fire point was judged to be in the east room. It was believed that the fire was accidental, and that the fire was not alert while sleeping, so the fire was not noticed immediately. By the time it was discovered, it was already too late.

It is now clear that the location of the fire was in the Dongci Room, which is one Dongchao Room away from the ear room. "

The Holy Spirit's throat became astringent as he spoke. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip. He felt that the tea was bitter.

“The nine people who were killed were all in the second room and the second room on the east side.” The Holy Master picked up the pen again and drew one by one on the drawing. There was no hesitation in each stroke, which shows the depth of his memory.

 “The Queen and the Countess fell here.”

Lin Yunyan looked down and saw that it was near the north window, and another stroke was painted under the window.

"This is Nanny Liao, the Queen's dowry nun. She probably couldn't get out of the room. She wanted to open the window and climb out, but unfortunately she fell down before she could open the window," the Holy Sage explained, "Judging from her posture, , Ning'an's mother dragged the queen away, just a few steps away from the window..."

There were four people in the east room, two nuns and two maids. Some people fell to the east room, and some people fell down just after they got down and never got up.

 There are also two people in the east room.

One nun ran towards the middle room and wanted to leave through the door. The other **** faced east for a moment, probably wanting to go in and save someone.

Li Shao listened and read, and tried to recall more from the Holy Master's narration.

“The **** who wants to save people,” Li Shao murmured, “shouldn’t be the monkey-faced one, right? He is a murderer and cannot save people.”

The Holy Spirit said: "This man's surname is Cai. He is in his early twenties. He has a round face and a kind face. I remember him. He is not the person you mentioned, Shao'er."

 “It seems he ran away!” Li Shao said.

“We have to look at the roster again,” the Holy Master said solemnly. “There were not many eunuchs accompanying me to Dingguo Temple at that time. Apart from Eunuch Cai, three of them followed me down the mountain, and there were four or five who took turns guarding the lantern in the treasure hall all night long.

The female family members were accommodated in the main hall here. It was a separate area and it was far away from the monks' resting residence, so they didn't discover it earlier.

Had it not been for the young novice who smelled the smell at night and looked for it all the way and saw that it was on fire, there would have been another delay. "

 The Holy Father lowered his eyes and looked at the drawings again.

Having said all that is certain, he must calm down and think seriously about the unsolved mystery: why did Eunuch Cai and his mother-in-law not wake up from the fire in Dongci Room? Shen Yun from the West Room arrived, but no one from the East Room escaped from the fire?

Lin Yunyan was also thinking about it, several possibilities flashed through her mind, and she couldn't help but glance at Xu Jian.

Xu Jian thought deeply and asked, "Your Majesty, is Mr. Cai always alert?"

 Early twenties, very young.

Those who can follow him up the mountain and rest in the second room show that he has won the trust of the governor of Qianfu.

How can such a father-in-law, who is always waiting for others, be unable to sleep?

"I think he is quite smart. He runs forward and backward, so he is quite agile." Sheng Shang said.

“Your Highness has woken up at night and summoned someone, right?” Xu Jian asked Li Shao.

Li Shao nodded hurriedly: "I woke up from the suffocation. I am very sleepy, but I also know how to call people."

He was four or five years old at the time, and it was his daily habit to call someone when something happened.

"In the same room, His Highness called out. Eunuch Cai should not be unresponsive," Xu Jian paused and said, "Maybe he won't wake up."

Li Shao's eyes widened and he looked at Xu Jian in shock.

"But they are all alive..." Li Shao murmured, and the next moment he realized what he was saying, "You mean they were knocked unconscious? The medicine was poured out?" Several words blurted out, which made him speechless. A chill ran down the back of my neck.


Ning An once said that that night was a conspiracy!

How could the monkey-faced **** be unprepared when he sets fire?

"He drugged everyone. Did he order the drug?" Li Shao asked again.

"It's not like that," Lin Yunyan pursed her lips, "If Eunuch Cai was knocked down by drugs, how could His Highness wake up? Children are even less resistant to drug resistance."

After finishing his words, Li Shao fell into thinking, but Xu Jian saw the momentary shock on the face of the Holy Master.

 “Have you thought of anything?” Xu Jian asked.

The Holy One opened his mouth, trying to say something but no sound came out. It was as if a pair of big hands had grabbed his neck.

 He leaned back in his chair, holding his chest to calm his breathing.

Seeing this, Eunuch Cao hurriedly handed the full tea cup to his hand and served it to the Holy Lord. He also supported someone and patted his back gently.

After a while, the Holy Father finally waved his hand, indicating that Eunuch Cao didn’t need to take any more pictures.

He seemed to have recovered a lot, but he was still exhausted. He covered his face with his hands, showing a look of pain.

"Father..." Li Shao lowered his voice and called tentatively.

“I have a guess, but I’m not sure.” The Holy Sage’s voice was completely hoarse. “It’s very possible that the sleeping incense was burned in Dongshao Room. She burned it with her own hands.”

 This she undoubtedly refers to the late queen.

 “Father!” Li Shao’s face was full of disbelief.

Lin Yunyan was also frightened and subconsciously looked at Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian held her hand and used a little force to signal her not to worry.

“Your mother likes to use spices and is good at mixing incense,” the Holy Sage sighed. “I remember that after arriving at the temple, she didn’t sleep well.

We had an argument that night, and I was in a very bad mood. When I was cooling off in the front hall, I heard that she called Ning'an's mother to talk to her, so I wanted to let her go. The women talked to each other, and maybe I calmed down. .

 She must have calmed down a bit and wanted to have a good sleep, so she lit the sleeping incense.

This fragrance is not suitable for young children, so Shaoer, you were moved to the second room to take a nap.

Hearing what the Holy Master said, Lin Yunyan suddenly understood the reason why he was in so much pain just now.

The Holy Father originally regarded the tragedy of that night as his responsibility and regretted it extremely. Now that he thinks about the late Queen lighting sleeping incense, even if it is just a guess, the Holy Spirit will blame himself even more.

“It’s not your fault,” Lin Yunyan said, “just like the fire is not your fault.”

"There is no need to comfort me Ning'an," the Holy Master shook his head slightly, "Grudges have their own owners, and debts have their owners. I know that the **** who deliberately set the fire was the murderer, and his ordered master was also the murderer.

Shaoer is young, so I can’t blame him, but I am not entirely innocent.

It was my bad temper and my willful behavior that gave the murderer an opportunity, which ultimately led to tragedy. "

 At this point, no amount of words of relief are in vain.

Seeing that the atmosphere was deadlocked, Xu Jian spoke first and pushed forward: "The sleeping incense in the east room does not affect the next room, so Eunuch Cai and the nanny are probably still drugged.

Since His Highness was fine, I guessed that the monkey-faced **** might have soaked the veil in potion and covered their mouths and noses.

He should have continued to cover His Highness, but His Highness suddenly woke up.

He didn't attack His Highness immediately because he was afraid of waking up the people in the next room. From this, it can be inferred that he hadn't had time to attack His Highness yet. Maybe he didn't know that he had lit the sleeping incense, or maybe he didn't know how big the sleeping incense was. As a result, when the fire started, he still did not dare to let His Highness make a sound.

Although my mother-in-law didn't take any traditional Chinese medicine, she was far away from her. By the time she woke up, it was already too late.

She first rescued His Highness, and then rushed into the east room. It took some effort to wake them up. Also, due to the influence of the sleeping incense, the late Queen and the nuns who woke up inhaled the smoke, causing them to stagger and persist. Don't even open the window. "

 The Holy Spirit took a deep breath.

After a long while, he said: "At the moment, this is the most likely situation. Whether it is true or not, we still need to find evidence."

 The best evidence is the monkey-faced eunuch.

The Holy Spirit calmed his mind, clasped his hands, and said: "Xu Jian, I leave this matter to you, go to the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Punishments, and you should turn over the old case as soon as possible.

In this matter, there were so many officials in the previous dynasty, and the only ones I can trust and rest assured are you and Uncle Chengyi, your father-in-law and son-in-law.

I want an answer for whatever I say. "

 Xu Jian stood up, bowed respectfully and accepted the order: "I will do my best."

Judging from this inference, it is not beneficial to Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan.

Just as his father-in-law told him before, the more the Holy Queen misses and feels guilty about the late Queen, the more he will favor Li Shao and the less he will give up his son.

 But they still have to follow this line of investigation.

 Because Lin Yunyan also wants an answer.

As a daughter, she also has the right to find out how her mother died.

Moreover, this is also a road for them to get close to the mastermind behind the scenes. Even if it is bumpy and bumpy, they must follow it.

Eunuch Cao sent Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan away first, while Li Shao stayed.

"Shao'er," the Holy Master came out from behind the big case and walked to sit next to Li Shao. The father and son faced each other, "Do you blame me? Blame me for being irrational that day and causing your mother to die..."

Li Shao looked at him for a moment.

More than ten years have passed, and the voice and smile of the queen have long been blurred, but the child's affection for the mother will still exist in the flesh and blood. Even if he does not remember it on weekdays, tonight when he recalled so many things, Li Shao's longing for the queen suddenly burst out. come out.

To be fair, he can't really be blamed, but he has some complaints. But from a rational point of view, he knows that he can't be blamed and can't complain.

"Ning An is right," Li Shao said, "the murderer is not you, the father, and I don't blame you."

"I am not a murderer, but I have made mistakes," the Holy Sage said with a wry smile, "Shaoer, you have to admit your mistakes. If my father hadn't been a pushy man back then, he would not have had this useless face and bowed his head to your mother, and things would have been completely different. It’s different.

 This is my lesson, a lesson I learned in exchange for the lives of your mother, Ning'an's mother, and others.

I will never forget it, and I hope you will keep it in mind. "

Li Shao was silent for a while, then said in a low voice: "I will remember it."

Sleeping incense is not a drug. To put it simply, it means that modern people use aromatherapy to aid sleep, or take melatonin. Then I felt bad and used a little too much.

If it was really drugged, could Grandma Liao open the window? Can Shen Yun still drag the late Queen to the window?

Book friends, see you tomorrow~~



 (End of this chapter)

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