Yan Cigui

Chapter 405: God's will is on their side (two updates combined into one request)

Chapter 405: God is on their side (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

 The rain seems to be getting heavier again.

The thundercloud from before struck again, and the light of lightning passed through the window lattice and curtains, illuminating the bed.

Xu Jian clearly saw that Lin Yunyan's eyes were red.

 How can you not be sad?

If the truth is as they inferred, it would be more distressing to them than an accidental escape, or someone deliberately trying to kill someone.

The fire was not an accident, but the fatal consequences were.

 After the lightning flash, the vision was once again shrouded in darkness.

Xu Jian has good night vision and can see Lin Yunyan's outline clearly.

 He raised his hand and gently placed it on Lin Yunyan's cheek, wiping the corners of her eyes with his thumb.

 “Cry if you want to,” Xu Jian said.

Lin Yunyan's eyelashes trembled and she said, "I can't cry..."

 You must exercise restraint when guiding Li Shao, be calm when answering in front of the emperor, and even more calmly when facing the empress dowager, for fear of making the empress cry too.

 Her emotions were tense all night, and she could hardly control herself several times.

But now, when it’s time to no longer suppress and can release, Lin Yunyan can’t cry anymore.

My heart felt heavy, weighed down by thousands of mountains. My throat was sore and my eyes hurt, but I couldn't cry aloud.

Amidst the thunder and rumbling, Lin Yunyan adjusted her posture and leaned against Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian stuffed a pillow behind her and simply hugged her half-relying on her. She didn't speak any more and just stayed with her quietly.

 Between the curtains, there was only the sound of two people breathing.

The lightning and thunder outside still continued, sometimes dazzling and sometimes deafening.

 In Lin Yunyan's heart, the quiet and powerful heartbeat in her ears finally overwhelmed the lightning strikes little by little, and every time, her ups and downs of emotions gradually calmed down.

After a long time, she asked: "After looking through the case file tomorrow, do you want to report this inference to the Holy One?"

“No matter how reasonable the inference is, it is still an inference. Let Eunuch Cao go check on the monkey-faced **** first, and then we need to listen to my father-in-law’s thoughts,” Xu Jian said.

Lin Yunyan responded in a low voice, and then said: "I'm not very confident..."

   She said it in a confused way, but Xu Jian understood what she meant: "I know."

 This inference is very beneficial to Li Shao.

 In other words, it is completely stuck on the Holy Spirit's "guilt".

 Over the years, the Holy Father could not let go of Dingguo Temple because he had made mistakes.

“If I didn’t bring all the guards and monk soldiers down the mountain, I would leave more people on the mountain...”

“If I had not had a dispute with the queen, I might have been able to rescue the person in the hall that night...”

 These two sentences have always been on His Majesty’s lips.

Now, these two "ifs" can almost give a clear answer.

The monkey-faced **** lit a fire just to mobilize the guards and monk soldiers rushing down the mountain to return to the temple. Whether the Holy Master came down the mountain or not, there would be such a fire.

 The late Queen had not argued with the Holy One, so she would not have lit the sleeping incense in the east.

The people at the foot of the mountain come to ask for help. Whether the Holy Spirit personally leads the guards to rescue him, or he just sends out human hands, so that when the hall burns down, people can run out...

The person who set the fire was certainly the real culprit, but the various coincidences surrounding the Holy Spirit led to the tragic ending.

Lin Yunyan can distinguish between wrongdoing and debtor, and the Holy Spirit can also understand the truth, but it does not mean that he will not feel more guilty.

 Principles are principles, emotions are emotions.

 The authorities are obsessed, and the Holy Spirit will be even more obsessed after being trapped in the situation for more than ten years.

“The Holy Spirit is kind-hearted, self-denying, and good at reflection,” Xu Jian said softly, “This is his advantage, but it can also become his shortcoming, just like when facing Dingguo Temple, he cannot cut through the knot quickly.

 The late Queen has passed away, and he cannot restore it or make up for it. All his emotions are poured into Li Shao. "

Lin Yunyan nodded.

 This is inevitable.

They had already expected it, but they had not thought before that the most likely truth that night would hit the Holy One exactly.

 Xu Jian combed Lin Yunyan's long hair with her fingers, and said: "I just told you to risk your life and live, now it's not like there is no chance of that.

  That night is unforgettable not only by the Holy Emperor, but also by the Empress Dowager, and you.

Your Majesty thinks he made a mistake. He is ashamed of Li Shao. What did the Empress Dowager and you do wrong? He will be even more ashamed of you. "

 “Li Shao is his son.” Lin Yunyan said.

 Emotions can be divided into closeness and distance.

“The Empress Dowager is the middle palace of the late emperor, and is the holy mother-in-law,” Xu Jian said. “The words respect and filial piety are two words that the kind-hearted Holy Lord dare not forget.

He wanted to find out the truth about Dingguo Temple before choosing to fight for the throne. Compared with those in Yongji Palace and compared to Li Mi, the Holy Sage had no background at all and did not have any advantage.

 He was able to stand out because of the full support of the Queen Mother.

The Empress Dowager helped the Holy Emperor ascend the throne, and also supported him in the first few years after he ascended the throne, until the Holy Emperor could fully assume the responsibility of the government and retire without any regrets.

 Once Li Shao's actions touched the Queen Mother's bottom line, the Holy Emperor would not just indulge him. "

Lin Yunyan pursed her lower lip.

 The Empress Dowager's bottom line now is the Shen family and her.

 “It’s hard for my mother-in-law to worry about me even at such an old age...” Lin Yunyan sighed.

Xu Jian smiled: "She must be happy that she can still worry about you."

Saying this, Lin Yunyan thought of what the Queen Mother had said.

The thing that the empress couldn't let go the most was that after she passed away, she couldn't find anyone to ask for help.

In the past, the empress died in the late spring of the seventeenth year of Yongjia. This time, the knot of the cause of King Ding's death was solved. Lin Yunyan hoped that the empress could live longer.

"Step by step, before Li Shao is unable to stand up," Lin Yunyan organized her thoughts, "We have to find out the person behind the scenes. I suddenly want to know what he thinks about the accident at Dingguo Temple. Unexpected.

 Because the late queen was killed, the Holy Emperor, who had no intention of fighting for power, got involved and eventually won the throne.

That man's intestines are probably green. "

 You can tell from the voice that the little princess's mood has completely calmed down.

Xu Jian couldn't help but curl his lips and said, "I'll let you interrogate him when the time comes and see what kind of rhetoric he has."

Taken away the pillow, and the two of them lay down one after another.

Still not feeling much sleep, Lin Yunyan simply shared the affairs of Qianfu with Xu Jian.

“The oil lamp was burning hot. I closed the door and the window and held it in front of my face for a long time. I moved the lamp a little bit. The heat made my face hurt.”

 The voice is low and soft, like a coquettish one.

Xu Jian couldn't help laughing when she heard this, and pinched her cheek gently. It still felt as soft and delicate to the touch.

 “Apply more ointment,” he said.

Lin Yunyan asked again: "Speaking of which, how could the thunder strike so perfectly?"

She only heard Xu Jian say that he wanted to draw thunder to Qianfu, but she never expected that he would draw two thunderbolts, and they would hit the main courtyard and the house where Li Shao lived when he was a child.

"They are all foreign methods. I have only heard about them before. I will take this opportunity to try them." Xu Jian answered briefly, "I had thought about introducing them to the main courtyard, but I didn't expect it would be such a result. Sudu said he was shocked."

Lin Yunyan understands.

 Many things are like this, some are man-made arrangements, and some are coincidences.

  Otherwise, how can we say that man’s calculation is not as good as God’s calculation?

  Dingguo Temple is like this, and so is the way they lead thunder.

 Obviously, Providence was on their side tonight. The two of them cuddled up and talked.

Like hindsight, tiredness gradually came over her, and Lin Yunyan fell asleep before her eyes.

 Xu Jian was still awake, patting her back gently to prevent the lightning and thunder from waking the sleeping person.

 In Yuqing Palace, Li Shao couldn't sleep at all.

The memories of the old year are really not good. First, there was Ning'an around him, and then he went to the imperial study room. He kept analyzing the words. Li Shao's mind couldn't be free, so he had no extra mood. At this moment, he completely calmed down, and fear came one after another as the night fell.

His hands seemed to be still hot from the oil lamp, and his breath was filled with acrid smoke. When he closed his eyes, the fire illuminated the dark night. He saw his little self standing in front of the collapsed hall, with his mouth open and wanting to cry. He couldn't howl anymore.

How can we not be afraid if we are afraid?

 Afraid to the point that I wish I could never be the same as before and completely forget about it.

Li Shao tossed and turned on the bed, and the dog who kept watch at night could not sleep peacefully.

 There is something very wrong with Your Highness.

 There was something wrong coming out of Qianfu, but going to the imperial study room made it even better.

   Wanggouzi still couldn’t figure out what they said.

It’s not like he didn’t ask before, but His Highness talked about him in a very suspicious way.

Normally His Highness would not be so guarded against him, which shows that he had received the Holy Spirit's instructions, but Wang Gouzi was eager to find out the situation...

“Your Highness, can’t you sleep?” he asked tentatively.

Li Shao responded vaguely.

"What are you worried about?" Wang Gouzi asked again, "I am humble and can't help His Highness. If Your Highness doesn't mind, I can be an audience."

Li Shao was bored. When he spoke, he thought about his father's explanation, but he still dismissed it: "What else could it be, other than being struck by lightning while hiding in the mansion?"

 “Are you worried that someone is taking advantage of the problem?” Wang Gouzi asked.

Li Shao originally said it casually, calling Wang Gouzi such a mention. He suddenly remembered the dilemma in front of him and couldn't help but snorted: "Originally, they tried every means to cause trouble for me, but now they have a God-given opportunity. With such a good reason, they Can you let it go?"

 “You also said that if anything happens to the Qianfu, you will be in trouble...” Wang Gouzi said sarcastically.

It's really not that he, the bitch, can't speak or understand, it's just this matter. No matter how eloquent he is, he can't make up anything.

Even he can imagine how aggressive tomorrow will be, and His Highness also understands.

Li Shao turned over and stopped talking, and Wang Gouzi could only shut up.

 I had a very poor sleep that night.

Li Shao went to court with a gloomy face, and the dog followed him step by step.

  Perhaps the wind had cleared the air, and he suddenly had an idea. He took two steps forward, stood on tiptoe and said to Li Shao: "Your Highness, I just thought of it..."

Li Shao paused and listened to what Wang Gouzi said.

 “What do you think?”

  After thinking about it, Li Shao said: "A dead horse is a living horse. Anyway, I have no other way, so I'll give it a try."

 The rain has stopped, but there is a lot of rain in the square.

The courtiers walked carefully to avoid accidentally splashing water with their feet, which would stain the imperial image.

Lin Yu was in the queue and glanced at the ministers.

The atmosphere is certainly solemn. No one will show a smile for such a big event as a lightning strike. As for whether they are worried or excited in their hearts, it depends on each person.

Lin Yu is also cautious.

They have agreed to attack Qianfu. Although they have not received specific information, it seems that they have succeeded.

When His Highness arrived at Qian Mansion, if it was just a lightning strike, it would have been enough for Xu Jian to follow His Highness back to the palace to meet the emperor, but Yun Yan also entered the palace.

 From this point of view, we have gained more or less.

While thinking about it, Lin Yu saw Li Shao.

All the ministers saluted and greeted each other, and they all knew it well, and no one took the initiative to ask such stupid words as "Your Highness is dark at the moment, but he didn't get a good night's rest."

Gu Heng looked at Li Shao for a few times and then looked away.

Even Shuntian Prefecture was dispatched for such a big event as the Qianfu lightning strike. He had heard about it last night.

 As soon as people inquired again, even the location of the attack was clear.

Gu Heng was excited and excited, but after a night of digestion, he had restrained himself.

Today, not only did we not make trouble ourselves, we also did not arrange for others to make trouble.

  He had done a great job in the previous "crusade" against His Highness, and it would not look good if he added fuel to the fire.

Besides, someone will definitely come forward today, so there is no need for him.

When the hour came, everyone stepped into the Jinluan Hall, waiting for the arrival of the Holy One. The wind and clouds in the hall were surging, just waiting for lightning and thunder.

 In the other room, in Cining Palace, Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian also got up.

"It's going to be late today, so you don't have to rush there." Lin Yunyan said while helping Xu Jian check her appearance.

Xu Jian tidied his cuffs: "The earlier you go to the warehouse to look for old documents, the faster you start and the less likely you will be judged."

 This is true.

Lin Yunyan did not try to persuade him much: "You are busy with your business. I plan to stay with the Queen Mother for a while. I will not leave the palace until it is time to go to the Yamen. We will go to Uncle Chengyi's Mansion together."

 Xu Jian responded.

   Two people do their own things.

 Xu Jian entered the Yamen of the Ministry of Rites and asked someone to open the warehouse.

“Are you going to let His Highness read the old documents again?” The clerk in charge of the warehouse was happy. He still remembered that last year, the Duke Fu moved the old documents outside one by one for His Highness to see.

 Xu Jian said: "Yes, get some more ones that you haven't seen before."

 The clerk opened a warehouse for him.

 Xu Jian went in to select, and when he brought them out, he asked the clerk to record them one by one.

He picked out miscellaneous items, including everything. Among them were documents from when he went to Dingguo Temple to pray for blessings, which were completely inconspicuous.

Before leaving the court, Xu Jian took the documents back to the study and sat down to read them alone.

No matter how well-preserved old documents are, they will never be as good as new ones. As the pages are turned, there is the smell of old ink and a faint musty smell among the papers, and these smells also reveal the details of that year one by one. In front of Xu Jian.

 The names of everyone accompanying us are on it.

He saw the name of his mother-in-law and continued to scroll down. There were some guards, maids, palace maids, eunuchs...

 We counted and found that there were twelve eunuchs in total.

Xu Jian studied the ink and picked up the pen, and recorded the information of these twelve people.

After thinking about it, I simply wrote down the guards, nuns, and maids as well. It would be better to have some trouble than to have to ask the warehouse for supplies later when there are no clues.

When the copied papers were dry, Xu Jian put them away.

Just then, there was a sound of greetings from outside. It was the officials from the Ministry of Rites who had gone to court and returned.

 Xu Jian also stood up and walked out.

Looking past Feng Shangshu, he saw Li Shao, who was lagging behind and came in unhurriedly.

Li Shao's expression was calm, and he didn't look bored at all after being scolded so badly in the morning.

 Xu Jian saw this and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows slightly.

 This is interesting.

   Thanks to the book friend Xiaoyuan for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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